Releases: IBMa/equal-access
Releases · IBMa/equal-access
January 11, 2023
What's Changed
- Help keyboard focus in #1152
- Keyboard Rule element_tabbable_role_valid not causing triangle fixed in #1172
- Add appropriate keyboard and keyboardOff icons for keyboard mode in #1180
- New automation script for validation of preview rules in #1111
- Align better with ACT autocomplete (73f2c2) in #1191
- Rename and update the text_whitespace_valid rule in #1139
- Fix issue related to visible label as part of accessible name when material icons are used in fonts in #1181
- Process relative paths in config and use absolute paths internally in #1192
- Consider row as a widget for element_tabbable_role_valid in #1193
- Fixes related to 'separator' as a widget and usage of 'aria-valuenow' in #1194
- Align better with ACT 4e8ab6 in #1199
- Fix alignment with ACT a25f45 in #1200
- Adjust ACT text report to be easier to read in #1206
- Move dev rule server to Code Engine in #1211
- Code engine variables in #1214
- Update Code Engine project ids in #1216
- Fix issues related to aria-autocomplete in a combobox component in #1129
- Fix color contrast issue for the content directly added to a shadow DOM in #1198
- Fixed Keyboard mode visualization if the user zooms the web page in #1223
- Rule server update for January 10, 2023 in #1225
Full Changelog: 3.1.41...3.1.42
Dec 15, 2022 - pre-release, 3.1.42-rc.0
What's Changed
- Help keyboard focus 945 in #1152
- Keyboard Rule element_tabbable_role_valid not causing Triangle fixed in #1172
- Add appropriate Keyboard and KeyboardOff icons for Keyboard Mode in #1180
- New automation script for validation of preview rules. in #1111
- Align better with ACT autocomplete (73f2c2) in #1191
- rename and update the text_whitespace_valid rule in #1139
- Fix issue related to visible label as part of accessible name when material icons are used in fonts in #1181
- Process relative paths in config and use absolute paths internally in #1192
- Consider row as a widget for element_tabbable_role_valid in #1193
- Fixes related to 'separator' as a widget and usage of 'aria-valuenow' in #1194
- Align better with ACT 4e8ab6 n #1199
- Fix alignment with ACT a25f45 in #1200
Full Changelog: 3.1.41...3.1.42-rc.0
November 11, 2022
What's Changed
- Add Karma typescript boilerplate in #1122
- Fix keyboard access issues in #1099
- Fix false positives with slot content in #1120
- Add new reason code for the autocomplete rule in #1123
- Update tooltips and make them consistent as possible in #1128
- Allow engine cache location to be specified in the config file in #1138
- Add prohibited attribute mapping for 'presentation' and 'none' roles in #1133
- Rules update for November 8th release in #1144
Full Changelog: 3.1.40...3.1.41
October 18, 2022
What's Changed
- Fixes double stored scan count in #1119
- Fixes issue if web page to be scanned has an ace javascript object. in #1087
- Fix engine failure with an existing 'ace' object in #1086
- Change Keyboard Mode popup to a Modal in #1089
- Circle SVG container doesn't allow user to use mouse to interact with page in #1093
- A new template for pull requests in #1101
- Update in #1103
- Create the new rule for the elements with presentational children only in #1072
- Update in #1104
- Fix conflict of Checker ace engine if there is a name conflict in the web page in #1108
- Rules update for 3.1.39 release in #1114
Full Changelog: 3.1.38...3.1.40
October 14, 2022
What's Changed
- Fixed issue if web page to be scanned has an ace javascript object. in #1087
- Fixed engine failure with an existing 'ace' object in #1086
- Changed Keyboard Mode popup to a Modal in #1089
- Circle SVG container doesn't allow user to use mouse to interact with page in #1093
- A new template for pull requests in #1101
- Updated in #1103
- Created the new rule for the elements with presentational children only in #1072
- Updated in #1104
- Fixed conflict of Checker ace engine if there is a name conflict in the web page in #1108
- Updated Rules for 3.1.39 release in #1114
Full Changelog: 3.1.38...3.1.39
September 21, 2022
What's Changed
- Generate text ACT implementation report as part of packages in #1045
- Split WCAG20_Elem_Lang_Valid into element_lang_valid and html_lang_valid for better ACT alignment in #1050
- Turn off RPT_Style_HinderFocus1 while in KCM in #1069
- Fix issues related to the elements without implicit roles in #1048
- Modify the style_hover_persistent rule to add additional margin conditions in #1053
- Fix Keyboard visualization to be able to toggle on and off in Firefox in #1079
- Change aria_child_valid rule level to Recommendation in #1082
- Update Checker with the latest Rule set and several improvements in #1085
Full Changelog: 3.1.37...3.1.38
August 23, 2022
What's Changed
- Updated user information for new TabStops feature in #997
- Checker user guide updates and quick guide updates in #1051
- New Keyboard Visualization Feature for Checker in #1049
Full Changelog: 3.1.36...3.1.37
August 15, 2022
What's Changed
- Timestamp for archive cache set incorrectly in #1040
- Update tr/tbody for presentation tables in #1042
- ACT reports: Report svg/xml as inapplicable in #1039
- Fix the issue related to the required context role in #1029
Full Changelog: 3.1.35...3.1.36
August 10, 2022
What's Changed
- Fix false positives related to a data-list element in #1010
- Fix shadow DOM slot text color contrast issue in #1007
- Updates to rule reporting to match ACT reporting in #1028
- Updates to Help references to match reporting changes for ACT in #1030
- Allow to check compliance results with TypeScript in #1003
- Rule deployment for August 10th in #1038
New Contributors
- @sgregoire made their first contribution in #1003
Full Changelog: 3.1.34...3.1.35
July 21, 2022
What's Changed
- ACT requested filename change in #1009
- Fixing scrolling issue for checker view after help view in #1006
- Fix select ref in #985
- Bad url in ACT results in #984
- Fix inapplicable missing in #992
- Add ignored elements in the text blockquote rule in #990
- Fix color contrast issue in #973
- Fix spelling in #999
- Update tabbable rule's left and top edge coordinates in #994
- Allow checker to accept all urls in #1002
- July 06 Rule deployment in #1004
Full Changelog: 3.1.33...3.1.34