Contributions to the wiki are done by making pull requests and never straight to master. Anyone is allowed to make contributions and the final say about whether to accept pull requests is in the descretion of the president and webmaster.
- Must have a GitHub account
- Have an understanding about GitHub markup
- Create a fork of the repo
- Make changes in new branch
- Make logical and easy to understand commit messages
- Submit pull requests of changes
- Create a fork of the repo
- Clone your new repo:
git clone<name>/
- Make your changes or additions to the appropriate pages
- Add the pages to git staging area (see the 'git add' documentation)
git add _wiki/tools/
- Commit the changes (commits with hard to understand or unhelpful messages will normally be ignored)
git commit
- Push your changes
git push
- Create a pull request on the original github page with your current branch
- Give us a description of what you added or changed
- We will pull or request changes in a hopefully timely manner
- Be happy that you helped
See _wiki/misc/ for more details and specifics