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farsidate.js | تاریخ فارسی

Javascript Farsi Date Extension
version: 1.0.2

Farsi Date

size: 10 KB


<script src="./dist/farsidate-1.0.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<p id="demo"></p>

<script type="text/javascript">
   var date = new Date().fa().toString('yyyy'); // 1397 
  	document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = date;


console.log(new Date().fa(1397,1,15).norm().toISODate());  // 2018-5-5
console.log(new Date().fa(1397,1,15).addDays(3).addMonths(1).addYears(-1).norm().toISODate());  // 2017-6-8

Example Usage

fa() main method

var fD1 = new Date('2018-11-13').fa(); 
console.log('year: '+ fD1.getFullYear()); // year: 1397
console.log('month: '+ fD1.getMonth()); // month: 7 (0-11)
console.log('date: '+ fD1.getDate()); // date: 22

fD2 = new Date().fa(1396, 8, 21);
console.log('year: '+ fD2.getFullYear()); // year: 1396
console.log('month: '+ fD2.getMonth()); // month: 8
console.log('date: '+ fD2.getDate()); // date: 21

var fD3 = new Date().fa(fD2);
console.log('year: '+ fD3.getFullYear()); // year: 1396
console.log('month: '+ fD3.getMonth()); // month: 8
console.log('date: '+ fD3.getDate()); // date: 21

norm() method

var fD = new Date('2018-11-13').fa(); 
console.log('year: '+ fD.getFullYear()); // year: 1397
console.log('month: '+ fD.getMonth()); // month: 7
console.log('date: '+ fD.getDate()); // date: 22
console.log('year: '+ fD.norm().getFullYear());  // year: 2018

getCacheDate() method

var fD = new Date('2018-11-13').fa(); 
console.log('year: '+ fD.getFullYear()); // year: 1397
console.log('month: '+ fD.getMonth()); // month: 7 (0-11)
console.log('date: '+ fD.getDate()); // date: 22
console.log('year: '+ fD.getCacheDate().getFullYear());  // year: 2018

toString() method

var date = new Date();
console.log('s: '+ date.fa().toString('s')); // s: 0
console.log('ss: '+date.fa().toString('ss')); // ss: 00
console.log('m: '+date.fa().toString('m')); // m: 4
console.log('mm: '+date.fa().toString('mm')); // mm: 04
console.log('h: '+date.fa().toString('h')); // h: 2
console.log('hh: '+date.fa().toString('hh')); // h: 02
console.log('H: '+date.fa().toString('H')); // H: 2
console.log('HH: '+date.fa().toString('HH')); // HH: 02
console.log('d: '+date.fa().toString('d')); // d: 19
console.log('dd: '+date.fa().toString('dd')); // dd: 19
console.log('ddd: '+date.fa().toString('ddd')); // ddd: چ
console.log('dddd: '+date.fa().toString('dddd')); // dddd: چهار شنبه
console.log('M: '+date.fa().toString('M')); // M: 10 (1-12)
console.log('MM: '+date.fa().toString('MM')); // MM: 10 (1-12)
console.log('MMM: '+date.fa().toString('MMM')); // MMM: دی
console.log('MMMM: '+date.fa().toString('MMMM')); // MMMM: دی
console.log('yy: '+date.fa().toString('yy')); // yy: 97
console.log('yyyy: '+date.fa().toString('yyyy')); // yyyy: 1397
console.log('t: '+date.fa().toString('t')); // t: A
console.log('tt: '+date.fa().toString('tt')); // tt: AM
console.log(date.fa().toString()); // چ دی 19 1397 04:30:57 GMT+0330 (Iran Standard Time)

Converting to String

Note The format parameter is optional with the .toString() function.

Standard Date and Time Format Specifiers

Format Description Example
s The seconds of the minute between 0-59. "0" to "59"
ss The seconds of the minute with leading zero if required. "00" to "59"
m The minute of the hour between 0-59. "0" or "59"
mm The minute of the hour with leading zero if required. "00" or "59"
h The hour of the day between 1-12. "1" to "12"
hh The hour of the day with leading zero if required. "01" to "12"
H The hour of the day between 0-23. "0" to "23"
HH The hour of the day with leading zero if required. "00" to "23"
d The day of the month between 1 and 31. "1" to "31"
dd The day of the month with leading zero if required. "01" to "31"
ddd Abbreviated day name. Date.!CultureInfo.abbreviatedDayNames. "چ" to "پ"
dddd The full day name. Date.!CultureInfo.dayNames. "چهارشنبه" to "پنج شنبه"
M The month of the year between 1-12. "1" to "12"
MM The month of the year with leading zero if required. "01" to "12"
MMM Abbreviated month name. Date.!CultureInfo.abbreviatedMonthNames. "شهر" to "مرد"
MMMM The full month name. Date.!CultureInfo.monthNames. "شهریور" to "مرداد"
yy Displays the year as a two-digit number. "97" or "98"
yyyy Displays the full four digit year. "1397" or "1398"
t Displays the first character of the A.M./P.M. "A" or "P"
tt Displays the A.M./P.M. designator. "AM" or "PM"

clearTime() method

var fD = new Date().fa(); 
console.log(fD.getHours()); // 2
console.log(fD.clearTime().getHours()); // 0

setTimeToNow() method

var fD = new Date().fa().setHours(3); 
console.log(fD.getHours()); // 3
console.log(fD.setTimeToNow().getHours()); // 2

today() method

var fD = new Date().fa().setHours(3); 
console.log(fD.getHours()); // 3
console.log(; // 0

setFullYear() method

var fD = new Date().fa(); 
console.log(fD.setFullYear(1398).isLeap()); // false
console.log(fD.setFullYear(1399).isLeap()); // true

getDaysInMonth() method

var fD = new Date().fa(1397,1,1); 
console.log(fD.setMonth(0).getDaysInMonth()); // 31
console.log(fD.setMonth(11).getDaysInMonth()); // 29

startOfMonth() method

var fD = new Date().fa(1397,1,15); // month (0-11)
console.log(fD.startOfMonth().toISODate());  // 1397-02-01 - month (1-12)

addDays() method

   var fD = new Date().fa(1397,1,15).addDays(3).addDays(-1);
	console.log(fD.toString('dd'));  // 17

addWeeks() method

var fD = new Date().fa(1397,1,15).addDays(3).addWeeks(1);
console.log(fD.toString('dd'));  // 25  

addMonths() method

var fD = new Date().fa(1397,1,15)
console.log(fD.toString('MM'));  // 02
console.log(fD.addDays(3).addMonths(1).toString('MM'));  // 03

addYears() method

var fD = new Date().fa(1397,1,15)
console.log(fD.toString('yyyy MM'));  // 1397 02
console.log(fD.addDays(3).addMonths(1).addYears(1).toString('yyyy MM'));  // 1398 03  

startOfWeek() method

var fD = new Date().fa(1397,9,19)
console.log(fD.toString('yyyy MM dd'));  // 1397 10 19
console.log(fD.startOfWeek().toString('yyyy MM dd'));  // 1397 10 15  

clone() method

var fD = new Date().fa(1397,9,19)
console.log(fD.toString('yyyy MM dd'));  // 1397 10 19
console.log(fD.clone().startOfWeek().toString('yyyy MM dd'));  // 1397 10 15
console.log(fD.toString('yyyy MM dd'));  // 1397 10 19

getDaysOfMonth() method

var w1 ,w2 ,w3 ,w4 ,w5 ,w6;
[w1 ,w2 ,w3 ,w4 ,w5 ,w6] = new Date().fa().getDaysOfMonth();

getDaysOfWeek() method

  var Sat ,Sun ,Mon ,Tue ,Wed ,Thu ,Fri;
  [Sat ,Sun ,Mon ,Tue ,Wed ,Thu ,Fri] = new Date().fa().getDaysOfWeek(); 

toFarsiDigits() method

var fD = new Date().fa(1397,9,19)
console.log(fD.toString('ddd. d MMMM yyyy').toFarsiDigits()); //چ. ۱۹ دی ۱۳۹۷ 
console.log('1234'.toFarsiDigits()); // ۱۲۳۴

isDate() method

console.log(Date.isDate("2018-10-11")); // false 
console.log(Date.isDate(new Date())); // true 
console.log(Date.isDate(new Date("2018-10-11"))); // true

console.log(Date.fa.isDate(new Date().fa())); // true
console.log(Date.fa.isDate(new Date())); // false

toISODate() method

var date= new Date('11/13/2018');
console.log('ISO Date: '+ date.toISODate()); // ISO Date: 2018-11-13
console.log('fa ISO Date: '+ date.fa().toISODate()); // fa ISO Date: 1397-08-22

Other methods

All Date methods


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