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Lottery Bot Development

Installing Geth (MacOS)

On a Mac we can use brew to install the geth client.

brew install geth

Check that geth is correctly installed globally:

geth version should see something like this output:

Version: 1.9.12-stable
Architecture: amd64
Protocol Versions: [65 64 63]
Go Version: go1.14
Operating System: darwin

Installing Geth (Ubuntu 20.04)

If you are using Ubuntu or you want to run this bot in AWS / Digital Ocean etc then in your Ubuntu terminal run:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ethereum -y


Using the provided genesis.json file we can write our first block using the following command.

geth --datadir ./geth-test init genesis.json

You should see some output including the following final two statements:

INFO [08-17|12:38:00.503] Writing custom genesis block
INFO [08-17|12:38:00.503] Persisted trie from memory database      nodes=0 size=0.00B time=4.085µs  gcnodes=0 gcsize=0.00B gctime=0s livenodes=1 livesize=0.00B
INFO [08-17|12:38:00.504] Successfully wrote genesis state         database=lightchaindata hash=6e92f8…23a660

Start the private network

Now we can start our private network using the following command

geth --nodiscover --datadir ./geth-test --networkid 15

Now in a separate terminal attach to the running node using the IPC connection

geth attach ./geth-test/geth.ipc

ALTERNATIVELY you can start in light mode and sync with a testnet on you local computer like so

geth --syncmode light --ropsten --nodiscover --datadir ./geth-ropsten
geth attach ./geth-ropsten/geth.ipc

There will be some output and then, on last line, you can see a terminal session is waiting our command! (>).

Issue commands to the private network

In the Geth REPL session, you can issue commands like so:

> eth.blockNumber
> eth.accounts

Note that we are on a private network of our own so that is why block number is 0 and there are no accounts. Lets therefore create a new account using the personal namespace. By the way to see the available methods ina name space just type the namespace like so:

> personal
  listAccounts: [],
  listWallets: [],
  newAccount: function(),

So for example we can use newAccount to create a new account like so:

> personal.newAccount('Darren')

INFO [08-17|12:54:31.821] Your new key was generated               address=0x13C558e47C26BD998F8eCA719C01459e363a0D4f
WARN [08-17|12:54:31.821] Please backup your key file!             path=./geth-test/keystore/UTC--2020-08-17T05-54-30.190499000Z--13c558e47c26bd998f8eca719c01459e363a0d4f
WARN [08-17|12:54:31.821] Please remember your password!

We now have an account to use:

> eth.accounts

The balance of this account will be 0 Wei, as expected.

> eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0])

Start mining and reward the default account

Set the etherbase to the default account just created so that they are rewarded for mining:

> miner.setEtherbase('0x13c558e47c26bd998f8eca719c01459e363a0d4f')

Now start mining and making money (although there is not much to mine on our private network!!)

> miner.start(1)

This is starting the miner with 1 thread. It will create a local DAG and while its

INFO [08-17|13:03:26.852] Generating DAG in progress epoch=0 **percentage=91** elapsed=1m57.351s

Once percentage reaches 100 you will see the following output which means you are mining blocks!:

INFO [08-17|13:08:12.212] Successfully sealed new block            number=86 sealhash=e3dc56…8ea2ef hash=2b8f9d…a216e7 elapsed=137.409ms
INFO [08-17|13:08:12.212] 🔗 block reached canonical chain          number=79 hash=adc50e…3fa794
INFO [08-17|13:08:12.212] 🔨 mined potential block                  number=86 hash=2b8f9d…a216e7
INFO [08-17|13:08:12.212] Commit new mining work                   number=87 sealhash=6f8593…3c00e1 uncles=0 txs=0 gas=0 fees=0 elapsed=106.152

Now stop mining and check the block number as well as the default owners balance:

> miner.stop()
> eth.blockNumber
> eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0])
> web3.fromWei('500000000000000000000')

Nice! 500 Ether for 100 Blocks - so thats 5 Ether per block!! Lets create a new account and send ether between them:

eth.accounts // should see two accounts here
eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[1]) // should show new account has 0 balance
eth.sendTransaction({from: eth.accounts[0], to: eth.accounts[1], value: web3.toWei(5, 'Ether')})

The last statement results in an error Error: authentication needed: password or unlock because the first account is locked. Lets confirm the status of the account like so:

> personal.listWallets[0].status

Also the pending transactions in the txpool is empty. Note below we can use eth.pendingTransactions or txpool to see the state of the transaction pool.

> eth.pendingTransactions
> txpool
  content: {
    pending: {},
    queued: {}
  inspect: {
    pending: {},
    queued: {}
  status: {
    pending: 0,
    queued: 0
  getContent: function(callback),
  getInspect: function(callback),
  getStatus: function(callback)

We unlock the account like so (note type in the passphrase which was passed into the personal.newAccount() function above - so in this case the passphrase is 'Darren').


Note if you want to keep the account permanently unlocked you can pass in a duration parameter of 0 like so:

web3.personal.unlockAccount(eth.accounts[0], "Darren", 0)

Lets confirm its now unlocked

> personal.listWallets[0].status

Now we can try the transaction again:

> eth.sendTransaction({from: eth.accounts[0], to: eth.accounts[1], value: web3.toWei(5, 'Ether')})
INFO [08-17|13:33:59.751] Setting new local account                address=0x13C558e47C26BD998F8eCA719C01459e363a0D4f
INFO [08-17|13:33:59.753] Submitted transaction                    fullhash=0x0c9e994667e50b447df239f71a891fcec6506dcd7ad55187742d5db9657e0927 recipient=0xBAa67002cD2de6CA4FD20c69386F3757a8645aA2

This time it was accepted but note that its still 'pending' as shown below using the following command:

    blockHash: null,
    blockNumber: null,
    from: "0x13c558e47c26bd998f8eca719c01459e363a0d4f",
    gas: 21000,
    gasPrice: 1000000000,
    hash: "0x0c9e994667e50b447df239f71a891fcec6506dcd7ad55187742d5db9657e0927",
    input: "0x",
    nonce: 0,
    r: "0x5249a7380039eac37bb5b7383fb85b2302dd3496085f650f13d0e1975ab5b028",
    s: "0x23ec6c960cd180bc5b68043b3e5759f3c9770dae520f6b62fc1456f0c5d14e26",
    to: "0xbaa67002cd2de6ca4fd20c69386f3757a8645aa2",
    transactionIndex: null,
    v: "0x41",
    value: 5000000000000000000

This is the transaction in the txpool:

> txpool
  content: {
    pending: {
      0x13C558e47C26BD998F8eCA719C01459e363a0D4f: {
        1: {...}
    queued: {}
  inspect: {
    pending: {
      0x13C558e47C26BD998F8eCA719C01459e363a0D4f: {
        1: "0xBAa67002cD2de6CA4FD20c69386F3757a8645aA2: 5000000000000000000 wei + 21000 gas × 1000000000 wei"

The balance of the new account is still 0 of course:

> eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[1])

So lets start mining, stop mining and then check again:

> miner.start(1)
> miner.stop()
> eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[1])

It worked! Now the second account has the ether.

Add a script to geth

You need to start geth node

Then attach to it and then drop this into the console


Now you can run the function that is defined in that file


eth.accounts[0]: 0x78c6327a4a4ac946c59c4b0c4b75bd0bfc86c767 	balance: 7.93627513220227543 ether
eth.accounts[1]: 0xb3ca3169fb9b8f0a7678e52542716044f5364535 	balance: 1.123 ether