- A MongoDB database instance
- A valid Discord bot token
- A valid config file
- Optional: Docker
- Your GitHub usernameGITHUB_TOKEN
- Your GitHub tokenREPO_USERNAME
- The username of the repository owner (default: TheMGRF)REPO_NAME
- The name of the repository (default: NerdBot)REPO_BRANCH
- The branch of the repository to clone (default: master)SOURCE_CODE_DIR
- The directory to clone the repository into (default: repository)JAR_FILE_NAME
- The name of the jar file to build (default: NerdBot.jar)
A Dockerfile is provided to build the bot into a Docker image. To build the image, run the following command:
docker build -t nerd-bot --build-arg GITHUB_USERNAME=<your-github-username> --build-arg GITHUB_TOKEN=<your-github-token> <...other arguments> .
Replace <your-github-username>
with your GitHub username and <your-github-token>
with your GitHub token. If you do
not specify a GitHub username or GitHub token then it will default to cloning the repository with no credentials. You
can also replace <...other arguments>
with any of the other arguments listed above.
Every time this image is built, it will automatically pull the latest changes from the repository and compile application.
To run the bot, you need to include the config file in the same directory as the main application file, and if you want metrics to work then you'll need to expose a port for the Prometheus server. To do this, run the following command:
docker run -p 1234:1234 -v /path/to/*.config.json:/app/*.config.json -e JAVA_OPTS="-Dbot.token=<your-bot-token> -Ddb.mongodb.uri=<your-mongodb-credentials> ..." nerd-bot
Replace <your-bot-token>
with your Discord bot token and <your-mongodb-credentials>
with your MongoDB credentials.
Other arguments can be added to the JAVA_OPTS
environment variable depending on your needs. You should also
replace /path/to/*.config.json
with the path to your config file. If you are using a config file
named production.config.json
, you can replace *.config.json
with production.config.json
and vice versa.
To start the bot, run the following command:
$ java -Dbot.token="DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN" -Ddb.mongodb.uri="MONGODB_URI" -Dbot.environment="ENVIRONMENT" -Dbot.config="INSERT_CONFIG_PATH_HERE" -jar NerdBot.jar
An example config file can be found here.
This file is automatically updated when values are added, removed, or changed.
- Emojis:
- Agree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Greenlit
- Log channel ID set
- Guild ID set
- Activity string set
- Channel ID of a suggestions channel in order to curate suggestions
- Channel ID('s) of item generator channel(s) to allow the item generation commands to be used
Depending on the current environment, the configuration file will either be named
Changes to the configuration file can be reloaded by doing
/config reload