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86 lines (65 loc) · 2.81 KB

File metadata and controls

86 lines (65 loc) · 2.81 KB

Review Assignment Due Date
steps: commands que j'ai fais; (cloned the project) git init git clone

(create the folder and setup the project): composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel(create) composer require --dev barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper(helper-ide) php artisan migrate(migrate with the database)(mysql) php artisan serve to run the server php artisan breeze:install with vue.js php artisan migrate npm install npm run dev

docs: cours et video du prof laravel documentation

outil: vue.js, laragon, phpmyadmin, vs code,

created the form to select a table from the dropdown list, created the database for the selected_tables table, using this command:php artisan make:migration create_selected_tables_table(it creates a new migration file) then run the command php artisan migrate to create the table, then create the SelectedTable model using the following command: php artisan make:model SelectedTable then create the tableController add the post route in web.php to make a post request to the database

created the categories page, created the database for the categories using the make:migration command created the categoriesController.php using the make:controller command created the categories.php model using the make:model command seeding the database with data using the following command:php artisan db:seed --class=CategoriesTableSeeder migrating with the database, created the categories.vue component adding the specefic routes for the categories page in web.php created the categotiesLayout.vue

created cart controller created cart.js created cart.vue created the tables cart_table, and cart_items_table did the migrations

fixed the cart logic, now when we press on a card category, we will see a notification that the category is successfully added to the cart, and when we open the cart_items table, we can see the category_id

added items successfully to cart, show the total of items in the cart

added clear button in the cart to remove the items, added the checkout button that send the cart id to the cart table

fixed the structure of the page, clear cart on checkout confirmation of the checkout redirect to the home page on checkout

made the tables dynamic, updated the migration file for the tables, the model and the controller, also the routes fetched the tables from the tables_table in the database, created the seeder to seed the tables_table in the database: php artisan db:seed --class=CategoriesTableSeeder , added the boolean field to see if a table is reserved, added the pics,

added toastification for cart checkout and error while toast checkout clean code

video link: