This document was developed as part of the International HPC Summer School. It provides a background of the school’s mentoring program, including particular chapters specifically for mentors and mentees.
can be converted to latex using either pandoc or Emacs’s Org-mode (see Latex Exporter).
The tex file can then be used to generate a pdf.
Run the following command to generate the tex file
pandoc -f org -t latex -s -o Mentoring-Guide.tex
The following can be used an executable script file. It will launch emacs in batch mode and run the appropriate export commands. It should work with most versions of emacs since org-mode has been built-in for a while.
:;exec emacs -batch -l "$0" -f : "$@" --no-site-file -q # -*- Emacs-Lisp -*-
; @emacs -batch -l "%~f0" -f : %* --no-site-file -q & goto :EOF
; This script will export a latex document from an org file.
; Usage: oxlatex.em org-file-name
(defun : ()
(find-file (nth 5 command-line-args))
(condition-case nil
(error nil) )
(save-buffer) )
Run the following command to generate the PDF document.
pdflatex --file-line-error --synctex=1 Mentoring-Guide.tex