WARNING: The following instructions assume that you are running Linux. Note that Nuikta is not part of the ImpLang project
To speed up compiler, it is possible to compile the code with Nuikta compiler. Nuikta is Python to C++ compiler, which is able to convert the ImpLang Compiler code to binary executable.
See more on Nuikta project page
To correctly compile the code, you need to create virtual environment with
ImplangCompiler dependencies (it is done automatically by setup.sh
and install Nuikta compiler there.
Assuming you are in the root directory of the project, run the following commands:
chmod +x setup.sh
. venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install nuitka
To compile the code, run the following command:
. venv/bin/activate # compilation should be done in virtual environment
python -m nuitka --standalone --follow-imports --follow-stdlib --prefer-source-code --lto=yes src/main.py
The compiled code is located in main.dist
directory. To run it, use the following command:
./main.dist/main.bin --help
To install the compiled code as OS-wide executable, run the following command:
sudo mkdir -p /opt/ImpLangCompiler/dist
sudo cp -r main.dist/* /opt/ImpLangCompiler/
sudo chown -R root:root /opt/ImpLangCompiler/
sudo ln -sf /opt/ImpLangCompiler/main.bin /usr/local/bin/impc # optional