An Android application to learn latest technologies in android world!
MusicManager is an Android application for those who want to get familiar with the latest technologies in Android World.
This application is designed to find singers and their top albums. I used the api from website (you can find the details in the api section). There are 4 main pages:
- Saved albums : shows albums saved by user.
- Search artist
- Top albums : shows top albums of the selected artist.
- Album details : shows details of the selected album.
Technologies that have been used in this projects are :
- Clean Architecture
- MVVM in presentation layer
- Modules
- Room
- ViewModel
- Dark/Light Mode
- DI via Hilt
- Retrofit
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Kotlin
- LiveData
- Navigation
- Single Activity
- Safe Args
- DiffUtils
- View Binding
- Paging 3
All the api's has provided by the website. for more information please visit their website.
MusicManager is released under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for details.
Copyright (c) 2019 Pouya Heydari