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Operator Documentation

Martin Danielsson edited this page Jul 22, 2015 · 17 revisions

Operator Documentation

String Operators

Operator Description
Concat Operator Concatenates two strings.
Contains Operator Checks for existance of a substring in a string
[[ContainsIgnoreCase Operator Contains Operator]]
ConvertUmlaut Operator Converts Umlauts as ä, ö, ü to ae, oe, ue.
EndsWith Operator Checks whether a string ends with an other string
Equals Operator Checks for string equality
[[EqualsIgnoreCase Operator Equals Operator]]
Greater Operator Returns true if first parameter is greater than second
[[GreaterEqual Operator Greater Operator]]
IsEmpty Operator Returns true if the input parameter is empty
Length Operator Returns the length (as int) of the input string
Less Operator Returns true if first parameter is less than second
[[LessEqual Operator Less Operator]]
LowerCase Operator Converts a string to all lower case
[[PadLeft Operator Pad Operators]]
[[PadRight Operator Pad Operators]]
Replace Operator Replaces a string within an input string with another
StartsWith Operator Returns true if the first parameter string starts with the second
Trim Operator Trims the input string from blanks and white space
UpperCase Operator Converts the input string to all UPPER CASE

Lookup Operators

Operator Description
Lookup Operator The lookup operator.
HasKey Operator Returns true if the specified lookup contains the given key.

Arithmetic Operators

Operator Description
Add Operator Adds two integer expressions
Divide Operator Divides two integer expressions
Equals Operator Checks for equality
Greater Operator Returns true if first parameter is greater than second
[[GreaterEqual Operator Greater Operator]]
Int Operator Tries to convert a string to an integer
Less Operator Returns true if first parameter is less than second
[[LessEqual Operator Less Operator]]
Modulo Operator Divides first with second parameter and returns the remainder
Multiply Operator Multiplies two integer expressions
Subtract Operator Subtracts the second from the first integer expression

Boolean Operators

Operator Description
And Operator Boolean "and" operator
Equals Operator Checks for equality
[[False Operator Boolean-Operator]]
Not Operator Negates a boolean return value
Or Operator Boolean "or" operator
[[True Operator Boolean-Operator]]

Filter Operators

Operator Description
FilterDuplicate Operator Filters for duplicates of values.
FilterOnce Operator Filters for all unique values.
FilterLog Operator Logs a filter fail to the transformation logger.
FilterLogLastMessage Operator Outputs the last filter log message as a string.

File Operators

Operator Description
FileContent Operator Reads from a file and outputs a given number of characters into a string.
FileExt Operator Returns the extension (suffix) of a file name.
FileResolve Operator Tries to resolve file name to an absolute path.
FileSize Operator Returns the file size of a file.
FileTempName Operator Returns a random file name (without a path), per record and key
FileWriteText Operator Writes a string into a file

Validation Operators

Operator Description
IsValidEmail Operator Checks for email address validity.
IsValidUri Operator Checks for valid URIs (Salesforce).
RegExMatch Operator Checks a value against a regular expression

Misc Operators

Operator Description
If Operator Evaluates first argument, returns second if true, otherwise third
ReformatDate Operator Reformats a date or date/time string from one format to another.
SourceRowNum Operator Returns the source row number.
TargetRowNum Operator Returns the target row number.
TimeSpanMonths Operator Calculates the number of full months between two date strings.
TimeSpanDays Operator Calculates the number of full days between two date strings.
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