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File metadata and controls

112 lines (94 loc) · 9.64 KB


Built by Isaac Wheeler on internship at CNR-IIA, Montelibretti campus, from 23/5/2019 to 21/6/2019.

Confirmed to run in Python 2 and 3. Depends on pygame and numpy

The program reads a graph from XML, and dots representing cars appear at a randomly selected node with only one connection, randomly select a goal node (also with one connection), plan the shortest-distance route, and follow that route. The cars maintain some distance between each other, overlapping only somewhat at nodes, and effectively occupy a certain amount of space within the graph.
Pressing up and down adds and removes cars from the simulation; pressing left and right changes the number of time steps between frames shown on screen.
When the program exits, it first writes some results to results.txt.

Ignoring visualization entirely, the following script (with appropriately defined variables) would run a simulation with totalSimulationSteps as a number of overall steps, with a constant number of cars, saving the results afterward to results.txt.

graph = graphGen.Graph(xml = "storage.xml", lanes = True)
carList = [cars.Car(graph, carSettings) for i in range(carsNum)]
for step in range(totalSimulationSteps):
    for car in carList:
        if car.updatePosition():
            del car
    while len(carList) < carsNum:
        carList.append(cars.Car(graph, carSettings))
numpy.savetxt("results.txt", graph.history, fmt="%s", header = "Next run begins here.")


  • Possibly improve heuristic weight function for A* route planning (graphGen.Graph.heuristicWeight()). Currently uses distance/speed limit.
  • Implement ACS (ant colony system) intelligence within route planning?
  • Improve usefulness of data generation (Car class).
  • Cars can get completely blocked: good, that is physical. What then?
  • Stop cars from visually overlapping at busy nodes (fudge coordinates? collision detection?)
  • Document sections of code which could be fine-tuned

To simulate traffic slowdown, there are two methods:

  1. weights: Add a system of capacities and weights to the graph which lowers the effective speed limit along an edge as the number of cars on that edge increases. This method is loosely implemented, but needs significant refinement and tuning before it will resemble normal traffic flow.
  2. lanes: Disallow car overlay and slow down cars so that they do not collide visually; separate them on opposite sides of the edge.
    To use either implementation, initialize the Graph class with either lanes = True or weights = True; Positions and Cars initialized with the graph will inherit their behavior from that attribute. Using both at the same time is untested and discouraged.

Three main classes are used to run the simulation; they are separated to make the code easier to work with, but depend heavily on each other.

  1. Implements a Graph class. The Graph is currently initialized with a semirandom structure. Eventually, it will take an XML input file, from which it will construct the graph structure.
    The system of weights and capacities is largely implemented in this class, with some interfacing with the Position class. The structure is as follows:
  • graph.nodes: A list of dictionaries. Effectively, access a point by accessing the list at the point's index; access that point's attributes with string keys, notably:
    • "coords" for XY coordinates
    • "connect" for a list of connected points.
    • "capacity" for an int, indicating max number of cars in the node. Used only with lanes implementation.
    • "population" for a list of Positions of the cars which are on the node. Used only with lanes implementation.
  • graph.edges: A dictionary of dictionaries.
    • Access an edge with a tuple of the two points connected (in either order),
    • Access an edge's attributes with string key:
      • "length"
      • "speed" for speed limit
      • "capacity" for capacity factor (used to model high-density traffic)
      • "weighted speed" for speed limit adjusted for traffic (distinct for each direction of travel)
      • "population" is a list containing two lists (one for each direction of travel). This property is not modified within the Graph class; interacts with Position and Car classes.
  • graph.updateWeights(): a function to call when using the weighted slowdown system. Using the "population" and "capacity" values for each edge, adjusts the "weighted speed" value. The Position.update(displace) function depends on that weighted speed if the weighted functionality is set to True.
  1. Implements a Position class and a Car class, which combined handle movement of cars.

The Position class depends heavily on the Graph class, as described above. To simplify the interface with pygame, all values are rounded off and stored as ints.

  • Functions and methods of a Position instance:
    • Position(graph, nodeFrom, nodeTo, dist = 0, carSize = 10) : takes the graph, stores it internally (by reference, of course); takes nodeFrom and nodeTo, which sets the edge on which the car begins; dist is the distance from nodeFrom, which allows a position to be initialized on the edge instead of at the node. If the graph has weighted=True, then adds the new instance to the "population" list attribute of the edge.
    • pos.update(displace): Adds displace to the distance along the edge according to pos.direction, then recalculates pos.coords (and xPos and yPos as well). If using the lanes implementation, does not move if the
    • pos.changeNodes(newNode): Used to move pos to a new edge. Makes a call to the __init__ function described above, in order to recalculate all values. If using weights or lanes, removes pos from the edge's "population" attribute before calling the __init__ so that the population is accurate.
  • Properties of an instance of Position (called pos for convenience):
    • pos.xPos, pos.yPos: x and y coordinates of position
    • pos.coords: A tuple of the x and y coordinates.
    • pos.nodeFrom, pos.nodeTo: The indices of the nodes on the graph which define the edge on which a Position is found. The distinction between nodeFrom and nodeTo matters; it determines the direction of movement at a given position.
    • pos.fromCoords, pos.toCoords: Tuples indicating the XY coordinates of nodeFrom and nodeTo, respectively.
    • pos.direction: A Boolean, used to identify the direction of travel along the current edge. True if nodeFrom < nodeTo (traveling from lower to higher node), False otherwise.
    • pos.dist: The Euclidean distance from the lower-index node of the current edge, along the currently occupied edge. This property is independent of the direction of travel.
    • pos.length: The length of the edge, as taken from the graph information.
    • pos.toNext: The Euclidean distance along the current edge to nodeTo. This property is dependent on the direction of travel.
    • pos.atNode: a Boolean indicating whether the position is equal to the position of nodeTo. If nodeFrom has a lower index than nodeTo, this means pos.dist == pos.length; if nodeFrom has the higher index, pos.dist == 0. In both cases, pos.toNext == 0.
    • pos.eqTol: Currently unused. Set at initialization of instance, defaults to 10. Sets a margin within which two positions are considered to be equal by the == operator

The Car class depends heavily on both the Graph and Position classes above.

  • Arguments to set when initializing the class:
    • graph: should be an instance of the above Graph class. Car behavior is determined by graph.lanes and graph.weights.
    • carBehavior: a dict, with items corresponding to any of the following: (each has default value if not specified)
      • randomBehavior: defaults to True. If False, cars are initialized at a randomly selected dead-end node, with a goal at another dead-end node; the shortest route is planned at init using the A* algorithm, and the car follows that plan.
      • carSize: defaults to 5. Should be a size in pixels; gets used internally within lanes behavior to keep cars from overlapping. May be used in car visualization.
      • accel: defaults to 5. The acceleration and deceleration of the cars; 5 means at each position update, the car's velocity (in pixels per frame) changes by at most 5.
      • nodeWait: defaults to 1. Number of time steps it takes a car to pass through a node.
      • pos: defaults to 0. Currently unused; if implemented, would give a starting position to the car.
  • Methods:
    • updatePosition(): Implements the entire movement system of the car. Call it once per update cycle. Contains foundation of movement logic; makes calls to Car.nodeBehavior(), Car.accelWithFollowing(), Car.accelWithoutFollowing(), and Position.update as appropriate.
    • nodeBehavior: Handles all the behavior of the car at a node; may wait, move to the next edge, or delete the car if the car has reached its goal node.
    • getNextCarEdge(): Finds the next car ahead of the self on the given edge. Uses the ordering of the cars on the list, which is easier and less error-prone than computing it arithmetically.
    • accelWithFollowing(nextCar): Takes as argument another car, which should be a car ahead of the self; implements the main acceleration handling which keeps the cars from overlapping with themselves. May also make a call to accelWithoutFollowing().
    • accelWithoutFollowing(): Computes the acceleration so that the car will travel to the next node smoothly and stop when it reaches the node.