diff --git a/main/src/assets/lang/de_DE.json b/main/src/assets/lang/de_DE.json
index 5d5ecadd..9ed28c21 100644
--- a/main/src/assets/lang/de_DE.json
+++ b/main/src/assets/lang/de_DE.json
@@ -20,22 +20,22 @@
"Change": "Ändern",
"Start": "Start",
"Connect": "Verbinden",
- "This field is required": "This field is required.",
- "This field must be a valid email": "Please enter a valid email address.",
+ "This field is required": "Dieses Feld ist erforderlich.",
+ "This field must be a valid email": "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse an.",
"This field confirmation does not match": "Diese Feldbestätigung stimmt nicht überein",
"This field must have 2 options": "Dieses Feld muss 2 Optionen enthalten",
- "This field must have more than 5 characters": "This field must have 5 or more characters.",
- "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "You entered an invalid time. Please use the RFC1123 format.",
- "Welcome to CasaOS": "Welcome to CasaOS",
+ "This field must have more than 5 characters": "Dieses Feld muss 5 oder mehr Zeichen enthalten.",
+ "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "Sie haben eine ungültige Zeit eingegeben. Bitte verwenden Sie das RFC1123-Format.",
+ "Welcome to CasaOS": "Willkommen in CasaOS",
"Let's create your initial account": "Erstellen Sie Ihr Konto",
- "Go →": "Go →",
+ "Go →": "Loslegen →",
"Create Account": "Konto erstellen",
"Username": "Benutzername",
"Confirm Password": "Passwort bestätigen",
- "Username or Password error!": "Username or password is invalid!",
- "All things done!": "We're good to go!",
+ "Username or Password error!": "Benutzername oder Passwort ungültig!",
+ "All things done!": "Alles startklar!",
"Login": "Anmelden",
- "Password error!": "Invalid password!",
+ "Password error!": "Ungültiges Passwort!",
"Account": "Konto",
"Logout": "Abmelden",
"Name": "Name",
@@ -44,31 +44,31 @@
"Change Password": "Passwort ändern",
"Original password": "Aktuelles Passwort",
"New password": "Neues Passwort",
- "Confirm the new password again": "Confirm new password",
+ "Confirm the new password again": "Neues Passwort bestätigen",
"Settings": "Einstellungen",
- "Dashboard Setting": "Dashboard Settings",
- "Search Engine": "Search Engine",
+ "Dashboard Setting": "Dashboard Einstellungen",
+ "Search Engine": "Suchmaschine",
"WebUI Port": "WebUI Port",
- "Currently at the latest version": "Currently, at the latest version",
+ "Currently at the latest version": "Es ist die bereits die aktuellste Version installiert",
"A new version is available!": "Eine neue Version ist verfügbar!",
"Edit Web UI port": "Web-UI-Port ändern",
"Automount USB Drive": "USB-Laufwerk automatisch mounten",
"Wallpaper": "Hintergrundbild",
"Change wallpaper": "Hintergrundbild ändern",
"Show Search Bar": "Suchleiste anzeigen",
- "Show Recommended Apps": "Show recommended apps",
+ "Show Recommended Apps": "Empfohlene Anwendungen anzeigen",
"Upgrade Now": "Jetzt aktualisieren",
"Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB": "Das Aktivieren dieser Funktion kann zu Bootfehlern führen, wenn ein Raspberry Pi von einem USB-Laufwerk gebootet wird",
"There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!": "Es scheint ein Problem mit dem Upgrade-Prozess zu geben. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.",
- "Update completed": "Upgrade complete!",
+ "Update completed": "Aktualisierung abgeschlossen!",
"Let more friends know": "Informieren Sie mehr Freunde über CasaOS",
"Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Bitte teilen Sie CasaOS mit Freunden und Bekannten, die sich um die Sicherheit ihrer Daten sorgen.",
- "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS successfully upgraded.",
- "CasaOS upgrade failed": "CasaOS failed to upgrade.",
- "Terminal & Logs": "Terminal and Logs",
+ "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade failed": "CasaOS konnte nicht aktualisiert werden.",
+ "Terminal & Logs": "Terminal und Logs",
"Terminal": "Terminal",
"Logs": "Protokolle",
- "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Please check if the username and port are correct. Make sure the SSH server is installed.",
+ "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob Benutzername und Port korrekt sind. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der SSH-Server installiert ist.",
"Widgets Settings": "Widget-Einstellungen",
"Time": "Uhrzeit",
"System Status": "Systemstatus",
@@ -76,16 +76,16 @@
"Network Status": "Netzwerkstatus",
"Search...": "Suchen...",
"Sync your data": "Synchronisieren Sie Ihre Daten",
- "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices",
+ "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Syncthing verwenden, um Ihre Dateien zwischen mehreren Geräten zu synchronisieren",
"Install": "Installieren",
"Config": "Konfiguration",
"Total": "Gesamt",
"Failed to start, please try again.": "Fehler beim Starten von Syncthing. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.",
- "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing isn't running. Do you want to start it?",
+ "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing wird nicht ausgeführt. Möchtest du es starten?",
"Starting Syncthing...": "Syncthing startet...",
"Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "Sie haben eine Idee? Besuchen Sie uns im Discord!",
"Smarten up your home": "Machen Sie Ihr Zuhause smart",
- "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.",
+ "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "Wir wollen Ihnen ein Smart-Home-Erlebnis mit Privatsphäre, hoher Geschwindigkeit und lokalem Speicher anbieten.",
"In development": "Bleib dran",
"Apps": "App",
"App": "App",
@@ -93,28 +93,28 @@
"Setting": "Einstellungen",
"Uninstall": "Deinstallieren",
"Attention": "Achtung",
- "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?",
- "Featured Apps": "Featured Apps",
- "Custom Install": "Custom Install",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Ihre Daten können nach der Deinstallation nicht wiederhergestellt werden!
Wollen Sie mit der Deinstallation der App fortfahren?",
+ "Featured Apps": "Empfohlene Apps",
+ "Custom Install": "Benutzerdefinierte Installation",
"Continue in background": "Im Hintergrund fortfahren",
- "Install a new App manually": "Manual App Install",
- "Docker Image": "Docker Image",
+ "Install a new App manually": "Manuelle App Installation",
+ "Docker Image": "Docker-Image",
"App name": "App-Name",
"Icon URL": "Icon-URL",
"Network": "Netzwerk",
- "Privileged": "Privileges",
- "Container Command": "Container Command",
- "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Container Capabilities (cap-add)",
- "Container Hostname": "Container Hostname",
+ "Privileged": "Berechtigungen",
+ "Container Command": "Container-Kommando",
+ "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Container-Ressourcen (cap-add)",
+ "Container Hostname": "Container-Hostname",
"Hostname of app container": "Hostname des App-Containers",
"Ports": "Port",
"Volumes": "Speicher",
- "Environment Variables": "Environment Variables",
+ "Environment Variables": "Umgebungsvariablen",
"Devices": "Geräte",
- "Memory Limit": "Memory Limit",
- "CPU Shares": "CPU Shares",
- "Restart Policy": "Restart Policy",
- "App Description": "App Description",
+ "Memory Limit": "Speicherlimit",
+ "CPU Shares": "CPU-Anteile",
+ "Restart Policy": "Neustartrichtlinie",
+ "App Description": "App-Beschreibung",
"No ports now, click “+” to add one.": "Keine Ports aktuell definiert, klicken Sie auf „+“, um einen hinzuzufügen.",
"No volumes now, click “+” to add one.": "Keine Volumes aktuell definiert, klicken Sie auf „+“, um eines hinzuzufügen.",
"No environment variables now, click “+” to add one.": "Keine Umgebungsvariablen aktuell definiert, klicken Sie auf „+“, um eine hinzuzufügen.",
@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@
"Your custom App Name": "Ihr benutzerdefinierter App-Name",
"Your custom icon URL": "Ihre eigene Icon-URL",
"Installing": "Installiere",
- "Export ComposeFile": "Export ComposeFile",
+ "Export ComposeFile": "ComposeFile exportieren",
"AppFile": "AppFile",
- "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload",
- "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Ziehe dein Docker Compose hierhin oder klicke zum Hochladen",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Ziehe dein Docker Compose hierhin oder klicke zum Hochladen",
"Host": "Host",
"Container": "Container",
"Key": "Schlüssel",
@@ -139,32 +139,30 @@
"Please fill correct command line": "Beim Parsen der Kommandozeile ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
"Please import a valid App file": "Beim Parsen der App-Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
"AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.": "Zusätzlich zu der vom Import erkannten Konfiguration benötigen wir folgende Informationen:",
- "Some configuration information such as:": " ",
"the port and path of the Web UI": "Port und Pfad zur App WebUI",
"the mount location of the volume or file": "Pfad des zu mountenden Verzeichnisses oder der Datei",
"the port mapping of the Host": "Port-Zuordnung von Host zu Container",
"optional configuration items": "Weitere optionale Konfigurationen",
"These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.": "Bitte bestätigen Sie die Konfiguration im nächsten Schritt nach dem Klick auf OK.",
- "Feel free to suggest improvements to this feature in Discord Server!": "",
"App Store": "App Store",
"Community Apps": "Community Apps",
"From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "Beitrag unserer tollen Community.",
"Sort by": "Sortieren nach",
- "Click icon to import.": "Click icon to import.",
- "Drag icons to sort.": "Drag icons to sort.",
+ "Click icon to import.": "Symbol zum Importieren anklicken.",
+ "Drag icons to sort.": "Zum Sortieren Symbole ziehen.",
"Import to CasaOS": "In CasaOS importieren",
- "Existing Docker Apps": "Existing Docker apps",
+ "Existing Docker Apps": "Existierende Docker Apps",
"[Optional]": "Optional",
"Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "Wenn mehr als 1 Container in der Docker-Kompositionsdatei angegeben sind, wird im Moment nur der erste importiert.",
- "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "There was an error loading the data. Please try again.",
+ "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "Es ist ein Fehler beim Laden der Daten aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.",
"Port": "Ports",
- "Create Storage": "Create Storage",
- "Storage Manager": "Storage Manager",
+ "Create Storage": "Speicher erstellen",
+ "Storage Manager": "Speicherverwaltung",
"Storage": "Speicher",
"Drive": "Laufwerk",
"Single Drive Storage": "Einzelnes Speicherlaufwerk",
@@ -192,8 +190,8 @@
"Visit our Github": "Besuchen Sie unser GitHub",
"Title": "Titel",
"System infomation": "System-Informationen",
- "Share CasaOS": "Share CasaOS",
- "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Please invite more friends who care about data privacy to join and use CasaOS.",
+ "Share CasaOS": "CasaOS teilen",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Bitte teilen Sie CasaOS mit Freunden und Bekannten, denen der Datenschutz am Herzen liegt.",
"Files": "Dateien",
"Upload or Create": "Hochladen oder erstellen",
"Upload Files": "Dateien hochladen",
@@ -301,9 +299,9 @@
"APP Restart": "Apps müssen neu gestartet werden",
"Restart": "Neustart",
"Continue": "Fortsetzen",
- "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD.",
- "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost!",
- "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HD works best when the selected storage sources are all formatted.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Das Verändern von internen Daten kann die Struktur von CasaOS HD beschädigen. ",
+ "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Bitte sichern Sie Ihre Daten im Speicher, andernfalls können die Daten verloren gehen!",
+ "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HD funktioniert am besten, wenn die ausgewählten Speicherquellen alle formatiert sind.",
" is running, restart ": " wird ausgeführt. Neustart ",
" to continue.": " um fortzufahren.",
"APPs is running": "Eine oder mehrere Apps werden ausgeführt",
@@ -311,7 +309,7 @@
"Add a shortcut": "Füge eine Verknüpfung hinzu",
"Error when creating installation path for apps": "Fehler beim Erstellen des Installationspfades für Apps",
"Accept": "Akzeptieren",
- "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "We appreciate any feedback you may have!",
+ "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "Wir freuen uns über jede Rückmeldung, die Sie haben!",
"Show other Docker container app(s)": "Andere Docker Container-App(s) anzeigen.",
"Show news feed from CasaOS Blog": "Newsfeed vom CasaOS-Blog anzeigen",
"CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "CasaOS Dashboard wird den neuesten Newsfeed von https://blog.casaos.io via Internet erhalten, was Aufzeichnungen über den Besuch der Webseite hinterlassen könnte. Akzeptieren?",
@@ -331,7 +329,7 @@
"Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?
{divS}Delete userdata ( config folder ){divE}": "Daten können nach dem Löschen nicht wiederhergestellt werden!
Wollen Sie mit der Deinstallation fortfahren?
{divS}Benutzerdaten löschen (Konfigurationsordner){divE}",
"Beta": "Beta",
"Clone": "Duplizieren",
- "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "Der gesamte überprüfte Speicher wird in CasaOS HD zusammengeführt.",
"* This feature is now testing and verifying, enabling it may clear personal data and destroy the installed APPs, so it is recommended to use it only during the startup.": "* Diese Funktion wird gerade getestet und überprüft, sodass es persönliche Daten löschen und die installierten Apps zerstören kann, so wird empfohlen, es nur während des Starts zu verwenden.",
"Preparing for launch": "Start wird vorbereitet",
"to open the app. If it does not work, please restart or try again later.": "um die App zu öffnen. Wenn sie nicht funktioniert, starten Sie bitte neu oder versuchen Sie es später erneut.",
@@ -355,7 +353,7 @@
"CheckThenUpdate": "Prüfe auf ein Update",
"Not compatible with {arch} devices.": "Nicht kompatibel mit {arch} Geräten.",
"Connect Dropbox": "Mit Dropbox verbinden",
- "Connect Google Drive": "Mit Google Drive verbinden",
+ "Connect GoogleDrive": "Mit Google Drive verbinden",
"FilesDrop": "Datei-Drop",
"You are using the device": "Sie benutzen schon diesen Gerät",
"Click to send the file to the device.": "Klicken Sie hier, um die Datei an das Gerät zu senden.",
@@ -367,43 +365,44 @@
"Sending files": "Dateien werden gesendet",
"Cancel sending": "Versand abbrechen",
"Ignore": "Ignorieren",
- "File transfer completed.": "File transfer completed!",
+ "File transfer completed.": "Dateiübertragung abgeschlossen!",
"Save {name} {size} from {device}.": "Speichern Sie {name} {size} von {device}.",
"Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...": "Verbindung verloren. In 5 Sekunden wiederholen...",
- "cli to compose...": "cli to compose...",
- "View tutorial": "View tutorial",
- "Add Source": "Add Source",
- "More": "More",
- "Search an app...": "Search an app...",
- "Tips": "Tips",
- "Export as Compose": "Export as Compose",
- "Something to remember eg. password": "Something to remember eg. password",
- "Other ways to merge storages": "Other ways to merge storages",
- "Free up storage": "Free up storage",
- "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "In the process of asynchronous updating.",
- "Welcome to {name}": "Welcome to {name}",
- "Other ways to use": "Other ways to use",
+ "cli to compose...": "cli zum compose...",
+ "View tutorial": "Tutorial anzeigen",
+ "Add Source": "Quelle hinzufügen",
+ "More": "Mehr",
+ "Search an app...": "Suche eine App...",
+ "Tips": "Tipps",
+ "Export as Compose": "Als Compose exportieren",
+ "Something to remember eg. password": "Etwas zu merken z.B. Passwort",
+ "Other ways to merge storages": "Andere Möglichkeiten, Speicher zu verbinden",
+ "Free up storage": "Speicherplatz freigeben",
+ "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "In den Prozess der asynchronen Aktualisierung.",
+ "Welcome to {name}": "Willkommen bei {name}",
+ "Other ways to use": "Andere Methoden zu verwenden",
"Zima Client": "Zima Client",
- "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.",
- "Install the software.": "Install the software.",
- "Using the Network ID :": "Using the Network ID :",
- "Connect Zima in the software.": "Connect Zima in the software.",
- "Zima customization system": "Zima customization system",
- "About CasaOS System": "About CasaOS System",
- "Storage Merge": "Storage Merge",
- "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Merge multiple disks into one.",
- "Manage all data in one page.": "Manage all data in one page.",
- "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Over 40 applications installed with one click.",
- "Please read before continuing ": "Please read before continuing ",
- "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.",
- "Share {CasaOS}": "Share {CasaOS}",
- "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Please invite more friends who care about data privacy to join and use {OS}.",
- "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD.",
- "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.",
- "Rebuilding": "Rebuilding",
- "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} rebulid completed",
- "Rebulid error": "Rebulid error",
- "Installing {title}": "Installing {title}",
- "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).",
- "To be rebuilt.": "To be rebuilt."
+ "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "Wenn Sie auf Remote zugreifen oder Daten mit Ihren Geräten synchronisieren möchten.",
+ "Install the software.": "Installieren der Software.",
+ "Using the Network ID :": "Netzwerk-ID verwenden:",
+ "Connect Zima in the software.": "Verbinden Sie Zima in der Software.",
+ "Zima customization system": "Zima-Anpassungssystem",
+ "About CasaOS System": "Über das CasaOS-System",
+ "Storage Merge": "Speicherzusammenführung",
+ "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Mehrere Festplatten zu einer zusammenführen.",
+ "Manage all data in one page.": "Alle Daten auf einer Seite verwalten.",
+ "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Über 40 Anwendungen mit einem Klick installiert.",
+ "Please read before continuing ": "Bitte lesen bevor Sie fortfahren ",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "Newsfeed vom CasaOS-Blog anzeigen.",
+ "Share {CasaOS}": "{CasaOS} teilen",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Bitte laden Sie weitere Freunde und Bekannte ein, die sich um den Schutz ihrer Daten sorgen, sich {OS} anzuschließen und es zu nutzen.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Das Ändern von internen Dateien kann die Struktur des {CasaOS} HD beschädigen.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "Der gesamte überprüfte Speicher wird in {CasaOS} HD zusammengeführt.",
+ "Rebuilding": "Wiederaufbau",
+ "Rebuild": "Neu erstellen",
+ "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} Neuerstellung abgeschlossen",
+ "Rebulid error": "Neuerstellung-Fehler",
+ "Installing {title}": "Installation {title}",
+ "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Legacy-App (neu aufgebaut).",
+ "To be rebuilt.": "Zu erneuern."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/src/assets/lang/es_ES.json b/main/src/assets/lang/es_ES.json
index 6c55a2cd..7efaa66c 100644
--- a/main/src/assets/lang/es_ES.json
+++ b/main/src/assets/lang/es_ES.json
@@ -139,13 +139,11 @@
"Please fill correct command line": "Algo va mal al intentar analizar la línea de comandos.",
"Please import a valid App file": "Algo va mal al intentar analizar el AppFile.",
"AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.": "Además de la configuración reconocida por la importación, también necesitamos la siguiente información:",
- "Some configuration information such as:": " ",
"the port and path of the Web UI": "Puerto y ruta a la aplicación WebUI",
"the mount location of the volume or file": "Ubicación del directorio o archivo a montar",
"the port mapping of the Host": "Mapeo de puertos del host al contenedor",
"optional configuration items": "Otras configuraciones opcionales",
"These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.": "Por favor, confirme la configuración en el siguiente paso después de hacer clic en Aceptar.",
- "Feel free to suggest improvements to this feature in Discord Server!": "",
@@ -355,7 +353,7 @@
"CheckThenUpdate": "Comprobar y actualizar",
"Not compatible with {arch} devices.": "No compatible con dispositivos {arch}.",
"Connect Dropbox": "Conectar Dropbox",
- "Connect Google Drive": "Conectar Google Drive",
+ "Connect GoogleDrive": "Conectar Google Drive",
"FilesDrop": "Soltar Archivos",
"You are using the device": "Estás usando el dispositivo",
"Click to send the file to the device.": "Haga clic para enviar el archivo al dispositivo.",
@@ -401,9 +399,10 @@
"Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Cambiar archivos internos puede romper la estructura de {CasaOS} HD.",
"All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "Todo el almacenamiento verificado se fusionará en {CasaOS} HD.",
"Rebuilding": "Reconstruyendo",
+ "Rebuild": "Reconstruir",
"{title} rebulid completed": "Reconstrución {title} completada",
"Rebulid error": "Error en la reconstrución",
- "Installing {title}": "Installing {title}",
- "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).",
- "To be rebuilt.": "To be rebuilt."
+ "Installing {title}": "Instalando {title}",
+ "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Aplicación antigua (por reconstruir).",
+ "To be rebuilt.": "Por reconstruir."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/src/assets/lang/fr_FR.json b/main/src/assets/lang/fr_FR.json
index c81b3640..c787b39a 100644
--- a/main/src/assets/lang/fr_FR.json
+++ b/main/src/assets/lang/fr_FR.json
@@ -20,22 +20,22 @@
"Change": "Changer",
"Start": "Démarrer",
"Connect": "Connecter",
- "This field is required": "This field is required.",
- "This field must be a valid email": "Please enter a valid email address.",
+ "This field is required": "Ce champ est requis.",
+ "This field must be a valid email": "Veuillez entrer une adresse e-mail valide.",
"This field confirmation does not match": "La confirmation de ce champ ne correspond pas",
"This field must have 2 options": "Ce champ doit avoir 2 options",
- "This field must have more than 5 characters": "This field must have 5 or more characters.",
- "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "You entered an invalid time. Please use the RFC1123 format.",
- "Welcome to CasaOS": "Welcome to CasaOS",
+ "This field must have more than 5 characters": "Ce champ doit contenir au moins 5 caractères.",
+ "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "Vous avez entré une heure non valide. Veuillez utiliser le format RFC1123.",
+ "Welcome to CasaOS": "Bienvenue dans CasaOS",
"Let's create your initial account": "Créons votre compte",
- "Go →": "Go →",
+ "Go →": "C'est parti →",
"Create Account": "Créez un compte",
"Username": "Nom d'utilisateur",
"Confirm Password": "Confirmation du mot de passe",
- "Username or Password error!": "Username or password is invalid!",
- "All things done!": "We're good to go!",
+ "Username or Password error!": "Le nom d'utilisateur ou le mot de passe est incorrect !",
+ "All things done!": "Tout est prêt !",
"Login": "Connexion",
- "Password error!": "Invalid password!",
+ "Password error!": "Mot de passe incorrect !",
"Account": "Compte",
"Logout": "Déconnexion",
"Name": "Nom",
@@ -44,31 +44,31 @@
"Change Password": "Modifier le mot de passe",
"Original password": "Mot de passe d'origine",
"New password": "Nouveau mot de passe",
- "Confirm the new password again": "Confirm new password",
+ "Confirm the new password again": "Confirmez le nouveau mot de passe",
"Settings": "Paramètres",
- "Dashboard Setting": "Dashboard Settings",
- "Search Engine": "Search Engine",
- "WebUI Port": "WebUI Port",
- "Currently at the latest version": "Currently, at the latest version",
+ "Dashboard Setting": "Paramètres du tableau de bord",
+ "Search Engine": "Moteur de recherche",
+ "WebUI Port": "Port de l'interface Web",
+ "Currently at the latest version": "Vous utilisez la dernière version",
"A new version is available!": "Une nouvelle version est disponible !",
"Edit Web UI port": "Modifier le port WebUI",
"Automount USB Drive": "Monter automatiquer le stockage USB",
"Wallpaper": "Fond d'écran",
"Change wallpaper": "Changer le fond d'écran",
"Show Search Bar": "Afficher la barre de recherche",
- "Show Recommended Apps": "Show recommended apps",
+ "Show Recommended Apps": "Afficher les applications recommandées",
"Upgrade Now": "Mettre à jour maintenant",
"Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB": "L'activation de cette fonction peut causer des erreurs de démarrage lors du démarrage de périphérique Raspberry Pi à partir d'un stockage USB",
"There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!": "Il semble y avoir un problème avec le processus de mise à niveau. Veuillez réessayer.",
- "Update completed": "Upgrade complete!",
+ "Update completed": "Mise à jour réussie !",
"Let more friends know": "Faites-le savoir à plus d'amis",
"Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Invitez vos amis préoccupés par la confidentialité des données à rejoindre et utiliser CasaOS.",
- "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS successfully upgraded.",
- "CasaOS upgrade failed": "CasaOS failed to upgrade.",
- "Terminal & Logs": "Terminal and Logs",
+ "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS a été mis à jour avec succès.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade failed": "La mise à jour de CasaOS a échoué.",
+ "Terminal & Logs": "Terminal et logs",
"Terminal": "Terminal",
"Logs": "Journaux",
- "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Please check if the username and port are correct. Make sure the SSH server is installed.",
+ "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Merci de vérifier que le nom d'utilisateur et le port sont corrects, et que le serveur SSH est installé.",
"Widgets Settings": "Paramètres du widget",
"Time": "Heure",
"System Status": "État du système",
@@ -76,16 +76,16 @@
"Network Status": "État du réseau",
"Search...": "Rechercher…",
"Sync your data": "Synchronisez vos données",
- "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices",
+ "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Utilisez Syncthing pour synchroniser vos fichiers entre plusieurs appareils",
"Install": "Installer",
"Config": "Configuration",
"Total": "Total",
"Failed to start, please try again.": "Impossible de démarrer Syncthing, veuillez réessayer.",
- "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing isn't running. Do you want to start it?",
+ "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing n'est pas en cours d'exécution. Voulez-vous le démarrer ?",
"Starting Syncthing...": "Démarrage de Syncthing...",
"Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "Vous avez une idée ? Faites-nous en part sur Discord !",
"Smarten up your home": "Rendez votre maison intelligente",
- "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.",
+ "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "Nous voulons vous proposer une expérience de maison intelligente offrant confidentialité, haut débit et stockage localisé.",
"In development": "Restez informés",
"Apps": "Application",
"App": "Application",
@@ -93,28 +93,28 @@
"Setting": "Paramètres",
"Uninstall": "Désinstaller",
"Attention": "Attention",
- "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?",
- "Featured Apps": "Featured Apps",
- "Custom Install": "Custom Install",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Les données ne peuvent pas être récupérées après la suppression !
Continuer pour désinstaller cette application ?",
+ "Featured Apps": "Apps à la Une",
+ "Custom Install": "Installation personnalisée",
"Continue in background": "Continuer en arrière-plan",
- "Install a new App manually": "Manual App Install",
- "Docker Image": "Docker Image",
+ "Install a new App manually": "Installer une nouvelle application manuellement",
+ "Docker Image": "Image Docker",
"App name": "Nom de l'application",
"Icon URL": "URL de l'icône",
"Network": "Réseau",
- "Privileged": "Privileges",
- "Container Command": "Container Command",
- "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Container Capabilities (cap-add)",
- "Container Hostname": "Container Hostname",
+ "Privileged": "Privilégié",
+ "Container Command": "Commande du conteneur",
+ "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Capacités du conteneur (cap-add)",
+ "Container Hostname": "Nom d'hôte du conteneur",
"Hostname of app container": "Nom d'hôte du conteneur d'application",
- "Ports": "Port",
+ "Ports": "Ports",
"Volumes": "Volumes",
- "Environment Variables": "Environment Variables",
+ "Environment Variables": "Variables d'environnement",
"Devices": "Périphériques",
- "Memory Limit": "Memory Limit",
- "CPU Shares": "CPU Shares",
- "Restart Policy": "Restart Policy",
- "App Description": "App Description",
+ "Memory Limit": "Limite de mémoire",
+ "CPU Shares": "Parts du CPU",
+ "Restart Policy": "Politique de redémarrage",
+ "App Description": "Description de l'appli",
"No ports now, click “+” to add one.": "Cliquez sur « + » pour en ajouter un.",
"No volumes now, click “+” to add one.": "Cliquez sur « + » pour en ajouter un.",
"No environment variables now, click “+” to add one.": "Cliquez sur « + » pour en ajouter un.",
@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@
"Your custom App Name": "Nom de votre application personnalisée",
"Your custom icon URL": "URL de l'icône personnalisée",
"Installing": "Installation de",
- "Export ComposeFile": "Export ComposeFile",
+ "Export ComposeFile": "Exporter ComposeFile",
"AppFile": "Fichier d'application",
- "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload",
- "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Déposez votre Docker Compose ici ou cliquez pour télécharger",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Déposez votre fichier Docker Compose ici ou cliquez pour télécharger",
"Host": "Hôte",
"Container": "Conteneur",
"Key": "Clé",
@@ -139,32 +139,30 @@
"Please fill correct command line": "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'analyse de la ligne de commande.",
"Please import a valid App file": "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'analyse de l'AppFile.",
"AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.": "En plus de la configuration reconnue lors de l'importation, nous avons également besoin d'informations suivantes :",
- "Some configuration information such as:": " ",
"the port and path of the Web UI": "Port et chemin d'accès de l'interface de l'application",
"the mount location of the volume or file": "Emplacement du répertoire ou du fichier à monter",
"the port mapping of the Host": "Mappage du port de l'hôte au conteneur",
"optional configuration items": "Configuration optionelle",
"These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.": "Veuillez confirmer la configuration à l'étape suivante après avoir cliqué sur OK.",
- "Feel free to suggest improvements to this feature in Discord Server!": "",
"App Store": "Boutique d'applications",
"Community Apps": "Applications communautaires",
"From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "Contribution de notre impressionnante communauté.",
"Sort by": "Trier par",
- "Click icon to import.": "Click icon to import.",
- "Drag icons to sort.": "Drag icons to sort.",
+ "Click icon to import.": "Cliquez sur l'icône pour importer.",
+ "Drag icons to sort.": "Faites glisser les icônes pour les trier.",
"Import to CasaOS": "Importer dans CasaOS",
- "Existing Docker Apps": "Existing Docker apps",
- "[Optional]": "Optional",
+ "Existing Docker Apps": "Applications Docker existantes",
+ "[Optional]": "Optionnel",
"Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "Lorsqu'il y a plus d'un conteneur spécifié dans le fichier de composition Docker, seul le premier sera importé pour l'instant.",
- "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "There was an error loading the data. Please try again.",
+ "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "Une erreur s'est produite lors du chargement des données. Veuillez réessayer.",
"Port": "Ports",
- "Create Storage": "Create Storage",
- "Storage Manager": "Storage Manager",
+ "Create Storage": "Créer un stockage",
+ "Storage Manager": "Gestionnaire de stockage",
"Storage": "Stockage",
"Drive": "Disque",
"Single Drive Storage": "Disque de stockage unique",
@@ -192,8 +190,8 @@
"Visit our Github": "Visitez notre Github",
"Title": "Titre",
"System infomation": "Information système",
- "Share CasaOS": "Share CasaOS",
- "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Please invite more friends who care about data privacy to join and use CasaOS.",
+ "Share CasaOS": "Partagez CasaOS",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Invitez vos amis préoccupés par la confidentialité des données à rejoindre et utiliser CasaOS.",
"Files": "Fichiers",
"Upload or Create": "Télécharger ou créer",
"Upload Files": "Télécharger des fichiers",
@@ -301,9 +299,9 @@
"APP Restart": "L'application a besoin d'un redémarrage",
"Restart": "Redémarrer",
"Continue": "Continuer",
- "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD.",
- "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost!",
- "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HD works best when the selected storage sources are all formatted.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "La modification des fichiers internes peut endommager la structure de la CasaOS HD.",
+ "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Veuillez sauvegarder vos données dans le stockage, sinon les données pourraient être perdues !",
+ "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HD fonctionne mieux lorsque les sources de stockage sélectionnées sont toutes formatées.",
" is running, restart ": " est en cours d'exécution, redémarrez ",
" to continue.": " continuer.",
"APPs is running": "Une ou plusieurs applications sont en cours d'exécution",
@@ -311,7 +309,7 @@
"Add a shortcut": "Ajouter un raccourci",
"Error when creating installation path for apps": "Erreur lors de la création du chemin d'installation des applications",
"Accept": "Accepter",
- "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "We appreciate any feedback you may have!",
+ "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "Nous apprécions tout commentaire que vous pourriez avoir !",
"Show other Docker container app(s)": "Afficher les autres conteneurs Docker",
"Show news feed from CasaOS Blog": "Afficher le flux d'actualités du blog CasaOS",
"CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "Le tableau de bord de CasaOS recevra les dernières nouvelles de https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, ce qui pourrait laisser vos enregistrements de visite sur le site. Acceptez-vous ?",
@@ -331,7 +329,7 @@
"Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?
{divS}Delete userdata ( config folder ){divE}": "Les données ne peuvent pas être récupérées après la suppression !
Continuer la désinstallation de cette application ?
{divS}Supprimer les données utilisateur ( dossier de configuration ){divE}",
"Beta": "Beta",
"Clone": "Dupliquer",
- "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "L'ensemble du stockage vérifié sera fusionné dans CasaOS HD.",
"* This feature is now testing and verifying, enabling it may clear personal data and destroy the installed APPs, so it is recommended to use it only during the startup.": "* Cette fonctionnalité est en cours de test et de vérification, l'activation peut effacer des données personnelles et détruire des applications installées, il est donc recommandé de l'utiliser qu'au démarrage.",
"Preparing for launch": "Préparation au lancement",
"to open the app. If it does not work, please restart or try again later.": "pour ouvrir l'application. Si cela ne fonctionne pas, veuillez redémarrer ou réessayer plus tard.",
@@ -355,7 +353,7 @@
"CheckThenUpdate": "Vérifier puis mettre à jour",
"Not compatible with {arch} devices.": "Non compatible avec les appareils {arch}.",
"Connect Dropbox": "Connecter Dropbox",
- "Connect Google Drive": "Connecter Google Drive",
+ "Connect GoogleDrive": "Connecter Google Drive",
"FilesDrop": "FilesDrop",
"You are using the device": "Vous utilisez l'appareil",
"Click to send the file to the device.": "Cliquez pour envoyer le fichier à l'appareil.",
@@ -367,43 +365,44 @@
"Sending files": "Envoi du fichier",
"Cancel sending": "Annuler l'envoi",
"Ignore": "Ignorer",
- "File transfer completed.": "File transfer completed!",
+ "File transfer completed.": "Transfert de fichiers terminé!",
"Save {name} {size} from {device}.": "Économisez {name} {size} de {device}.",
"Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...": "Connexion perdue. Nouvelle tentative dans 5 secondes...",
- "cli to compose...": "cli to compose...",
- "View tutorial": "View tutorial",
- "Add Source": "Add Source",
- "More": "More",
- "Search an app...": "Search an app...",
- "Tips": "Tips",
- "Export as Compose": "Export as Compose",
- "Something to remember eg. password": "Something to remember eg. password",
- "Other ways to merge storages": "Other ways to merge storages",
- "Free up storage": "Free up storage",
- "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "In the process of asynchronous updating.",
- "Welcome to {name}": "Welcome to {name}",
- "Other ways to use": "Other ways to use",
- "Zima Client": "Zima Client",
- "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.",
- "Install the software.": "Install the software.",
- "Using the Network ID :": "Using the Network ID :",
- "Connect Zima in the software.": "Connect Zima in the software.",
- "Zima customization system": "Zima customization system",
- "About CasaOS System": "About CasaOS System",
- "Storage Merge": "Storage Merge",
- "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Merge multiple disks into one.",
- "Manage all data in one page.": "Manage all data in one page.",
- "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Over 40 applications installed with one click.",
- "Please read before continuing ": "Please read before continuing ",
- "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.",
- "Share {CasaOS}": "Share {CasaOS}",
- "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Please invite more friends who care about data privacy to join and use {OS}.",
- "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD.",
- "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.",
- "Rebuilding": "Rebuilding",
- "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} rebulid completed",
- "Rebulid error": "Rebulid error",
- "Installing {title}": "Installing {title}",
- "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).",
- "To be rebuilt.": "To be rebuilt."
+ "cli to compose...": "cli pour composer...",
+ "View tutorial": "Voir le tutoriel",
+ "Add Source": "Ajouter une source",
+ "More": "Plus",
+ "Search an app...": "Rechercher une application...",
+ "Tips": "Astuces",
+ "Export as Compose": "Exporter en tant que Compose",
+ "Something to remember eg. password": "Quelque chose à retenir, par exemple le mot de passe",
+ "Other ways to merge storages": "Autres façons de fusionner les stockages",
+ "Free up storage": "Libérez l'espace de stockage",
+ "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "Dans le processus de mise à jour asynchrone.",
+ "Welcome to {name}": "Bienvenue à {name}",
+ "Other ways to use": "Autres façons d'utiliser",
+ "Zima Client": "Client Zima",
+ "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "Si vous souhaitez accéder à distance ou synchroniser des données avec vos appareils.",
+ "Install the software.": "Installer le logiciel.",
+ "Using the Network ID :": "Utilisation de l'ID réseau :",
+ "Connect Zima in the software.": "Connecter Zima au logiciel.",
+ "Zima customization system": "Système de personnalisation de Zima",
+ "About CasaOS System": "À propos du système CasaOS",
+ "Storage Merge": "Fusion du stockage",
+ "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Fusionner plusieurs disques en un seul.",
+ "Manage all data in one page.": "Gérer toutes les données dans une seule page.",
+ "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Plus de 40 applications installées en un seul clic.",
+ "Please read before continuing ": "Veuillez lire avant de continuer ",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "Afficher le flux d'actualités du blog CasaOS.",
+ "Share {CasaOS}": "Partagez {CasaOS}",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Invitez d'autres amis soucieux de la confidentialité des données à rejoindre et à utiliser {OS}.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "La modification des fichiers internes peut rompre la structure de {CasaOS} HD.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "L'ensemble du stockage vérifié sera fusionné dans {CasaOS} HD.",
+ "Rebuilding": "Reconstruction",
+ "Rebuild": "Reconstruire",
+ "{title} rebulid completed": "Reconstruction de {title} terminé",
+ "Rebulid error": "Erreur de reconstruction",
+ "Installing {title}": "Installation de {title}",
+ "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Ancienne app (à reconstruire).",
+ "To be rebuilt.": "À reconstruire."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/src/assets/lang/hu_HU.json b/main/src/assets/lang/hu_HU.json
index b232094b..3b76f264 100644
--- a/main/src/assets/lang/hu_HU.json
+++ b/main/src/assets/lang/hu_HU.json
@@ -20,22 +20,22 @@
"Change": "Módosítás",
"Start": "Kezdés",
"Connect": "Csatlakozás",
- "This field is required": "This field is required.",
- "This field must be a valid email": "Please enter a valid email address.",
+ "This field is required": "A mező kitöltése kötelező.",
+ "This field must be a valid email": "Valós email címet adj meg.",
"This field confirmation does not match": "A megerősítés mező nem egyezik",
"This field must have 2 options": "A mezőnek 2 lehetőséget kell tartalmaznia",
- "This field must have more than 5 characters": "This field must have 5 or more characters.",
- "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "You entered an invalid time. Please use the RFC1123 format.",
- "Welcome to CasaOS": "Welcome to CasaOS",
+ "This field must have more than 5 characters": "A mező legalább 5 karaktert tartalmazzon.",
+ "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "Érvénytelen időt adtál meg. RFC1123 formátumban add meg.",
+ "Welcome to CasaOS": "Üdvözöl a CasaOS",
"Let's create your initial account": "Hozd létre fiókod",
- "Go →": "Go →",
+ "Go →": "Mehet →",
"Create Account": "Fiók létrehozása",
"Username": "Felhasználónév",
"Confirm Password": "Jelszó megerősítése",
- "Username or Password error!": "Username or password is invalid!",
- "All things done!": "We're good to go!",
+ "Username or Password error!": "Érvénytelen felhasználónév vagy jelszó!",
+ "All things done!": "Elkészültél!",
"Login": "Bejelentkezés",
- "Password error!": "Invalid password!",
+ "Password error!": "Érvénytelen jelszó!",
"Account": "Fiók",
"Logout": "Kijelentkezés",
"Name": "Név",
@@ -44,31 +44,31 @@
"Change Password": "Jelszó módosítása",
"Original password": "Régi jelszó",
"New password": "Új jelszó",
- "Confirm the new password again": "Confirm new password",
+ "Confirm the new password again": "Erősítsd meg az új jelszavadat",
"Settings": "Beállítások",
- "Dashboard Setting": "Dashboard Settings",
- "Search Engine": "Search Engine",
+ "Dashboard Setting": "Vezérlőpult beállítások",
+ "Search Engine": "Keresőmotor",
"WebUI Port": "WebUI Port",
- "Currently at the latest version": "Currently, at the latest version",
+ "Currently at the latest version": "Legújabb verzió",
"A new version is available!": "Új verzió áll rendelkezésre!",
"Edit Web UI port": "WebUI port módosítása",
"Automount USB Drive": "USB meghajtó automatikus csatolása",
"Wallpaper": "Háttérkép",
"Change wallpaper": "Háttérkép módosítása",
"Show Search Bar": "Keresősáv megjelenítése",
- "Show Recommended Apps": "Show recommended apps",
+ "Show Recommended Apps": "Ajánlott alkalmazások megjelenítése",
"Upgrade Now": "Frissítés",
"Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB": "A funkció engedélyezésével előfordulhatnak indítási hibák abban az esetben, ha a Raspberry Pi USB-ről indul",
"There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!": "Hiba történt a frissítési folyamat során. Próbáld újra.",
- "Update completed": "Upgrade complete!",
+ "Update completed": "Frissítés befejezve!",
"Let more friends know": "Értesítsd barátaidat is",
"Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Hívj meg több olyan barátot, akik számára kiemelt fontosságú az adatvédelem, hogy csatlakozzanak és használják a CasaOS-t.",
- "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS successfully upgraded.",
- "CasaOS upgrade failed": "CasaOS failed to upgrade.",
- "Terminal & Logs": "Terminal and Logs",
+ "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "A CasaOS sikeresen frissült.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade failed": "A CasaOS frissítése sikertelen.",
+ "Terminal & Logs": "Terminál és naplók",
"Terminal": "Parancssor",
"Logs": "Naplók",
- "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Please check if the username and port are correct. Make sure the SSH server is installed.",
+ "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Ellenőrizd a felhasználónév és a port helyességét. Győződj meg arról, hogy az SSH-szerver telepítve van.",
"Widgets Settings": "Widget beállítások",
"Time": "Idő",
"System Status": "Rendszer állapota",
@@ -76,16 +76,16 @@
"Network Status": "Hálózat állapota",
"Search...": "Keresés...",
"Sync your data": "Adatok szinkronizálása",
- "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices",
+ "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "A Syncthing alkalmazás lehetővé teszi a több eszköz közötti fájl-szinkronizálást",
"Install": "Telepítés",
"Config": "Beállítások",
"Total": "Összesen",
"Failed to start, please try again.": "A Syncthing alkalmazás indítása sikertelen. Próbáld újra.",
- "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing isn't running. Do you want to start it?",
+ "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "A Syncthing alkalmazás nem fut. Elindítod?",
"Starting Syncthing...": "Syncthing indítása...",
"Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "Van egy jó ötleted? Oszd meg velünk Discordon!",
"Smarten up your home": "Okosítsd fel otthonod",
- "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.",
+ "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "Szeretnénk professzionális otthoni élményt biztosítani biztonságos, nagy sebességű és helyi tárolási lehetőségekkel.",
"In development": "Maradj velünk",
"Apps": "Alkalmazás",
"App": "Alkalmazás",
@@ -93,28 +93,28 @@
"Setting": "Beállítások",
"Uninstall": "Eltávolítás",
"Attention": "Figyelmeztetés",
- "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?",
- "Featured Apps": "Featured Apps",
- "Custom Install": "Custom Install",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Törlés után az adatok nem állíthatók helyre!
Folytatod az alkalmazás eltávolítását?",
+ "Featured Apps": "Kiemelt alkalmazások",
+ "Custom Install": "Egyéni telepítés",
"Continue in background": "Folytatás a háttérben",
- "Install a new App manually": "Manual App Install",
- "Docker Image": "Docker Image",
+ "Install a new App manually": "Kézi telepítés",
+ "Docker Image": "Docker képfájl",
"App name": "Alkalmazás neve",
"Icon URL": "Ikon URL",
"Network": "Hálózat",
- "Privileged": "Privileges",
- "Container Command": "Container Command",
- "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Container Capabilities (cap-add)",
- "Container Hostname": "Container Hostname",
+ "Privileged": "Jogosultságok",
+ "Container Command": "Tároló parancs",
+ "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Tároló képességek (cap-add)",
+ "Container Hostname": "Tároló hostneve",
"Hostname of app container": "Alkalmazás tárolójának hostneve",
"Ports": "Port",
"Volumes": "Kötetek",
- "Environment Variables": "Environment Variables",
+ "Environment Variables": "Környezeti változók",
"Devices": "Eszközök",
- "Memory Limit": "Memory Limit",
- "CPU Shares": "CPU Shares",
- "Restart Policy": "Restart Policy",
- "App Description": "App Description",
+ "Memory Limit": "Memória korlátozás",
+ "CPU Shares": "CPU erőforrás elosztás",
+ "Restart Policy": "Újraindítási eljárásmód",
+ "App Description": "Alkalmazás leírása",
"No ports now, click “+” to add one.": "Kattints a “+” gombra a hozzáadáshoz.",
"No volumes now, click “+” to add one.": "Kattints a “+” gombra a hozzáadáshoz.",
"No environment variables now, click “+” to add one.": "Kattints a “+” gombra a hozzáadáshoz.",
@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@
"Your custom App Name": "Egyéni alkalmazás név",
"Your custom icon URL": "Egyéni ikon URL",
"Installing": "Telepítés",
- "Export ComposeFile": "Export ComposeFile",
+ "Export ComposeFile": "ComposeFájl exportálása",
"AppFile": "Alkalmazásfájl",
- "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload",
- "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Húzd ide a Docker Compose fájlt, vagy kattints a feltöltésre",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Húzd ide a Docker Compose fájlt, vagy kattints a feltöltésre",
"Host": "Hoszt",
"Container": "Tároló",
"Key": "Kulcs",
@@ -139,32 +139,30 @@
"Please fill correct command line": "Hiba történt a parancssor elemzése során.",
"Please import a valid App file": "Hiba történt az Alkalmazásfájl elemzése során.",
"AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.": "A beillesztés során azonosított konfiguráción kívül a következő információkra is szükségünk van:",
- "Some configuration information such as:": " ",
"the port and path of the Web UI": "WebUI portja és elérési útja",
"the mount location of the volume or file": "A csatolandó könyvtár vagy fájl helye",
"the port mapping of the Host": "Port leképezése a konténer számára",
"optional configuration items": "Egyéb választható konfiguráció",
"These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.": "Az OK gomb megnyomása után, a következő lépésben a konfiguráció megerősítése szükséges.",
- "Feel free to suggest improvements to this feature in Discord Server!": "",
"App Store": "Áruház",
"Community Apps": "Közösség által készített alkalmazások",
"From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "Nagyszerű közösségünk közreműködésével.",
"Sort by": "Rendezés",
- "Click icon to import.": "Click icon to import.",
- "Drag icons to sort.": "Drag icons to sort.",
+ "Click icon to import.": "Kattints az ikonra az importáláshoz.",
+ "Drag icons to sort.": "Húzd az ikonokat a rendezéshez.",
"Import to CasaOS": "Importálás",
- "Existing Docker Apps": "Existing Docker apps",
- "[Optional]": "Optional",
+ "Existing Docker Apps": "Megtalálható Docker alkalmazások",
+ "[Optional]": "Választható",
"Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "Amennyiben több konténer van megadva a Docker compose fájlban, egyelőre csak az első lesz importálva.",
- "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "There was an error loading the data. Please try again.",
- "Port": "Ports",
- "Create Storage": "Create Storage",
- "Storage Manager": "Storage Manager",
+ "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "Hiba történt az adatok betöltése közben. Kérlek, próbáld újra később.",
+ "Port": "Portok",
+ "Create Storage": "Tároló létrehozása",
+ "Storage Manager": "Tárhelykezelő",
"Storage": "Tárhely",
"Drive": "Meghajtó",
"Single Drive Storage": "Single storage drive",
@@ -192,8 +190,8 @@
"Visit our Github": "Megtekintés GitHub-on",
"Title": "Cím",
"System infomation": "Rendszerinformáció",
- "Share CasaOS": "Share CasaOS",
- "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Please invite more friends who care about data privacy to join and use CasaOS.",
+ "Share CasaOS": "CasaOS megosztása",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Hívj meg több olyan barátot, akik számára kiemelt fontosságú az adatvédelem, hogy csatlakozzanak és használják a CasaOS-t.",
"Files": "Fájlok",
"Upload or Create": "Feltöltés vagy létrehozás",
"Upload Files": "Fájlok feltöltése",
@@ -301,9 +299,9 @@
"APP Restart": "Az alkalmazás újraindítása szükséges",
"Restart": "Újraindítás",
"Continue": "Folytatás",
- "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD.",
- "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost!",
- "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HD works best when the selected storage sources are all formatted.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "A rendszerfájlok módosítása a CasaOS meghajtójának meghibásodását eredményezheti.",
+ "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Készíts biztonsági másolatot a tárolt adatokról, az adatvesztés elkerülése érdekében!",
+ "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "A CasaOS legjobb működéséhez formázott meghajtók szükségesek.",
" is running, restart ": " jelenleg fut, indítsd újra a(z) ",
" to continue.": " alkalmazást a folytatáshoz.",
"APPs is running": "Egy vagy több alkalmazás fut",
@@ -311,7 +309,7 @@
"Add a shortcut": "Parancsikon hozzáadása",
"Error when creating installation path for apps": "Hiba történt az alkalmazások telepítési útvonalának létrehozásakor",
"Accept": "Elfogad",
- "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "We appreciate any feedback you may have!",
+ "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "Nagyra értékelünk minden visszajelzést!",
"Show other Docker container app(s)": "További Docker alkalmazások megjelenítése",
"Show news feed from CasaOS Blog": "CasaOS Blog hírfolyam megjelenítése",
"CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "A CasaOS irányítópultja a https://blog.casaos.io legfrissebb híreit tölti le az interneten keresztül. A látogatási adatokat a webhely összegyűjtheti. Elfogadod ezt?",
@@ -331,7 +329,7 @@
"Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?
{divS}Delete userdata ( config folder ){divE}": "Törlés után az adatokat nem lehet helyreállítani!
Folytatod az alkalmazás eltávolítását?
{divS}Felhasználói adatok törlése ( config folder ){divE}",
"Beta": "Béta",
"Clone": "Megkettőzés",
- "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "Minden ellenőrzött tároló a CasaOS meghajtó részét fogja képezni.",
"* This feature is now testing and verifying, enabling it may clear personal data and destroy the installed APPs, so it is recommended to use it only during the startup.": "* Ez a funkció jelenleg tesztelés és ellenőrzés alatt áll, engedélyezése törölheti a személyes adatokat és megsemmisítheti a telepített alkalmazásokat, ezért csak indításkor ajánlott használni.",
"Preparing for launch": "Felkészülés az indulásra",
"to open the app. If it does not work, please restart or try again later.": "az alkalmazás megnyitásához. Amennyiben nem működik, indítsd újra vagy próbáld újra később.",
@@ -355,7 +353,7 @@
"CheckThenUpdate": "Ellenőrzés, majd frissítés",
"Not compatible with {arch} devices.": "Nem kompatibilis a(z) {arch} eszközökkel.",
"Connect Dropbox": "Dropbox csatlakoztatása",
- "Connect Google Drive": "Google Drive csatlakoztatása",
+ "Connect GoogleDrive": "Google Drive csatlakoztatása",
"FilesDrop": "FilesDrop",
"You are using the device": "Az eszköz használatban van",
"Click to send the file to the device.": "Kattints a fájl másik eszközre történő elküldéséhez.",
@@ -367,43 +365,44 @@
"Sending files": "Fájlok küldése",
"Cancel sending": "Küldés megszakítása",
"Ignore": "Figyelmen kívül hagyás",
- "File transfer completed.": "File transfer completed!",
+ "File transfer completed.": "Fájlátvitel befejeződött!",
"Save {name} {size} from {device}.": "{name} {size} mentése innen: {device}",
"Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...": "A kapcsolat megszakadt. Újrapróbálkozás 5 másodperc múlva...",
- "cli to compose...": "cli to compose...",
- "View tutorial": "View tutorial",
- "Add Source": "Add Source",
- "More": "More",
- "Search an app...": "Search an app...",
- "Tips": "Tips",
- "Export as Compose": "Export as Compose",
- "Something to remember eg. password": "Something to remember eg. password",
- "Other ways to merge storages": "Other ways to merge storages",
- "Free up storage": "Free up storage",
- "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "In the process of asynchronous updating.",
- "Welcome to {name}": "Welcome to {name}",
- "Other ways to use": "Other ways to use",
- "Zima Client": "Zima Client",
- "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.",
- "Install the software.": "Install the software.",
- "Using the Network ID :": "Using the Network ID :",
- "Connect Zima in the software.": "Connect Zima in the software.",
- "Zima customization system": "Zima customization system",
- "About CasaOS System": "About CasaOS System",
- "Storage Merge": "Storage Merge",
- "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Merge multiple disks into one.",
- "Manage all data in one page.": "Manage all data in one page.",
- "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Over 40 applications installed with one click.",
- "Please read before continuing ": "Please read before continuing ",
- "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.",
- "Share {CasaOS}": "Share {CasaOS}",
- "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Please invite more friends who care about data privacy to join and use {OS}.",
- "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD.",
- "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.",
- "Rebuilding": "Rebuilding",
- "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} rebulid completed",
- "Rebulid error": "Rebulid error",
- "Installing {title}": "Installing {title}",
- "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).",
- "To be rebuilt.": "To be rebuilt."
+ "cli to compose...": "cli átalakítása erre: compose...",
+ "View tutorial": "Bemutató megtekintése",
+ "Add Source": "Forrás hozzáadása",
+ "More": "Továbbiak",
+ "Search an app...": "Alkalmazás keresése...",
+ "Tips": "Tippek",
+ "Export as Compose": "Exportálás compose fájlként",
+ "Something to remember eg. password": "Valami megjegyzendő pl. jelszó",
+ "Other ways to merge storages": "A tárolók egyesítésének egyéb módjai",
+ "Free up storage": "Tárhely felszabadítása",
+ "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "Aszinkron frissítés alatt.",
+ "Welcome to {name}": "Üdv, {name}",
+ "Other ways to use": "Egyéb felhasználási módok",
+ "Zima Client": "Zima kliens",
+ "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "Ha távolról szeretnél hozzáférni vagy adatokat szinkronizálni az eszközökkel.",
+ "Install the software.": "Alkalmazás telepítése.",
+ "Using the Network ID :": "Hálózati azonosító használata :",
+ "Connect Zima in the software.": "Zima csatlakoztatása az alkalmazásban.",
+ "Zima customization system": "Zima testreszabási rendszer",
+ "About CasaOS System": "CasaOS névjegye",
+ "Storage Merge": "Meghajtók egyesítése",
+ "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Több lemez egyesítése.",
+ "Manage all data in one page.": "Minden adat kezelése egy oldalon.",
+ "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Több mint 40 alkalmazás telepítése egyetlen kattintással.",
+ "Please read before continuing ": "Kérlek, olvasd el a folytatás előtt ",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "CasaOS blog megjelenítése.",
+ "Share {CasaOS}": "{CasaOS} megosztása",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Hívj meg több olyan barátot, akik számára kiemelt fontosságú az adatvédelem, hogy csatlakozzanak és használják a {OS}-t.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "A rendszerfájlok módosítása a {CasaOS} meghajtójának meghibásodását eredményezheti.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "Minden ellenőrzött tároló a {CasaOS} meghajtó részét fogja képezni.",
+ "Rebuilding": "Újraépítés",
+ "Rebuild": "Újraépítés",
+ "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} újraépítése sikeres",
+ "Rebulid error": "Újraépítési hiba",
+ "Installing {title}": "{title} telepítése",
+ "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Legacy alkalmazás (újraépítendő).",
+ "To be rebuilt.": "Újraépítendő."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/src/assets/lang/it_IT.json b/main/src/assets/lang/it_IT.json
index 3d6d4727..8c1d2e7b 100644
--- a/main/src/assets/lang/it_IT.json
+++ b/main/src/assets/lang/it_IT.json
@@ -20,22 +20,22 @@
"Change": "Cambia",
"Start": "Avvia",
"Connect": "Connetti",
- "This field is required": "This field is required.",
- "This field must be a valid email": "Please enter a valid email address.",
- "This field confirmation does not match": "La conferma di questo campo non corrisponde",
- "This field must have 2 options": "Questo campo deve avere 2 opzioni",
- "This field must have more than 5 characters": "This field must have 5 or more characters.",
- "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "You entered an invalid time. Please use the RFC1123 format.",
- "Welcome to CasaOS": "Welcome to CasaOS",
+ "This field is required": "Questo campo è obbligatorio.",
+ "This field must be a valid email": "Inserisci un indirizzo email valido.",
+ "This field confirmation does not match": "Il campo di conferma non corrisponde",
+ "This field must have 2 options": "Questo campo deve avere due opzioni",
+ "This field must have more than 5 characters": "Questo campo deve contenere cinque o più caratteri.",
+ "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "Hai inserito un orario non valido. Si prega di utilizzare il formato RFC1123.",
+ "Welcome to CasaOS": "Benvenuto in CasaOS",
"Let's create your initial account": "Creiamo il tuo primo account",
- "Go →": "Go →",
+ "Go →": "Vai →",
"Create Account": "Crea account",
- "Username": "Nome Utente",
+ "Username": "Nome utente",
"Confirm Password": "Conferma la password",
- "Username or Password error!": "Username or password is invalid!",
- "All things done!": "We're good to go!",
+ "Username or Password error!": "Nome utente o password errati!",
+ "All things done!": "Siamo pronti per iniziare!",
"Login": "Accedi",
- "Password error!": "Invalid password!",
+ "Password error!": "Password errata!",
"Account": "Account",
"Logout": "Esci",
"Name": "Nome",
@@ -44,90 +44,90 @@
"Change Password": "Cambia password",
"Original password": "Password originale",
"New password": "Nuova password",
- "Confirm the new password again": "Confirm new password",
+ "Confirm the new password again": "Conferma la nuova password",
"Settings": "Impostazioni",
- "Dashboard Setting": "Dashboard Settings",
- "Search Engine": "Search Engine",
- "WebUI Port": "WebUI Port",
- "Currently at the latest version": "Currently, at the latest version",
+ "Dashboard Setting": "Impostazioni Dashboard",
+ "Search Engine": "Motore di ricerca",
+ "WebUI Port": "Porta WebUI",
+ "Currently at the latest version": "Al momento hai la versione più recente",
"A new version is available!": "È disponibile una nuova versione!",
"Edit Web UI port": "Modifica porta WebUI",
"Automount USB Drive": "Monta in automatico unità USB",
"Wallpaper": "Sfondo",
"Change wallpaper": "Cambia sfondo",
"Show Search Bar": "Visualizza la barra di ricerca",
- "Show Recommended Apps": "Show recommended apps",
- "Upgrade Now": "Aggiorna ora",
+ "Show Recommended Apps": "Mostra le app consigliate",
+ "Upgrade Now": "Aggiorna adesso",
"Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB": "Attivare questa funzione può causare errori di avvio quando il Raspberry Pi è avviato da USB",
"There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!": "Sembra esserci un problema con il processo di aggiornamento. Si prega di riprovare.",
- "Update completed": "Upgrade complete!",
+ "Update completed": "Aggiornamento completato!",
"Let more friends know": "Fallo sapere agli amici",
"Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Condividi CasaOS con amici che hanno a cuore la privacy dei dati.",
- "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS successfully upgraded.",
- "CasaOS upgrade failed": "CasaOS failed to upgrade.",
- "Terminal & Logs": "Terminal and Logs",
+ "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS aggiornato con successo.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade failed": "Aggiornamento di CasaOS non riuscito.",
+ "Terminal & Logs": "Terminale e log",
"Terminal": "Terminale",
"Logs": "Log",
- "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Please check if the username and port are correct. Make sure the SSH server is installed.",
+ "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Controlla che nome utente e porta siano corretti, e assicurati che il server SSH sia installato.",
"Widgets Settings": "Impostazioni widget",
- "Time": "Ora",
+ "Time": "Orario",
"System Status": "Stato del sistema",
- "Storage Status": "Stato della memoria",
+ "Storage Status": "Stato dell'archiviazione",
"Network Status": "Stato della rete",
"Search...": "Cerca...",
"Sync your data": "Sincronizza i tuoi dati",
- "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices",
+ "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Usa Syncthing per sincronizzare i tuoi file tra diversi dispositivi",
"Install": "Installa",
"Config": "Configurazione",
"Total": "Totale",
"Failed to start, please try again.": "Avvio di Syncthing fallito. Per favore riprova.",
- "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing isn't running. Do you want to start it?",
+ "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing non è in esecuzione. Vuoi avviarlo?",
"Starting Syncthing...": "Avvio di Syncthing...",
- "Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "Hai un'idea? Girala su Discord!",
- "Smarten up your home": "Rendi più Smart la tua casa",
- "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.",
- "In development": "Rimani sintonizzato",
+ "Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "Hai un'idea? Diccela su Discord!",
+ "Smarten up your home": "Rendi più intelligente la tua casa",
+ "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "Vogliamo offrirti un'esperienza di casa intelligente con privacy, alta velocità e spazio di archiviazione localizzato.",
+ "In development": "Rimani aggiornato",
"Apps": "Applicazioni",
"App": "Applicazione",
"Open": "Apri",
"Setting": "Impostazioni",
"Uninstall": "Disinstalla",
"Attention": "Attenzione",
- "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?",
- "Featured Apps": "Featured Apps",
- "Custom Install": "Custom Install",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "I dati non possono essere recuperati dopo la cancellazione!
Continuare a disinstallare questa applicazione?",
+ "Featured Apps": "Applicazioni in evidenza",
+ "Custom Install": "Installazione personalizzata",
"Continue in background": "Continua in background",
- "Install a new App manually": "Manual App Install",
- "Docker Image": "Docker Image",
- "App name": "Nome App",
- "Icon URL": "Icona URL",
+ "Install a new App manually": "Installa un'applicazione manualmente",
+ "Docker Image": "Immagine Docker",
+ "App name": "Nome applicazione",
+ "Icon URL": "URL dell'icona",
"Network": "Rete",
- "Privileged": "Privileges",
- "Container Command": "Container Command",
- "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Container Capabilities (cap-add)",
- "Container Hostname": "Container Hostname",
+ "Privileged": "Privilegi",
+ "Container Command": "Comando container",
+ "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Funzionalità container (cap-add)",
+ "Container Hostname": "Hostname Container",
"Hostname of app container": "Hostname dell'app container",
- "Ports": "Port",
+ "Ports": "Porta",
"Volumes": "Volume",
- "Environment Variables": "Environment Variables",
+ "Environment Variables": "Variabili d'ambiente",
"Devices": "Dispositivi",
- "Memory Limit": "Memory Limit",
- "CPU Shares": "CPU Shares",
- "Restart Policy": "Restart Policy",
- "App Description": "App Description",
+ "Memory Limit": "Limite di memoria",
+ "CPU Shares": "Quote della CPU",
+ "Restart Policy": "Policy di riavvio",
+ "App Description": "Descrizione applicazione",
"No ports now, click “+” to add one.": "Clicca “+” per aggiungerne una.",
"No volumes now, click “+” to add one.": "Clicca “+” per aggiungerne uno.",
"No environment variables now, click “+” to add one.": "Clicca “+” per aggiungerne una.",
"No devices now, click “+” to add one.": "Clicca “+” per aggiungerne uno.",
"No commands now, click “+” to add one.": "Clicca “+” per aggiungerne uno.",
- "e.g.,hello-world:latest": "es. hello-world:latest",
- "Your custom App Name": "Il nome della tua app personalizzata",
- "Your custom icon URL": "La tua icona personalizzata URL",
+ "e.g.,hello-world:latest": "es.: hello-world:latest",
+ "Your custom App Name": "Il nome della tua applicazione personalizzata",
+ "Your custom icon URL": "URL della tua icona personalizzata",
"Installing": "Installazione",
- "Export ComposeFile": "Export ComposeFile",
- "AppFile": "FileApp",
- "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload",
- "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload",
+ "Export ComposeFile": "Esporta ComposeFile",
+ "AppFile": "AppFile",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Trascina qui il file Docker Compose o fai clic per caricarlo",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Trascina qui il file Docker Compose o fai clic per caricarlo",
"Host": "Host",
"Container": "Contenitore",
"Key": "Chiave",
@@ -137,34 +137,32 @@
"Your browser does not support file reading.": "Il tuo browser non supporta il caricamento dei file.",
"has been selected": "è stato selezionato",
"Please fill correct command line": "Qualcosa è andato storto durante l'analisi della riga di comando.",
- "Please import a valid App file": "Qualcosa è andato storto durante l'analisi del file dell'app.",
+ "Please import a valid App file": "Qualcosa è andato storto durante l'analisi dell'AppFile.",
"AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.": "Oltre alla configurazione riconosciuta dall'importazione, abbiamo bisogno anche delle seguenti informazioni:",
- "Some configuration information such as:": " ",
- "the port and path of the Web UI": "Porta e percorso dell'app WebUI",
- "the mount location of the volume or file": "Posizione della directory o del file da montare",
+ "the port and path of the Web UI": "Porta e percorso della WebUI",
+ "the mount location of the volume or file": "Posizione della cartella o del file da montare",
"the port mapping of the Host": "Mappatura porta dall'host al contenitore",
"optional configuration items": "Altre configurazioni facoltative",
"These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.": "Si prega di confermare la configurazione nel passaggio successivo dopo aver fatto clic su OK.",
- "Feel free to suggest improvements to this feature in Discord Server!": "",
"App Store": "App Store",
"Community Apps": "App della community",
- "From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "Contribuito dalla nostra fantastica community.",
+ "From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "Con il contributo della nostra fantastica community.",
"Sort by": "Ordina per",
- "Click icon to import.": "Click icon to import.",
- "Drag icons to sort.": "Drag icons to sort.",
+ "Click icon to import.": "Clicca sull'icona per importare.",
+ "Drag icons to sort.": "Trascina le icone per ordinare.",
"Import to CasaOS": "Importa in CasaOS",
- "Existing Docker Apps": "Existing Docker apps",
- "[Optional]": "Optional",
- "Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "Quando c'è più di 1 contenitore specificato nel file di composizione di Docker, per ora solo il primo verrà importato.",
- "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "There was an error loading the data. Please try again.",
- "Port": "Ports",
- "Create Storage": "Create Storage",
- "Storage Manager": "Storage Manager",
+ "Existing Docker Apps": "Applicazioni Docker esistenti",
+ "[Optional]": "Facoltativo",
+ "Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "Se c'è più di 1 contenitore specificato nel Docker Compose, per ora solo il primo verrà importato.",
+ "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "C'è stato un errore caricando i dati, riprova.",
+ "Port": "Porte",
+ "Create Storage": "Crea spazio di archiviazione",
+ "Storage Manager": "Gestore archiviazione",
"Storage": "Archiviazione",
"Drive": "Disco",
"Single Drive Storage": "Unità di archiviazione singola",
@@ -177,13 +175,13 @@
"Temp": "Temperatura",
"Creation in progress": "Creazione in corso",
"Apply": "Applica",
- "Storage Name": "Nome della memoria",
- "Choose Drive": "Scegli unità",
+ "Storage Name": "Nome archiviazione",
+ "Choose Drive": "Scegli disco",
"Enter the password to continue:": "Inserire la password per confermare:",
"Used": "Usato",
- "CasaOS reserves 1% of file space when creating storage in EXT4 format.": "CasaOS riserva l' 1% di spazio di archiviazione quando viene creata una partizione in formato EXT4.",
+ "CasaOS reserves 1% of file space when creating storage in EXT4 format.": "CasaOS riserva l'1% di spazio di archiviazione quando viene creata una partizione in formato EXT4.",
"The selected drive will be emptied.": "Il disco selezionato sarà svuotato.",
- "Please make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that needs to be backed up.": "Assicurati che non ci siano dati importanti sul disco.",
+ "Please make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that needs to be backed up.": "Assicurati nuovamente che sul disco non ci siano dati importanti che necessitano di essere salvati altrove.",
"The drive you select can be used directly as storage.": "Il disco selezionato può essere usato direttamente come archiviazione.",
"You can also choose to create it after formatting. If formatted, the selected drive will be emptied.": "Puoi anche scegliere di crearlo dopo la formattazione. Se lo formatti, il disco selezionato sarà svuotato.",
"Format and Create": "Formatta e crea",
@@ -192,8 +190,8 @@
"Visit our Github": "Trovaci su Github",
"Title": "Titolo",
"System infomation": "Informazioni di sistema",
- "Share CasaOS": "Share CasaOS",
- "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Please invite more friends who care about data privacy to join and use CasaOS.",
+ "Share CasaOS": "Condividi CasaOS",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Condividi CasaOS con amici che hanno a cuore la privacy dei dati.",
"Files": "File",
"Upload or Create": "Carica o crea",
"Upload Files": "Carica file",
@@ -221,9 +219,9 @@
"Code Editor": "Editor di codice",
"Saved": "Salvato",
"Want to save?": "Desideri salvare?",
- "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them.": "Le tue modifiche saranno perse se non salvi.",
+ "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them.": "Le tue modifiche andranno perdute se non salvi.",
"Don't Save": "Non salvare",
- "Drop your files here to upload": "Lascia i file qui per caricarli",
+ "Drop your files here to upload": "Trascina i file qui per caricarli",
"or": "oppure",
"File name": "Nome",
"Date Modified": "Data modifica",
@@ -232,22 +230,22 @@
"Play in PotPlayer": "Apri in PotPlayer",
"Play in VLC": "Apri in VLC",
"Download in preparation...": "Preparazione al download…",
- "Copied to clipboard": "Copiato in clipboard",
+ "Copied to clipboard": "Copiato negli appunti",
"Previous": "Precedente",
- "Zoom in": "Aumenta zoom",
+ "Zoom in": "Ingrandisci",
"Rotate": "Ruota",
"Reset": "Resetta",
- "Zoom out": "Zoom fuori",
+ "Zoom out": "Rimpicciolisci",
"INext": "Avanti",
"Move": "Sposta",
"Current Tasks": "Attività correnti",
- "Deleting files": "Eliminando file...",
- "Are you sure you want to delete these files? This action cannot be undone.": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questi file? questa azione non può essere ripristinata.",
+ "Deleting files": "Cancellazione dei file in corso...",
+ "Are you sure you want to delete these files? This action cannot be undone.": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questi file? Quest'azione non può essere ripristinata.",
"select-items": "{num} elementi selezionati",
- "total-items": "Totale {num} elementi",
+ "total-items": "{num} elementi totali",
"cancel-all": "Cancella tutto",
"Paste - Overwrite": "Incolla - Sovrascrivi",
- "Paste - Skip": "Incolla - Collegamento",
+ "Paste - Skip": "Incolla - Ignora",
"Set as wallpaper": "Imposta come sfondo",
"Set wallpaper successfully.": "Sfondo impostato con successo.",
"Save failed, please try again!": "Impostazione sfondo fallita. Per favore riprova.",
@@ -265,7 +263,7 @@
"Go to": "Vai a",
"Get Share Link": "Ottieni percorso di rete",
"Select Shared Folder": "Seleziona cartella condivisa",
- "Folder has been shared": "La cartella è ora condivisa",
+ "Folder has been shared": "La cartella è stata condivisa",
"Enter the following link to access the shared folder ( Samba ) .": "Usa il seguente percorso di rete per accedere alla cartella condivisa.",
"PC ( Windows explorer )": "PC (Esplora risorse di Windows)",
"Mac ( Finder )": "Mac (Finder)",
@@ -273,137 +271,138 @@
"Follow the guide to start sharing your files on the local network.": "Segui la guida per iniziare a condividere i tuoi file sulla rete locale.",
"Eject Success": "Espulso con successo",
"Eject Failed": "Espulsione fallita",
- "Server Address": "Indirizzo del server",
- "eg : smb://": "Per es. smb://",
- "Support Samba Address eg : smb://": "Supporta indirizzi Samba ad es. smb://",
- "Connect As Guest": "Connettiti come ospite",
- "Username or password cannot be empty.": "Nome utente o password non possono essere vuoti.",
+ "Server Address": "Indirizzo IP del server",
+ "eg : smb://": "Es.: smb://",
+ "Support Samba Address eg : smb://": "Supporta indirizzi Samba, es.: smb://",
+ "Connect As Guest": "Accedi come ospite",
+ "Username or password cannot be empty.": "Nome utente e password non possono essere vuoti.",
"Please enter a correct Samba address!": "Inserisci un indirizzo Samba corretto.",
"Create Folder": "Crea cartella",
"Create File": "Crea file",
- "Add External Link/APP": "Aggiungi link esterno",
+ "Add External Link/APP": "Aggiungi collegamento esterno",
"Local URL,Public URL": "Un URL locale o un URL pubblico qui",
- "Eg: // or https://www.google.com": "Per es. // o https://www.google.com",
+ "Eg: // or https://www.google.com": "Per es.: // o https://www.google.com",
"App Name": "Titolo",
"Customize your APP name": "Titolo del collegamento esterno",
"Local URL": "URL locale",
- "Custom Install APP": "Installa un'app personalizzata",
+ "Custom Install APP": "Installa un'applicazione personalizzata",
"Add external link/APP": "Aggiungi collegamento esterno",
"Address": "URL collegamento",
- "Please choose a location with enough storage space and stable connection.": "Scegliere una posizione con abbastanza spazio di archiviazione di un unità non rimovibile.",
+ "Please choose a location with enough storage space and stable connection.": "Scegli un percorso che abbia abbastanza spazio di archiviazione e che sia di un unità disco non rimovibile.",
"undefined": "indefinito",
- "Apps Installation Location": "Percorso installazione app",
+ "Apps Installation Location": "Percorso installazione applicazione",
"(Cannot be changed)": "(Non può essere modificato)",
- "Merge Storages": "Unisci memoria",
+ "Merge Storages": "Unisci spazio d'archiviazione",
"MainStorage Settings": "Impostazioni MainStorage",
"Data Protected": "Dati protetti",
- "APPs Restart": "È necessario riavviare le app",
- "APP Restart": "È necessario riavviare l'app",
+ "APPs Restart": "È necessario riavviare le applicazioni",
+ "APP Restart": "È necessario riavviare l'applicazione",
"Restart": "Riavvia",
"Continue": "Continua",
- "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD.",
- "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost!",
- "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HD works best when the selected storage sources are all formatted.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Cambiare i file interni può rompere la struttura del CasaOS HD.",
+ "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Si prega di eseguire il backup dei dati in archiviazione, altrimenti potrebbero andare persi!",
+ "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HD funziona al meglio quando gli archivi selezionati sono tutti formattati.",
" is running, restart ": " è in esecuzione. Riavvia ",
" to continue.": " per continuare.",
- "APPs is running": "Una o più app sono in esecuzione",
- "restart APPs to continue.": "riavvia le app per continuare.",
+ "APPs is running": "Una o più applicazioni sono in esecuzione",
+ "restart APPs to continue.": "riavvia le applicazioni per continuare.",
"Add a shortcut": "Aggiungi un collegamento",
- "Error when creating installation path for apps": "Errore durante la creazione del percorso di installazione per le app",
+ "Error when creating installation path for apps": "Errore durante la creazione del percorso d'installazione per le applicazioni",
"Accept": "Accetta",
- "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "We appreciate any feedback you may have!",
- "Show other Docker container app(s)": "Mostra altri contenitori",
+ "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "Apprezziamo ogni feedback che potresti avere!",
+ "Show other Docker container app(s)": "Mostra gli altri Container",
"Show news feed from CasaOS Blog": "Mostra notizie dal blog di CasaOS",
- "CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "CasaOS dashboard otterrà le ultime notizie da https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, ciò potrebbe lasciare tracce della visita al sito. Accetti?",
- "Feedback / Issue Report": "Feedback / Segnalazione Problemi",
- "Start with [Issue], [App Request], or [Feature Request]...": "Inizia con [Issue], [Richiesta app], o [Richiesta funzionalità]...",
+ "CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "La dashboard di CasaOS otterrà le ultime notizie da https://blog.casaos.io, ciò potrebbe lasciare tracce della visita al sito. Accetti?",
+ "Feedback / Issue Report": "Feedback / Segnalazione problemi",
+ "Start with [Issue], [App Request], or [Feature Request]...": "Inizia con [Issue] (problema), [App Request] (richiesta nuova applicazione), o [Feature Request] (richiesta nuova funzionalità)...",
"Description": "Descrizione",
- "The more details provided, the easier this feedback or issue gets addressed.": "Più saranno i dettagli forniti, più facile sarà per noi affrontare questo feedback o problema.",
+ "The more details provided, the easier this feedback or issue gets addressed.": "Più dettagli saranno forniti, più facile sarà per noi gestire questo feedback o problema.",
"For more feedback options, visit CasaOS project on GitHub...": "Per ulteriori opzioni di feedback, visita il progetto CasaOS su GitHub...",
"{num} items": "{num} elementi",
"Submit a feedback or report an issue": "Invia un feedback o segnala un problema",
"Shutdown": "Arresta",
"Connecting": "Connessione in corso",
- "Open in Files": "Apri su File",
+ "Open in Files": "Apri su Files",
"Learn more": "Scopri di più",
- "Set Mainstorage": "Unisci memoria",
- "Found a new drive": "Trovata una nuova unità",
- "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?
{divS}Delete userdata ( config folder ){divE}": "I dati non possono essere recuperati dopo la cancellazione!
Continuare la disinstallazione di questa app?
{divS}Eliminare i dati utente ( cartella di configurazione ){divE}",
+ "Set Mainstorage": "Unisci spazio d'archiviazione",
+ "Found a new drive": "Nuova unità disco trovata",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?
{divS}Delete userdata ( config folder ){divE}": "I dati non possono essere recuperati dopo la cancellazione!
Continuare la disinstallazione di questa applicazione?
{divS}Eliminare i dati utente (cartella di configurazione){divE}",
"Beta": "Beta",
"Clone": "Clona",
- "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.",
- "* This feature is now testing and verifying, enabling it may clear personal data and destroy the installed APPs, so it is recommended to use it only during the startup.": "* Questa funzione è attualmente in fase di test e verifica, la sua abilitazione può cancellare i dati personali e distruggere le applicazioni installate, quindi si raccomanda di usarla solo durante l'avvio.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "Tutto lo spazio di archiviazione selezionato verrà unito in un CasaOS HD.",
+ "* This feature is now testing and verifying, enabling it may clear personal data and destroy the installed APPs, so it is recommended to use it only during the startup.": "* Questa funzione è attualmente in fase di test e verifica, la sua attivazione può cancellare i dati personali e distruggere le applicazioni installate, quindi si raccomanda di usarla solo durante l'avvio.",
"Preparing for launch": "Preparazione all'avvio",
"to open the app. If it does not work, please restart or try again later.": "per aprire l'app. Se non funziona, riavviare o riprovare più tardi.",
"This operation may clear all personal data and destroy the installed APPs.": "Questa operazione potrebbe cancellare tutti i dati personali e distruggere le applicazioni installate.",
"Warning": "Attenzione",
"Click here": "Clicca qui",
- "Installing app": "Installazione app",
+ "Installing app": "Installazione applicazione in corso",
"Installation completed": "Installazione completata",
"Starting installation": "Avvio installazione",
"New": "Nuovo",
- "Check then update": "Aggiornamenti",
- "At least one extra hard drive is needed for this feature.": "Per questa funzione è richiesto un ulteriore disco rigido.",
- "APP may not be available": "L'App potrebbe essere non disponibile",
+ "Check then update": "Controlla e aggiorna",
+ "At least one extra hard drive is needed for this feature.": "Per questa funzione è richiesto un ulteriore unità disco.",
+ "APP may not be available": "L'applicazione potrebbe essere non disponibile",
"Please": "Per favore",
- "{appName} is the latest version!": "{appName} è la versione più recente!",
- "{name} has been updated to the latest version!": "{name} è stato aggiornato all'ultima versione!",
+ "{appName} is the latest version!": "{appName} è alla versione più recente!",
+ "{name} has been updated to the latest version!": "{name} è stata aggiornata all'ultima versione!",
"Unable to update at the moment!": "Impossibile aggiornare in questo momento!",
- "Updating": "In aggiornamento",
- "Uninstalling": "Disinstallazione",
- "CheckThenUpdate": "Aggiornamenti",
+ "Updating": "Aggiornamento in corso",
+ "Uninstalling": "Disinstallazione in corso",
+ "CheckThenUpdate": "Controlla e aggiorna",
"Not compatible with {arch} devices.": "Non compatibile con i dispositivi {arch}.",
"Connect Dropbox": "Collega Dropbox",
- "Connect Google Drive": "Collega Google Drive",
- "FilesDrop": "Rilascia",
+ "Connect GoogleDrive": "Collega Google Drive",
+ "FilesDrop": "FilesDrop",
"You are using the device": "Stai usando il dispositivo",
"Click to send the file to the device.": "Clicca per inviare il file al dispositivo.",
- "{num} files being sent": "Invio {num} file",
- "Receiving {num} files": "Ricevo {num} file",
+ "{num} files being sent": "Invio di {num} file in corso",
+ "Receiving {num} files": "Ricezione di {num} file in corso",
"Local Area Network Access": "Accesso alla rete locale",
"Access the following address with another device": "Accedi al seguente indirizzo con un altro dispositivo",
"Drop files to another device anytime, anywhere": "Rilascia file su un altro dispositivo in qualsiasi momento, ovunque",
"Sending files": "Invio file",
"Cancel sending": "Annulla invio",
"Ignore": "Ignora",
- "File transfer completed.": "File transfer completed!",
+ "File transfer completed.": "Trasferimento file completato!",
"Save {name} {size} from {device}.": "Salva {name} {size} da {device}.",
"Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...": "Connessione persa. Riprova tra 5 secondi...",
- "cli to compose...": "cli to compose...",
- "View tutorial": "View tutorial",
- "Add Source": "Add Source",
- "More": "More",
- "Search an app...": "Search an app...",
- "Tips": "Tips",
- "Export as Compose": "Export as Compose",
- "Something to remember eg. password": "Something to remember eg. password",
- "Other ways to merge storages": "Other ways to merge storages",
- "Free up storage": "Free up storage",
- "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "In the process of asynchronous updating.",
- "Welcome to {name}": "Welcome to {name}",
- "Other ways to use": "Other ways to use",
- "Zima Client": "Zima Client",
- "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.",
- "Install the software.": "Install the software.",
- "Using the Network ID :": "Using the Network ID :",
- "Connect Zima in the software.": "Connect Zima in the software.",
- "Zima customization system": "Zima customization system",
- "About CasaOS System": "About CasaOS System",
- "Storage Merge": "Storage Merge",
- "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Merge multiple disks into one.",
- "Manage all data in one page.": "Manage all data in one page.",
- "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Over 40 applications installed with one click.",
- "Please read before continuing ": "Please read before continuing ",
- "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.",
- "Share {CasaOS}": "Share {CasaOS}",
- "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Please invite more friends who care about data privacy to join and use {OS}.",
- "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD.",
- "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.",
- "Rebuilding": "Rebuilding",
- "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} rebulid completed",
- "Rebulid error": "Rebulid error",
- "Installing {title}": "Installing {title}",
- "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).",
- "To be rebuilt.": "To be rebuilt."
+ "cli to compose...": "Converti riga di comando...",
+ "View tutorial": "Visualizza tutorial",
+ "Add Source": "Aggiungi sorgente",
+ "More": "Altro",
+ "Search an app...": "Cerca un'applicazione...",
+ "Tips": "Suggerimenti",
+ "Export as Compose": "Esporta come Compose",
+ "Something to remember eg. password": "Qualcosa da ricordare, es.: password",
+ "Other ways to merge storages": "Altri modi per unire gli spazi di archiviazione",
+ "Free up storage": "Libera spazio",
+ "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "In fase di aggiornamento asincrono.",
+ "Welcome to {name}": "Benvenuto/a in {name}",
+ "Other ways to use": "Altri modi d'uso",
+ "Zima Client": "Client Zima",
+ "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "Se vuoi accedere in remoto o sincronizzare i dati con i tuoi dispositivi.",
+ "Install the software.": "Installare il software.",
+ "Using the Network ID :": "Utilizzando l'ID di rete:",
+ "Connect Zima in the software.": "Collega Zima nel software.",
+ "Zima customization system": "Sistema di personalizzazione Zima",
+ "About CasaOS System": "Informazioni sul sistema CasaOS",
+ "Storage Merge": "Unione spazi d'archiviazione",
+ "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Unisci più dischi in uno.",
+ "Manage all data in one page.": "Gestisci tutti i dati in una sola pagina.",
+ "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Oltre 40 applicazioni installate con un clic.",
+ "Please read before continuing ": "Leggi prima di continuare ",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "Mostra notizie dal blog di CasaOS.",
+ "Share {CasaOS}": "Condividi {CasaOS}",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Condividi {OS} con amici che hanno a cuore la privacy dei dati.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Cambiare i file interni può rompere la struttura di {CasaOS} HD.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "Tutto lo spazio di archiviazione selezionato verrà unito in {CasaOS} HD.",
+ "Rebuilding": "Ricostruzione",
+ "Rebuild": "Ricostruisci",
+ "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} ricostruito correttamente",
+ "Rebulid error": "Errore durante la ricostruzione",
+ "Installing {title}": "Installazione di {title}",
+ "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Applicazione legacy (da ricostruire).",
+ "To be rebuilt.": "Da ricostruire."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/src/assets/lang/ja_JP.json b/main/src/assets/lang/ja_JP.json
index 417a12ae..d9f6842d 100644
--- a/main/src/assets/lang/ja_JP.json
+++ b/main/src/assets/lang/ja_JP.json
@@ -1,333 +1,408 @@
"OK": "OK",
- "Cancel": "Cancel",
- "Submit": "Submit",
- "Back": "Back",
- "Edit": "Edit",
- "Update": "Update",
- "Create": "Create",
- "Next": "Next",
- "Close": "Close",
- "Select": "Select",
- "Save": "Save",
- "Add": "Add",
+ "Cancel": "キャンセル",
+ "Submit": "送信",
+ "Back": "戻る",
+ "Edit": "編集",
+ "Update": "更新",
+ "Create": "作成",
+ "Next": "次へ",
+ "Close": "閉じる",
+ "Select": "選択",
+ "Save": "保存",
+ "Add": "追加",
"Go": "Go",
- "Import": "Import",
- "Low": "Low",
- "Medium": "Medium",
- "High": "High",
- "Language": "Language",
- "Change": "Change",
- "Start": "Start",
- "Connect": "Connect",
- "This field is required": "This field is required",
- "This field must be a valid email": "This field must be a valid email",
- "This field confirmation does not match": "This field confirmation does not match",
- "This field must have 2 options": "This field must have 2 options",
- "This field must have more than 5 characters": "This field must have more than 5 characters",
- "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname",
- "Welcome to CasaOS": "Welcome to CasaOS",
- "Let's create your initial account": "Let's create your initial account",
+ "Import": "インポート",
+ "Low": "低",
+ "Medium": "中",
+ "High": "高",
+ "Language": "言語",
+ "Change": "変更",
+ "Start": "開始",
+ "Connect": "接続",
+ "This field is required": "この項目は必須です。",
+ "This field must be a valid email": "有効なメールアドレスを入力してください。",
+ "This field confirmation does not match": "この項目の確認が一致しません",
+ "This field must have 2 options": "この項目には2つのオプションが必要です。",
+ "This field must have more than 5 characters": "この項目は5文字以上である必要があります。",
+ "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "入力した時間が無効です。RFC1123形式を使用してください。",
+ "Welcome to CasaOS": "CasaOSへようこそ",
+ "Let's create your initial account": "アカウントを作成しましょう。",
"Go →": "Go →",
- "Create Account": "Create Account",
- "Username": "Username",
- "Confirm Password": "Confirm Password",
- "Username or Password error!": "Username or Password error!",
- "All things done!": "All things done!",
- "Login": "Login",
- "Password error!": "Password error!",
- "Account": "Account",
- "Logout": "Logout",
- "Name": "Name",
- "Password": "Password",
- "Change name": "Change name",
- "Change Password": "Change Password",
- "Original password": "Original password",
- "New password": "New password",
- "Confirm the new password again": "Confirm the new password again",
- "Settings": "Settings",
- "Dashboard Setting": "Dashboard Setting",
- "Search Engine": "Search Engine",
- "WebUI Port": "WebUI Port",
- "Currently the latest version": "Currently the latest version",
- "A new version is available!": "A new version is available!",
- "Edit Web UI port": "Edit WebUI port",
- "Automount USB Drive": "Automount USB Drive",
- "Wallpaper": "Wallpaper",
- "Change wallpaper": "Change wallpaper",
- "Show Search Bar": "Show Search Bar",
- "Show Recommended Apps": "Show Recommended Apps",
- "Upgrade Now": "Upgrade Now",
- "Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB": "Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB",
- "There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!": "There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!",
- "Update completed": "Update completed",
- "Let more friends know": "Let more friends know",
- "Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.",
- "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS upgrade successfully",
- "CasaOS upgrade failed": "CasaOS upgrade failed",
- "Terminal & Logs": "Terminal & Logs",
+ "Create Account": "アカウントを作成",
+ "Username": "ユーザー名",
+ "Confirm Password": "パスワードを再入力",
+ "Username or Password error!": "ユーザー名またはパスワードが無効です!",
+ "All things done!": "準備が完了しました。",
+ "Login": "ログイン",
+ "Password error!": "パスワードが正しくありません!",
+ "Account": "アカウント",
+ "Logout": "ログアウト",
+ "Name": "名前",
+ "Password": "パスワード",
+ "Change name": "名前を変更",
+ "Change Password": "パスワードを変更",
+ "Original password": "元のパスワード",
+ "New password": "新しいパスワード",
+ "Confirm the new password again": "新しいパスワードを再入力",
+ "Settings": "設定",
+ "Dashboard Setting": "ダッシュボードの設定",
+ "Search Engine": "検索エンジン",
+ "WebUI Port": "WebUIのポート",
+ "Currently at the latest version": "現在、最新バージョンです。",
+ "A new version is available!": "新しいバージョンが利用可能です!",
+ "Edit Web UI port": "WebUIのポートを編集",
+ "Automount USB Drive": "USBドライブを自動的にマウント",
+ "Wallpaper": "壁紙",
+ "Change wallpaper": "壁紙を変更",
+ "Show Search Bar": "検索バーを表示",
+ "Show Recommended Apps": "おすすめのアプリを表示",
+ "Upgrade Now": "今すぐ更新",
+ "Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB": "この機能を有効にすると、Raspberry PiデバイスをUSBストレージから起動する際に失敗する恐れがあります。",
+ "There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!": "アップグレード中に問題が発生したようです。もう一度やり直してください。",
+ "Update completed": "アップグレード完了!",
+ "Let more friends know": "もっと多くの友達に知らせる",
+ "Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "データプライバシーに関心のある友達と共有し、CasaOSを利用してください。",
+ "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOSのアップグレードが成功しました。",
+ "CasaOS upgrade failed": "CasaOS のアップグレードに失敗しました。",
+ "Terminal & Logs": "Terminalとログ",
"Terminal": "Terminal",
- "Logs": "Logs",
- "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.",
- "Widgets Settings": "Widgets Settings",
- "Time": "Time",
- "Cores": "Cores",
- "System Status": "System Status",
- "Storage Status": "Storage Status",
- "Network Status": "Network Status",
- "available of": "{avl} available of {total}",
+ "Logs": "ログ",
+ "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "ユーザー名とポートが正しいかどうかを確認してください。SSHサーバーがインストールされていることを確認してください。",
+ "Widgets Settings": "ウィジェットの設定",
+ "Time": "時間",
+ "System Status": "システムの状態",
+ "Storage Status": "ストレージの状態",
+ "Network Status": "ネットワークの状態",
"Search...": "Search...",
- "Sync your data": "Sync your data",
- "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.",
- "Install": "Install",
- "Config": "Config",
- "Total": "Total",
- "Failed to start, please try again.": "Failed to start, please try again.",
- "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing is not running, start it?",
- "Starting Syncthing...": "Starting Syncthing...",
- "Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!",
- "Smarten up your home": "Smarten up your home",
- "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.",
- "In development": "In development",
- "Apps": "Apps",
- "App": "App",
- "Open": "Open",
- "Setting": "Setting",
- "Uninstall": "Uninstall",
- "Attention": "Attention",
- "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?",
- "Featured Apps": "Featured Apps",
- "Custom Install": "Custom Install",
- "Continue in background": "Continue in background",
- "Install a new App manually": "Install a new App manually",
- "Docker Image": "Docker Image",
- "App name": "App name",
- "Icon URL": "Icon URL",
- "Network": "Network",
- "Privileged": "Privileged",
- "Container Command": "Container Command",
- "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Container Capabilities (cap-add)",
- "Container Hostname": "Container Hostname",
- "Hostname of app container": "Hostname of app container",
- "Ports": "Ports",
- "Volumes": "Volumes",
- "Environment Variables": "Environment Variables",
- "Devices": "Devices",
- "Memory Limit": "Memory Limit",
- "CPU Shares": "CPU Shares",
- "Restart Policy": "Restart Policy",
- "App Description": "App Description",
- "No ports now, click “+” to add one.": "No ports now, click “+” to add one.",
- "No volumes now, click “+” to add one.": "No volumes now, click “+” to add one.",
- "No environment variables now, click “+” to add one.": "No environment variables now, click “+” to add one.",
- "No devices now, click “+” to add one.": "No devices now, click “+” to add one.",
- "No commands now, click “+” to add one.": "No commands now, click “+” to add one.",
- "e.g.,hello-world:latest": "e.g.,hello-world:latest",
- "Your custom App Name": "Your custom App Name",
- "Your custom icon URL": "Your custom icon URL",
- "Installing": "Installing",
- "Export AppFile": "Export AppFile",
+ "Sync your data": "データを同期",
+ "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Syncthingを使用して複数のデバイス間でファイルを同期",
+ "Install": "インストール",
+ "Config": "設定",
+ "Total": "合計",
+ "Failed to start, please try again.": "Syncthingの起動に失敗しました。もう一度お試しください。",
+ "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthingは実行されていません。起動しますか?",
+ "Starting Syncthing...": "Syncthingの起動を開始しています...",
+ "Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "アイデアがある? Discordで共有しよう!",
+ "Smarten up your home": "あなたの家をスマートに",
+ "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "プライバシー、高速、およびローカライズされたストレージを備えたスマートホーム体験を提供したいと考えています。",
+ "In development": "お楽しみに",
+ "Apps": "アプリ",
+ "App": "アプリ",
+ "Open": "開く",
+ "Setting": "設定",
+ "Uninstall": "アンインストール",
+ "Attention": "注意",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "データは削除後に復元できません!
+ "Featured Apps": "おすすめのアプリ",
+ "Custom Install": "カスタムインストール",
+ "Continue in background": "バックグラウンドで続行",
+ "Install a new App manually": "アプリを手動でインストール",
+ "Docker Image": "Docker イメージ",
+ "App name": "アプリ名",
+ "Icon URL": "アイコンのURL",
+ "Network": "ネットワーク",
+ "Privileged": "特権",
+ "Container Command": "コンテナコマンド",
+ "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "コンテナの機能(cap-add)",
+ "Container Hostname": "コンテナのホスト名",
+ "Hostname of app container": "アプリのコンテナのホスト名",
+ "Ports": "ポート",
+ "Volumes": "ボリューム",
+ "Environment Variables": "環境変数",
+ "Devices": "デバイス",
+ "Memory Limit": "メモリの上限",
+ "CPU Shares": "CPU使用率",
+ "Restart Policy": "再起動のポリシー",
+ "App Description": "アプリの説明",
+ "No ports now, click “+” to add one.": "「+」をクリックして追加",
+ "No volumes now, click “+” to add one.": "「+」をクリックして追加",
+ "No environment variables now, click “+” to add one.": "「+」をクリックして追加",
+ "No devices now, click “+” to add one.": "「+」をクリックして追加",
+ "No commands now, click “+” to add one.": "「+」をクリックして追加",
+ "e.g.,hello-world:latest": "例: hello-world:latest",
+ "Your custom App Name": "カスタムアプリ名",
+ "Your custom icon URL": "カスタムアイコンのURL",
+ "Installing": "インストール中",
+ "Export ComposeFile": "ComposeFileをエクスポート",
"AppFile": "AppFile",
- "Drop your app file here or click to upload": "Drop your app file here or click to upload",
- "Host": "Host",
- "Container": "Container",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Docker Composeをドラッグ&ドロップするか、クリックしてアップロード",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Docker Composeをドラッグ&ドロップするか、クリックしてアップロード",
+ "Host": "ホスト",
+ "Container": "コンテナ",
"Key": "Key",
"Value": "Value",
- "Protocol": "Protocol",
- "This is not a valid json file.": "This is not a valid json file.",
- "Your browser does not support file reading.": "Your browser does not support file reading.",
- "has been selected": "has been selected",
- "Please fill correct command line": "Please fill correct command line",
- "Please import a valid App file": "Please import a valid App file",
- "AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.": "AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.",
- "Some configuration information such as:": "Some configuration information such as:",
- "the port and path of the Web UI": "the port and path of the Web UI",
- "the mount location of the volume or file": "the mount location of the volume or file",
- "the port mapping of the Host": "the port mapping of the Host",
- "optional configuration items": "optional configuration items",
- "These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.": "These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.",
- "Feel free to suggest improvements to this feature in Discord Server!": "Feel free to suggest improvements to this feature in Discord Server!",
- "Using localhost or will cause the application to be inaccessible, please use the real ip to access.": "Using localhost or will cause the application to be inaccessible, please use the real ip to access.",
- "DISK": "DISK",
+ "Protocol": "プロトコル",
+ "This is not a valid json file.": "これは有効なJSONファイルではありません。",
+ "Your browser does not support file reading.": "お使いのブラウザはファイルのアップロードに対応していません。",
+ "has been selected": "が選択されました",
+ "Please fill correct command line": "コマンドラインを解析しようとする際に何か問題が発生しています。",
+ "Please import a valid App file": "AppFileを解析しようとする際に何か問題が発生しています。",
+ "AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.": "インポートで認識される設定に加えて、次の情報も必要です:",
+ "the port and path of the Web UI": "アプリのWebUIへのポートとパス:",
+ "the mount location of the volume or file": "マウントするディレクトリまたはファイルの場所",
+ "the port mapping of the Host": "ホストからコンテナへのポートマッピング",
+ "optional configuration items": "その他のオプション設定",
+ "These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.": "OKをクリックした後、次のステップで設定を確認してください。",
+ "CATEGORY": "カテゴリ",
+ "DEVELOPER": "開発者",
+ "REQUIRE": "必要",
+ "MEMORY": "メモリ",
+ "DISK": "ディスク",
"App Store": "App Store",
- "Community Apps": "Community Apps",
- "From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.",
- "Sort by": "Sort by",
- "Click icon to import.": "Click icon to import.",
- "Drag icons to sort.": "Drag icons to sort.",
- "Import to CasaOS": "Import to CasaOS",
- "Existing Docker Apps": "Existing Docker Apps",
- "Port [Please add a ports set first]": "Port [Please add a ports set first]",
- "[Optional]": "[Optional]",
- "Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly",
- "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "There was an error loading the data, please try again!",
- "Port": "Port",
- "Create Storage": "Create Storage",
- "Storage Manager": "Storage Manager",
- "Storage": "Storage",
- "Drive": "Drive",
- "Single Drive Storage": "Single Drive Storage",
- "Format": "Format",
- "Remove": "Remove",
- "Available Total": "{name} | Available: {avl} (Total: {total})",
- "Health": "Health",
- "Healthy": "Healthy",
- "Damage": "Damage",
- "Temp": "Temp",
- "This selected drive will be emptied if there is data on it. Make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that has not been backed up. If there is data to be migrated, the related apps will be stopped during the migration process.": "This selected drive will be emptied if there is data on it. Make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that has not been backed up. If there is data to be migrated, the related apps will be stopped during the migration process.",
- "Creation in progress": "Creation in progress",
- "Apply": "Apply",
- "Just Mount": "Just Mount",
- "Storage Name": "Storage Name",
- "Choose Drive": "Choose Drive",
- "Enter the password to continue:": "Enter the password to continue:",
- "Used": "Used",
- "CasaOS reserves 1% of file space when creating storage in EXT4 format.": "CasaOS reserves 1% of file space when creating storage in EXT4 format.",
- "The selected drive will be emptied.": "The selected drive will be emptied.",
- "Please make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that needs to be backed up.": "Please make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that needs to be backed up.",
- "The drive you select can be used directly as storage.": "The drive you select can be used directly as storage.",
- "You can also choose to create it after formatting. If formatted, the selected drive will be emptied.": "You can also choose to create it after formatting. If formatted, the selected drive will be emptied.",
- "Format and Create": "Format and Create",
- "Please insert a Drive to Create Storage": "Please insert a Drive to Create Storage",
- "Join Discord": "Join Discord",
- "Visit our Github": "Visit our Github",
- "Bug report": "Bug report",
- "Title": "Title",
- "Describe the bug": "Describe the bug",
- "A clear and concise description of what the bug is.": "A clear and concise description of what the bug is.",
- "System infomation": "System infomation",
- "Share CasaOS": "Share CasaOS",
- "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.",
- "Files": "Files",
- "Upload or Create": "Upload or Create",
- "Upload Files": "Upload Files",
- "Upload Folder": "Upload Folder",
- "New Folder": "New Folder",
- "New File": "New File",
- "Change View": "Change View",
- "Upload to": "Upload to",
- "Uploading": "Uploading",
- "Completed": "Completed",
- "success": "Success",
- "error": "Error",
+ "Community Apps": "コミュニティアプリ",
+ "From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "私たちの素晴らしいコミュニティから提供されました。",
+ "Sort by": "並び替え",
+ "Click icon to import.": "インポートするにはアイコンをクリック",
+ "Drag icons to sort.": "アイコンをドラッグして並べ替え",
+ "Import to CasaOS": "CasaOSにインポート",
+ "Existing Docker Apps": "既存のDockerアプリ",
+ "[Optional]": "オプション",
+ "Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "Dockerのcomposeファイルに1つ以上のコンテナが指定されている場合、最初のコンテナのみがインポートされます。",
+ "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "データの読み込み中にエラーが発生しました。もう一度やり直してください。",
+ "Port": "ポート",
+ "Create Storage": "ストレージを作成",
+ "Storage Manager": "ストレージ管理",
+ "Storage": "ストレージ",
+ "Drive": "ドライブ",
+ "Single Drive Storage": "単一のストレージドライブ",
+ "Format": "フォーマット",
+ "Remove": "削除",
+ "Available Total": "{name} | 利用可能: {avl} (合計: {total})",
+ "Health": "健康",
+ "Healthy": "健康度",
+ "Damage": "破損",
+ "Temp": "温度",
+ "Creation in progress": "作成中です",
+ "Apply": "適用",
+ "Storage Name": "ストレージ名",
+ "Choose Drive": "ドライブを選択",
+ "Enter the password to continue:": "確認のためパスワードを入力してください:",
+ "Used": "使用済み",
+ "CasaOS reserves 1% of file space when creating storage in EXT4 format.": "EXT4形式でストレージを作成する場合、CasaOSはファイルスペースの1%を予約します。",
+ "The selected drive will be emptied.": "選択したドライブは空になります。",
+ "Please make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that needs to be backed up.": "選択したドライブにバックアップが必要な重要なデータがないことをもう一度確認してください。",
+ "The drive you select can be used directly as storage.": "選択したドライブを直接ストレージとして使用できます。",
+ "You can also choose to create it after formatting. If formatted, the selected drive will be emptied.": "フォーマット後に作成することもできます。フォーマット後、選択したドライブは空になります。",
+ "Format and Create": "フォーマットと作成",
+ "Please insert a Drive to Create Storage": "ストレージを作成するにはドライブを接続してください",
+ "Join Discord": "Discordに参加",
+ "Visit our Github": "GitHubにアクセスしてください",
+ "Title": "タイトル",
+ "System infomation": "システム情報",
+ "Share CasaOS": "CasaOSを共有",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "データプライバシーに関心のある友達を招待して、CasaOSを利用してください。",
+ "Files": "ファイル",
+ "Upload or Create": "アップロードまたは作成",
+ "Upload Files": "ファイルのアップロード",
+ "Upload Folder": "フォルダーをアップロード",
+ "New Folder": "新規フォルダ",
+ "New File": "新規ファイル",
+ "Change View": "表示を変更",
+ "Upload to": "アップロード先:",
+ "Uploading": "アップロード中",
"uploading": "Uploading",
- "paused": "Paused",
- "waiting": "Waiting",
- "Download": "Download",
- "Copy Path": "Copy Path",
- "Rename": "Rename",
- "Cut": "Cut",
- "Copy": "Copy",
- "Delete": "Delete",
- "Are you sure?": "Are you sure?",
- "Paste": "Paste",
- "Refresh": "Refresh",
- "Code Editor": "Code Editor",
- "Saved": "Saved",
- "Want to save?": "Want to save?",
- "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them.": "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them.",
- "Don't Save": "Don't Save",
- "Drop your files here to upload": "Drop your files here to upload",
- "or": "or",
- "Date Modified": "Date Modified",
- "Size": "Size",
- "Play in IINA": "Play in IINA",
- "Play in PotPlayer": "Play in PotPlayer",
- "Play in VLC": "Play in VLC",
- "Download in preparation...": "Download in preparation...",
- "Copied to clipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
- "Previous": "Previous",
- "Zoom in": "Zoom in",
- "Rotate": "Rotate",
- "Reset": "Reset",
- "Zoom out": "Zoom out",
- "INext": "Next",
- "Move": "Move",
- "Current Tasks": "Current Tasks",
- "Deleting files": "Deleting files",
- "Are you sure you want to delete these files? This action cannot be undone.": "Are you sure you want to delete these files? This action cannot be undone.",
- "select-items": "Select {num} items",
- "total-items": "Total {num} items",
- "cancel-all": "Cancel All",
- "Paste - Overwrite": "Paste - Overwrite",
- "Paste - Skip": "Paste - Skip",
- "Set as wallpaper": "Set as wallpaper",
- "Set wallpaper successfully.": "Set wallpaper successfully.",
- "Save failed, please try again!": "Save failed, please try again!",
- "Upload failed, please try again!": "Upload failed, please try again!",
- "Location": "Location",
- "Share": "Share",
- "Shared": "Shared",
- "UnShare": "UnShare",
- "Unsharing Folder": "Unsharing Folder",
- "Are you sure you want to unshare this Folder?": "Are you sure you want to unshare this Folder?",
- "New Local Storage": "New Local Storage",
- "Connect Network Storage": "Connect Network Storage",
- "Start sharing your files on the local network.": "Start sharing your files on the local network.",
- "Shared Folders": "Shared Folders",
- "Go to": "Go to",
- "Get Share Link": "Get Share Link",
- "Select Shared Folder": "Select Shared Folder",
- "Folder has been shared": "Folder has been shared",
- "Enter the following link to access the shared folder ( Samba ) .": "Enter the following link to access the shared folder ( Samba ) .",
- "PC ( Windows explorer )": "PC ( Windows explorer )",
- "Mac ( Finder )": "Mac ( Finder )",
- "I Got it": "I Got it",
- "Follow the guide to start sharing your files on the local network.": "Follow the guide to start sharing your files on the local network.",
- "Eject Success": "Eject Success",
- "Eject Failed": "Eject Failed",
- "Server Address": "Server Address",
- "eg : smb://": "eg : smb://",
- "Support Samba Address eg : smb://": "Support Samba Address eg : smb://",
- "Connect As Guest": "Connect As Guest",
- "Username or password cannot be empty.": "Username or password cannot be empty.",
- "Please enter a correct Samba address!": "Please enter a correct Samba address!",
- "Create Folder": "Create Folder",
- "Create File": "Create File",
- "Add External Link/APP": "Add External Link/APP",
- "Local URL,Pblic URL": "Local URL,Pblic URL",
- "Eg: // or https://www.google.com": "Eg: // or https://www.google.com",
- "App Name": "App Name",
- "Customize your APP name": "Customize your APP name",
- "Local URL": "Local URL",
- "Custom Install APP": "Custom Install APP",
- "Add external link/APP": "Add external link/APP",
- "Address": "Address",
- "Performance": "Performance",
- "Please choose a location with enough storage space and stable connection.": "Please choose a location with enough storage space and stable connection.",
- "undefined": "undefined",
- "Apps Installation Location": "Apps Installation Location",
- "(Cannot be changed)": "(Cannot be changed)",
- "Merge Storages": "Merge Storages",
- "MainStorage Settings": "MainStorage Settings",
- "Data Protected": "Data Protected",
- "APPs Restart": "APPs Restart",
- "APP Restart": "APP Restart",
- "Restart": "Restart",
- "Continue": "Continue",
- "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD",
- "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.",
- "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.",
- " is running, restart ": " is running, restart ",
- " to continue.": " to continue.",
- "APPs is running": "APPs is running",
- "restart APPs to continue.": "restart APPs to continue.",
- "Add a shortcut": "Add a shortcut",
- "Error when creating installation path for apps": "Error when creating installation path for apps",
- "Accapt": "Accapt",
- "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "We appreciate any feedback you may have.",
- "Show other Docker container app(s)": "Show other Docker container app(s)",
- "Show news feed from CasaOS Blog": "Show news feed from CasaOS Blog",
- "CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?",
- "Feedback / Issue Report": "Feedback / Issue Report",
- "Submit a feedback or report an issue:": "Submit a feedback or report an issue:",
- "Start with [Issue], [App Request], or [Feature Request]...": "Start with [Issue], [App Request], or [Feature Request]...",
- "Description": "Description",
- "The more details provided, the easier this feedback or issue gets addressed.": "The more details provided, the easier this feedback or issue gets addressed.",
- "For more feedback options, visit CasaOS project on GitHub...": "For more feedback options, visit CasaOS project on GitHub..."
+ "Completed": "完了",
+ "success": "成功",
+ "error": "エラー",
+ "paused": "一時停止中",
+ "waiting": "待機中",
+ "Download": "ダウンロード",
+ "Copy Path": "パスをコピー",
+ "Rename": "名前を変更",
+ "Cut": "切り取り",
+ "Copy": "コピー",
+ "Delete": "削除",
+ "Are you sure?": "よろしいですか?",
+ "Paste": "貼り付け",
+ "Refresh": "リフレッシュ",
+ "Code Editor": "コードエディタ",
+ "Saved": "保存",
+ "Want to save?": "保存しますか?",
+ "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them.": "保存しない場合、変更内容は失われます。",
+ "Don't Save": "保存しない",
+ "Drop your files here to upload": "アップロードするファイルをドラッグ&ドロップ",
+ "or": "または",
+ "File name": "名前",
+ "Date Modified": "更新日時",
+ "Size": "サイズ",
+ "Play in IINA": "IINAで再生",
+ "Play in PotPlayer": "PotPlayerで再生",
+ "Play in VLC": "VLCで再生",
+ "Download in preparation...": "ダウンロードの準備しています…",
+ "Copied to clipboard": "クリップボードにコピー",
+ "Previous": "戻る",
+ "Zoom in": "拡大",
+ "Rotate": "回転",
+ "Reset": "リセット",
+ "Zoom out": "縮小",
+ "INext": "次へ",
+ "Move": "移動",
+ "Current Tasks": "現在のタスク",
+ "Deleting files": "ファイルを削除しています...",
+ "Are you sure you want to delete these files? This action cannot be undone.": "このファイルを削除してもよろしいですか? この操作は元に戻すことができません。",
+ "select-items": "{num} 個のアイテムを選択",
+ "total-items": "合計 {num} 個のアイテム",
+ "cancel-all": "すべてキャンセル",
+ "Paste - Overwrite": "貼り付け - 上書き",
+ "Paste - Skip": "貼り付け - スキップ",
+ "Set as wallpaper": "壁紙に設定",
+ "Set wallpaper successfully.": "壁紙を設定しました。",
+ "Save failed, please try again!": "壁紙の設定に失敗しました。もう一度やり直してください。",
+ "Upload failed, please try again!": "壁紙をアップロードできませんでした。もう一度やり直してください。",
+ "Location": "場所",
+ "Share": "共有",
+ "Shared": "共有済み",
+ "UnShare": "共有を停止",
+ "Unsharing Folder": "フォルダの共有を停止",
+ "Are you sure you want to unshare this Folder?": "このフォルダの共有を停止してもよろしいですか?",
+ "New Local Storage": "新しいローカルストレージ",
+ "Connect Network Storage": "ネットワークストレージを接続",
+ "Start sharing your files on the local network.": "ローカルネットワーク上でファイルを共有し始めましょう。",
+ "Shared Folders": "共有フォルダ",
+ "Go to": "移動:",
+ "Get Share Link": "ネットワークのパスを取得",
+ "Select Shared Folder": "共有フォルダを選択",
+ "Folder has been shared": "フォルダが共有されました",
+ "Enter the following link to access the shared folder ( Samba ) .": "共有フォルダにアクセスするには、次のネットワークパスを使用してください。",
+ "PC ( Windows explorer )": "PC (Windowsエクスプローラー)",
+ "Mac ( Finder )": "Mac (Finder)",
+ "I Got it": "分かりました",
+ "Follow the guide to start sharing your files on the local network.": "ガイドに従って、ローカルネットワーク上でファイルの共有を開始します。",
+ "Eject Success": "取り出しに成功しました",
+ "Eject Failed": "取り出しに失敗しました",
+ "Server Address": "サーバーのアドレス",
+ "eg : smb://": "例: smb://",
+ "Support Samba Address eg : smb://": "Sambaアドレスをサポートします。例: smb://",
+ "Connect As Guest": "ゲストとして接続",
+ "Username or password cannot be empty.": "ユーザー名またはパスワードは空欄にできません。",
+ "Please enter a correct Samba address!": "正しいSambaアドレスを入力してください。",
+ "Create Folder": "フォルダを作成",
+ "Create File": "ファイルを作成",
+ "Add External Link/APP": "外部リンクを追加",
+ "Local URL,Public URL": "ローカルURL または 公開URL",
+ "Eg: // or https://www.google.com": "例: // または https://www.google.com",
+ "App Name": "タイトル",
+ "Customize your APP name": "外部リンクのタイトル",
+ "Local URL": "ローカルURL",
+ "Custom Install APP": "カスタムアプリをインストール",
+ "Add external link/APP": "外部リンクを追加",
+ "Address": "リンクURL",
+ "Please choose a location with enough storage space and stable connection.": "十分なストレージ容量を持つ取り外しできないドライブの場所を選択してください。",
+ "undefined": "未設定",
+ "Apps Installation Location": "アプリのインストール場所",
+ "(Cannot be changed)": "(変更できません)",
+ "Merge Storages": "ストレージを結合",
+ "MainStorage Settings": "メインストレージの設定",
+ "Data Protected": "保護されたデータ",
+ "APPs Restart": "アプリは再起動する必要があります",
+ "APP Restart": "アプリは再起動する必要があります",
+ "Restart": "再起動",
+ "Continue": "続行",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "内部ファイルを変更すると、CasaOS HDの構造が破損する可能性があります。",
+ "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "ストレージ内のデータをバックアップしてください。そうしないとデータが失われる可能性があります!",
+ "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HDは、選択したストレージソースがすべてフォーマットされている場合に最適に動作します。",
+ " is running, restart ": " が実行されています。再起動 ",
+ " to continue.": " で続ける",
+ "APPs is running": "1つ以上のアプリが実行されています",
+ "restart APPs to continue.": "続行するにはアプリを再起動してください。",
+ "Add a shortcut": "ショートカットを追加",
+ "Error when creating installation path for apps": "アプリのインストールパスを作成中にエラーが発生しました",
+ "Accept": "同意",
+ "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "フィードバックをお願いします!",
+ "Show other Docker container app(s)": "他のコンテナを表示",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS Blog": "CasaOSブログからのニュースフィードを表示",
+ "CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "CasaOSダッシュボードは、インターネット経由でhttps://blog.casaos.ioの最新ニュースフィードを取得します。サイトに訪問記録が残る可能性があります。同意しますか?",
+ "Feedback / Issue Report": "フィードバック / 問題を報告",
+ "Start with [Issue], [App Request], or [Feature Request]...": "[Issue]、[App Request]、または [Feature Request] から開始しましょう...",
+ "Description": "説明",
+ "The more details provided, the easier this feedback or issue gets addressed.": "より多くの詳細が提供されれば、より簡単にフィードバックや問題に対処できます。",
+ "For more feedback options, visit CasaOS project on GitHub...": "他のフィードバックオプションについては、GitHubのCasaOSプロジェクトを参照してください...",
+ "{num} items": "{num} 個",
+ "Submit a feedback or report an issue": "フィードバックを送信するか、問題を報告",
+ "Shutdown": "シャットダウン",
+ "Connecting": "接続中",
+ "Open in Files": "ファイルで開く",
+ "Learn more": "もっと詳しく",
+ "Set Mainstorage": "ストレージを結合",
+ "Found a new drive": "新しいドライブが見つかりました",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?
{divS}Delete userdata ( config folder ){divE}": "削除後にデータは復元できません!
{divS}ユーザーデータの削除 (設定フォルダ){divE}",
+ "Beta": "ベータ",
+ "Clone": "複製",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "確認されたストレージはすべてCasaOS HDに統合されます。",
+ "* This feature is now testing and verifying, enabling it may clear personal data and destroy the installed APPs, so it is recommended to use it only during the startup.": "* この機能はテストと検証を行うため、個人データを消去し、インストールされているアプリを破損させる可能性があります。 起動時だけ使うことをお勧めします。",
+ "Preparing for launch": "起動の準備中",
+ "to open the app. If it does not work, please restart or try again later.": "をクリックしてアプリを開きます。動作しない場合は、再起動するか、後でもう一度お試しください。",
+ "This operation may clear all personal data and destroy the installed APPs.": "この操作はすべての個人データを消去し、インストールされているアプリを破損させる可能性があります。",
+ "Warning": "警告",
+ "Click here": "ここをクリック",
+ "Installing app": "アプリをインストール中",
+ "Installation completed": "インストール完了",
+ "Starting installation": "インストールを開始中",
+ "New": "New",
+ "NEW": "NEW",
+ "Check then update": "アップデートを確認後更新",
+ "At least one extra hard drive is needed for this feature.": "この機能には少なくとも1つの追加のハードドライブが必要です。",
+ "APP may not be available": "アプリが利用できません",
+ "Please": "お願いします",
+ "{appName} is the latest version!": "{appName} は最新バージョンです!",
+ "{name} has been updated to the latest version!": "{name} は最新バージョンに更新されました!",
+ "Unable to update at the moment!": "現在更新できません!",
+ "Updating": "更新中",
+ "Uninstalling": "アンインストール中",
+ "CheckThenUpdate": "アップデートを確認後更新",
+ "Not compatible with {arch} devices.": "{arch} デバイスと互換性がありません。",
+ "Connect Dropbox": "Dropboxに接続",
+ "Connect GoogleDrive": "Googleドライブに接続",
+ "FilesDrop": "FilesDrop",
+ "You are using the device": "デバイスを使用しています",
+ "Click to send the file to the device.": "クリックしてデバイスにファイルを送信します。",
+ "{num} files being sent": "{num} 個のファイルを送信中",
+ "Receiving {num} files": "{num} 個のファイルを受信中",
+ "Local Area Network Access": "ローカルエリアネットワークアクセス",
+ "Access the following address with another device": "別のデバイスで次のアドレスにアクセスする",
+ "Drop files to another device anytime, anywhere": "いつでもどこでも別のデバイスにファイルをドロップできます",
+ "Sending files": "ファイルを送信中",
+ "Cancel sending": "送信をキャンセル",
+ "Ignore": "無視",
+ "File transfer completed.": "ファイル転送完了!",
+ "Save {name} {size} from {device}.": "{name} {size} を {device} から保存します。",
+ "Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...": "接続が失われました。5 秒後に再試行します...",
+ "cli to compose...": "cliで作成する...",
+ "View tutorial": "チュートリアルを見る",
+ "Add Source": "ソースを追加",
+ "More": "もっと",
+ "Search an app...": "アプリを検索...",
+ "Tips": "ヒント",
+ "Export as Compose": "Composeとしてエクスポート",
+ "Something to remember eg. password": "何か覚えておくべきこと。例: パスワード",
+ "Other ways to merge storages": "ストレージを統合するその他の方法",
+ "Free up storage": "ストレージを解放",
+ "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "非同期更新中です。",
+ "Welcome to {name}": "{name} へようこそ",
+ "Other ways to use": "その他の使い方",
+ "Zima Client": "Zimaクライアント",
+ "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "リモートでアクセスしたり、デバイスとデータを同期したい場合。",
+ "Install the software.": "ソフトウェアをインストールします。",
+ "Using the Network ID :": "以下のネットワークIDの使用:",
+ "Connect Zima in the software.": "ソフトウェアでZimaを接続します。",
+ "Zima customization system": "Zimaカスタマイズシステム",
+ "About CasaOS System": "CasaOSシステムについて",
+ "Storage Merge": "ストレージの統合",
+ "Merge multiple disks into one.": "複数のディスクを1つに統合します。",
+ "Manage all data in one page.": "1つのページですべてのデータを管理します。",
+ "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "ワンクリックで40以上のアプリケーションがインストールされます。",
+ "Please read before continuing ": "続行する前にお読みください ",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "CasaOSブログからニュースフィードを表示します。",
+ "Share {CasaOS}": "{CasaOS} を共有",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "データプライバシーに関心のある友達を招待して、{OS} を利用してください。",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "内部ファイルを変更すると、{CasaOS} HDの構造が破損する可能性があります。",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "確認されたストレージはすべて {CasaOS} HDに統合されます。",
+ "Rebuilding": "再構成中",
+ "Rebuild": "再構成",
+ "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} の再構成が完了しました",
+ "Rebulid error": "再構成エラー",
+ "Installing {title}": "{title} をインストール中",
+ "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "古いアプリ (再構築予定)",
+ "To be rebuilt.": "再構築されます。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/src/assets/lang/ko_KR.json b/main/src/assets/lang/ko_KR.json
index 027314ff..8df02879 100644
--- a/main/src/assets/lang/ko_KR.json
+++ b/main/src/assets/lang/ko_KR.json
@@ -20,22 +20,22 @@
"Change": "변경",
"Start": "시작",
"Connect": "연결",
- "This field is required": "This field is required.",
- "This field must be a valid email": "Please enter a valid email address.",
+ "This field is required": "이 입력란은 필수 입니다.",
+ "This field must be a valid email": "유효한 이메일 주소를 입력해 주세요.",
"This field confirmation does not match": "이 입력란 확인은 일치하지 않습니다",
"This field must have 2 options": "이 입력란에는 2가지 옵션이 있어야 합니다",
- "This field must have more than 5 characters": "This field must have 5 or more characters.",
- "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "You entered an invalid time. Please use the RFC1123 format.",
- "Welcome to CasaOS": "Welcome to CasaOS",
- "Let's create your initial account": "Let's create your account",
- "Go →": "Go →",
+ "This field must have more than 5 characters": "이 입력란은 적어도 5글자 이상이어야 합니다.",
+ "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "잘못된 시간을 입력하셨습니다. RFC1123 형식을 사용해 주세요.",
+ "Welcome to CasaOS": "CasaOS에 오신것을 환영합니다",
+ "Let's create your initial account": "새로운 계정을 만들어 봅시다",
+ "Go →": "시작 →",
"Create Account": "계정 만들기",
"Username": "사용자 이름",
"Confirm Password": "비밀번호 확인",
- "Username or Password error!": "Username or password is invalid!",
- "All things done!": "We're good to go!",
+ "Username or Password error!": "사용자 이름 또는 비밀번호를 잘못 입력하셨습니다",
+ "All things done!": "시작할 준비가 되었습니다!",
"Login": "로그인",
- "Password error!": "Invalid password!",
+ "Password error!": "잘못된 비밀번호!",
"Account": "계정",
"Logout": "로그아웃",
"Name": "이름",
@@ -43,367 +43,366 @@
"Change name": "이름 변경",
"Change Password": "비밀번호 변경",
"Original password": "기존 암호",
- "New password": "새 암호",
- "Confirm the new password again": "Confirm new password",
+ "New password": "새로운 암호",
+ "Confirm the new password again": "새 비밀번호 확인",
"Settings": "설정",
- "Dashboard Setting": "Dashboard Settings",
- "Search Engine": "Search Engine",
- "WebUI Port": "WebUI Port",
- "Currently at the latest version": "Currently, at the latest version",
+ "Dashboard Setting": "대시보드 설정",
+ "Search Engine": "검색 엔진",
+ "WebUI Port": "WebUI 포트",
+ "Currently at the latest version": "현재, 최신 버전을 사용하고 있습니다",
"A new version is available!": "새 버전을 사용할 수 있습니다!",
"Edit Web UI port": "WebUI 포트 편집",
"Automount USB Drive": "USB 드라이브 자동 마운트",
"Wallpaper": "배경화면",
"Change wallpaper": "배경화면 변경",
"Show Search Bar": "검색바 표시",
- "Show Recommended Apps": "Show recommended apps",
- "Upgrade Now": "Update now",
- "Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB": "Enabling this function may cause boot failures when booting Raspberry Pi device from USB storage",
- "There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!": "There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process. Please try again.",
- "Update completed": "Upgrade complete!",
- "Let more friends know": "Let more friends know",
- "Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Please share with friends who care about data privacy to join and use CasaOS.",
- "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS successfully upgraded.",
- "CasaOS upgrade failed": "CasaOS failed to upgrade.",
- "Terminal & Logs": "Terminal and Logs",
+ "Show Recommended Apps": "추천 앱 표시",
+ "Upgrade Now": "지금 업데이트",
+ "Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB": "이 기능을 활성화하면 USB에서 Raspberry Pi 장치를 부팅할 때 부팅 실패가 발생할 수 있습니다",
+ "There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!": "업그레이드 과정에서 문제가 발생한 것 같습니다. 다시 시도해 주세요.",
+ "Update completed": "업그레이드 완료!",
+ "Let more friends know": "더 많은 친구에게 알려주세요",
+ "Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "개인정보를 소중히 생각하는 친구들에게 CasaOS를 알리고 사용하게 도와주세요.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS가 성공적으로 업그레이드 되었습니다.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade failed": "CasaOS가 업그레이드에 실패하였습니다.",
+ "Terminal & Logs": "터미널 및 로그",
"Terminal": "터미널",
"Logs": "로그",
- "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Please check if the username and port are correct. Make sure the SSH server is installed.",
+ "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "사용자 이름 혹은 포트가 정확한지 확인해 주세요. SSH 서버가 설치되었는지 확인하세요.",
"Widgets Settings": "위젯 설정",
"Time": "시간",
"System Status": "시스템 상태",
"Storage Status": "저장소 상태",
"Network Status": "네트워크 상태",
"Search...": "검색...",
- "Sync your data": "Sync your data",
- "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices",
+ "Sync your data": "데이터 동기화",
+ "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Syncthing을 사용하여 당신의 자료를 여러개의 장치에서 동기화 하세요",
"Install": "설치",
"Config": "설정",
"Total": "전체",
- "Failed to start, please try again.": "Failed to start Syncthing. Please try again.",
- "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing isn't running. Do you want to start it?",
- "Starting Syncthing...": "Starting Syncthing...",
- "Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!",
- "Smarten up your home": "Smarten up your home1",
- "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.",
- "In development": "계속 지켜봐주십시오",
- "Apps": "App",
+ "Failed to start, please try again.": "Syncthing을 시작하는데 실패하였습니다. 다시 시도해 주세요.",
+ "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing이 실행중이 아닙니다. 시작할까요?",
+ "Starting Syncthing...": "Syncthing 시작하는 중...",
+ "Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "제안 사항이 있으신가요? Discord를 통해 알려주세요!",
+ "Smarten up your home": "당신의 집을 더 똑똑하게",
+ "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "저희는 당신에게 안전하고, 빠르며, 개인 저장소를 갖춘 스마트홈 경험을 선사하고자 합니다.",
+ "In development": "계속 지켜봐 주십시오",
+ "Apps": "앱",
"App": "앱",
- "Open": "Open",
+ "Open": "열기",
"Setting": "설정",
- "Uninstall": "설치 해제",
- "Attention": "Attention",
- "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?",
- "Featured Apps": "Featured Apps",
- "Custom Install": "Custom Install",
- "Continue in background": "Continue in background",
- "Install a new App manually": "Manual App Install",
- "Docker Image": "Docker Image",
- "App name": "App name",
- "Icon URL": "Icon URL",
- "Network": "Network",
- "Privileged": "Privileges",
- "Container Command": "Container Command",
- "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Container Capabilities (cap-add)",
- "Container Hostname": "Container Hostname",
- "Hostname of app container": "Hostname of app container",
- "Ports": "Port",
- "Volumes": "Volumes",
- "Environment Variables": "Environment Variables",
- "Devices": "Devices",
- "Memory Limit": "Memory Limit",
- "CPU Shares": "CPU Shares",
- "Restart Policy": "Restart Policy",
- "App Description": "App Description",
- "No ports now, click “+” to add one.": "Click “+” to add one.",
- "No volumes now, click “+” to add one.": "Click “+” to add one.",
- "No environment variables now, click “+” to add one.": "Click “+” to add one.",
- "No devices now, click “+” to add one.": "Click “+” to add one.",
- "No commands now, click “+” to add one.": "Click “+” to add one.",
- "e.g.,hello-world:latest": "e.g. hello-world:latest",
- "Your custom App Name": "Your custom app name",
- "Your custom icon URL": "Your custom icon URL",
- "Installing": "Installing",
- "Export ComposeFile": "Export ComposeFile",
+ "Uninstall": "삭제",
+ "Attention": "주의",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "데이터는 삭제 후 복원되지 않습니다!
앱 삭제를 계속할까요?",
+ "Featured Apps": "추천 앱",
+ "Custom Install": "사용자 지정 설치",
+ "Continue in background": "백그라운드에서 계속",
+ "Install a new App manually": "수동 앱 설치",
+ "Docker Image": "Docker 이미지",
+ "App name": "앱 이름",
+ "Icon URL": "아이콘 URL",
+ "Network": "네트워크",
+ "Privileged": "권한",
+ "Container Command": "컨테이너 명령어",
+ "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "컨테이너 캐퍼빌리티 (cap-add)",
+ "Container Hostname": "컨테이너 호스트네임",
+ "Hostname of app container": "앱 컨테이너의 호스트네임",
+ "Ports": "포트",
+ "Volumes": "볼륨",
+ "Environment Variables": "환경 변수",
+ "Devices": "장치",
+ "Memory Limit": "메모리 제한",
+ "CPU Shares": "공유 CPU",
+ "Restart Policy": "재시작 정책",
+ "App Description": "앱 설명",
+ "No ports now, click “+” to add one.": "“+”를 클릭하여 추가",
+ "No volumes now, click “+” to add one.": "“+”를 클릭하여 추가",
+ "No environment variables now, click “+” to add one.": "“+”를 클릭하여 추가",
+ "No devices now, click “+” to add one.": "“+”를 클릭하여 추가",
+ "No commands now, click “+” to add one.": "“+”를 클릭하여 추가",
+ "e.g.,hello-world:latest": "예시: hello-world:latest",
+ "Your custom App Name": "커스텀 앱 이름",
+ "Your custom icon URL": "커스텀 아이콘 URL",
+ "Installing": "설치 중",
+ "Export ComposeFile": "ComposeFile 내보내기",
"AppFile": "AppFile",
- "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload",
- "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload",
- "Host": "Host",
- "Container": "Container",
- "Key": "Key",
- "Value": "Value",
- "Protocol": "Protocol",
- "This is not a valid json file.": "This is not a valid JSON file.",
- "Your browser does not support file reading.": "Your browser does not support file uploading.",
- "has been selected": "has been selected",
- "Please fill correct command line": "Something is wrong when trying to parse the command line.",
- "Please import a valid App file": "Something is wrong when trying to parse the AppFile.",
- "AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.": "In addition to the configuration recognized by the import, we also need following information:",
- "Some configuration information such as:": " ",
- "the port and path of the Web UI": "Port and path to the app WebUI",
- "the mount location of the volume or file": "Location of the directory or file to be mounted",
- "the port mapping of the Host": "Port mapping from host to container",
- "optional configuration items": "Other optional configurations",
- "These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.": "Please confirm the configuration in the next step after clicking OK.",
- "Feel free to suggest improvements to this feature in Discord Server!": "",
- "DISK": "DISK",
- "App Store": "App Store",
- "Community Apps": "Community apps",
- "From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "Contributed by our awsome community.",
- "Sort by": "Sort by",
- "Click icon to import.": "Click icon to import.",
- "Drag icons to sort.": "Drag icons to sort.",
- "Import to CasaOS": "Import to CasaOS",
- "Existing Docker Apps": "Existing Docker apps",
- "[Optional]": "Optional",
- "Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "When there are more than 1 containers specified in the Docker compose file, only the first one will be imported for now.",
- "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "There was an error loading the data. Please try again.",
- "Port": "Ports",
- "Create Storage": "Create Storage",
- "Storage Manager": "Storage Manager",
- "Storage": "Storage",
- "Drive": "Drive",
- "Single Drive Storage": "Single storage drive",
- "Format": "Format",
- "Remove": "Remove",
- "Available Total": "{name} | Available: {avl} (Total: {total})",
- "Health": "Health",
- "Healthy": "Healthy",
- "Damage": "Damaged",
- "Temp": "Temperature",
- "Creation in progress": "Creation in progress",
- "Apply": "Apply",
- "Storage Name": "Storage name",
- "Choose Drive": "Choose drive",
- "Enter the password to continue:": "Enter the password to confirm:",
- "Used": "Used",
- "CasaOS reserves 1% of file space when creating storage in EXT4 format.": "CasaOS reserves 1% of file space when creating storage in EXT4 format.",
- "The selected drive will be emptied.": "The selected drive will be emptied.",
- "Please make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that needs to be backed up.": "Please make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that needs to be backed up.",
- "The drive you select can be used directly as storage.": "The drive you have selected can be used directly as storage.",
- "You can also choose to create it after formatting. If formatted, the selected drive will be emptied.": "You can also choose to create it after formatting. Once formatted, the selected drive will be emptied.",
- "Format and Create": "Format and create",
- "Please insert a Drive to Create Storage": "Please plug a drive to create storage",
- "Join Discord": "Join Discord",
- "Visit our Github": "Visit our GitHub",
- "Title": "Title",
- "System infomation": "System infomation",
- "Share CasaOS": "Share CasaOS",
- "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Please invite more friends who care about data privacy to join and use CasaOS.",
- "Files": "Files",
- "Upload or Create": "Upload or create",
- "Upload Files": "Upload files",
- "Upload Folder": "Upload folder",
- "New Folder": "New folder",
- "New File": "New file",
- "Change View": "Change view",
- "Upload to": "Upload to",
- "Uploading": "Uploading",
- "uploading": "Uploading",
- "Completed": "Completed",
- "success": "Success",
- "error": "Error",
- "paused": "Paused",
- "waiting": "Waiting",
- "Download": "Download",
- "Copy Path": "Copy path",
- "Rename": "Rename",
- "Cut": "Cut",
- "Copy": "Copy",
- "Delete": "Delete",
- "Are you sure?": "Are you sure?",
- "Paste": "Paste",
- "Refresh": "Refresh",
- "Code Editor": "Code editor",
- "Saved": "Saved",
- "Want to save?": "Do you want to save?",
- "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them.": "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them.",
- "Don't Save": "Don't save",
- "Drop your files here to upload": "Drop your files here to upload",
- "or": "or",
- "File name": "Name",
- "Date Modified": "Date modified",
- "Size": "Size",
- "Play in IINA": "Play in IINA",
- "Play in PotPlayer": "Play in PotPlayer",
- "Play in VLC": "Play in VLC",
- "Download in preparation...": "Preparing to download...",
- "Copied to clipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
- "Previous": "Previous",
- "Zoom in": "Zoom in",
- "Rotate": "Rotate",
- "Reset": "Reset",
- "Zoom out": "Zoom out",
- "INext": "Next",
- "Move": "Move",
- "Current Tasks": "Current tasks",
- "Deleting files": "Deleting files...",
- "Are you sure you want to delete these files? This action cannot be undone.": "Are you sure you want to delete these files? This action cannot be undone.",
- "select-items": "{num} items selected",
- "total-items": "Total {num} items",
- "cancel-all": "Cancel all",
- "Paste - Overwrite": "Paste - Overwrite",
- "Paste - Skip": "Paste - Skip",
- "Set as wallpaper": "Set as wallpaper",
- "Set wallpaper successfully.": "Set wallpaper successfully.",
- "Save failed, please try again!": "Failed to set wallpaper. Please try again.",
- "Upload failed, please try again!": "Failed to upload wallpaper. Please try again.",
- "Location": "Location",
- "Share": "Share",
- "Shared": "Shared",
- "UnShare": "Stop sharing",
- "Unsharing Folder": "Stop sharing folder",
- "Are you sure you want to unshare this Folder?": "Are you sure you want to stop sharing this folder?",
- "New Local Storage": "New local storage",
- "Connect Network Storage": "Connect network storage",
- "Start sharing your files on the local network.": "Start sharing your files on the local network.",
- "Shared Folders": "Shared folders",
- "Go to": "Go to",
- "Get Share Link": "Get network path",
- "Select Shared Folder": "Select shared folder",
- "Folder has been shared": "Folder has been shared",
- "Enter the following link to access the shared folder ( Samba ) .": "Use the following network path to access the shared folder.",
- "PC ( Windows explorer )": "PC (Windows explorer)",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Docker Compose를 이곳으로 끌어오거나 클릭하여 업로드",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Docker Compose를 이곳으로 끌어오거나 클릭하여 업로드",
+ "Host": "호스트",
+ "Container": "컨테이너",
+ "Key": "키",
+ "Value": "값",
+ "Protocol": "프로토콜",
+ "This is not a valid json file.": "유효한 JSON 파일이 아닙니다.",
+ "Your browser does not support file reading.": "이 브라우저는 파일 업로딩을 지원하지 않습니다.",
+ "has been selected": "선택 됨",
+ "Please fill correct command line": "명령 줄을 불러오는데 문제가 발생하였습니다.",
+ "Please import a valid App file": "AppFile을 불러오는데 문제가 발생하였습니다.",
+ "AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.": "불러오기를 통해 인식된 구성 외에 다음의 정보가 추가로 필요합니다:",
+ "the port and path of the Web UI": "포트와 앱의 WebUI 경로",
+ "the mount location of the volume or file": "디렉터리 혹은 마운트 될 파일의 경로",
+ "the port mapping of the Host": "호스트-컨테이너 간 포트 매핑",
+ "optional configuration items": "이외의 선택적 구성",
+ "These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.": "확인을 누르고 다음 과정에서 구성을 확인하세요.",
+ "CATEGORY": "카테고리",
+ "DEVELOPER": "개발자",
+ "REQUIRE": "필수",
+ "MEMORY": "메모리",
+ "DISK": "디스크",
+ "App Store": "앱스토어",
+ "Community Apps": "커뮤니티 앱",
+ "From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "우리의 멋진 커뮤니티가 기여했습니다.",
+ "Sort by": "정렬 기준",
+ "Click icon to import.": "아이콘을 클릭하여 불러오기",
+ "Drag icons to sort.": "아이콘을 끌어 정렬",
+ "Import to CasaOS": "CasaOS로 불러오기",
+ "Existing Docker Apps": "존재하는 Docker 앱",
+ "[Optional]": "선택사항",
+ "Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "Docker compose 파일에 1개 이상의 컨테이너가 명시되어 있는 경우, 우선 첫번째 컨테이너만 불러옵니다.",
+ "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "데이터를 불러오는 중 오류가 발생했습니다. 다시 시도해 주세요.",
+ "Port": "포트",
+ "Create Storage": "저장소 만들기",
+ "Storage Manager": "저장소 관리자",
+ "Storage": "저장소",
+ "Drive": "드라이브",
+ "Single Drive Storage": "단일 저장소 드라이브",
+ "Format": "형식",
+ "Remove": "제거",
+ "Available Total": "{name} | 사용 가능: {avl} (총: {total})",
+ "Health": "상태",
+ "Healthy": "정상",
+ "Damage": "손상됨",
+ "Temp": "온도",
+ "Creation in progress": "생성 진행 중",
+ "Apply": "적용",
+ "Storage Name": "저장소 이름",
+ "Choose Drive": "저장소 선택",
+ "Enter the password to continue:": "확인을 위해 비밀번호를 입력하세요:",
+ "Used": "사용됨",
+ "CasaOS reserves 1% of file space when creating storage in EXT4 format.": "CasaOS는 EXT4 형식의 저장소를 생성할 때 1%의 저장 공간을 예약합니다.",
+ "The selected drive will be emptied.": "선택한 드라이브가 지워집니다.",
+ "Please make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that needs to be backed up.": "반드시 백업이 필요한 중요한 자료가 선택한 드라이브에 존재하지 않는지 확인해 주세요.",
+ "The drive you select can be used directly as storage.": "선택한 드라이브는 저장소로 바로 사용할 수 있습니다.",
+ "You can also choose to create it after formatting. If formatted, the selected drive will be emptied.": "포맷한 후에 생성하도록 선택할 수도 있습니다. 포맷되면 선택한 드라이브가 지워집니다.",
+ "Format and Create": "포맷 및 생성",
+ "Please insert a Drive to Create Storage": "저장소를 생성하기 위해 드라이브를 연결해 주세요",
+ "Join Discord": "Discord 서버 참여하기",
+ "Visit our Github": "GitHub 방문하기",
+ "Title": "제목",
+ "System infomation": "시스템 정보",
+ "Share CasaOS": "CasaOS 공유",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "개인정보를 소중히 생각하는 친구들에게 CasaOS를 알리고 사용하게 도와주세요.",
+ "Files": "파일",
+ "Upload or Create": "업로드 혹은 생성",
+ "Upload Files": "파일 업로드",
+ "Upload Folder": "폴더 업로드",
+ "New Folder": "새 폴더",
+ "New File": "새 파일",
+ "Change View": "보기 변경",
+ "Upload to": "업로드 대상",
+ "Uploading": "업로드 중",
+ "uploading": "업로드 중",
+ "Completed": "완료",
+ "success": "성공",
+ "error": "오류",
+ "paused": "일시 중지됨",
+ "waiting": "대기 중",
+ "Download": "다운로드",
+ "Copy Path": "경로 복사",
+ "Rename": "이름 변경",
+ "Cut": "잘라내기",
+ "Copy": "복사",
+ "Delete": "삭제",
+ "Are you sure?": "확실합니까?",
+ "Paste": "복사",
+ "Refresh": "새로고침",
+ "Code Editor": "코드 편집기",
+ "Saved": "저장 됨",
+ "Want to save?": "저장하시겠습니까?",
+ "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them.": "저장하지 않으면 변경사항이 유실됩니다.",
+ "Don't Save": "저장 안함",
+ "Drop your files here to upload": "업로드 할 파일을 이곳으로 끌어오기",
+ "or": "혹은",
+ "File name": "이름",
+ "Date Modified": "수정한 날짜",
+ "Size": "크기",
+ "Play in IINA": "IINA에서 재생",
+ "Play in PotPlayer": "PotPlayer에서 재생",
+ "Play in VLC": "VLC에서 재생",
+ "Download in preparation...": "다운로드 준비 중...",
+ "Copied to clipboard": "클립보드에 복사됨",
+ "Previous": "이전",
+ "Zoom in": "확대",
+ "Rotate": "회전",
+ "Reset": "초기화",
+ "Zoom out": "축소",
+ "INext": "다음",
+ "Move": "이동",
+ "Current Tasks": "현재 작업",
+ "Deleting files": "파일 삭제 중...",
+ "Are you sure you want to delete these files? This action cannot be undone.": "다음 파일들을 삭제할까요? 이 작업은 되돌릴 수 없습니다.",
+ "select-items": "{num} 개의 항목 선택 됨",
+ "total-items": "총 {num} 개의 항목",
+ "cancel-all": "모두 취소",
+ "Paste - Overwrite": "붙여넣기 - 덮어쓰기",
+ "Paste - Skip": "붙여넣기 - 건너뛰기",
+ "Set as wallpaper": "배경화면으로 설정",
+ "Set wallpaper successfully.": "배경화면으로 설정했습니다.",
+ "Save failed, please try again!": "배경화면을 설정하지 못했습니다. 다시 시도해 주세요.",
+ "Upload failed, please try again!": "배경화면을 업로드 하지 못했습니다. 다시 시도해 주세요.",
+ "Location": "장소",
+ "Share": "공유",
+ "Shared": "공유됨",
+ "UnShare": "공유 중지",
+ "Unsharing Folder": "공유 폴더 중단",
+ "Are you sure you want to unshare this Folder?": "이 폴더의 공유를 정말 중단하시겠습니까?",
+ "New Local Storage": "새 로컬 저장소",
+ "Connect Network Storage": "네트워크 저장소 연결",
+ "Start sharing your files on the local network.": "로컬 네트워크에 파일 공유를 시작하세요.",
+ "Shared Folders": "공유 폴더",
+ "Go to": "이동",
+ "Get Share Link": "네트워크 경로 얻기",
+ "Select Shared Folder": "공유 폴더 선택",
+ "Folder has been shared": "폴더가 공유되었습니다",
+ "Enter the following link to access the shared folder ( Samba ) .": "다음 경로를 통해 공유 폴더에 접근하세요.",
+ "PC ( Windows explorer )": "PC (Windows 탐색기)",
"Mac ( Finder )": "Mac (Finder)",
- "I Got it": "Got it",
- "Follow the guide to start sharing your files on the local network.": "Follow the guide to start sharing your files on the local network.",
- "Eject Success": "Eject succeeded",
- "Eject Failed": "Eject failed",
- "Server Address": "Server address",
- "eg : smb://": "E.g. smb://",
- "Support Samba Address eg : smb://": "Support Samba address e.g. smb://",
- "Connect As Guest": "Connect as guest",
- "Username or password cannot be empty.": "Username or password cannot be empty.",
- "Please enter a correct Samba address!": "Please enter a correct Samba address.",
- "Create Folder": "Create folder",
- "Create File": "Create file",
- "Add External Link/APP": "Add external link",
- "Local URL,Public URL": "A local URL or a public URL here",
- "Eg: // or https://www.google.com": "E.g. // or https://www.google.com",
- "App Name": "Title",
- "Customize your APP name": "Title of the external link",
- "Local URL": "Local URL",
- "Custom Install APP": "Install a customized app",
- "Add external link/APP": "Add external link",
- "Address": "Link URL",
- "Please choose a location with enough storage space and stable connection.": "Please choose a location with enough storage space of a non-removable drive.",
- "undefined": "undefined",
- "Apps Installation Location": "App installation location",
- "(Cannot be changed)": "(Cannot be changed)",
- "Merge Storages": "Merge storages",
- "MainStorage Settings": "MainStorage settings",
- "Data Protected": "Data protected",
- "APPs Restart": "Apps need restart",
- "APP Restart": "App need restart",
- "Restart": "Restart",
- "Continue": "Continue",
- "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD.",
- "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost!",
- "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HD works best when the selected storage sources are all formatted.",
- " is running, restart ": " is running. Restart ",
- " to continue.": " to continue.",
- "APPs is running": "One or more apps is running",
- "restart APPs to continue.": "restart apps to continue.",
- "Add a shortcut": "Add a shortcut",
- "Error when creating installation path for apps": "Error when creating installation path for apps",
- "Accept": "Accept",
- "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "We appreciate any feedback you may have!",
- "Show other Docker container app(s)": "Show other containers",
- "Show news feed from CasaOS Blog": "Show news feed from CasaOS blog",
- "CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?",
- "Feedback / Issue Report": "Feedback / Issue Report",
- "Start with [Issue], [App Request], or [Feature Request]...": "Start with [Issue], [App Request], or [Feature Request]...",
- "Description": "Description",
- "The more details provided, the easier this feedback or issue gets addressed.": "The more details provided, the easier this feedback or issue gets addressed.",
- "For more feedback options, visit CasaOS project on GitHub...": "For more feedback options, visit CasaOS project on GitHub...",
- "{num} items": "{num} items",
- "Submit a feedback or report an issue": "Submit a feedback or report an issue",
- "Shutdown": "Shutdown",
- "Connecting": "Connecting",
- "Open in Files": "Open in Files",
- "Learn more": "Learn more",
- "Set Mainstorage": "Merge storage",
- "Found a new drive": "Found a new drive",
- "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?
{divS}Delete userdata ( config folder ){divE}": "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this app?
{divS}Delete userdata ( config folder ){divE}",
- "Beta": "Beta",
- "Clone": "Clone",
- "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.",
- "* This feature is now testing and verifying, enabling it may clear personal data and destroy the installed APPs, so it is recommended to use it only during the startup.": "* This feature is now testing and verifying, enabling it may clear personal data and destroy the installed apps, so it is recommended to use it only during the startup.",
- "Preparing for launch": "Preparing for launch",
- "to open the app. If it does not work, please restart or try again later.": "to open the app. If it does not work, please restart or try again later.",
- "This operation may clear all personal data and destroy the installed APPs.": "This operation may clear all personal data and destroy the installed apps.",
- "Warning": "Warning",
- "Click here": "Click here",
- "Installing app": "Installing app",
- "Installation completed": "Installation completed",
- "Starting installation": "Starting installation",
- "New": "New",
- "NEW": "NEW",
- "Check then update": "Check then update",
- "At least one extra hard drive is needed for this feature.": "At least one extra hard drive is needed for this feature.",
- "APP may not be available": "App may not be available",
- "Please": "Please",
- "{appName} is the latest version!": "{appName} is the latest version!",
- "{name} has been updated to the latest version!": "{name} has been updated to the latest version!",
- "Unable to update at the moment!": "Unable to update at the moment!",
- "Updating": "Updating",
- "Uninstalling": "Uninstalling",
- "CheckThenUpdate": "Check then update",
- "Not compatible with {arch} devices.": "Not compatible with {arch} devices.",
- "Connect Dropbox": "Connect Dropbox",
- "Connect Google Drive": "Connect Google Drive",
+ "I Got it": "확인",
+ "Follow the guide to start sharing your files on the local network.": "다음 가이드에 따라 당신의 파일을 로컬 네트워크에 공유하세요.",
+ "Eject Success": "분리 성공",
+ "Eject Failed": "분리 실패",
+ "Server Address": "서버 주소",
+ "eg : smb://": "예시: smb://",
+ "Support Samba Address eg : smb://": "Samba 주소를 지원합니다. 예시: smb://",
+ "Connect As Guest": "게스트로 연결",
+ "Username or password cannot be empty.": "사용자 이름 혹은 비밀번호는 비워둘 수 없습니다.",
+ "Please enter a correct Samba address!": "유효한 Samba 주소를 입력해 주세요.",
+ "Create Folder": "폴더 생성",
+ "Create File": "파일 생성",
+ "Add External Link/APP": "외부 링크 추가",
+ "Local URL,Public URL": "로컬 URL 혹은 공용 URL",
+ "Eg: // or https://www.google.com": "예시: // 또는 https://www.google.com",
+ "App Name": "제목",
+ "Customize your APP name": "외부 링크의 제목",
+ "Local URL": "로컬 URL",
+ "Custom Install APP": "커스텀 앱 설치",
+ "Add external link/APP": "외부 링크 추가",
+ "Address": "링크 URL",
+ "Please choose a location with enough storage space and stable connection.": "충분한 저장 공간을 가지고, 분리되지 않는 드라이브 경로를 선택해 주세요.",
+ "undefined": "알 수 없음",
+ "Apps Installation Location": "앱 설치 경로",
+ "(Cannot be changed)": "(변경할 수 없습니다)",
+ "Merge Storages": "저장소 병합",
+ "MainStorage Settings": "주 저장소 설정",
+ "Data Protected": "데이터 보호됨",
+ "APPs Restart": "앱을 다시 시작해야 합니다",
+ "APP Restart": "앱을 다시 시작해야 합니다",
+ "Restart": "재시작",
+ "Continue": "계속",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "내부 파일을 수정하는 것은 CasaOS 저장소의 구조를 손상시킬 수 있습니다.",
+ "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "저장소의 자료를 백업해 주세요. 데이터가 손실될 수 있습니다!",
+ "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS는 선택한 저장소가 완전히 포맷되었을 때 가장 잘 동작합니다.",
+ " is running, restart ": " 실행 중. 재시작 ",
+ " to continue.": "계속하려면 ",
+ "APPs is running": "하나 이상의 앱이 실행 중입니다",
+ "restart APPs to continue.": "계속하려면 앱을 재시작 하세요.",
+ "Add a shortcut": "바로가기 추가",
+ "Error when creating installation path for apps": "앱 설치 경로를 추가하는 과정에서 오류가 발생했습니다",
+ "Accept": "수락",
+ "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "당신의 의견에 감사드립니다!",
+ "Show other Docker container app(s)": "다른 컨테이너 보기",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS Blog": "CasaOS 블로그에서 뉴스 피드 확인하기",
+ "CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "CasaOS 대시보드는 인터넷을 통해 https://blog.casaos.io 에서 최신 뉴스 피드를 불러오며, 인터넷 접속 기록이 발생할 수 있습니다. 동의하십니까?",
+ "Feedback / Issue Report": "피드백 / 오류 제보",
+ "Start with [Issue], [App Request], or [Feature Request]...": "[Issue], [App Request] 또는 [Feature Request]으로 시작하세요...",
+ "Description": "설명",
+ "The more details provided, the easier this feedback or issue gets addressed.": "더 상세한 정보를 제공할수록, 피드백 및 오류가 더 쉽게 해결됩니다.",
+ "For more feedback options, visit CasaOS project on GitHub...": "더 많은 피드백 옵션은 GitHub의 CasaOS 프로젝트를 방문해 주세요...",
+ "{num} items": "{num} 개의 항목",
+ "Submit a feedback or report an issue": "피드백 혹은 오류 제보하기",
+ "Shutdown": "종료",
+ "Connecting": "연결 중",
+ "Open in Files": "파일에서 열기",
+ "Learn more": "더 알아보기",
+ "Set Mainstorage": "저장소 병합",
+ "Found a new drive": "새로운 드라이브 발견",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?
{divS}Delete userdata ( config folder ){divE}": "데이터는 삭제 후 복원되지 않습니다!
앱 삭제를 진행할까요?
{divS}사용자 데이터 삭제 ( 구성 폴더 ){divE}",
+ "Beta": "베타",
+ "Clone": "복제",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "선택한 저장소가 CasaOS 저장소로 병합됩니다.",
+ "* This feature is now testing and verifying, enabling it may clear personal data and destroy the installed APPs, so it is recommended to use it only during the startup.": "* 이 기능은 현재 테스트 및 검증을 진행하고 있습니다. 이 기능을 활성화 할 경우, 개인 데이터나 설치된 앱을 손상시킬 수 있으므로 시작 과정에서만 사용하길 권장합니다.",
+ "Preparing for launch": "시작 준비 중",
+ "to open the app. If it does not work, please restart or try again later.": "앱을 엽니다. 그래도 작동하지 않으면 재부팅하거나 다시 시도해 보세요.",
+ "This operation may clear all personal data and destroy the installed APPs.": "이 동작은 개인 데이터나 설치된 앱을 손상시킬 수 있습니다.",
+ "Warning": "경고",
+ "Click here": "여기를 클릭",
+ "Installing app": "앱 설치 중",
+ "Installation completed": "설치 완료",
+ "Starting installation": "설치 시작",
+ "New": "신규",
+ "NEW": "신규",
+ "Check then update": "확인 후 업데이트",
+ "At least one extra hard drive is needed for this feature.": "이 기능을 위해 최소 한개 이상의 저장소가 필요합니다.",
+ "APP may not be available": "앱 사용이 불가능할 수 있습니다",
+ "Please": "부탁드립니다",
+ "{appName} is the latest version!": "{appName} 은(는) 최신 버전입니다!",
+ "{name} has been updated to the latest version!": "{name} 가 최신 버전으로 업데이트 되었습니다!",
+ "Unable to update at the moment!": "현재는 업데이트 할 수 없습니다!",
+ "Updating": "업데이트 중",
+ "Uninstalling": "삭제 중",
+ "CheckThenUpdate": "확인 후 업데이트",
+ "Not compatible with {arch} devices.": "{arch} 장치와 호환되지 않음",
+ "Connect Dropbox": "Dropbox에 연결",
+ "Connect GoogleDrive": "Google Drive에 연결",
"FilesDrop": "FilesDrop",
- "You are using the device": "You are using the device",
- "Click to send the file to the device.": "Click to send the file to the device.",
- "{num} files being sent": "Sending {num} files",
- "Receiving {num} files": "Receiving {num} files",
- "Local Area Network Access": "Local Area Network Access",
- "Access the following address with another device": "Access the following address with another device",
- "Drop files to another device anytime, anywhere": "Drop files to another device anytime, anywhere",
- "Sending files": "Sending files",
- "Cancel sending": "Cancel sending",
- "Ignore": "Ignore",
- "File transfer completed.": "File transfer completed!",
- "Save {name} {size} from {device}.": "Save {name} {size} from {device}.",
- "Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...": "Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...",
- "cli to compose...": "cli to compose...",
- "View tutorial": "View tutorial",
- "Add Source": "Add Source",
- "More": "More",
- "Search an app...": "Search an app...",
- "Tips": "Tips",
- "Export as Compose": "Export as Compose",
- "Something to remember eg. password": "Something to remember eg. password",
- "Other ways to merge storages": "Other ways to merge storages",
- "Free up storage": "Free up storage",
- "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "In the process of asynchronous updating.",
- "Welcome to {name}": "Welcome to {name}",
- "Other ways to use": "Other ways to use",
- "Zima Client": "Zima Client",
- "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.",
- "Install the software.": "Install the software.",
- "Using the Network ID :": "Using the Network ID :",
- "Connect Zima in the software.": "Connect Zima in the software.",
- "Zima customization system": "Zima customization system",
- "About CasaOS System": "About CasaOS System",
- "Storage Merge": "Storage Merge",
- "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Merge multiple disks into one.",
- "Manage all data in one page.": "Manage all data in one page.",
- "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Over 40 applications installed with one click.",
- "Please read before continuing ": "Please read before continuing ",
- "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.",
- "Share {CasaOS}": "Share {CasaOS}",
- "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Please invite more friends who care about data privacy to join and use {OS}.",
- "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD.",
- "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.",
- "Rebuilding": "Rebuilding",
- "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} rebulid completed",
- "Rebulid error": "Rebulid error",
- "Installing {title}": "Installing {title}",
- "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).",
- "To be rebuilt.": "To be rebuilt."
+ "You are using the device": "장치를 사용중입니다",
+ "Click to send the file to the device.": "클릭하여 파일을 장치에 전송하세요.",
+ "{num} files being sent": "{num} 개의 파일 전송 중",
+ "Receiving {num} files": "{num} 개의 파일 수신 중",
+ "Local Area Network Access": "로컬 네트워크 접근",
+ "Access the following address with another device": "다른 장치에서 다음 주소로 접속하세요",
+ "Drop files to another device anytime, anywhere": "언제 어디서든 다른 장치로 파일을 보낼 수 있습니다",
+ "Sending files": "파일 전송 중",
+ "Cancel sending": "보내기 취소",
+ "Ignore": "무시",
+ "File transfer completed.": "파일 전송 완료",
+ "Save {name} {size} from {device}.": "{device} 에서 전송된 {name} {size} 저장",
+ "Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...": "연결 끊김. 5초 후 재시도...",
+ "cli to compose...": "Compose를 위한 CLI...",
+ "View tutorial": "튜토리얼 보기",
+ "Add Source": "소스 추가",
+ "More": "더 보기",
+ "Search an app...": "앱 검색하기...",
+ "Tips": "도움말",
+ "Export as Compose": "Compose로 내보내기",
+ "Something to remember eg. password": "저장해야 할 것. 예시: 비밀번호",
+ "Other ways to merge storages": "저장소 병합을 위한 다른 방법",
+ "Free up storage": "저장 공간 확보",
+ "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "비동기 업데이트가 진행 중입니다.",
+ "Welcome to {name}": "{name}에 오신것을 환영합니다.",
+ "Other ways to use": "사용을 위한 다른 방법",
+ "Zima Client": "Zima 클라이언트",
+ "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "원격으로 데이터에 액세스하거나 다른 장치와 동기화하려는 경우.",
+ "Install the software.": "소프트웨어 설치.",
+ "Using the Network ID :": "다음 네트워크 ID 사용:",
+ "Connect Zima in the software.": "소프트웨어에서 Zima 연결",
+ "Zima customization system": "Zima 사용자화 시스템",
+ "About CasaOS System": "CasaOS에 대하여",
+ "Storage Merge": "저장소 병합",
+ "Merge multiple disks into one.": "여러개의 디스크를 하나로 병합",
+ "Manage all data in one page.": "모든 데이터를 하나의 페이지에서 관리하기.",
+ "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "40개 이상의 앱들이 한번의 클릭으로 설치됩니다.",
+ "Please read before continuing ": "계속하기 전 반드시 읽어주세요 ",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "CasaOS 블로그에서 뉴스 피드 확인하기.",
+ "Share {CasaOS}": "{CasaOS} 공유",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "개인정보를 소중히 생각하는 친구들에게 {OS} 를 알리고 사용하게 도와주세요.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "내부 파일을 수정하는 것은 {CasaOS} 저장소의 구조를 손상시킬 수 있습니다.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "선택한 저장소가 {CasaOS} 저장소로 병합됩니다.",
+ "Rebuilding": "재구성 중",
+ "Rebuild": "재구성",
+ "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} 재구성이 완료되었습니다",
+ "Rebulid error": "재구성 오류",
+ "Installing {title}": "{title} 설치 중",
+ "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "레거시 앱 (재구성 필요)",
+ "To be rebuilt.": "재구성 필요."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/src/assets/lang/no_NO.json b/main/src/assets/lang/no_NO.json
index 6dbe6078..f9879fa7 100644
--- a/main/src/assets/lang/no_NO.json
+++ b/main/src/assets/lang/no_NO.json
@@ -20,22 +20,22 @@
"Change": "Endre",
"Start": "Start",
"Connect": "Koble til",
- "This field is required": "This field is required.",
- "This field must be a valid email": "Please enter a valid email address.",
+ "This field is required": "Dette feltet er obligatorisk.",
+ "This field must be a valid email": "Vennligst oppgi en gyldig e-postadresse.",
"This field confirmation does not match": "Dette feltet samsvarer ikke med",
"This field must have 2 options": "Dette feltet må ha 2 alternativer",
- "This field must have more than 5 characters": "This field must have 5 or more characters.",
- "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "You entered an invalid time. Please use the RFC1123 format.",
- "Welcome to CasaOS": "Welcome to CasaOS",
+ "This field must have more than 5 characters": "Dette feltet må ha 5 eller flere tegn.",
+ "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "Du har oppgitt en ugyldig tid. Vennligst bruk RFC1123-formatet.",
+ "Welcome to CasaOS": "Velkommen til CasaOS",
"Let's create your initial account": "La oss opprette kontoen din",
- "Go →": "Go →",
+ "Go →": "Gå →",
"Create Account": "Opprett konto",
"Username": "Brukernavn",
"Confirm Password": "Bekreft passord",
- "Username or Password error!": "Username or password is invalid!",
- "All things done!": "We're good to go!",
+ "Username or Password error!": "Brukernavn eller passord er ugyldig!",
+ "All things done!": "Vi er klare til å fortsette!",
"Login": "Innlogging",
- "Password error!": "Invalid password!",
+ "Password error!": "Ugyldig passord!",
"Account": "Konto",
"Logout": "Logg ut",
"Name": "Navn",
@@ -44,77 +44,77 @@
"Change Password": "Endre passord",
"Original password": "Opprinnelig passord",
"New password": "Nytt passord",
- "Confirm the new password again": "Confirm new password",
+ "Confirm the new password again": "Bekreft nytt passord",
"Settings": "Innstillinger",
- "Dashboard Setting": "Dashboard Settings",
- "Search Engine": "Search Engine",
+ "Dashboard Setting": "Dashboard-innstillinger",
+ "Search Engine": "Søkemotor",
"WebUI Port": "WebUI Port",
- "Currently at the latest version": "Currently, at the latest version",
+ "Currently at the latest version": "For øyeblikket, på den nyeste versjonen",
"A new version is available!": "En ny versjon er tilgjengelig!",
"Edit Web UI port": "Rediger WebUI port",
"Automount USB Drive": "Start USB-stasjonen automatisk",
"Wallpaper": "Bakgrunn",
"Change wallpaper": "Endre bakgrunnsbilde",
"Show Search Bar": "Vis søkefelt",
- "Show Recommended Apps": "Show recommended apps",
+ "Show Recommended Apps": "Vis anbefalte apper",
"Upgrade Now": "Oppdater nå",
- "Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB": "Enabling this function may cause boot failures when booting Raspberry Pi device from USB storage",
- "There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!": "There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process. Please try again.",
- "Update completed": "Upgrade complete!",
- "Let more friends know": "Let more friends know",
- "Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Please share with friends who care about data privacy to join and use CasaOS.",
- "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS successfully upgraded.",
- "CasaOS upgrade failed": "CasaOS failed to upgrade.",
- "Terminal & Logs": "Terminal and Logs",
+ "Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB": "Aktivering av denne funksjonen kan forårsake oppstartsfeil når Raspberry Pi-enheten starter fra USB-lagring",
+ "There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!": "Det ser ut til å være et problem med oppgraderingsprosessen. Vennligst prøv igjen.",
+ "Update completed": "Oppgradering fullført!",
+ "Let more friends know": "La flere venner få vite det",
+ "Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Del med venner som bryr seg om personvern for å delta i og bruke CasaOS.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS ble oppgradert.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade failed": "CasaOS kunne ikke oppgraderes.",
+ "Terminal & Logs": "Terminal og logger",
"Terminal": "Terminal",
- "Logs": "Logs",
- "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Please check if the username and port are correct. Make sure the SSH server is installed.",
- "Widgets Settings": "Widget settings",
- "Time": "Time",
- "System Status": "System status",
- "Storage Status": "Storage status",
- "Network Status": "Network status",
- "Search...": "Search...",
- "Sync your data": "Sync your data",
- "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices",
- "Install": "Install",
- "Config": "Configuration",
- "Total": "Total",
- "Failed to start, please try again.": "Failed to start Syncthing. Please try again.",
- "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing isn't running. Do you want to start it?",
- "Starting Syncthing...": "Starting Syncthing...",
- "Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!",
- "Smarten up your home": "Smarten up your home",
- "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.",
- "In development": "Stay tuned",
+ "Logs": "Logger",
+ "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Kontroller at brukernavn og port er korrekt. Kontroller at SSH serveren er installert.",
+ "Widgets Settings": "Widget-innstillinger",
+ "Time": "Tid",
+ "System Status": "Systemstatus",
+ "Storage Status": "Lagringsstatus",
+ "Network Status": "Nettverksstatus",
+ "Search...": "Søk...",
+ "Sync your data": "Synkroniser data",
+ "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Bruk Syncthing for å synkronisere filer mellom flere enheter",
+ "Install": "Installer",
+ "Config": "Konfigurasjon",
+ "Total": "Totalt",
+ "Failed to start, please try again.": "Feil ved oppstart av Syncthing. Vennligst forsøk igjen.",
+ "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing kjører ikke. Ønsker du å starte det?",
+ "Starting Syncthing...": "Oppstarter Syncthing...",
+ "Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "Har du en idé? Del den på Discord!",
+ "Smarten up your home": "Forbedre hjemmet ditt med smarte løsninger",
+ "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "Vi ønsker å gi deg en smarthjem-opplevelse med personvern, høy hastighet og lokal lagring.",
+ "In development": "Hold deg oppdatert",
"Apps": "App",
"App": "App",
- "Open": "Open",
- "Setting": "Settings",
- "Uninstall": "Uninstall",
- "Attention": "Attention",
- "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?",
- "Featured Apps": "Featured Apps",
- "Custom Install": "Custom Install",
- "Continue in background": "Continue in background",
- "Install a new App manually": "Manual App Install",
+ "Open": "Åpne",
+ "Setting": "Innstillinger",
+ "Uninstall": "Avinstaller",
+ "Attention": "Merk følgende",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Data kan ikke gjenopprettes etter sletting!
Fortsett for å avinstallere denne applikasjonen?",
+ "Featured Apps": "Utvalgte apper",
+ "Custom Install": "Tilpasset installasjon",
+ "Continue in background": "Fortsett i bakgrunnen",
+ "Install a new App manually": "Manuell Appinstallasjon",
"Docker Image": "Docker Image",
"App name": "Navn på applikasjonen",
"Icon URL": "Ikon-URL",
"Network": "Nettverk",
- "Privileged": "Privileges",
+ "Privileged": "Rettigheter",
"Container Command": "Container Command",
- "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Container Capabilities (cap-add)",
- "Container Hostname": "Container Hostname",
+ "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Container Kapabiliteter (cap-add)",
+ "Container Hostname": "Container Vertsnavn",
"Hostname of app container": "Vertsnavn for app container",
"Ports": "Port",
"Volumes": "Volumer",
- "Environment Variables": "Environment Variables",
+ "Environment Variables": "Miljøvariabel",
"Devices": "Enheter",
- "Memory Limit": "Memory Limit",
- "CPU Shares": "CPU Shares",
- "Restart Policy": "Restart Policy",
- "App Description": "App Description",
+ "Memory Limit": "Minnegrense",
+ "CPU Shares": "CPU-effektivitet",
+ "Restart Policy": "Omstart Retningslinjer",
+ "App Description": "Beskrivelse av applikasjonen",
"No ports now, click “+” to add one.": "Klikk \"+\" for å legge til.",
"No volumes now, click “+” to add one.": "Klikk \"+\" for å legge til.",
"No environment variables now, click “+” to add one.": "Klikk \"+\" for å legge til.",
@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@
"Your custom App Name": "Ditt egendefinerte app navn",
"Your custom icon URL": "Din egendefinerte ikonadresse",
"Installing": "Installerer",
- "Export ComposeFile": "Export ComposeFile",
+ "Export ComposeFile": "Eksporter komponeringsfil",
"AppFile": "AppFile",
- "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload",
- "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Slipp Docker-komponenten her eller klikk for å laste opp",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Slipp Docker-komponenten her eller klikk for å laste opp",
"Host": "Tjener",
"Container": "Container",
"Key": "Nøkkel",
@@ -139,69 +139,67 @@
"Please fill correct command line": "Noe er galt under lesing av kommandolinjen.",
"Please import a valid App file": "Noe er galt under lesing av AppFilen.",
"AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.": "I tillegg til konfigurasjonen som er anerkjent av importen, trenger vi også følgende informasjon:",
- "Some configuration information such as:": " ",
"the port and path of the Web UI": "Port og sti til app webUI",
"the mount location of the volume or file": "Plassering av katalog eller fil som skal monteres",
"the port mapping of the Host": "Porttilordning fra vertsadresse til container",
"optional configuration items": "Andre valgfrie konfigurasjoner",
"These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.": "Vennligst bekreft konfigurasjonen i neste trinn etter å ha klikket på OK.",
- "Feel free to suggest improvements to this feature in Discord Server!": "",
"App Store": "App Butikk",
- "Community Apps": "Community apps",
- "From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "Contributed by our awsome community.",
- "Sort by": "Sort by",
- "Click icon to import.": "Click icon to import.",
- "Drag icons to sort.": "Drag icons to sort.",
- "Import to CasaOS": "Import to CasaOS",
- "Existing Docker Apps": "Existing Docker apps",
- "[Optional]": "Optional",
- "Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "When there are more than 1 containers specified in the Docker compose file, only the first one will be imported for now.",
- "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "There was an error loading the data. Please try again.",
- "Port": "Ports",
- "Create Storage": "Create Storage",
- "Storage Manager": "Storage Manager",
- "Storage": "Storage",
- "Drive": "Drive",
- "Single Drive Storage": "Single storage drive",
- "Format": "Format",
- "Remove": "Remove",
- "Available Total": "{name} | Available: {avl} (Total: {total})",
- "Health": "Health",
- "Healthy": "Healthy",
- "Damage": "Damaged",
- "Temp": "Temperature",
- "Creation in progress": "Creation in progress",
- "Apply": "Apply",
- "Storage Name": "Storage name",
- "Choose Drive": "Choose drive",
- "Enter the password to continue:": "Enter the password to confirm:",
- "Used": "Used",
- "CasaOS reserves 1% of file space when creating storage in EXT4 format.": "CasaOS reserves 1% of file space when creating storage in EXT4 format.",
- "The selected drive will be emptied.": "The selected drive will be emptied.",
- "Please make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that needs to be backed up.": "Please make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that needs to be backed up.",
- "The drive you select can be used directly as storage.": "The drive you have selected can be used directly as storage.",
- "You can also choose to create it after formatting. If formatted, the selected drive will be emptied.": "You can also choose to create it after formatting. Once formatted, the selected drive will be emptied.",
- "Format and Create": "Format and create",
- "Please insert a Drive to Create Storage": "Please plug a drive to create storage",
- "Join Discord": "Join Discord",
- "Visit our Github": "Visit our GitHub",
- "Title": "Title",
- "System infomation": "System infomation",
- "Share CasaOS": "Share CasaOS",
- "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Please invite more friends who care about data privacy to join and use CasaOS.",
- "Files": "Files",
- "Upload or Create": "Upload or create",
- "Upload Files": "Upload files",
- "Upload Folder": "Upload folder",
- "New Folder": "New folder",
- "New File": "New file",
- "Change View": "Change view",
- "Upload to": "Upload to",
+ "Community Apps": "Felleskapets-apper",
+ "From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "Bidratt av vårt fantastiske fellesskap.",
+ "Sort by": "Sorter etter",
+ "Click icon to import.": "Klikk ikonet for å importere.",
+ "Drag icons to sort.": "Dra ikoner for å sortere.",
+ "Import to CasaOS": "Importer til CasaOS",
+ "Existing Docker Apps": "Eksisterende Docker apper",
+ "[Optional]": "Valgfritt",
+ "Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "Når det er mer enn 1 beholder som er spesifisert i Docker-filen, vil bare den første bli importert.",
+ "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "Det oppstod en feil under innhenting av data. Vennligst forsøk igjen.",
+ "Port": "Porter",
+ "Create Storage": "Opprett lagring",
+ "Storage Manager": "Lagringsadministrator",
+ "Storage": "Lagring",
+ "Drive": "Disk",
+ "Single Drive Storage": "Enkel harddisk",
+ "Format": "Formater",
+ "Remove": "Fjern",
+ "Available Total": "{name} Tilgjengelig: {avl} (Totalt: {total})",
+ "Health": "Helse",
+ "Healthy": "Frisk",
+ "Damage": "Skadet",
+ "Temp": "Temperatur",
+ "Creation in progress": "1 - Opprettelse pågår",
+ "Apply": "Bruk",
+ "Storage Name": "Navn på lagring",
+ "Choose Drive": "Velg en stasjon",
+ "Enter the password to continue:": "Skriv inn passordet for å bekrefte:",
+ "Used": "Brukt",
+ "CasaOS reserves 1% of file space when creating storage in EXT4 format.": "CasaOS reserverer 1 % av filplassen ved oppretting av lagring i EXT4-formatet.",
+ "The selected drive will be emptied.": "Den valgte disken vil bli tømt.",
+ "Please make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that needs to be backed up.": "Vennligst forsikre deg igjen om at det ikke er viktig data på den valgte disken som må sikkerhetskopieres.",
+ "The drive you select can be used directly as storage.": "Den disken du har valgt kan brukes direkte som lagring.",
+ "You can also choose to create it after formatting. If formatted, the selected drive will be emptied.": "Dette kan også opprettes etter formatering. Etter formatering vil den valgte disken bli tømt.",
+ "Format and Create": "Formater og opprett",
+ "Please insert a Drive to Create Storage": "Vennligst sett inn en disk for å opprette lagringsplass",
+ "Join Discord": "Bli med i Discorden",
+ "Visit our Github": "Besøk vår GitHub",
+ "Title": "Tittel",
+ "System infomation": "Systeminformasjon",
+ "Share CasaOS": "Del CasaOS",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Del med venner som bryr seg om personvern for å delta i og bruke CasaOS.",
+ "Files": "Filer",
+ "Upload or Create": "Last opp eller opprett",
+ "Upload Files": "Last opp filer",
+ "Upload Folder": "Last opp mappe",
+ "New Folder": "Ny mappe",
+ "New File": "Ny fil",
+ "Change View": "Endre visning",
+ "Upload to": "Last opp til",
"Uploading": "Laster opp",
"uploading": "Laster opp",
"Completed": "Fullført",
@@ -244,66 +242,66 @@
"Deleting files": "Sletter filer...",
"Are you sure you want to delete these files? This action cannot be undone.": "Er du sikker på at du vil slette disse filene? Denne handlingen kan ikke angres.",
"select-items": "{num} objekter valgt",
- "total-items": "Total {num} items",
+ "total-items": "Totalt {num} gjenstander",
"cancel-all": "Avbryt alle",
"Paste - Overwrite": "Lim inn - overskriv",
"Paste - Skip": "Lim inn - Hopp over",
"Set as wallpaper": "Sett som bakgrunn",
- "Set wallpaper successfully.": "Set wallpaper successfully.",
+ "Set wallpaper successfully.": "Bakgrunnsbildet er endret.",
"Save failed, please try again!": "Kan ikke angi bakgrunnsbilde. Prøv på nytt.",
"Upload failed, please try again!": "Kunne ikke laste opp bakgrunnsbilde. Prøv på nytt.",
- "Location": "Location",
- "Share": "Share",
- "Shared": "Shared",
- "UnShare": "Stop sharing",
- "Unsharing Folder": "Stop sharing folder",
- "Are you sure you want to unshare this Folder?": "Are you sure you want to stop sharing this folder?",
- "New Local Storage": "New local storage",
- "Connect Network Storage": "Connect network storage",
- "Start sharing your files on the local network.": "Start sharing your files on the local network.",
- "Shared Folders": "Shared folders",
- "Go to": "Go to",
- "Get Share Link": "Get network path",
- "Select Shared Folder": "Select shared folder",
- "Folder has been shared": "Folder has been shared",
- "Enter the following link to access the shared folder ( Samba ) .": "Use the following network path to access the shared folder.",
+ "Location": "Lokasjon",
+ "Share": "Del",
+ "Shared": "Delt",
+ "UnShare": "Stopp deling",
+ "Unsharing Folder": "Stopp deling av mappe",
+ "Are you sure you want to unshare this Folder?": "Er du sikker på at du vil stoppe deling av denne mappen?",
+ "New Local Storage": "Ny lokal lagring",
+ "Connect Network Storage": "Koble til nettverkslagring",
+ "Start sharing your files on the local network.": "Begynn å dele filene dine på det lokale nettverket.",
+ "Shared Folders": "Delte mapper",
+ "Go to": "Gå til",
+ "Get Share Link": "Få nettverksbanen",
+ "Select Shared Folder": "Velg delt mappe",
+ "Folder has been shared": "Mappen har blitt delt",
+ "Enter the following link to access the shared folder ( Samba ) .": "Bruk følgende nettverkssti til å få tilgang til den delte mappen.",
"PC ( Windows explorer )": "PC (Windows explorer)",
"Mac ( Finder )": "Mac (Finder)",
- "I Got it": "Got it",
- "Follow the guide to start sharing your files on the local network.": "Follow the guide to start sharing your files on the local network.",
- "Eject Success": "Eject succeeded",
- "Eject Failed": "Eject failed",
- "Server Address": "Server address",
- "eg : smb://": "E.g. smb://",
- "Support Samba Address eg : smb://": "Support Samba address e.g. smb://",
- "Connect As Guest": "Connect as guest",
- "Username or password cannot be empty.": "Username or password cannot be empty.",
- "Please enter a correct Samba address!": "Please enter a correct Samba address.",
- "Create Folder": "Create folder",
- "Create File": "Create file",
- "Add External Link/APP": "Add external link",
- "Local URL,Public URL": "A local URL or a public URL here",
- "Eg: // or https://www.google.com": "E.g. // or https://www.google.com",
- "App Name": "Title",
- "Customize your APP name": "Title of the external link",
- "Local URL": "Local URL",
- "Custom Install APP": "Install a customized app",
- "Add external link/APP": "Add external link",
- "Address": "Link URL",
- "Please choose a location with enough storage space and stable connection.": "Please choose a location with enough storage space of a non-removable drive.",
- "undefined": "undefined",
- "Apps Installation Location": "App installation location",
- "(Cannot be changed)": "(Cannot be changed)",
- "Merge Storages": "Merge storages",
- "MainStorage Settings": "MainStorage settings",
- "Data Protected": "Data protected",
- "APPs Restart": "Apps need restart",
- "APP Restart": "App need restart",
- "Restart": "Restart",
+ "I Got it": "Forstått",
+ "Follow the guide to start sharing your files on the local network.": "Følg veiledningen for å begynne å dele filer på det lokale nettverket.",
+ "Eject Success": "Avvisning vellykket",
+ "Eject Failed": "Avvisning feilet",
+ "Server Address": "Tjeneradresse",
+ "eg : smb://": "F.eks. smb://",
+ "Support Samba Address eg : smb://": "Støtt Samba-adressen f.eks smb://",
+ "Connect As Guest": "Koble til som gjest",
+ "Username or password cannot be empty.": "Brukernavn eller passord kan ikke være tomt.",
+ "Please enter a correct Samba address!": "Vennligst angi en korrekt Samba-adresse.",
+ "Create Folder": "Opprett mappe",
+ "Create File": "Opprett fil",
+ "Add External Link/APP": "Ny ekstern lenke",
+ "Local URL,Public URL": "En lokal URL eller en offentlig URL her",
+ "Eg: // or https://www.google.com": "F.eks. // eller https://www.google.com",
+ "App Name": "Tittel",
+ "Customize your APP name": "Tittel på den eksterne lenken",
+ "Local URL": "Lokal URL",
+ "Custom Install APP": "Installer en tilpasset app",
+ "Add external link/APP": "Legg til ekstern lenke",
+ "Address": "Lenkens Nettadresse",
+ "Please choose a location with enough storage space and stable connection.": "Velg et sted som har nok lagringsplass for en ikke-flyttbar stasjon.",
+ "undefined": "udefinert",
+ "Apps Installation Location": "Plassering for appinstallasjon",
+ "(Cannot be changed)": "(Kan ikke endres)",
+ "Merge Storages": "Fusjonere lagringer",
+ "MainStorage Settings": "Hovedlagringsinnstillinger",
+ "Data Protected": "Data beskyttet",
+ "APPs Restart": "Apper trenger omstart",
+ "APP Restart": "Appen trenger omstart",
+ "Restart": "Omstart",
"Continue": "Fortsett",
- "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD.",
- "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost!",
- "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HD works best when the selected storage sources are all formatted.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Endring av interne filer kan ødelegge strukturen til CasaOS HD.",
+ "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Vennligst sikkerhetskopier data i lagring, ellers kan dataene gå tapt!",
+ "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HD fungerer best når de valgte lagringsområder er formatert.",
" is running, restart ": " kjører. Omstart ",
" to continue.": " for å fortsette.",
"APPs is running": "En eller flere applikasjoner kjører",
@@ -311,14 +309,14 @@
"Add a shortcut": "Legg til snarvei",
"Error when creating installation path for apps": "Feil ved opprettelse av installasjonsstien for apper",
"Accept": "Godta",
- "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "We appreciate any feedback you may have!",
+ "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "Vi setter pris på eventuelle tilbakemeldinger du måtte ha!",
"Show other Docker container app(s)": "Vis andre containere",
- "Show news feed from CasaOS Blog": "Show news feed from CasaOS blog",
- "CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS Blog": "Vis nyhetsstrømmen fra CasaOS-bloggen",
+ "CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "CasaOS-dashboardet vil hente den nyeste nyhetsstrømmen fra https://blog.casaos.io via Internett, noe som kan etterlate besøkslogger på nettstedet. Aksepterer du dette?",
"Feedback / Issue Report": "Tilbakemelding / Problemrapport",
"Start with [Issue], [App Request], or [Feature Request]...": "Start med [Issue], [App Request] eller [Funksjonsforespørsel]...",
"Description": "Beskrivelse",
- "The more details provided, the easier this feedback or issue gets addressed.": "The more details provided, the easier this feedback or issue gets addressed.",
+ "The more details provided, the easier this feedback or issue gets addressed.": "Desto fler detaljer som oppgis, desto enklere blir det å håndtere tilbakemeldingen eller problemet.",
"For more feedback options, visit CasaOS project on GitHub...": "For flere tilbakemeldingsalternativer, besøk CasaOS prosjektet på GitHub...",
"{num} items": "{num} objekter",
"Submit a feedback or report an issue": "Send inn en tilbakemelding eller rapporter et problem",
@@ -331,7 +329,7 @@
"Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?
{divS}Delete userdata ( config folder ){divE}": "Data kan ikke gjenopprettes etter sletting!
Fortsett for å avinstallere denne appen?
{divS}Slett brukerdata (config mappen){divE}",
"Beta": "Beta",
"Clone": "Dupliser",
- "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "Alle de markerte lagringsenhetene vil bli slått sammen til CasaOS HD.",
"* This feature is now testing and verifying, enabling it may clear personal data and destroy the installed APPs, so it is recommended to use it only during the startup.": "* Denne funksjonen testes og verifiserer, aktivering av den kan fjerne personlige data og ødelegge de installerte appene, Derfor anbefales det å kun bruke den under oppstart.",
"Preparing for launch": "Forbereder oppstart",
"to open the app. If it does not work, please restart or try again later.": "for å åpne appen. Hvis den ikke fungerer, vennligst start på nytt, eller prøv igjen senere.",
@@ -342,68 +340,69 @@
"Installation completed": "Installasjon fullført",
"Starting installation": "Starter installasjon",
"New": "Ny",
- "NEW": "NEW",
- "Check then update": "Check then update",
- "At least one extra hard drive is needed for this feature.": "At least one extra hard drive is needed for this feature.",
- "APP may not be available": "App may not be available",
- "Please": "Please",
- "{appName} is the latest version!": "{appName} is the latest version!",
- "{name} has been updated to the latest version!": "{name} has been updated to the latest version!",
- "Unable to update at the moment!": "Unable to update at the moment!",
- "Updating": "Updating",
- "Uninstalling": "Uninstalling",
- "CheckThenUpdate": "Check then update",
- "Not compatible with {arch} devices.": "Not compatible with {arch} devices.",
- "Connect Dropbox": "Connect Dropbox",
- "Connect Google Drive": "Connect Google Drive",
+ "NEW": "NY",
+ "Check then update": "Merk deretter oppdater",
+ "At least one extra hard drive is needed for this feature.": "Minst en ekstra harddisk trengs for denne funksjonen.",
+ "APP may not be available": "Appen er kanskje ikke tilgjengelig",
+ "Please": "Vennligst",
+ "{appName} is the latest version!": "{appName} er den nyeste versjonen!",
+ "{name} has been updated to the latest version!": "{name} har blitt oppdatert til nyeste versjonen!",
+ "Unable to update at the moment!": "Kan ikke oppdatere for øyeblikket!",
+ "Updating": "Oppdaterer",
+ "Uninstalling": "Avinstallerer",
+ "CheckThenUpdate": "Merk deretter oppdater",
+ "Not compatible with {arch} devices.": "Ikke kompatibel med {arch} enhetene.",
+ "Connect Dropbox": "Koble til Dropbox",
+ "Connect GoogleDrive": "Koble til Google Drive",
"FilesDrop": "FilesDrop",
- "You are using the device": "You are using the device",
- "Click to send the file to the device.": "Click to send the file to the device.",
- "{num} files being sent": "Sending {num} files",
- "Receiving {num} files": "Receiving {num} files",
- "Local Area Network Access": "Local Area Network Access",
- "Access the following address with another device": "Access the following address with another device",
- "Drop files to another device anytime, anywhere": "Drop files to another device anytime, anywhere",
- "Sending files": "Sending files",
- "Cancel sending": "Cancel sending",
- "Ignore": "Ignore",
- "File transfer completed.": "File transfer completed!",
- "Save {name} {size} from {device}.": "Save {name} {size} from {device}.",
- "Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...": "Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...",
+ "You are using the device": "Du bruker enheten",
+ "Click to send the file to the device.": "Klikk for å sende filen til enheten.",
+ "{num} files being sent": "Sender {num} filer",
+ "Receiving {num} files": "Mottar {num} filer",
+ "Local Area Network Access": "Tilgang til lokalt nettverk",
+ "Access the following address with another device": "Få tilgang til følgende adresse med en annen enhet",
+ "Drop files to another device anytime, anywhere": "Slipp filer til en annen enhet når som helst, hvor som helst",
+ "Sending files": "Sender filer",
+ "Cancel sending": "Avbryt sending",
+ "Ignore": "Ignorer",
+ "File transfer completed.": "Filoverføring fullført!",
+ "Save {name} {size} from {device}.": "Lagre {name} {size} fra {device}.",
+ "Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...": "Forbindelsen ble brutt. Prøv igjen om 5 sekunder...",
"cli to compose...": "cli to compose...",
- "View tutorial": "View tutorial",
- "Add Source": "Add Source",
- "More": "More",
- "Search an app...": "Search an app...",
+ "View tutorial": "Vis opplæringsvideo",
+ "Add Source": "Legg til kilde",
+ "More": "Mer",
+ "Search an app...": "Søk etter en app...",
"Tips": "Tips",
- "Export as Compose": "Export as Compose",
- "Something to remember eg. password": "Something to remember eg. password",
- "Other ways to merge storages": "Other ways to merge storages",
- "Free up storage": "Free up storage",
- "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "In the process of asynchronous updating.",
- "Welcome to {name}": "Welcome to {name}",
- "Other ways to use": "Other ways to use",
- "Zima Client": "Zima Client",
- "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.",
- "Install the software.": "Install the software.",
- "Using the Network ID :": "Using the Network ID :",
- "Connect Zima in the software.": "Connect Zima in the software.",
- "Zima customization system": "Zima customization system",
- "About CasaOS System": "About CasaOS System",
- "Storage Merge": "Storage Merge",
- "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Merge multiple disks into one.",
- "Manage all data in one page.": "Manage all data in one page.",
- "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Over 40 applications installed with one click.",
- "Please read before continuing ": "Please read before continuing ",
- "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.",
- "Share {CasaOS}": "Share {CasaOS}",
- "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Please invite more friends who care about data privacy to join and use {OS}.",
- "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD.",
- "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.",
- "Rebuilding": "Rebuilding",
- "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} rebulid completed",
- "Rebulid error": "Rebulid error",
- "Installing {title}": "Installing {title}",
- "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).",
- "To be rebuilt.": "To be rebuilt."
+ "Export as Compose": "Eksporter som Compose",
+ "Something to remember eg. password": "Noe å huske på, eksempel. et passord",
+ "Other ways to merge storages": "Andre måter å fusjonere sammen lagringer på",
+ "Free up storage": "Frigjør lagringsplass",
+ "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "I prosessen med asynkronisk oppdatering.",
+ "Welcome to {name}": "Velkommen til {name}",
+ "Other ways to use": "Andre måter å bruke",
+ "Zima Client": "Zima Klient",
+ "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "Hvis du vil få tilgang eksternt eller synkronisere data med enhetene dine.",
+ "Install the software.": "Installer programvaren.",
+ "Using the Network ID :": "Bruker Nettverks-ID-en :",
+ "Connect Zima in the software.": "Koble til Zima i programvaren.",
+ "Zima customization system": "Zima tilpasningssystem",
+ "About CasaOS System": "Om CasaOS Systemet",
+ "Storage Merge": "Lagringssammenføying",
+ "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Slå sammen flere disker til én.",
+ "Manage all data in one page.": "Administrer all data på en side.",
+ "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Over 40 applikasjoner installert med ett klikk.",
+ "Please read before continuing ": "Vennligst les før du fortsetter ",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "Vis nyhetsstrømmen fra CasaOS-bloggen.",
+ "Share {CasaOS}": "Del {CasaOS}",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Del med venner som bryr seg om personvern for å bli med å bruke {OS}.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Endring av interne filer kan ødelegge strukturen til {CasaOS} HD.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "Alle de markerte lagringsenhetene vil bli slått sammen til {CasaOS} HD.",
+ "Rebuilding": "Gjenoppbygger",
+ "Rebuild": "Gjenoppbygg",
+ "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} gjenoppbygging fullført",
+ "Rebulid error": "Gjenoppbyggnings feil",
+ "Installing {title}": "Installerer {title}",
+ "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Eldre applikasjon (for å gjenoppbygges).",
+ "To be rebuilt.": "For å bli gjenoppbygd."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/src/assets/lang/pt_BR.json b/main/src/assets/lang/pt_BR.json
index 27e764a4..43ce2f61 100644
--- a/main/src/assets/lang/pt_BR.json
+++ b/main/src/assets/lang/pt_BR.json
@@ -20,22 +20,22 @@
"Change": "Alterar",
"Start": "Inicio",
"Connect": "Conectar",
- "This field is required": "This field is required.",
- "This field must be a valid email": "Please enter a valid email address.",
+ "This field is required": "Este campo é obrigatório.",
+ "This field must be a valid email": "Preencha com um endereço de e-mail válido.",
"This field confirmation does not match": "A confirmação deste campo não está batendo",
"This field must have 2 options": "Este campo precisa de duas opções",
- "This field must have more than 5 characters": "This field must have 5 or more characters.",
- "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "You entered an invalid time. Please use the RFC1123 format.",
- "Welcome to CasaOS": "Welcome to CasaOS",
+ "This field must have more than 5 characters": "Este campo deve conter 5 ou mais caracteres.",
+ "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "Você digitou uma hora inválida. Por favor, use o formato RFC1123.",
+ "Welcome to CasaOS": "Boas-vindas ao CasaOS",
"Let's create your initial account": "Vamos criar a sua conta",
- "Go →": "Go →",
+ "Go →": "Ir →",
"Create Account": "Criar conta",
"Username": "Nome de Usuário",
"Confirm Password": "Confirmar senha",
- "Username or Password error!": "Username or password is invalid!",
- "All things done!": "We're good to go!",
+ "Username or Password error!": "Nome de usuário ou senha incorretos!",
+ "All things done!": "Estamos prontos para começar!",
"Login": "Login",
- "Password error!": "Invalid password!",
+ "Password error!": "Senha inválida!",
"Account": "Conta",
"Logout": "Sair",
"Name": "Nome",
@@ -44,31 +44,31 @@
"Change Password": "Alterar senha",
"Original password": "Senha original",
"New password": "Nova senha",
- "Confirm the new password again": "Confirm new password",
+ "Confirm the new password again": "Confirme a nova senha",
"Settings": "Configurações",
- "Dashboard Setting": "Dashboard Settings",
- "Search Engine": "Search Engine",
- "WebUI Port": "WebUI Port",
- "Currently at the latest version": "Currently, at the latest version",
+ "Dashboard Setting": "Configurações do Painel",
+ "Search Engine": "Mecanismo de Busca",
+ "WebUI Port": "Porta da WebUI",
+ "Currently at the latest version": "Atualmente na última versão",
"A new version is available!": "Uma nova versão está disponível!",
"Edit Web UI port": "Editar a porta da WebUI",
"Automount USB Drive": "Auto montar unidade USB",
"Wallpaper": "Imagem de Fundo",
"Change wallpaper": "Mudar imagem de fundo",
"Show Search Bar": "Mostrar barra de pesquisa",
- "Show Recommended Apps": "Show recommended apps",
+ "Show Recommended Apps": "Exibir Apps Recomendados",
"Upgrade Now": "Atualizar agora",
"Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB": "Ativar esta função pode causar falhas de inicialização ao iniciar o Raspberry Pi no armazenamento USB",
"There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!": "Parece haver um problema com o processo de atualização. Por favor, tente novamente.",
- "Update completed": "Upgrade complete!",
+ "Update completed": "Atualização concluída!",
"Let more friends know": "Deixe mais amigos sabendo",
"Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Por favor, compartilhe com os amigos que se preocupam com a privacidade de dados para usarem o CasaOS.",
- "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS successfully upgraded.",
- "CasaOS upgrade failed": "CasaOS failed to upgrade.",
- "Terminal & Logs": "Terminal and Logs",
+ "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS atualizado com sucesso.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade failed": "A atualização do CasaOS falhou.",
+ "Terminal & Logs": "Terminal e Logs",
"Terminal": "Terminal",
"Logs": "Logs",
- "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Please check if the username and port are correct. Make sure the SSH server is installed.",
+ "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Por favor, verifique se o nome de usuário e a porta estão corretos. Verifique se o servidor SSH está instalado.",
"Widgets Settings": "Configurações de Widgets",
"Time": "Hora",
"System Status": "Status do Sistema",
@@ -76,16 +76,16 @@
"Network Status": "Status de rede",
"Search...": "Localizar...",
"Sync your data": "Sincronizar seus dados",
- "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices",
+ "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Use Syncthing para sincronizar seus arquivos entre vários dispositivos",
"Install": "Instalar",
"Config": "Configurações",
"Total": "Total",
"Failed to start, please try again.": "Falha ao iniciar Syncthing. Tente novamente.",
- "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing isn't running. Do you want to start it?",
+ "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing não está em execução. Deseja iniciar?",
"Starting Syncthing...": "Iniciando Syncthing...",
"Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "Tem uma ideia? Manda no Discord!",
"Smarten up your home": "Tornando sua casa inteligente",
- "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.",
+ "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "Nós queremos te dar uma experiência de casa inteligente com privacidade, alta velocidade e armazenamento local.",
"In development": "Atenção",
"Apps": "App",
"App": "Aplicativo",
@@ -93,28 +93,28 @@
"Setting": "Configurações",
"Uninstall": "Desinstalar",
"Attention": "Atenção",
- "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?",
- "Featured Apps": "Featured Apps",
- "Custom Install": "Custom Install",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Dados não podem ser recuperados após apagados!
Continuar com a desinstalação da aplicação?",
+ "Featured Apps": "Apps em Destaque",
+ "Custom Install": "Instalação personalizada",
"Continue in background": "Continue em segundo plano",
- "Install a new App manually": "Manual App Install",
- "Docker Image": "Docker Image",
+ "Install a new App manually": "Instalar um novo app manualmente",
+ "Docker Image": "Imagem Docker",
"App name": "Nome do App",
"Icon URL": "URL do Ícone",
"Network": "Rede",
- "Privileged": "Privileges",
- "Container Command": "Container Command",
- "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Container Capabilities (cap-add)",
- "Container Hostname": "Container Hostname",
+ "Privileged": "Privilégios",
+ "Container Command": "Comando no contêiner",
+ "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Recursos do contêiner (cap-add)",
+ "Container Hostname": "Hostname do contêiner",
"Hostname of app container": "Nome do host do contêiner do aplicativo",
- "Ports": "Port",
+ "Ports": "Porta",
"Volumes": "Volumes",
- "Environment Variables": "Environment Variables",
+ "Environment Variables": "Variáveis de Ambiente",
"Devices": "Dispositivos",
- "Memory Limit": "Memory Limit",
- "CPU Shares": "CPU Shares",
- "Restart Policy": "Restart Policy",
- "App Description": "App Description",
+ "Memory Limit": "Limite de Memória",
+ "CPU Shares": "Compartilhamento de CPU",
+ "Restart Policy": "Política de Reinicialização",
+ "App Description": "Descrição do App",
"No ports now, click “+” to add one.": "Clique em \"+\" para adicionar um.",
"No volumes now, click “+” to add one.": "Clique em \"+\" para adicionar um.",
"No environment variables now, click “+” to add one.": "Clique em \"+\" para adicionar um.",
@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@
"Your custom App Name": "Seu Nome de App personalizado",
"Your custom icon URL": "Sua URL de Ícone Personalizado",
"Installing": "Instalando",
- "Export ComposeFile": "Export ComposeFile",
+ "Export ComposeFile": "Exportar arquivo Compose",
"AppFile": "Arquivo de App",
- "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload",
- "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Solte seu Docker Compose aqui ou clique para fazer upload",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Solte seu Docker Compose aqui ou clique para fazer upload",
"Host": "Host",
"Container": "Contêiner",
"Key": "Chave",
@@ -139,32 +139,30 @@
"Please fill correct command line": "Algo está errado ao tentar analisar a linha de comando.",
"Please import a valid App file": "Algo está errado ao tentar analisar o AppFile.",
"AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.": "Além da configuração reconhecida pela importação, também precisamos das seguintes informações:",
- "Some configuration information such as:": " ",
"the port and path of the Web UI": "Porta e caminho para a aplicação WebUI",
"the mount location of the volume or file": "Localização do diretório ou arquivo a ser montado",
"the port mapping of the Host": "Mapeamento de porta do host para o contêiner",
"optional configuration items": "Outras configurações opcionais",
"These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.": "Por favor, confirme a configuração na próxima etapa depois de clicar em OK.",
- "Feel free to suggest improvements to this feature in Discord Server!": "",
"App Store": "Loja de Apps",
"Community Apps": "Apps da Comunidade",
- "From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "Contribuição de nossa incrível comunidade.",
+ "From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "Contribuição da nossa comunidade incrível.",
"Sort by": "Ordenar por",
- "Click icon to import.": "Click icon to import.",
- "Drag icons to sort.": "Drag icons to sort.",
+ "Click icon to import.": "Clique no ícone para importar.",
+ "Drag icons to sort.": "Arraste um ícone para classificar.",
"Import to CasaOS": "Importar para o CasaOS",
- "Existing Docker Apps": "Existing Docker apps",
- "[Optional]": "Optional",
+ "Existing Docker Apps": "Aplicativos Docker existentes",
+ "[Optional]": "Opcional",
"Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "Quando há mais de 1 contêiner especificado no arquivo de composição do Docker, apenas o primeiro será importado por enquanto.",
- "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "There was an error loading the data. Please try again.",
- "Port": "Ports",
- "Create Storage": "Create Storage",
- "Storage Manager": "Storage Manager",
+ "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "Houve um erro ao carregar os dados. Por favor, tente novamente.",
+ "Port": "Portas",
+ "Create Storage": "Criar Armazenamento",
+ "Storage Manager": "Gerenciador de Armazenamento",
"Storage": "Armazenamento",
"Drive": "Unidade",
"Single Drive Storage": "Unidade de armazenamento único",
@@ -192,8 +190,8 @@
"Visit our Github": "Visite o nosso GitHub",
"Title": "Título",
"System infomation": "Informações sobre o sistema",
- "Share CasaOS": "Share CasaOS",
- "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Please invite more friends who care about data privacy to join and use CasaOS.",
+ "Share CasaOS": "Compartilhar CasaOS",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Convide mais amigos que se preocupam com a privacidade de dados para participar e usar o CasaOS.",
"Files": "Arquivos",
"Upload or Create": "Carregar ou criar",
"Upload Files": "Upload de arquivos",
@@ -301,9 +299,9 @@
"APP Restart": "O aplicativo precisa ser reiniciado",
"Restart": "Reiniciar",
"Continue": "Continuar",
- "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD.",
- "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost!",
- "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HD works best when the selected storage sources are all formatted.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Alterar arquivos internos pode quebrar a estrutura do CasaOS HD.",
+ "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Faça uma cópia de segurança dos seus dados armazenados, caso contrário poderão ser perdidos!",
+ "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "O CasaOS HD funciona melhor quando os armazenamentos selecionados estão todos formatados.",
" is running, restart ": " está em execução. Reiniciar ",
" to continue.": "para continuar.",
"APPs is running": "Um ou mais aplicativos estão em execução",
@@ -311,7 +309,7 @@
"Add a shortcut": "Adicionar atalho",
"Error when creating installation path for apps": "Erro ao criar caminho de instalação para apps",
"Accept": "Aceitar",
- "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "We appreciate any feedback you may have!",
+ "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "Agradecemos qualquer feedback que você possa ter!",
"Show other Docker container app(s)": "Mostrar outros contêiners",
"Show news feed from CasaOS Blog": "Mostrar feed de notícias do blog CasaOS",
"CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "O dashboard CasaOS receberá as últimas notícias de https://blog.casaos.io pela Internet, que podem deixar seus registros de visita para o site. Você aceita?",
@@ -331,7 +329,7 @@
"Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?
{divS}Delete userdata ( config folder ){divE}": "\nOs dados não podem ser recuperados após a exclusão!
Continuar para desinstalar este aplicativo?
{divS}Excluir dados do usuário ( pasta de configuração ){divE}",
"Beta": "Beta",
"Clone": "Duplicar",
- "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "Todo armazenamento selecionado será mesclado no CasaOS HD.",
"* This feature is now testing and verifying, enabling it may clear personal data and destroy the installed APPs, so it is recommended to use it only during the startup.": "* Este recurso está agora em teste e verificação, habilitando-o pode limpar dados pessoais e destruir os aplicativos instalados, por isso é recomendável usá-lo apenas durante a inicialização.",
"Preparing for launch": "Preparando-se para o início",
"to open the app. If it does not work, please restart or try again later.": "para abrir o aplicativo. Se não funcionar, reinicie ou tente novamente mais tarde.",
@@ -355,7 +353,7 @@
"CheckThenUpdate": "Verificar e atualizar",
"Not compatible with {arch} devices.": "Não compatível com dispositivos {arch}.",
"Connect Dropbox": "Conectar Dropbox",
- "Connect Google Drive": "Conectar ao Google Drive",
+ "Connect GoogleDrive": "Conectar ao Google Drive",
"FilesDrop": "Soltar arquivo",
"You are using the device": "Você está usando o dispositivo",
"Click to send the file to the device.": "Clique para enviar o arquivo ao dispositivo.",
@@ -364,46 +362,47 @@
"Local Area Network Access": "Acesso à rede local",
"Access the following address with another device": "Acesse o seguinte endereço com outro dispositivo",
"Drop files to another device anytime, anywhere": "Solte arquivos em outro dispositivo a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar",
- "Sending files": "Enviando arquivos",
+ "Sending files": "Enviando arquivos",
"Cancel sending": "Cancelar envio",
"Ignore": "Ignorar",
- "File transfer completed.": "File transfer completed!",
+ "File transfer completed.": "Transferência de arquivos concluída!",
"Save {name} {size} from {device}.": "Salve {name} {size} de {device}.",
"Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...": "Conexão perdida. Tente novamente em 5 segundos...",
- "cli to compose...": "cli to compose...",
- "View tutorial": "View tutorial",
- "Add Source": "Add Source",
- "More": "More",
- "Search an app...": "Search an app...",
- "Tips": "Tips",
- "Export as Compose": "Export as Compose",
- "Something to remember eg. password": "Something to remember eg. password",
- "Other ways to merge storages": "Other ways to merge storages",
- "Free up storage": "Free up storage",
- "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "In the process of asynchronous updating.",
- "Welcome to {name}": "Welcome to {name}",
- "Other ways to use": "Other ways to use",
- "Zima Client": "Zima Client",
- "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.",
- "Install the software.": "Install the software.",
- "Using the Network ID :": "Using the Network ID :",
- "Connect Zima in the software.": "Connect Zima in the software.",
- "Zima customization system": "Zima customization system",
- "About CasaOS System": "About CasaOS System",
- "Storage Merge": "Storage Merge",
- "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Merge multiple disks into one.",
- "Manage all data in one page.": "Manage all data in one page.",
- "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Over 40 applications installed with one click.",
- "Please read before continuing ": "Please read before continuing ",
- "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.",
- "Share {CasaOS}": "Share {CasaOS}",
- "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Please invite more friends who care about data privacy to join and use {OS}.",
- "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD.",
- "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.",
- "Rebuilding": "Rebuilding",
- "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} rebulid completed",
- "Rebulid error": "Rebulid error",
- "Installing {title}": "Installing {title}",
- "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).",
- "To be rebuilt.": "To be rebuilt."
+ "cli to compose...": "cli para compose...",
+ "View tutorial": "Ver tutorial",
+ "Add Source": "Adicionar Fonte",
+ "More": "Mais",
+ "Search an app...": "Pesquisar um aplicativo...",
+ "Tips": "Dicas",
+ "Export as Compose": "Exportar como Compose",
+ "Something to remember eg. password": "Algo para lembrar, por exemplo: senha",
+ "Other ways to merge storages": "Outras maneiras de mesclar armazenamentos",
+ "Free up storage": "Liberar armazenamento",
+ "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "No processo de atualização assíncrona.",
+ "Welcome to {name}": "Boas-vindas ao {name}",
+ "Other ways to use": "Outras formas de usar",
+ "Zima Client": "Cliente Zima",
+ "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "Se você deseja acessar remotamente ou sincronizar dados com seus dispositivos.",
+ "Install the software.": "Instalar software.",
+ "Using the Network ID :": "Usando a ID da Rede:",
+ "Connect Zima in the software.": "Conecte o Zima no software.",
+ "Zima customization system": "Sistema de personalização Zima",
+ "About CasaOS System": "Sobre o sistema CasaOS",
+ "Storage Merge": "Mesclar armazenamento",
+ "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Mesclar vários discos em um.",
+ "Manage all data in one page.": "Gerencie todos os dados em uma página.",
+ "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Mais de 40 apps instalados com um clique.",
+ "Please read before continuing ": "Por favor, leia antes de continuar ",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "Mostrar feed de notícias do blog CasaOS.",
+ "Share {CasaOS}": "Compartilhar {CasaOS}",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Convide mais amigos que se preocupam com a privacidade de dados para participar e usar o {OS}.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Alterar arquivos internos pode quebrar a estrutura do {CasaOS} HD.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "Todo armazenamento selecionado será mesclado no {CasaOS} HD.",
+ "Rebuilding": "Recriando",
+ "Rebuild": "Rebuildar",
+ "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} recriado",
+ "Rebulid error": "Erro ao recriar",
+ "Installing {title}": "Instalando {title}",
+ "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Aplicativo legado (a ser reconstruído).",
+ "To be rebuilt.": "A ser reconstruído."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/src/assets/lang/pt_PT.json b/main/src/assets/lang/pt_PT.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c09e2519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/src/assets/lang/pt_PT.json
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+ "OK": "OK",
+ "Cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "Submit": "Guardar",
+ "Back": "Voltar",
+ "Edit": "Editar",
+ "Update": "Atualizar",
+ "Create": "Criar",
+ "Next": "Próximo",
+ "Close": "Fechar",
+ "Select": "Selecionar",
+ "Save": "Guardar",
+ "Add": "Adicionar",
+ "Go": "Ir",
+ "Import": "Importar",
+ "Low": "Baixo",
+ "Medium": "Médio",
+ "High": "Alto",
+ "Language": "Idioma",
+ "Change": "Alterar",
+ "Start": "Início",
+ "Connect": "Conectar",
+ "This field is required": "Esta campo é obrigatório.",
+ "This field must be a valid email": "Inserir um endereço de email válido.",
+ "This field confirmation does not match": "A confirmação da palavra-passe não corresponde",
+ "This field must have 2 options": "Este campo deve ter 2 opções",
+ "This field must have more than 5 characters": "Este campo deve ter 5 ou mais caracteres.",
+ "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "Inseriu um formato de Hora errada. Por favor, utilize o formato RFC1123.",
+ "Welcome to CasaOS": "Bem-vindo ao CasaOS",
+ "Let's create your initial account": "Vamos criar a sua conta",
+ "Go →": "Ir →",
+ "Create Account": "Criar conta",
+ "Username": "Nome de Utilizador",
+ "Confirm Password": "Confirmar palavra-passe",
+ "Username or Password error!": "Nome de Utilizador ou Palavra-passe inválidos!",
+ "All things done!": "Estamos prontos para iniciar!",
+ "Login": "Entrar",
+ "Password error!": "Palavra-passe inválida!",
+ "Account": "Conta",
+ "Logout": "Sair",
+ "Name": "Nome",
+ "Password": "Palavra-passe",
+ "Change name": "Alterar o nome",
+ "Change Password": "Alterar palavra-passe",
+ "Original password": "Palavra-passe original",
+ "New password": "Nova palavra-passe",
+ "Confirm the new password again": "Confirmar palavra-passe",
+ "Settings": "Definições",
+ "Dashboard Setting": "Definições do painel",
+ "Search Engine": "Motor de pesquisa",
+ "WebUI Port": "Porta WebUI",
+ "Currently at the latest version": "De momento, na versão mais recente",
+ "A new version is available!": "Uma nova versão está disponível!",
+ "Edit Web UI port": "Editar a porta da WebUI",
+ "Automount USB Drive": "Auto-montar unidade USB",
+ "Wallpaper": "Imagem de Fundo",
+ "Change wallpaper": "Mudar imagem de fundo",
+ "Show Search Bar": "Mostrar barra de pesquisa",
+ "Show Recommended Apps": "Mostrar aplicações recomendadas",
+ "Upgrade Now": "Atualizar agora",
+ "Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB": "Ativar esta função pode causar falhas de inicialização ao iniciar o Raspberry Pi no armazenamento USB",
+ "There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!": "Parece haver um problema com o processo de atualização. Tente novamente.",
+ "Update completed": "Atualização completa!",
+ "Let more friends know": "Informe os seus amigos",
+ "Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Por favor, partilhe com os amigos que se preocupam com a privacidade de dados para usarem o CasaOS.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS atualizado com sucesso.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade failed": "A atualização do CasaOS falhou.",
+ "Terminal & Logs": "Terminal e Logs",
+ "Terminal": "Terminal",
+ "Logs": "Logs",
+ "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Verifique se o nome de utilizador e a porta estão correctas. Verifique se o servidor SSH está instalado.",
+ "Widgets Settings": "Definições dos Widgets",
+ "Time": "Hora",
+ "System Status": "Estado do Sistema",
+ "Storage Status": "Estado do armazenamento",
+ "Network Status": "Estado da rede",
+ "Search...": "Localizar...",
+ "Sync your data": "Sincronizar seus dados",
+ "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Utilize o Syncthing para sincronizar os ficheiros entre vários dispositivos",
+ "Install": "Instalar",
+ "Config": "Definições",
+ "Total": "Total",
+ "Failed to start, please try again.": "Falha ao iniciar Syncthing. Tente novamente.",
+ "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing não está em execução, deseja iniciá-lo?",
+ "Starting Syncthing...": "Iniciando Syncthing...",
+ "Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "Tem uma ideia? Partilhe no Discord!",
+ "Smarten up your home": "Tornando sua casa inteligente",
+ "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "Queremos dar-lhe uma experiência de Casa Inteligente com privacidade, alta velocidade e armazenamento localizado.",
+ "In development": "Esteja atento",
+ "Apps": "App",
+ "App": "Aplicaçao",
+ "Open": "Abrir",
+ "Setting": "Definições",
+ "Uninstall": "Desinstalar",
+ "Attention": "Atenção",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Os dados não podem ser recuperados após serem apagados!
Continuar com a desinstalação desta aplicação?",
+ "Featured Apps": "Aplicações em destaque",
+ "Custom Install": "Instalação personalizada",
+ "Continue in background": "Continuar em segundo plano",
+ "Install a new App manually": "Instalação manual da Aplicação",
+ "Docker Image": "Imagem Docker",
+ "App name": "Nome do Aplicação",
+ "Icon URL": "URL do Ícone",
+ "Network": "Rede",
+ "Privileged": "Privilégios",
+ "Container Command": "Comando do Container",
+ "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Recursos do Container (cap-add)",
+ "Container Hostname": "Endereço do Container",
+ "Hostname of app container": "Nome de origem do Container da aplicação",
+ "Ports": "Porta",
+ "Volumes": "Volumes",
+ "Environment Variables": "Variáveis ambiente",
+ "Devices": "Dispositivos",
+ "Memory Limit": "Limite da memória",
+ "CPU Shares": "Partilha do CPU",
+ "Restart Policy": "Política do Reiniciar",
+ "App Description": "Descrição da Aplicação",
+ "No ports now, click “+” to add one.": "Clique em \"+\" para adicionar um.",
+ "No volumes now, click “+” to add one.": "Clique em \"+\" para adicionar um.",
+ "No environment variables now, click “+” to add one.": "Clique em \"+\" para adicionar um.",
+ "No devices now, click “+” to add one.": "Clique em \"+\" para adicionar um.",
+ "No commands now, click “+” to add one.": "Clique em \"+\" para adicionar um.",
+ "e.g.,hello-world:latest": "ex: hello-world:latest",
+ "Your custom App Name": "Nome da Aplicação personalizado",
+ "Your custom icon URL": "URL do Ícone Personalizado",
+ "Installing": "Instalando",
+ "Export ComposeFile": "Exportar ficheiro Compose",
+ "AppFile": "Ficheiro da Aplicação",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Arraste o seu Docker Compose para aqui ou clique em Upload",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Arraste o seu Docker Compose para aqui ou clique em Upload",
+ "Host": "Anfitrião",
+ "Container": "Container",
+ "Key": "Chave",
+ "Value": "Valor",
+ "Protocol": "Protocolo",
+ "This is not a valid json file.": "Este ficheiro JSON não é válido.",
+ "Your browser does not support file reading.": "Seu navegador não suporta upload de ficheiros.",
+ "has been selected": "foi selecionado",
+ "Please fill correct command line": "Correu alguma coisa mal ao tentar analisar a linha de comando.",
+ "Please import a valid App file": "Algo correu mal ao tentar analisar o AppFile.",
+ "AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.": "Além da configuração reconhecida para importar, também precisamos das seguintes informações:",
+ "the port and path of the Web UI": "Porta e caminho para a aplicação WebUI",
+ "the mount location of the volume or file": "Localização da pasta ou ficheiro para ser montado",
+ "the port mapping of the Host": "Mapeamento da porta do servidor para o container",
+ "optional configuration items": "Outras configurações opcionais",
+ "These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.": "Por favor, confirme a configuração na próxima etapa depois de clicar em OK.",
+ "DISK": "DISCO",
+ "App Store": "Loja de Aplicações",
+ "Community Apps": "Aplicações da Comunidade",
+ "From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "Contribuição da nossa incrível comunidade.",
+ "Sort by": "Ordenar por",
+ "Click icon to import.": "Clique no Icon para importar.",
+ "Drag icons to sort.": "Arraste os ícones para ordenar.",
+ "Import to CasaOS": "Importar para o CasaOS",
+ "Existing Docker Apps": "Aplicações Docker existentes",
+ "[Optional]": "Opcional",
+ "Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "Quando há mais de 1 container especificado no ficheiro de composição do Docker, apenas o primeiro será importado de momento.",
+ "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "Ocorreu um erro ao carregar os dados. Tente novamente.",
+ "Port": "Portas",
+ "Create Storage": "Criar Armazenamento",
+ "Storage Manager": "Gestor de Armazenamento",
+ "Storage": "Armazenamento",
+ "Drive": "Unidade",
+ "Single Drive Storage": "Unidade de armazenamento único",
+ "Format": "Formatar",
+ "Remove": "Remover",
+ "Available Total": "{name} | Disponível: {avl} (Total: {total})",
+ "Health": "Saúde",
+ "Healthy": "Saudável",
+ "Damage": "Corrompido",
+ "Temp": "Temperatura",
+ "Creation in progress": "Criação em progresso",
+ "Apply": "Aplicar",
+ "Storage Name": "Nome do armazenamento",
+ "Choose Drive": "Escolha uma unidade",
+ "Enter the password to continue:": "Digite sua palavra-passe para confirmar:",
+ "Used": "Utilizado",
+ "CasaOS reserves 1% of file space when creating storage in EXT4 format.": "O CasaOS separa 1% do espaço do disco quando cria o armazenamento no formato EXT4.",
+ "The selected drive will be emptied.": "A unidade selecionada será esvaziada.",
+ "Please make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that needs to be backed up.": "Verifique novamente se não há informações importantes na unidade selecionada que precisem ser guardadas.",
+ "The drive you select can be used directly as storage.": "A unidade que selecionou pode ser utilizada diretamente como armazenamento.",
+ "You can also choose to create it after formatting. If formatted, the selected drive will be emptied.": "Também pode optar por criar após a formatação. Uma vez formatado, a unidade selecionada será esvaziado.",
+ "Format and Create": "Formatar e criar",
+ "Please insert a Drive to Create Storage": "Por favor, conecte uma unidade para criar armazenamento",
+ "Join Discord": "Juntar-se ao Discord",
+ "Visit our Github": "Visite o nosso GitHub",
+ "Title": "Título",
+ "System infomation": "Informações sobre o sistema",
+ "Share CasaOS": "Partilhar CasaOS",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Por favor, convide mais amigos que se preocupam com a privacidade de dados para se juntarem e usarem o CasaOS.",
+ "Files": "Ficheiros",
+ "Upload or Create": "Carregar ou criar",
+ "Upload Files": "Upload de ficheiros",
+ "Upload Folder": "Upload de pasta",
+ "New Folder": "Nova pasta",
+ "New File": "Novo ficheiro",
+ "Change View": "Alterar visualização",
+ "Upload to": "Enviar para",
+ "Uploading": "Carregando",
+ "uploading": "Carregando",
+ "Completed": "Concluído",
+ "success": "Sucesso",
+ "error": "Erro",
+ "paused": "Em pausa",
+ "waiting": "Aguardando",
+ "Download": "Descarregar",
+ "Copy Path": "Copiar caminho",
+ "Rename": "Renomear",
+ "Cut": "Cortar",
+ "Copy": "Copiar",
+ "Delete": "Apagar",
+ "Are you sure?": "Tem certeza?",
+ "Paste": "Colar",
+ "Refresh": "Atualizar",
+ "Code Editor": "Editor de código",
+ "Saved": "Guardado",
+ "Want to save?": "Deseja guardar?",
+ "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them.": "Suas alterações serão perdidas se não as guardar.",
+ "Don't Save": "Não guardar",
+ "Drop your files here to upload": "Solte seus ficheiros aqui para fazer o upload",
+ "or": "ou",
+ "File name": "Nome",
+ "Date Modified": "Data de modificação",
+ "Size": "Tamanho",
+ "Play in IINA": "Jogar no IINA",
+ "Play in PotPlayer": "Jogar no PotPlayer",
+ "Play in VLC": "Assistir no VLC",
+ "Download in preparation...": "Preparando o download...",
+ "Copied to clipboard": "Copiado para a área de transferência",
+ "Previous": "Voltar",
+ "Zoom in": "Aumentar Zoom",
+ "Rotate": "Girar",
+ "Reset": "Redefinir",
+ "Zoom out": "Diminuir zoom",
+ "INext": "Próximo",
+ "Move": "Mover",
+ "Current Tasks": "Tarefas atuais",
+ "Deleting files": "Excluindo ficheiros...",
+ "Are you sure you want to delete these files? This action cannot be undone.": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir estes ficheiros? Essa ação não pode ser revertida.",
+ "select-items": "{num} itens selecionados",
+ "total-items": "Total de {num} itens",
+ "cancel-all": "Cancelar tudo",
+ "Paste - Overwrite": "Colar — Substituir",
+ "Paste - Skip": "Colar — Ignorar",
+ "Set as wallpaper": "Definir como imagem de fundo",
+ "Set wallpaper successfully.": "Imagem de fundo definido com sucesso.",
+ "Save failed, please try again!": "Falha ao definir papel de parede. Tente novamente.",
+ "Upload failed, please try again!": "Falha ao carregar papel de parede. Tente novamente.",
+ "Location": "Localização",
+ "Share": "Partilhar",
+ "Shared": "Partilhado",
+ "UnShare": "Parar de partilhar",
+ "Unsharing Folder": "Parar partilhamento da pasta",
+ "Are you sure you want to unshare this Folder?": "Tem certeza de que deseja parar de partilhar esta pasta?",
+ "New Local Storage": "Novo armazenamento local",
+ "Connect Network Storage": "Conectar armazenamento de rede",
+ "Start sharing your files on the local network.": "Comece a partilhar seus ficheiros na rede local.",
+ "Shared Folders": "Pastas partilhadas",
+ "Go to": "Ir para",
+ "Get Share Link": "Obter caminho da rede",
+ "Select Shared Folder": "Selecione a pasta partilhada",
+ "Folder has been shared": "A pasta foi partilhada",
+ "Enter the following link to access the shared folder ( Samba ) .": "Use o seguinte caminho de rede para acessar a pasta partilhada.",
+ "PC ( Windows explorer )": "PC (Windows explorer)",
+ "Mac ( Finder )": "Mac (Finder)",
+ "I Got it": "Entendi",
+ "Follow the guide to start sharing your files on the local network.": "Siga o guia para começar a partilhar seus ficheiros na rede local.",
+ "Eject Success": "Ejetado com sucesso",
+ "Eject Failed": "Falha ao ejetar",
+ "Server Address": "Endereço do servidor",
+ "eg : smb://": "Ex.: smb://",
+ "Support Samba Address eg : smb://": "Endereço do Samba de suporte, ex. smb://",
+ "Connect As Guest": "Conectar como convidado",
+ "Username or password cannot be empty.": "O nome de utilizador ou a palavra-passe não podem estar vazios.",
+ "Please enter a correct Samba address!": "Insira um endereço correto do Samba.",
+ "Create Folder": "Criar Pasta",
+ "Create File": "Criar ficheiro",
+ "Add External Link/APP": "Adicionar link externo",
+ "Local URL,Public URL": "URL local ou URL pública aqui",
+ "Eg: // or https://www.google.com": "Ex.: // ou https://www.google.com",
+ "App Name": "Título",
+ "Customize your APP name": "Título para o link externo",
+ "Local URL": "URL local",
+ "Custom Install APP": "Instalação personalizada de uma aplicação",
+ "Add external link/APP": "Adicionar link externo",
+ "Address": "URL do link",
+ "Please choose a location with enough storage space and stable connection.": "Escolha um local com espaço de armazenamento suficiente para uma unidade não removível.",
+ "undefined": "indefinido",
+ "Apps Installation Location": "Local de instalação",
+ "(Cannot be changed)": "(não pode ser alterado)",
+ "Merge Storages": "Combinar armazenamentos",
+ "MainStorage Settings": "Definições do armazenamento principal",
+ "Data Protected": "Dados protegidos",
+ "APPs Restart": "Aplicações precisam ser reiniciadas",
+ "APP Restart": "Aplicação precisa ser reiniciada",
+ "Restart": "Reiniciar",
+ "Continue": "Continuar",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Alterar os ficheiros internos pode danificar a estrutura do CasaOS HD.",
+ "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Faça uma cópia de segurança dos seus dados no armazenamento, caso contrário os dados podem ser perdidos!",
+ "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HD funciona melhor quando as fontes de armazenamento estão todos formatados.",
+ " is running, restart ": " está em execução. Reiniciar ",
+ " to continue.": " para continuar.",
+ "APPs is running": "Um ou mais aplicativos estão em execução",
+ "restart APPs to continue.": "reinicie as aplicações para continuar.",
+ "Add a shortcut": "Adicionar atalho",
+ "Error when creating installation path for apps": "Erro ao criar caminho de instalação para aplicações",
+ "Accept": "Aceitar",
+ "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "Agradecemos qualquer comentário que nos possa dar!",
+ "Show other Docker container app(s)": "Mostrar outros containers",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS Blog": "Mostrar feed de notícias do blog CasaOS",
+ "CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "O dashboard CasaOS receberá as últimas notícias de https://blog.casaos.io pela Internet, que podem deixar seus registos de visita para o site. Você aceita?",
+ "Feedback / Issue Report": "\nFeedback/Relatório de problemas",
+ "Start with [Issue], [App Request], or [Feature Request]...": "Inicar com [Issue], [App Request] ou [Feature Request]...",
+ "Description": "Descrição",
+ "The more details provided, the easier this feedback or issue gets addressed.": "Quanto mais detalhes forem fornecidos, mais facilmente esse feedback ou problema será resolvido.",
+ "For more feedback options, visit CasaOS project on GitHub...": "Para mais opções de feedback, visite o projeto CasaOS no GitHub...",
+ "{num} items": "{num} itens",
+ "Submit a feedback or report an issue": "Enviar um feedback ou relatar um problema",
+ "Shutdown": "Desligar",
+ "Connecting": "Conectando",
+ "Open in Files": "Abrir em Ficheiros",
+ "Learn more": "Saiba mais",
+ "Set Mainstorage": "Combinar armazenamentos",
+ "Found a new drive": "Nova unidade encontrada",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?
{divS}Delete userdata ( config folder ){divE}": "Os dados não podem ser recuperados após a exclusão!
Continuar para desinstalar esta aplicação?
{divS}Excluir dados do utilidor (pasta de configuração){divE}",
+ "Beta": "Beta",
+ "Clone": "Duplicar",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "Todos os Armazenamento selecionados serão combinados no CasaOS HD.",
+ "* This feature is now testing and verifying, enabling it may clear personal data and destroy the installed APPs, so it is recommended to use it only during the startup.": "* Este recurso está agora em teste e verificação, habilitando-o pode limpar dados pessoais e destruir as aplicações instaladas, por isso é recomendável usá-lo apenas durante a inicialização.",
+ "Preparing for launch": "Preparando-se para o início",
+ "to open the app. If it does not work, please restart or try again later.": "para abrir a aplicação. Se não funcionar, reinicie ou tente novamente mais tarde.",
+ "This operation may clear all personal data and destroy the installed APPs.": "Esta operação pode limpar todos os dados pessoais e destruir as aplicações instaladas.",
+ "Warning": "Aviso",
+ "Click here": "Clique aqui",
+ "Installing app": "Instalando aplicação",
+ "Installation completed": "Instalação completa",
+ "Starting installation": "Iniciando a instalação",
+ "New": "Novo",
+ "NEW": "NOVO",
+ "Check then update": "Verificar e atualizar",
+ "At least one extra hard drive is needed for this feature.": "Pelo menos um disco extra é necessário para este recurso.",
+ "APP may not be available": "A aplicação pode não estar disponível",
+ "Please": "Por favor",
+ "{appName} is the latest version!": "{appName} é a versão mais recente!",
+ "{name} has been updated to the latest version!": "{name} foi atualizado para a versão mais recente!",
+ "Unable to update at the moment!": "Não é possível atualizar de momento!",
+ "Updating": "Atualizando",
+ "Uninstalling": "Desinstalando",
+ "CheckThenUpdate": "Verificar e atualizar",
+ "Not compatible with {arch} devices.": "Não compatível com dispositivos {arch}.",
+ "Connect Dropbox": "Conectar Dropbox",
+ "Connect GoogleDrive": "Conectar ao Google Drive",
+ "FilesDrop": "Soltar ficheiro",
+ "You are using the device": "Você está utilizando o dispositivo",
+ "Click to send the file to the device.": "Clique para enviar o ficheiro para o dispositivo.",
+ "{num} files being sent": "Enviando {num} ficheiros",
+ "Receiving {num} files": "Recebendo {num} ficheiros",
+ "Local Area Network Access": "Acesso à rede local",
+ "Access the following address with another device": "Acesse o seguinte endereço com outro dispositivo",
+ "Drop files to another device anytime, anywhere": "Solte ficheiros em outro dispositivo a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar",
+ "Sending files": "Enviando ficheiros",
+ "Cancel sending": "Cancelar envio",
+ "Ignore": "Ignorar",
+ "File transfer completed.": "Transferência concluída!",
+ "Save {name} {size} from {device}.": "Guardar {name} {size} de {device}.",
+ "Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...": "Conexão perdida. Tente novamente em 5 segundos...",
+ "cli to compose...": "cli para compose...",
+ "View tutorial": "Ver tutorial",
+ "Add Source": "Adicionar Fonte",
+ "More": "Mais",
+ "Search an app...": "Procurar uma aplicação...",
+ "Tips": "Dicas",
+ "Export as Compose": "Exportar como Compose",
+ "Something to remember eg. password": "Algo para lembrar, por exemplo, a palavra-passe",
+ "Other ways to merge storages": "Outras formas de combinar armazenamentos",
+ "Free up storage": "Libertar armazenamento",
+ "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "Em processo de atualização assíncrona.",
+ "Welcome to {name}": "Bem-vindo ao {name}",
+ "Other ways to use": "Outras formas de utilizar",
+ "Zima Client": "Cliente Zima",
+ "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "Se desejar aceder remotamento ou sincronizar dados com os seus dispositivos.",
+ "Install the software.": "Instalar software.",
+ "Using the Network ID :": "Utilizando o ID de Rede:",
+ "Connect Zima in the software.": "Conectar o Zima no software.",
+ "Zima customization system": "Sistema de personalização do Zima",
+ "About CasaOS System": "Sobre o Sistema CasaOS",
+ "Storage Merge": "Combinar Armazenamento",
+ "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Combinar múltiplos discos num só.",
+ "Manage all data in one page.": "Gerir todos os dados numa página.",
+ "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Mais de 40 aplicação instaladas com 1 clique.",
+ "Please read before continuing ": "Ler com atenção antes de continuar ",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "Exibir o feed de notícias do blog CasaOS.",
+ "Share {CasaOS}": "Partilhar {CasaOS}",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Convide seus amigos que se preocupam com a privacidade de dados a juntarem-se e utilizarem o {OS}.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Alterar os ficheiros internos podem danificar a estrutura do {CasaOS} HD.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "Todos os armazenamentos selecionados serão combinados no {CasaOS} HD.",
+ "Rebuilding": "Reconstruindo",
+ "Rebuild": "Reconstruir",
+ "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} reconstrução completa",
+ "Rebulid error": "Erro na reconstrução",
+ "Installing {title}": "Instalando {title}",
+ "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Aplicação legada (Para ser reconstruída).",
+ "To be rebuilt.": "Para ser reconstruído."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/src/assets/lang/ro_RO.json b/main/src/assets/lang/ro_RO.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..298da4ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/src/assets/lang/ro_RO.json
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+ "OK": "OK",
+ "Cancel": "Anulează",
+ "Submit": "Trimiteți",
+ "Back": "Înapoi",
+ "Edit": "Editare",
+ "Update": "Actualizați",
+ "Create": "Creează",
+ "Next": "Următor",
+ "Close": "Închide",
+ "Select": "Selectează",
+ "Save": "Salvează",
+ "Add": "Adaugă",
+ "Go": "Mergeți",
+ "Import": "Importă",
+ "Low": "Scăzut",
+ "Medium": "Mediu",
+ "High": "Ridicat",
+ "Language": "Limbă",
+ "Change": "Schimbă",
+ "Start": "Începe",
+ "Connect": "Conectează",
+ "This field is required": "Acest câmp este obligatoriu.",
+ "This field must be a valid email": "Vă rugăm să introduceți o adresă de e-mail validă.",
+ "This field confirmation does not match": "Acest câmp de confirmare nu se potrivește",
+ "This field must have 2 options": "Acest câmp trebuie să aibă 2 opțiuni",
+ "This field must have more than 5 characters": "Acest câmp trebuie să aibă 5 sau mai multe caractere.",
+ "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "Ați introdus o oră nevalidă. Utilizați formatul RFC1123.",
+ "Welcome to CasaOS": "Bine ați venit în CasaOS",
+ "Let's create your initial account": "Hai să-ți creăm contul",
+ "Go →": "Mergi →",
+ "Create Account": "Creează cont",
+ "Username": "Nume utilizator",
+ "Confirm Password": "Confirmă parola",
+ "Username or Password error!": "Numele de utilizator sau parola sunt incorecte!",
+ "All things done!": "Totul este gata!",
+ "Login": "Autentificare",
+ "Password error!": "Parolă incorectă!",
+ "Account": "Cont",
+ "Logout": "Deconectare",
+ "Name": "Nume",
+ "Password": "Parolă",
+ "Change name": "Schimbă nume",
+ "Change Password": "Modificare parolă",
+ "Original password": "Parola originală",
+ "New password": "Parola nouă",
+ "Confirm the new password again": "Confirmă parola nouă",
+ "Settings": "Setări",
+ "Dashboard Setting": "Setări dashboard",
+ "Search Engine": "Motor de căutare",
+ "WebUI Port": "Portul WebUI",
+ "Currently at the latest version": "În prezent, la cea mai recentă versiune",
+ "A new version is available!": "O nouă versiune este disponibilă!",
+ "Edit Web UI port": "Editare port WebUI",
+ "Automount USB Drive": "Montați automat unitatea USB",
+ "Wallpaper": "Imagine de fundal",
+ "Change wallpaper": "Modificați imaginea de fundal",
+ "Show Search Bar": "Arata bara de căutare",
+ "Show Recommended Apps": "Arată aplicațiile recomandate",
+ "Upgrade Now": "Actualizați acum",
+ "Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB": "Activarea acestei funcții poate provoca erori de pornire la pornirea dispozitivului Raspberry Pi de pe USB",
+ "There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!": "Se pare că există o problemă cu procesul de actualizare. Vă rugăm să încercați din nou.",
+ "Update completed": "Actualizare completa!",
+ "Let more friends know": "Informează-ți prietenii",
+ "Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Vă rugăm să împărtășiți cu prietenii cărora le pasă de confidențialitatea datelor pentru a se alătura și utiliza CasaOS.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS actualizat cu succes.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade failed": "Actualizarea CasaOS a eșuat.",
+ "Terminal & Logs": "Terminal și Jurnale",
+ "Terminal": "Terminal",
+ "Logs": "Log-uri",
+ "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Vă rugăm să verificaţi dacă numele de utilizator şi portul sunt corecte. Asiguraţi-vă că serverul SSH este instalat.",
+ "Widgets Settings": "Setări widget",
+ "Time": "Timpul",
+ "System Status": "Stare sistem",
+ "Storage Status": "Starea stocării",
+ "Network Status": "Starea rețelei",
+ "Search...": "Caută...",
+ "Sync your data": "Sincronizează-ți datele",
+ "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Folosește Syncthing pentru a sincroniza fișierele între dispozitive multiple",
+ "Install": "Instalează",
+ "Config": "Configurație",
+ "Total": "Total",
+ "Failed to start, please try again.": "Nu s-a reușit pornirea Syncthing. Vă rugăm să încercați din nou.",
+ "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing nu rulează. Doriți să o porniți?",
+ "Starting Syncthing...": "Syncthing porneste...",
+ "Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "Ai o idee? Hai pe Discord!",
+ "Smarten up your home": "Fă-ți casa inteligentă",
+ "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "Vrem să îți oferim o experiență inteligentă în domeniul confidențialității, vitezei mari și stocării localizate.",
+ "In development": "Rămâneți aproape",
+ "Apps": "Aplicație",
+ "App": "Aplicație",
+ "Open": "Deschideți",
+ "Setting": "Setări",
+ "Uninstall": "Dezinstalează",
+ "Attention": "Atenţie",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Datele nu pot fi recuperate după ștergere!
Continuați să dezinstalați această aplicație?",
+ "Featured Apps": "Aplicații Recomandate",
+ "Custom Install": "Instalare personalizată",
+ "Continue in background": "Continuați în fundal",
+ "Install a new App manually": "Instalare manuală a aplicației",
+ "Docker Image": "Imagine Docker",
+ "App name": "Nume aplicație",
+ "Icon URL": "URL pictogramă",
+ "Network": "Rețea",
+ "Privileged": "Privilegii",
+ "Container Command": "Comanda containerului",
+ "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Capabilități container (cap adăugat)",
+ "Container Hostname": "Denumire container",
+ "Hostname of app container": "Numele containerului aplicației",
+ "Ports": "Port",
+ "Volumes": "Volume",
+ "Environment Variables": "Variabile de mediu",
+ "Devices": "Dispozitive",
+ "Memory Limit": "Limită de Memorie",
+ "CPU Shares": "Limită CPU",
+ "Restart Policy": "Politica de restartare",
+ "App Description": "Descrierea aplicației",
+ "No ports now, click “+” to add one.": "Faceți clic pe „+” pentru a adăuga unul.",
+ "No volumes now, click “+” to add one.": "Faceți clic pe „+” pentru a adăuga unul.",
+ "No environment variables now, click “+” to add one.": "Faceți clic pe „+” pentru a adăuga una.",
+ "No devices now, click “+” to add one.": "Faceți clic pe „+” pentru a adăuga unul.",
+ "No commands now, click “+” to add one.": "Faceți clic pe „+” pentru a adăuga una.",
+ "e.g.,hello-world:latest": "ex. hello-world:latest",
+ "Your custom App Name": "Nume aplicație personalizat",
+ "Your custom icon URL": "URL-ul personalizat pentru pictograma",
+ "Installing": "Se instalează",
+ "Export ComposeFile": "Exportă fișierul Compose",
+ "AppFile": "AppFile",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Plasează fisierul tau Docker Compose aici sau apasă pentru a încărca",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Plasează fisierul tau Docker Compose aici sau apasă pentru a încărca",
+ "Host": "Host",
+ "Container": "Container",
+ "Key": "Cheie",
+ "Value": "Valoare",
+ "Protocol": "Protocol",
+ "This is not a valid json file.": "Acesta nu este un fișier JSON valid.",
+ "Your browser does not support file reading.": "Browserul dvs. nu acceptă încărcarea fișierelor.",
+ "has been selected": "a fost selectată",
+ "Please fill correct command line": "Ceva este în neregulă când se încearcă parsarea liniei de comandă.",
+ "Please import a valid App file": "Ceva este în neregulă când se încearcă parsarea AppFile.",
+ "AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.": "În plus față de configurația recunoscută de import, avem nevoie și de următoarele informații:",
+ "the port and path of the Web UI": "Portul și calea către aplicația WebUI",
+ "the mount location of the volume or file": "Locația directorului sau a fișierului care urmează să fie montat",
+ "the port mapping of the Host": "Asocierea portului de la gazdă la container",
+ "optional configuration items": "Alte configurații opționale",
+ "These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.": "Vă rugăm să confirmați configurația în pasul următor după ce faceți clic pe OK.",
+ "DISK": "DISK",
+ "App Store": "Magazin de Aplicații",
+ "Community Apps": "Aplicații comunitate",
+ "From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "Contribuit de minunata noastră comunitate.",
+ "Sort by": "Sortează după",
+ "Click icon to import.": "Faceţi clic pe pictogramă pentru a importa.",
+ "Drag icons to sort.": "Trageți pictogramele pentru a sorta.",
+ "Import to CasaOS": "Importați în CasaOS",
+ "Existing Docker Apps": "Aplicații Docker existente",
+ "[Optional]": "Opţional",
+ "Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "Când sunt mai mult de 1 container specificat în fișierul Docker compose, doar primul va fi importat pentru moment.",
+ "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "A apărut o eroare la încărcarea datelor. Te rugăm să încerci din nou.",
+ "Port": "Porturi",
+ "Create Storage": "Creează stocare",
+ "Storage Manager": "Managerul spațiului de stocare",
+ "Storage": "Stocare",
+ "Drive": "Unitate",
+ "Single Drive Storage": "Unitatea de stocare unică",
+ "Format": "Format",
+ "Remove": "Șterge",
+ "Available Total": "{name} Disponibil: {avl} (Total: {total})",
+ "Health": "Sănătate",
+ "Healthy": "Sănătos",
+ "Damage": "Avariat",
+ "Temp": "Temperatură",
+ "Creation in progress": "Creare în curs",
+ "Apply": "Aplică",
+ "Storage Name": "Numele stocării",
+ "Choose Drive": "Alege unitatea",
+ "Enter the password to continue:": "Introduceți parola pentru a confirma:",
+ "Used": "Folosit",
+ "CasaOS reserves 1% of file space when creating storage in EXT4 format.": "CasaOS rezervă 1% din spațiul de fișiere la crearea stocării în format EXT4.",
+ "The selected drive will be emptied.": "Unitatea selectată va fi golită.",
+ "Please make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that needs to be backed up.": "Vă rugăm să vă asigurați din nou că nu există date importante pe unitatea selectată care trebuie salvate.",
+ "The drive you select can be used directly as storage.": "Unitatea selectată poate fi folosită direct ca spațiu de stocare.",
+ "You can also choose to create it after formatting. If formatted, the selected drive will be emptied.": "De asemenea, poți alege să o creezi după formatare. Odată formatat, unitatea selectată va fi golită.",
+ "Format and Create": "Formatați și creați",
+ "Please insert a Drive to Create Storage": "Vă rugăm să conectați o unitate pentru a crea spațiu de stocare",
+ "Join Discord": "Intră pe Discord",
+ "Visit our Github": "Vizitează GitHub nostru",
+ "Title": "Titlu",
+ "System infomation": "Informații sistem",
+ "Share CasaOS": "Distribuie CasaOS",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Vă rugăm să împărtășiți cu prietenii cărora le pasă de confidențialitatea datelor pentru a se alătura și utiliza CasaOS.",
+ "Files": "Fișiere",
+ "Upload or Create": "Încărcaţi sau creaţi",
+ "Upload Files": "Încarcă fișiere",
+ "Upload Folder": "Încărcare folder",
+ "New Folder": "Folder nou",
+ "New File": "Fișier nou",
+ "Change View": "Schimbare Vizualizare",
+ "Upload to": "Încărcați în",
+ "Uploading": "Se încarcă",
+ "uploading": "se încarcă",
+ "Completed": "Finalizat",
+ "success": "Succes",
+ "error": "Eroare",
+ "paused": "Întrerupt",
+ "waiting": "În Așteptare",
+ "Download": "Descărcare",
+ "Copy Path": "Copiază calea",
+ "Rename": "Redenumire",
+ "Cut": "Decupează",
+ "Copy": "Copiază",
+ "Delete": "Ștergere",
+ "Are you sure?": "Sunteți sigur?",
+ "Paste": "Înserați",
+ "Refresh": "Reîmprospătare",
+ "Code Editor": "Editor de cod",
+ "Saved": "Salvat",
+ "Want to save?": "Doriţi să salvaţi?",
+ "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them.": "Modificările vor fi pierdute dacă nu le salvați.",
+ "Don't Save": "Nu salvați",
+ "Drop your files here to upload": "Plasați fișiere aici pentru a le încărca",
+ "or": "sau",
+ "File name": "Nume",
+ "Date Modified": "Data ultimei modificari",
+ "Size": "Mărime",
+ "Play in IINA": "Redă în IINA",
+ "Play in PotPlayer": "Redă în PotPlayer",
+ "Play in VLC": "Redă în VLC",
+ "Download in preparation...": "Se pregătește descărcarea...",
+ "Copied to clipboard": "Copiat în clipboard",
+ "Previous": "Anterior",
+ "Zoom in": "Mărește",
+ "Rotate": "Rotește",
+ "Reset": "Resetează",
+ "Zoom out": "Micșorează",
+ "INext": "Următorul",
+ "Move": "Mută",
+ "Current Tasks": "Sarcini curente",
+ "Deleting files": "Ștergere fișiere...",
+ "Are you sure you want to delete these files? This action cannot be undone.": "Sunteți sigur că doriți să ștergeți aceste fișiere? Această acțiune nu poate fi anulată.",
+ "select-items": "{num} Elemente selectate",
+ "total-items": "Total {num} items",
+ "cancel-all": "Anulează Tot",
+ "Paste - Overwrite": "Lipește - Suprascrie",
+ "Paste - Skip": "Lipește - Omite",
+ "Set as wallpaper": "Setaţi ca imagine de fundal",
+ "Set wallpaper successfully.": "Imagine de fundal adăugată cu succes.",
+ "Save failed, please try again!": "Setarea imaginii de fundal a eșuat. Te rugăm să încerci din nou.",
+ "Upload failed, please try again!": "Eroare la încărcarea imaginii de fundal. Vă rugăm să încercați din nou.",
+ "Location": "Locație",
+ "Share": "Distribuiți",
+ "Shared": "Partajat",
+ "UnShare": "Opriți partajarea",
+ "Unsharing Folder": "Opriți partajarea dosarului",
+ "Are you sure you want to unshare this Folder?": "Sunteți sigur că doriți să nu mai partajați acest dosar?",
+ "New Local Storage": "Stocare locală nouă",
+ "Connect Network Storage": "Conectare stocare rețea",
+ "Start sharing your files on the local network.": "Începeți să partajați fișierele dvs. în rețeaua locală.",
+ "Shared Folders": "Directoare partajate",
+ "Go to": "Mergi la",
+ "Get Share Link": "Obțineți calea de rețea",
+ "Select Shared Folder": "Selectați directorul partajat",
+ "Folder has been shared": "Directorul a fost partajat",
+ "Enter the following link to access the shared folder ( Samba ) .": "Utilizați următoarea cale de rețea pentru a accesa directorul partajat.",
+ "PC ( Windows explorer )": "PC (Windows explorer)",
+ "Mac ( Finder )": "Mac (Finder)",
+ "I Got it": "Am înțeles",
+ "Follow the guide to start sharing your files on the local network.": "Urmați ghidul pentru a începe să partajați fișierele dvs. pe rețeaua locală.",
+ "Eject Success": "Ejectare reuşită",
+ "Eject Failed": "Ejectare eșuată",
+ "Server Address": "Adresa serverului",
+ "eg : smb://": "Ex. smb://",
+ "Support Samba Address eg : smb://": "Suport adresa Samba, de ex. smb://",
+ "Connect As Guest": "Conectează-te ca guest",
+ "Username or password cannot be empty.": "Numele de utilizator sau parola nu pot fi goale.",
+ "Please enter a correct Samba address!": "Vă rugăm să introduceți o adresă Samba corectă.",
+ "Create Folder": "Crează director",
+ "Create File": "Crează fișier",
+ "Add External Link/APP": "Adauga link extern",
+ "Local URL,Public URL": "Un URL local sau un URL public aici",
+ "Eg: // or https://www.google.com": "Ex. / sau https://www.google.com",
+ "App Name": "Titlu",
+ "Customize your APP name": "Titlul link-ului extern",
+ "Local URL": "URL local",
+ "Custom Install APP": "Instalează o aplicație personalizată",
+ "Add external link/APP": "Adauga link extern",
+ "Address": "Legătură URL",
+ "Please choose a location with enough storage space and stable connection.": "Vă rugăm să alegeți o locație cu suficient spațiu de stocare pentru o unitate care nu poate fi detașată.",
+ "undefined": "nedefinit",
+ "Apps Installation Location": "Locație de instalare",
+ "(Cannot be changed)": "(Nu se poate modifica)",
+ "Merge Storages": "Îmbinați stocarea",
+ "MainStorage Settings": "Setări stocare principală",
+ "Data Protected": "Datele sunt protejate",
+ "APPs Restart": "Aplicaţiile necesită repornire",
+ "APP Restart": "Aplicația necesită repornire",
+ "Restart": "Reporniţi",
+ "Continue": "Continuați",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Schimbarea fișierelor interne poate rupe structura CasaOS HD.",
+ "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Vă rugăm să faceți o copie de rezervă a datelor stocate, altfel datele se pot pierde!",
+ "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HD funcționează cel mai bine atunci când sursele de stocare selectate sunt formatate.",
+ " is running, restart ": " rulează. Reporniţi ",
+ " to continue.": "pentru a continua",
+ "APPs is running": "Una sau mai multe aplicații rulează",
+ "restart APPs to continue.": "restartează aplicațiile pentru a continua.",
+ "Add a shortcut": "Adaugă o scurtătură",
+ "Error when creating installation path for apps": "Eroare la crearea căii de instalare pentru aplicații",
+ "Accept": "Acceptați",
+ "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "Apreciem orice feedback pe care l-aţi putea avea!",
+ "Show other Docker container app(s)": "Arată alte containere",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS Blog": "Arată știri de pe blogul CasaOS",
+ "CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "Panoul de control CasaOS va primi cele mai recente știri de la https://blog.casaos.io prin Internet, ceea ce ar putea lăsa înregistrările de vizită pe site. Acceptați?",
+ "Feedback / Issue Report": "Feedback / Raportează problemă",
+ "Start with [Issue], [App Request], or [Feature Request]...": "Începe cu [Issue], [Solicitare aplicație], sau [Solicitare caracteristică]...",
+ "Description": "Descriere",
+ "The more details provided, the easier this feedback or issue gets addressed.": "Cu cât sunt furnizate mai multe detalii, cu atât este mai ușor să fie abordate feedback-ul sau problema.",
+ "For more feedback options, visit CasaOS project on GitHub...": "Pentru mai multe opțiuni de feedback, vizitați proiectul CasaOS pe GitHub...",
+ "{num} items": "{num} items",
+ "Submit a feedback or report an issue": "Trimiteți un feedback sau raportați o problemă",
+ "Shutdown": "Închidere",
+ "Connecting": "Se conectează",
+ "Open in Files": "Deschide în Fișiere",
+ "Learn more": "Învățați mai mult",
+ "Set Mainstorage": "Îmbinare stocare",
+ "Found a new drive": "S-a găsit un nou disc",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?
{divS}Delete userdata ( config folder ){divE}": "Datele nu pot fi recuperate după ștergere!
Continuați să dezinstalați această aplicație?
{divS}Ștergeți userdata ( config folder ){divE}",
+ "Beta": "Beta",
+ "Clone": "Clonează",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "Toată stocarea verificată va fi îmbinată în CasaOS HD.",
+ "* This feature is now testing and verifying, enabling it may clear personal data and destroy the installed APPs, so it is recommended to use it only during the startup.": "* Această funcție este acum de testare și verificare, activând opțiunea poate șterge datele personale și distruge aplicațiile instalate, aşa că este recomandat să o utilizaţi numai în timpul pornirii.",
+ "Preparing for launch": "Pregătire pentru lansare",
+ "to open the app. If it does not work, please restart or try again later.": "pentru a deschide aplicația. Dacă nu funcționează, reporniți sau încercați din nou mai târziu.",
+ "This operation may clear all personal data and destroy the installed APPs.": "Această operațiune poate șterge toate datele personale și distruge aplicațiile instalate.",
+ "Warning": "Atenţie",
+ "Click here": "Click aici",
+ "Installing app": "Instalare aplicație",
+ "Installation completed": "Instalare completă",
+ "Starting installation": "Începerea instalării",
+ "New": "Nou",
+ "NEW": "NOU",
+ "Check then update": "Verificați apoi actualizează",
+ "At least one extra hard drive is needed for this feature.": "Cel puțin un hard disk în plus este necesar pentru această funcție.",
+ "APP may not be available": "Aplicația pare să nu fie disponibilă",
+ "Please": "Vă rugăm",
+ "{appName} is the latest version!": "{appName} este cea mai recentă versiune!",
+ "{name} has been updated to the latest version!": "{name} a fost actualizat la ultima versiune!",
+ "Unable to update at the moment!": "Nu se poate actualiza în acest moment!",
+ "Updating": "Actualizare",
+ "Uninstalling": "Se dezinstalează",
+ "CheckThenUpdate": "Verificați apoi actualizează",
+ "Not compatible with {arch} devices.": "Nu este compatibil cu {arch} dispozitive.",
+ "Connect Dropbox": "Conectează Dropbox",
+ "Connect GoogleDrive": "Conectează Google Drive",
+ "FilesDrop": "FilesDrop",
+ "You are using the device": "Utilizaţi dispozitivul",
+ "Click to send the file to the device.": "Faceţi clic pentru a trimite fişierul pe dispozitiv.",
+ "{num} files being sent": "Se trimit fişiere {num}",
+ "Receiving {num} files": "Primire {num} fișiere",
+ "Local Area Network Access": "Acces la rețeaua locală",
+ "Access the following address with another device": "Accesați următoarea adresă cu un alt dispozitiv",
+ "Drop files to another device anytime, anywhere": "Trage fișierele pe un alt dispozitiv oricând, oriunde",
+ "Sending files": "Se trimit fișiere",
+ "Cancel sending": "Anulează Trimiterea",
+ "Ignore": "Ignoră",
+ "File transfer completed.": "Transfer de fișier finalizat!",
+ "Save {name} {size} from {device}.": "Salvați {name} {size} de la {device}.",
+ "Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...": "Conexiune pierdută. Reîncearcă în 5 secunde...",
+ "cli to compose...": "cli pentru a compune...",
+ "View tutorial": "Vezi tutorialul",
+ "Add Source": "Adaugă Sursă",
+ "More": "Mai mult",
+ "Search an app...": "Caută o aplicație...",
+ "Tips": "Sfaturi",
+ "Export as Compose": "Exportă ca şi Compose",
+ "Something to remember eg. password": "Ceva de reținut, de ex. parola",
+ "Other ways to merge storages": "Alte modalități de îmbinare a stocărilor",
+ "Free up storage": "Eliberează spațiu",
+ "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "În procesul de actualizare asincronă.",
+ "Welcome to {name}": "Bun venit,{name}",
+ "Other ways to use": "Alte modalităţi de utilizare",
+ "Zima Client": "Client Zima",
+ "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "Dacă doriți să accesați de la distanță sau să sincronizați datele cu dispozitivele dvs.",
+ "Install the software.": "Instalați software-ul.",
+ "Using the Network ID :": "Folosind ID-ul de rețea:",
+ "Connect Zima in the software.": "Conectați Zima la software.",
+ "Zima customization system": "Sistem de personalizare Zima",
+ "About CasaOS System": "Despre sistemul CasaOS",
+ "Storage Merge": "Îmbinare stocare",
+ "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Îmbinați mai multe discuri într-unul singur.",
+ "Manage all data in one page.": "Gestionați toate datele într-o singură pagină.",
+ "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Peste 40 de aplicații instalate cu un singur clic.",
+ "Please read before continuing ": "Vă rugăm să citiți înainte de a continua ",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "Arată știri de pe blogul CasaOS.",
+ "Share {CasaOS}": "Distribuie {CasaOS}",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Vă rugăm să împărtășiți cu prietenii cărora le pasă de confidențialitatea datelor pentru a se alătura și utiliza {OS}.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Schimbarea fișierelor interne poate rupe structura {CasaOS} HD.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "Toată stocarea verificată va fi îmbinată în {CasaOS} HD.",
+ "Rebuilding": "Reconstrucție",
+ "Rebuild": "Reconstruit",
+ "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} reconstrucție finalizata",
+ "Rebulid error": "Eroare Rebulid",
+ "Installing {title}": "Instalare {title}",
+ "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Aplicație legacy (de reconstruit).",
+ "To be rebuilt.": "De reconstruit."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/src/assets/lang/tr_TR.json b/main/src/assets/lang/tr_TR.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c66e20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/src/assets/lang/tr_TR.json
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+ "OK": "Tamam",
+ "Cancel": "İptal",
+ "Submit": "Gönder",
+ "Back": "Geri",
+ "Edit": "Düzenle",
+ "Update": "Güncelle",
+ "Create": "Oluştur",
+ "Next": "İleri",
+ "Close": "Kapat",
+ "Select": "Seçiniz",
+ "Save": "Kaydet",
+ "Add": "Ekle",
+ "Go": "Git",
+ "Import": "İçeri Aktar",
+ "Low": "Düşük",
+ "Medium": "Orta",
+ "High": "Yüksek",
+ "Language": "Dil",
+ "Change": "Değiştir",
+ "Start": "Başla",
+ "Connect": "Bağlan",
+ "This field is required": "Bu alan zorunludur.",
+ "This field must be a valid email": "Lütfen geçerli bir e-posta adresi girin.",
+ "This field confirmation does not match": "Bu alan onayı eşleşmiyor",
+ "This field must have 2 options": "Bu alanda 2 seçenek bulunmalıdır",
+ "This field must have more than 5 characters": "Bu alanda 5 veya daha fazla karakter bulunmalıdır.",
+ "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "Geçersiz bir zaman girdiniz. Lütfen RFC1123 biçimini kullanın.",
+ "Welcome to CasaOS": "CasaOS'a hoş geldiniz",
+ "Let's create your initial account": "Hadi hesabınızı oluşturalım",
+ "Go →": "Git →",
+ "Create Account": "Hesap oluştur",
+ "Username": "Kullanıcı Adı",
+ "Confirm Password": "Şifreyi onayla",
+ "Username or Password error!": "Kullanıcı adı veya şifre hatalı!",
+ "All things done!": "Hazırsınız!",
+ "Login": "Giriş yap",
+ "Password error!": "Geçersiz şifre!",
+ "Account": "Hesap",
+ "Logout": "Çıkış",
+ "Name": "Ad",
+ "Password": "Şifre",
+ "Change name": "İsim Değiştir",
+ "Change Password": "Şifreyi Değiştir",
+ "Original password": "Orijinal şifre",
+ "New password": "Yeni şifre",
+ "Confirm the new password again": "Yeni Şifreyi Doğrula",
+ "Settings": "Ayarlar",
+ "Dashboard Setting": "Panel Ayarları",
+ "Search Engine": "Arama Motoru",
+ "WebUI Port": "Web Arayüzü Portu",
+ "Currently at the latest version": "Şu anda en son sürümde",
+ "A new version is available!": "Yeni bir sürüm mevcut!",
+ "Edit Web UI port": "Web Arayüzü Portunu düzenle",
+ "Automount USB Drive": "USB sürücüyü otomatik olarak bağla",
+ "Wallpaper": "Duvar Kağıdı",
+ "Change wallpaper": "Duvar kağıdını değiştir",
+ "Show Search Bar": "Arama çubuğunu göster",
+ "Show Recommended Apps": "Önerilen uygulamaları göster",
+ "Upgrade Now": "Şimdi güncelle",
+ "Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB": "Bu işlevin etkinleştirilmesi, Raspberry Pi cihazını USB depolama biriminden başlatırken önyükleme hatalarına neden olabilir",
+ "There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!": "Yükseltme işleminde bir sorun var gibi görünüyor. Lütfen tekrar deneyin.",
+ "Update completed": "Yükseltme tamamlandı!",
+ "Let more friends know": "Arkadaşlarını haberdar et",
+ "Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Lütfen veri gizliliğine önem veren arkadaşlarınızı CasaOS kullanmaya davet edin.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS başarıyla güncellendi.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade failed": "CasaOS güncellemeyi başaramadı.",
+ "Terminal & Logs": "Uçbirim ve Loglar",
+ "Terminal": "Uçbirim",
+ "Logs": "Loglar",
+ "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Lüften kullanıcı adı ve port doğruluğunu kontrol edin. SSH sunucusunun kurulduğundan emin olun.",
+ "Widgets Settings": "Araç ayarları",
+ "Time": "Zaman",
+ "System Status": "Sistem durumu",
+ "Storage Status": "Depolama durumu",
+ "Network Status": "Ağ durumu",
+ "Search...": "Ara...",
+ "Sync your data": "Verilerinizi senkronize edin",
+ "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Belgelerinizi birden fazla cihaz ile senkronize etmek için Syncthing kullanın",
+ "Install": "Kur",
+ "Config": "Konfigürasyon",
+ "Total": "Toplam",
+ "Failed to start, please try again.": "Syncthing başlatılamadı. Lütfen tekrar deneyin.",
+ "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing çalışmıyor. Başlatmak ister misiniz?",
+ "Starting Syncthing...": "Syncthing Başlatılıyor...",
+ "Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "Bir fikriniz mi var? Bize Discord üzerinden gönderin!",
+ "Smarten up your home": "Evinizi akıllı hale getirin",
+ "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "Size gizlilik, yüksek hız ve yerel depolama kullanan bir akıllı ev deneyimi yaşatmak istiyoruz.",
+ "In development": "Beklemede kalın",
+ "Apps": "Uygulama",
+ "App": "Uygulama",
+ "Open": "Aç",
+ "Setting": "Ayarlar",
+ "Uninstall": "Kaldır",
+ "Attention": "Dikkat",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Silme işleminden sonra veriler kurtarılamaz!
Uygulamayı kaldırma işleminde devam edilsin mi?",
+ "Featured Apps": "Öne Çıkan Uygulamalar",
+ "Custom Install": "Özel Yükleme",
+ "Continue in background": "Arka planda devam et",
+ "Install a new App manually": "Manuel Uygulama Kurulumu",
+ "Docker Image": "Docker İmajı",
+ "App name": "Uygulama Adı",
+ "Icon URL": "İkon URL'si",
+ "Network": "Ağ",
+ "Privileged": "Yetkiler",
+ "Container Command": "Container Komutu",
+ "Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Container Yetenekleri (cap-add)",
+ "Container Hostname": "Container Makine Adı",
+ "Hostname of app container": "Container makine adı",
+ "Ports": "Port",
+ "Volumes": "Hacimler",
+ "Environment Variables": "Ortam Değişkenleri",
+ "Devices": "Cihazlar",
+ "Memory Limit": "Bellek Sınırı",
+ "CPU Shares": "İşlemci Payları",
+ "Restart Policy": "Yeniden Başlatma Politikası",
+ "App Description": "Uygulama Açıklaması",
+ "No ports now, click “+” to add one.": "Eklemek için \"+\" tuşuna basınız.",
+ "No volumes now, click “+” to add one.": "Eklemek için \"+\" tuşuna basınız.",
+ "No environment variables now, click “+” to add one.": "Eklemek için \"+\" tuşuna basınız.",
+ "No devices now, click “+” to add one.": "Eklemek için \"+\" tuşuna basınız.",
+ "No commands now, click “+” to add one.": "Eklemek için \"+\" tuşuna basınız.",
+ "e.g.,hello-world:latest": "ör.: merhaba-dünya:en-son",
+ "Your custom App Name": "Özelleştirilmiş uygulamanızın adı",
+ "Your custom icon URL": "Özelleştirilmiş uygulamanızın simge URL'si",
+ "Installing": "Kuruluyor",
+ "Export ComposeFile": "ComposeFile'ı Dışa Aktar",
+ "AppFile": "AppFile",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose here or click to upload": "Docker Compose dosyanızı sürükleyip bırakın veya yüklemek için tıklayın",
+ "Drop your Docker Compose file here or click to upload": "Docker Compose dosyanızı sürükleyip bırakın veya yüklemek için tıklayın",
+ "Host": "Ana Makine",
+ "Container": "Container",
+ "Key": "Anahtar",
+ "Value": "Değer",
+ "Protocol": "Protokol",
+ "This is not a valid json file.": "Bu geçerli bir JSON dosyası değil.",
+ "Your browser does not support file reading.": "Tarayıcınız dosya yüklemeyi desteklemiyor.",
+ "has been selected": "seçildi",
+ "Please fill correct command line": "Komut satırını çözümlemeye çalışırken bir sorunla karşılaşıldı.",
+ "Please import a valid App file": "AppFile'ı çözümlemeye çalışırken bir sorunla karşılaşıldı.",
+ "AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.": "İçe aktarma tarafından tanınan yapılandırmaya ek olarak aşağıdaki bilgilere de ihtiyacımız var:",
+ "the port and path of the Web UI": "Uygulama Web Arayüzünün portu ve yolu",
+ "the mount location of the volume or file": "Bağlanacak dizinin veya belgenin konumu",
+ "the port mapping of the Host": "Ana bilgisayardan conatainera bağlantı noktası eşlemesi",
+ "optional configuration items": "Diğer opsiyonel konfigürasyonlar",
+ "These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.": "Lütfen Tamam'a tıkladıktan sonraki adımda yapılandırmayı onaylayın.",
+ "DISK": "DİSK",
+ "App Store": "Uygulama Mağazası",
+ "Community Apps": "Topluluk uygulamaları",
+ "From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "Harika topluluğumuzun katkısıyla.",
+ "Sort by": "Sıralama şekli",
+ "Click icon to import.": "İçe aktarmak için simgeye tıklayın.",
+ "Drag icons to sort.": "Simgeleri sürükleyerek sıralayın.",
+ "Import to CasaOS": "CasaOS'e Aktar",
+ "Existing Docker Apps": "Var olan Docker uygulamaları",
+ "[Optional]": "İsteğe bağlı",
+ "Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "Docker compose dosyasından 1'den fazla container belirtildiğinde şimdilik sadece ilk belirtilmiş olan içe aktarılacaktır.",
+ "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "Veriler yüklenirken bir hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin.",
+ "Port": "Portlar",
+ "Create Storage": "Depolama Oluştur",
+ "Storage Manager": "Depolama Yöneticisi",
+ "Storage": "Depolama",
+ "Drive": "Sürücü",
+ "Single Drive Storage": "Tekil depolama sürücüsü",
+ "Format": "Biçim",
+ "Remove": "Çıkar",
+ "Available Total": "{name} | Kullanılabilir: {avl} (Toplam: {total})",
+ "Health": "Sağlık",
+ "Healthy": "Sağlıklı",
+ "Damage": "Hasarlı",
+ "Temp": "Sıcaklık",
+ "Creation in progress": "Oluşturma devam ediyor",
+ "Apply": "Uygula",
+ "Storage Name": "Depolama adı",
+ "Choose Drive": "Bir sürücüyü seçin",
+ "Enter the password to continue:": "Onaylamak için şifrenizi girin:",
+ "Used": "Kullanılan",
+ "CasaOS reserves 1% of file space when creating storage in EXT4 format.": "EXT4 formatı kullanılarak depolama oluşturulurken CasaOS %1'lik bir alan rezerve eder.",
+ "The selected drive will be emptied.": "Seçilen dürücü boşaltılacaktır.",
+ "Please make sure again that there is no important data on the selected drive that needs to be backed up.": "Seçilen sürücüde yedeklenmesi gereken önemli veriler olmadığından emin olun.",
+ "The drive you select can be used directly as storage.": "Seçtiğiniz sürücü direkt depolama olarak kullanılabilir.",
+ "You can also choose to create it after formatting. If formatted, the selected drive will be emptied.": "Format işleminden sonra oluşturmayı da seçebilirsiniz. Formatlandıktan sonra sürücü tamamen boşaltılacaktır.",
+ "Format and Create": "Formatla ve Oluştur",
+ "Please insert a Drive to Create Storage": "Lütfen depolama oluşturulacak sürücüyü takın",
+ "Join Discord": "Discord'a Katıl",
+ "Visit our Github": "GitHub'ımızı Ziyaret Et",
+ "Title": "Başlık",
+ "System infomation": "Sistem bilgisi",
+ "Share CasaOS": "CasaOS'i Paylaş",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Lütfen veri gizliliğine önem veren arkadaşlarınızı CasaOS kullanmaya davet edin.",
+ "Files": "Dosyalar",
+ "Upload or Create": "Yükle veya Oluştur",
+ "Upload Files": "Belge Yükle",
+ "Upload Folder": "Klasör Yükle",
+ "New Folder": "Yeni Klasör",
+ "New File": "Yeni Belge",
+ "Change View": "Görünümü Değiştir",
+ "Upload to": "Şuraya yükle",
+ "Uploading": "Karşıya Yükleniyor",
+ "uploading": "Karşıya Yükleniyor",
+ "Completed": "Tamamlandı",
+ "success": "Başarılı",
+ "error": "Hata",
+ "paused": "Duraklatıldı",
+ "waiting": "Bekleniyor",
+ "Download": "İndir",
+ "Copy Path": "Yolu kopyala",
+ "Rename": "Yeniden Adlandır",
+ "Cut": "Kes",
+ "Copy": "Kopyala",
+ "Delete": "Sil",
+ "Are you sure?": "Emin misiniz?",
+ "Paste": "Yapıştır",
+ "Refresh": "Yenile",
+ "Code Editor": "Kod Editörü",
+ "Saved": "Kaydedildi",
+ "Want to save?": "Kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?",
+ "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them.": "Kaydetmezseniz yaptığınız değişiklikler kaybolacaktır.",
+ "Don't Save": "Kaydetme",
+ "Drop your files here to upload": "Dosyaları yüklemek için buraya bırakın",
+ "or": "veya",
+ "File name": "İsim",
+ "Date Modified": "Düzenlenme tarihi",
+ "Size": "Boyut",
+ "Play in IINA": "IINA'da Oynat",
+ "Play in PotPlayer": "PotPlayer'da Oynat",
+ "Play in VLC": "VLC'de Oynat",
+ "Download in preparation...": "İndirmeye hazırlanıyor...",
+ "Copied to clipboard": "Panoya kopyalandı",
+ "Previous": "Önceki",
+ "Zoom in": "Yakınlaştır",
+ "Rotate": "Döndür",
+ "Reset": "Sıfırla",
+ "Zoom out": "Uzaklaştır",
+ "INext": "Sonraki",
+ "Move": "Taşı",
+ "Current Tasks": "Mevcut görevler",
+ "Deleting files": "Dosyalar siliniyor...",
+ "Are you sure you want to delete these files? This action cannot be undone.": "Bu dosyaları silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? Bu işlem geri alınamaz.",
+ "select-items": "{num} adet eşya seçildi",
+ "total-items": "Toplam {num} adet eşya bulunuyor",
+ "cancel-all": "Tümünü iptal et",
+ "Paste - Overwrite": "Yapıştır - Üzerine Yaz",
+ "Paste - Skip": "Yapıştır - Geç",
+ "Set as wallpaper": "Duvar kağıdı olarak ayarla",
+ "Set wallpaper successfully.": "Duvar kağıdı başarıyla ayarlandı.",
+ "Save failed, please try again!": "Duvar kağıdı ayarlanamadı. Lütfen tekrar deneyiniz.",
+ "Upload failed, please try again!": "Duvar kağıdı karşıya yüklenemedi. Lütfen tekrar deneyiniz.",
+ "Location": "Konum",
+ "Share": "Paylaş",
+ "Shared": "Paylaşılan",
+ "UnShare": "Paylaşmayı durdur",
+ "Unsharing Folder": "Klasörü paylaşmayı durdur",
+ "Are you sure you want to unshare this Folder?": "Bu klasörü paylaşmayı durdurmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
+ "New Local Storage": "Yeni yerel depolama",
+ "Connect Network Storage": "Ağ depolamasına bağlan",
+ "Start sharing your files on the local network.": "Belgelerinizi yerel ağda paylaşmaya başlayın.",
+ "Shared Folders": "Paylaşılan klasörler",
+ "Go to": "Git",
+ "Get Share Link": "Ağ konumunu al",
+ "Select Shared Folder": "Paylaşılan klasörü seç",
+ "Folder has been shared": "Klasör paylaşıldı",
+ "Enter the following link to access the shared folder ( Samba ) .": "Aşağıdaki ağ konumunu kullanarak klasöre erişebilirsiniz.",
+ "PC ( Windows explorer )": "PC (Windows explorer)",
+ "Mac ( Finder )": "Mac (Finder)",
+ "I Got it": "Anlaşıldı",
+ "Follow the guide to start sharing your files on the local network.": "Yerel ağda belgeleri paylaşmak için rehberi takip edin.",
+ "Eject Success": "Çıkarma başarılı",
+ "Eject Failed": "Çıkarma başarısız",
+ "Server Address": "Sunucu adresi",
+ "eg : smb://": "Ör.: smb://",
+ "Support Samba Address eg : smb://": "Destek Samba adresi ör.: smb://",
+ "Connect As Guest": "Ziyaretçi olarak bağlan",
+ "Username or password cannot be empty.": "Kullanıcı adı veya şifre boş olamaz.",
+ "Please enter a correct Samba address!": "Lütfen doğru bir Samba adresi girin.",
+ "Create Folder": "Klasör oluştur",
+ "Create File": "Belge oluştur",
+ "Add External Link/APP": "Harici bağlantı ekle",
+ "Local URL,Public URL": "Buraya yerel veya genel bir URL yazın",
+ "Eg: // or https://www.google.com": "Ör.: // or https://www.google.com",
+ "App Name": "Başlık",
+ "Customize your APP name": "Harici bağlantı başlığı",
+ "Local URL": "Yerel URL",
+ "Custom Install APP": "Özelleştirilmiş uygulama yükle",
+ "Add external link/APP": "Harici link ekle",
+ "Address": "Bağlantı URL'si",
+ "Please choose a location with enough storage space and stable connection.": "Lütfen yeterli depolama alanına sahip çıkarılamayan bir sürücüden konum seçin.",
+ "undefined": "tanımsız",
+ "Apps Installation Location": "Uygulama kurulum konumu",
+ "(Cannot be changed)": "(Değiştirilemez)",
+ "Merge Storages": "Depolamaları birleştir",
+ "MainStorage Settings": "Ana Depolama ayarları",
+ "Data Protected": "Veri korunuyor",
+ "APPs Restart": "Uygulamaların yeniden başlatılması gerekiyor",
+ "APP Restart": "Uygulamanın yeniden başlatılması gerekiyor",
+ "Restart": "Yeniden Başlat",
+ "Continue": "Devam Et",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Dahili dosyaları değiştirmek CasaOS HD'sinin yapısını bozabilir.",
+ "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Lütfen verilerinizi yedekleyin, aksi taktirde veriler kaybolabilir!",
+ "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "Seçili depolama kaynakları formatlandığı zaman CasaOS HD en iyi şekilde çalışır.",
+ " is running, restart ": " çalışıyor. Yeniden Başlat ",
+ " to continue.": " devam et.",
+ "APPs is running": "Bir veya daha fazla uygulama çalışıyor",
+ "restart APPs to continue.": "devam etmek için uygulamaları yeniden başlatın.",
+ "Add a shortcut": "Kısayol ekle",
+ "Error when creating installation path for apps": "Uygulamalar için kurulum yolu oluşturulurken hata oluştu",
+ "Accept": "Onayla",
+ "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "Geridönüşleriniz bizim için önemli!",
+ "Show other Docker container app(s)": "Diğer container'ları göster",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS Blog": "CasaOS blogundan haberleri göster",
+ "CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "CasaOS paneli internet üzerinden size https://blog.casaos.io sitesinden yenilikleri gösterir, bu işlem geçimişinizde bu siteyi gösterebilir. Kabul ediyor musunuz?",
+ "Feedback / Issue Report": "Geribildirim / Sorun Bildirimi",
+ "Start with [Issue], [App Request], or [Feature Request]...": "[Sorun], [Uygulama İsteği] veya [Özellik İsteği] ile başayın...",
+ "Description": "Açıklama",
+ "The more details provided, the easier this feedback or issue gets addressed.": "Ne kadar çok detay sağlarsanız geri dönüşünüzün veya sorununuzun çözümü o kadar kolay olacaktır.",
+ "For more feedback options, visit CasaOS project on GitHub...": "Daha fazla garibildirim seçeneği için CasaOS GitHub proje sayfasını ziyaret edin...",
+ "{num} items": "{num} adet eşya",
+ "Submit a feedback or report an issue": "Geribildirim veya sorun bildirimi yapın",
+ "Shutdown": "Kapat",
+ "Connecting": "Bağlanıyor",
+ "Open in Files": "Dosyalar'da Aç",
+ "Learn more": "Daha Fazla",
+ "Set Mainstorage": "Depolamaları birleştir",
+ "Found a new drive": "Yeni sürücü bulundu",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?
{divS}Delete userdata ( config folder ){divE}": "Silme işleminden sonra verileriniz kurtarılamaz!
Uygulamayı silmeye devam edilsin mi?
{divS}Kullanıcı verilerini sil ( config dosyaları ){divE}",
+ "Beta": "Beta",
+ "Clone": "Klonla",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into CasaOS HD.": "Seçilen bütün sürücüler CasaOS HD ile birleştirilecektir.",
+ "* This feature is now testing and verifying, enabling it may clear personal data and destroy the installed APPs, so it is recommended to use it only during the startup.": "* Bu özellik şu anda test ediliyor ve doğrulanıyor. Etkinleştirilmesi kişisel verileri temizleyebilir ve yüklü uygulamaları yok edebilir. Bu nedenle, yalnızca başlatma sırasında kullanılması önerilir.",
+ "Preparing for launch": "Başlatma için hazırlanıyor",
+ "to open the app. If it does not work, please restart or try again later.": "uygulamayı açmak için. Eğer uygulama çalışmazsa lütfen yeniden başatın veya daha sonra tekrar deneyin.",
+ "This operation may clear all personal data and destroy the installed APPs.": "Bu işlem bütün kişisel verileri silebilir ve kurulan uygulamaları kaldırabilir.",
+ "Warning": "Uyarı",
+ "Click here": "Buraya tıklayın",
+ "Installing app": "Uygulama Kuruluyor",
+ "Installation completed": "Kurulum Tamamlandı",
+ "Starting installation": "Kurulum başlatılıyor",
+ "New": "Yeni",
+ "NEW": "YENİ",
+ "Check then update": "Güncellemeleri kontrol et ve yükle",
+ "At least one extra hard drive is needed for this feature.": "Bu özellik için en az bir ekstra sürücüye ihtiyaç vardır.",
+ "APP may not be available": "Uygulama mevcut olmayabilir",
+ "Please": "Lütfen",
+ "{appName} is the latest version!": "{appName} güncel!",
+ "{name} has been updated to the latest version!": "{name} son sürüme güncellendi!",
+ "Unable to update at the moment!": "Şu an güncellenemiyor!",
+ "Updating": "Güncelleniyor",
+ "Uninstalling": "Kaldırılıyor",
+ "CheckThenUpdate": "Güncellemeleri kontrol et ve yükle",
+ "Not compatible with {arch} devices.": "{arch} cihazlar ile uyumlu değil.",
+ "Connect Dropbox": "Dropbox'a Bağlan",
+ "Connect GoogleDrive": "Google Drive'a Bağlan",
+ "FilesDrop": "FilesDrop",
+ "You are using the device": "Cihazı kullanıyorsunuz",
+ "Click to send the file to the device.": "Cihaza belgeyi göndermek için tıklayın.",
+ "{num} files being sent": "{num} adet belge gönderiliyor",
+ "Receiving {num} files": "{num} adet belge alınıyor",
+ "Local Area Network Access": "Yerel Alan Ağı Erişimi",
+ "Access the following address with another device": "Aşağıdaki adrese başka bir cihazla erişin",
+ "Drop files to another device anytime, anywhere": "Her yerde, her zaman diğer cihazlara dosya aktarın",
+ "Sending files": "Belgeler gönderiliyor",
+ "Cancel sending": "Göndermeyi iptal et",
+ "Ignore": "Yok Say",
+ "File transfer completed.": "Belge aktarımı tamamlandı!",
+ "Save {name} {size} from {device}.": "{device} cihazından {name} {size}'ı kaydet.",
+ "Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...": "Bağlantı koptu. 5 saniye içinde tekrar denenecek...",
+ "cli to compose...": "CLI'dan Compose'a...",
+ "View tutorial": "Öğreticiyi Görüntüle",
+ "Add Source": "Kaynak Ekle",
+ "More": "Daha Fazla",
+ "Search an app...": "Uygulama ara...",
+ "Tips": "İpuçları",
+ "Export as Compose": "Compose Olarak Dışa Aktar",
+ "Something to remember eg. password": "Hatırlanacak bir şey ör.: şifre",
+ "Other ways to merge storages": "Depolamaları birleştirmenin diğer yolları",
+ "Free up storage": "Depolama alanı aç",
+ "In the process of asynchronous updating.": "Asenkron güncelleme işlemi yapılıyor.",
+ "Welcome to {name}": "{name}'a Hoş Geldin",
+ "Other ways to use": "Kullanmanın diğer yolları",
+ "Zima Client": "Zima İstemcisi",
+ "If you want to access remotely or sync data with your devices.": "Uzaktan erişmek veya diğer cihazlarla verileri senkronize etmek istiyorsanız.",
+ "Install the software.": "Yazılımı kur.",
+ "Using the Network ID :": "Kullanılan Network ID :",
+ "Connect Zima in the software.": "Yazılımdan Zima'ya bağlan.",
+ "Zima customization system": "Zima özelleştirme sistemi",
+ "About CasaOS System": "CasaOS Sistemi Hakkında",
+ "Storage Merge": "Depolama Birleştirme",
+ "Merge multiple disks into one.": "Birden fazla sürücüyü bir tanede birleştir.",
+ "Manage all data in one page.": "Bütün verileri bir sayfada yönet.",
+ "Over 40 applications installed with one click.": "Tek tuşla kurulabilen 40'dan fazla uygulama.",
+ "Please read before continuing ": "Devam etmeden önce lütfen okuyun ",
+ "Show news feed from CasaOS blog.": "CasaOS blogundan haberleri göster.",
+ "Share {CasaOS}": "{CasaOS}'i Paylaş",
+ "Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Lütfen veri gizliliğine önem veren arkadaşlarınızı {OS} kullanmaya davet edin.",
+ "Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Dahili dosyaları değiştirmek {CasaOS} HD'sinin yapısını bozabilir.",
+ "All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "Seçilen bütün sürücüler {CasaOS} HD ile birleştirilecektir.",
+ "Rebuilding": "Yeniden Oluşturuluyor",
+ "Rebuild": "Yeniden Oluştur",
+ "{title} rebulid completed": "{title}'ın yeniden oluşturması tamamlandı",
+ "Rebulid error": "Yeniden oluşturma hatası",
+ "Installing {title}": "{title} Kuruluyor",
+ "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Eski Uygulama (Yeniden Oluşturulması Gerekli).",
+ "To be rebuilt.": "Yeniden oluşturulması gerekli."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main/src/assets/lang/uk_UA.json b/main/src/assets/lang/uk_UA.json
index 8145c5b0..430b087c 100644
--- a/main/src/assets/lang/uk_UA.json
+++ b/main/src/assets/lang/uk_UA.json
@@ -20,22 +20,22 @@
"Change": "Змінити",
"Start": "Почати",
"Connect": "Під'єднати",
- "This field is required": "This field is required.",
- "This field must be a valid email": "Please enter a valid email address.",
+ "This field is required": "Це поле є обов'язковим.",
+ "This field must be a valid email": "Будь ласка, введіть коректну електронну пошту.",
"This field confirmation does not match": "Підтвердження поля не збігається",
"This field must have 2 options": "Це поле повинно містити 2 варіанти",
- "This field must have more than 5 characters": "This field must have 5 or more characters.",
- "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "You entered an invalid time. Please use the RFC1123 format.",
+ "This field must have more than 5 characters": "Це поле повинно містити 5 або більше символів.",
+ "You entered an invalid RFC1123 hostname": "Ви ввели час неправильно. Будь ласка, використовуйте формат RFC1123.",
"Welcome to CasaOS": "Ласкаво просимо до CasaOS",
"Let's create your initial account": "Створімо обліковий запис",
"Go →": "Перейти →",
"Create Account": "Створити обл. запис",
"Username": "Логін",
"Confirm Password": "Підтвердити пароль",
- "Username or Password error!": "Username or password is invalid!",
+ "Username or Password error!": "Ім'я користувача або пароль неправильні!",
"All things done!": "Можемо продовжувати!",
"Login": "Логін",
- "Password error!": "Invalid password!",
+ "Password error!": "Невірний пароль!",
"Account": "Профіль",
"Logout": "Вийти",
"Name": "Ім’я",
@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@
"Change Password": "Змінити пароль",
"Original password": "Оригінальний пароль",
"New password": "Новий пароль",
- "Confirm the new password again": "Confirm new password",
+ "Confirm the new password again": "Підтвердьте новий пароль",
"Settings": "Налаштування",
- "Dashboard Setting": "Dashboard Settings",
- "Search Engine": "Search Engine",
- "WebUI Port": "WebUI Port",
- "Currently at the latest version": "Currently, at the latest version",
+ "Dashboard Setting": "Налаштування панелі",
+ "Search Engine": "Пошукова система",
+ "WebUI Port": "Порт WebUI",
+ "Currently at the latest version": "Поточна версія найновіша",
"A new version is available!": "Доступна нова версія!",
"Edit Web UI port": "Змінити порт WebUI",
"Automount USB Drive": "Автоматично монтувати USB диски",
@@ -60,15 +60,15 @@
"Upgrade Now": "Оновити зараз",
"Enabling this function may cause boot failures when the Raspberry Pi device is booted from USB": "Увімкнення цієї функції може призвести до збою при завантаженні Raspberry Pi з USB накопичувача",
"There seems to be a problem with the upgrade process, please try again!": "Здається, виникла проблема з оновленням, будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз.",
- "Update completed": "Upgrade complete!",
+ "Update completed": "Оновлення завершено!",
"Let more friends know": "Розповісти більше друзям",
"Please share to friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use CasaOS.": "Будь ласка, поділіться з друзями, які турбуються про сім'ю та конфіденційність своїх даних, інформацією про CasaOS.",
- "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS successfully upgraded.",
- "CasaOS upgrade failed": "CasaOS failed to upgrade.",
- "Terminal & Logs": "Terminal and Logs",
+ "CasaOS upgrade successfully": "CasaOS оновлено успішно.",
+ "CasaOS upgrade failed": "Не вдалося оновити CasaOS.",
+ "Terminal & Logs": "Термінал та Логи",
"Terminal": "Термінал",
"Logs": "Логи",
- "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Please check if the username and port are correct. Make sure the SSH server is installed.",
+ "Please check if the username and port are correct, and make sure that ssh server is installed.": "Будь ласка, перевірте ім'я користувача і порт, а також чи встановлено SSH сервер.",
"Widgets Settings": "Налаштування віджета",
"Time": "Час",
"System Status": "Стан системи",
@@ -76,16 +76,16 @@
"Network Status": "Стан мережі",
"Search...": "Пошук...",
"Sync your data": "Синхронізувати ваші дані",
- "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices",
+ "Use Syncthing to sync your files between multiple devices.": "Використовуйте Syncthing для синхронізації ваших даних між кількома пристроями",
"Install": "Установити",
"Config": "Налаштування",
"Total": "Усього",
"Failed to start, please try again.": "Не вдалося запустити Syncthing, спробуйте ще раз.",
- "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Syncthing isn't running. Do you want to start it?",
+ "Syncthing is not running, start it?": "Синхронізація не виконується. Хочете її запустити?",
"Starting Syncthing...": "Запуск Syncthing...",
"Have an idea? Shoot it on Discord!": "Маєш ідеї? Розкажи про них на Discord!",
"Smarten up your home": "Зробіть свій дім розумнішим",
- "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.",
+ "We want to give you a smart home experience with privacy, high speed, and localized storage.": "Ми хочемо дати вам розумний дім з конфіденційністю, високою швидкістю і локальним сховищем даних.",
"In development": "Будьте в курсі",
"Apps": "Програма",
"App": "Програма",
@@ -93,28 +93,28 @@
"Setting": "Налаштування",
"Uninstall": "Видалити",
"Attention": "Увага",
- "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?",
- "Featured Apps": "Featured Apps",
- "Custom Install": "Custom Install",
+ "Data cannot be recovered after deletion!
Continue on to uninstall this application?": "Дані не можна буде відновити після видалення!
Продовжити видалення цієї програми?",
+ "Featured Apps": "Рекомендовані програми",
+ "Custom Install": "Ручне встановлення",
"Continue in background": "Продовжити у фоновому режимі",
- "Install a new App manually": "Manual App Install",
- "Docker Image": "Docker Image",
+ "Install a new App manually": "Встановлення програм вручну",
+ "Docker Image": "Docker образ",
"App name": "Назва програми",
"Icon URL": "URL іконки",
"Network": "Network",
- "Privileged": "Privileges",
- "Container Command": "Container Command",
+ "Privileged": "Привілеї",
+ "Container Command": "Команда контейнера",
"Container Capabilities (cap-add)": "Container Capabilities (cap-add)",
- "Container Hostname": "Container Hostname",
+ "Container Hostname": "Hostname контейнера",
"Hostname of app container": "Hostname of app container",
- "Ports": "Port",
+ "Ports": "Порт",
"Volumes": "Volumes",
- "Environment Variables": "Environment Variables",
+ "Environment Variables": "Змінних середовища",
"Devices": "Devices",
- "Memory Limit": "Memory Limit",
- "CPU Shares": "CPU Shares",
- "Restart Policy": "Restart Policy",
- "App Description": "App Description",
+ "Memory Limit": "Доступний обсяг пам'яті",
+ "CPU Shares": "Розподіл процесора",
+ "Restart Policy": "Політика перезапуску",
+ "App Description": "Опис програми",
"No ports now, click “+” to add one.": "Немає портів, натисніть “+”, щоб додати.",
"No volumes now, click “+” to add one.": "Немає розділів, натисніть “+”, щоб додати.",
"No environment variables now, click “+” to add one.": "Немає змінних середовища, натисніть “+”, щоб додати.",
@@ -139,32 +139,30 @@
"Please fill correct command line": "Будь ласка, заповніть правильно команду.",
"Please import a valid App file": "Щось пішло не так при спробі розібрати AppFile.",
"AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration.": "На додачу до імпортованих налаштувань, нам потрібна додаткова інформація:",
- "Some configuration information such as:": " ",
"the port and path of the Web UI": "Порт і шлях до WebUI програми",
"the mount location of the volume or file": "Шлях до теки чи файлу, що буде змонтований",
"the port mapping of the Host": "Мапінг портів з хоста в контейнер",
"optional configuration items": "Додаткові налаштування",
"These include but are not limited to these cases and still need to be confirmed or modified by you.": "Будь ласка, підтвердіть налаштування на наступному кроці після натискання ОК.",
- "Feel free to suggest improvements to this feature in Discord Server!": "",
"App Store": "App Store",
"Community Apps": "Програми спільноти",
"From community contributors, not optimized for CasaOS, but provides a basic App experience.": "Зроблено нашою чудовою спільнотою.",
"Sort by": "Сортувати за",
- "Click icon to import.": "Click icon to import.",
- "Drag icons to sort.": "Drag icons to sort.",
+ "Click icon to import.": "Натисніть на іконку для імпорту.",
+ "Drag icons to sort.": "Перетягніть іконку, щоб посортувати.",
"Import to CasaOS": "Імпорт у CasaOS",
- "Existing Docker Apps": "Existing Docker apps",
- "[Optional]": "Optional",
+ "Existing Docker Apps": "Наявні Docker програми",
+ "[Optional]": "Необов'язково",
"Notice: If there are multiple services, only the first set can be analyzed correctly": "Якщо у Docker compose файлі описано більше одного контейнера, на даний час, буде імпортовано лише перший.",
- "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "There was an error loading the data. Please try again.",
- "Port": "Ports",
- "Create Storage": "Create Storage",
- "Storage Manager": "Storage Manager",
+ "There was an error loading the data, please try again!": "Виникла помилка при завантаженні даних, будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз.",
+ "Port": "Порти",
+ "Create Storage": "Створити сховище",
+ "Storage Manager": "Управління сховищами",
"Storage": "Сховище",
"Drive": "Диск",
"Single Drive Storage": "Диск з одним сховищем",
@@ -302,8 +300,8 @@
"Restart": "Перезапустити",
"Continue": "Продовжити",
"Changing internal files may break the structure of the CasaOS HD": "Зміна внутрішніх файлів може зламати CasaOS HD.",
- "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost!",
- "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HD works best when the selected storage sources are all formatted.",
+ "Please back up your data in storage, otherwise the data may be lost.": "Будь ласка, створіть резервну копію ваших даних, інакше дані можуть бути втрачені!",
+ "If the chosen storage is not empty, format better first.": "CasaOS HD працює найкраще, коли всі обрані сховища відформатовано.",
" is running, restart ": " запущено. Перезавантажити ",
" to continue.": " щоб продовжити.",
"APPs is running": "Одна або кілька програм працює",
@@ -311,7 +309,7 @@
"Add a shortcut": "Додати ярлик",
"Error when creating installation path for apps": "Помилка при створенні шляху для встановлення для програм",
"Accept": "Прийняти",
- "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "We appreciate any feedback you may have!",
+ "We appreciate any feedback you may have.": "Ми цінуємо будь-який ваш відгук!",
"Show other Docker container app(s)": "Показати інші контейнери",
"Show news feed from CasaOS Blog": "Показувати стрічку новин з блогу CasaOS",
"CasaOS dashboard will get the the latest news feed of https://blog.casaos.io via Internet, which might leave your visit records to the site. Do you accept?": "Робочий стіл CasaOS отримуватиме новини з сайту https://blog.casaos.io через Інтернет від вашого імені. Ви згодні?",
@@ -355,7 +353,7 @@
"CheckThenUpdate": "Оновити контейнер",
"Not compatible with {arch} devices.": "Не сумісно з {arch} пристроями.",
"Connect Dropbox": "Підключити Dropbox",
- "Connect Google Drive": "Підключити Google Drive",
+ "Connect GoogleDrive": "Підключити Google Drive",
"FilesDrop": "FilesDrop",
"You are using the device": "Ви використовуєте пристрій",
"Click to send the file to the device.": "Натисніть, щоб надіслати файл на пристрій.",
@@ -367,7 +365,7 @@
"Sending files": "Надсилання файлів",
"Cancel sending": "Скасувати надсилання",
"Ignore": "Ігнорувати",
- "File transfer completed.": "File transfer completed!",
+ "File transfer completed.": "Передачу файлів завершено!",
"Save {name} {size} from {device}.": "Зберегти {name} {size} з {device}.",
"Connection lost. Retry in 5 seconds...": "Підключення розірвано. Повторна спроба через 5 секунд...",
"cli to compose...": "cli to compose...",
@@ -400,10 +398,11 @@
"Please invite more friends who are concerned about family and data privacy to join and use {OS}.": "Будь ласка, запросіть більше друзів, які турбуються про конфіденційність даних, приєднатися та використовувати {OS}.",
"Changing internal files may break the structure of the {CasaOS} HD": "Зміна внутрішніх файлів може зламати {CasaOS} HD.",
"All the checked Storage will be merged into {CasaOS} HD.": "Всі вибрані сховища будуть об'єднані в {CasaOS} HD.",
- "Rebuilding": "Rebuilding",
- "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} rebulid completed",
- "Rebulid error": "Rebulid error",
- "Installing {title}": "Installing {title}",
- "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).",
- "To be rebuilt.": "To be rebuilt."
+ "Rebuilding": "Виконується повторна збірка",
+ "Rebuild": "Перезібрати",
+ "{title} rebulid completed": "{title} перезібрано успішно",
+ "Rebulid error": "Помилка повторної збірки",
+ "Installing {title}": "Встановлення {title}",
+ "Legacy app (To be rebuilt).": "Стара програма (Підлягає повторній збірці).",
+ "To be rebuilt.": "Підлягає повторній збірці."
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