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60 lines (56 loc) · 2.44 KB

File metadata and controls

60 lines (56 loc) · 2.44 KB

Vim is a modal editor, featuring 4 modes:

  • normal: Default mode for editing commands and fucking around.

    • esc, Ctrl+[, Ctrl+c: Return to normal mode
    • q:: Show command history
    • motion: Navigate within the file
      • h: Move left
      • j: Move down
      • k: Move up
      • l: Move right
      • w: Next whitespace
      • b: Previous whitespace
      • _: Beginning of the current line
      • $: End of the line
      • 0: Start of the line
    • number motion: Move a relative distance (e.g., 16k)
    • dd: Delete line
    • u: Undo
    • Ctrl+r: Redo
    • line search:
      • fc: Jump forward to character c
      • tc: Jump to before character c
      • Fc: Jump backward to character c
      • Tc: Jump backward to before character c
      • ,: Repeat last find backward
      • ;: Repeat last find forward
    • command count motion: Execute command over a count of motions, combine commands (e.g., d4j deletes 4 lines downward, d2w deletes 2 words forward, db deletes backward, d$ deletes after, dtc deletes until c)
  • insert: Mode for inserting text, typing shit.

    • i: Insert at cursor
    • I: Insert at the beginning of the line
    • a: Append after cursor
    • A: Append at end of line
    • o: Open a new line below
    • O: Open a new line above
  • visual: Mode for selecting your spaghetti.

    • v: Start visual mode
    • V: Start linewise visual mode
    • y: Copy selected text
    • p: Paste clipboard contents
    • Deleting, copying, pasting text moves it to the clipboard, effectively cutting the text due to sharing the same buffer
  • command: Mode for executing extended commands and a way to forget about the mouse and use someone else's solution.

    • :PlugClean: Clean up plugins
    • :PlugInstall: Install plugins
    • :VimtexCompile: Compile LaTeX projects
    • :help: Open help
    • :pbcopy: Copy to clipboard
    • :q!: Quit without saving
    • :q: Quit
    • :s: Substitute
    • :set clipboard=unnamedplus: Use the system clipboard for copy/paste operations
    • :set laststatus=2: Always display the status line
    • :set nospell: Turn off spell checking
    • :set number: Show line numbers
    • :set spell: Turn on spell checking
    • :syntax on: Enable syntax highlighting if you are colorblind
    • :w filename: Save as filename
    • :w: Save changes