It's project manager web application for manging projects, clients, tasks etc for individual to small business. It's Developed using Laravel v7.15.0.
- User/Client Login Module
- Admin Contacts Management Module
- Admin User Management Module
- Admin Role View Module
- Admin Store/Business Mangement Module
- Project Category Mangement Module
- Project Management Module
- Project Tasks Management Module
- Task Comments Management Module
- Task Time Logging Module
- Project Billing Module
- Payment POC - Using Stripe Charge/Refund
- Project Enviornments Module
- Project Enviornments Instances Module
- My Profile page for clients/admin
- Account Setting modules - Email notification, Alerts notification
- Bug fixing in existing features
- Customer Notification Alert Management Module + Email Notification
- Admin dashboard analytics make dynamic for all project earning & filter project wise
Two differenet roles Admin/User will automatically added in system and both Admin and User have differnet dashboard according to assiged permissions in roles. Admin can add client users by email and assign them to projects.
Pull Latest code:
- Create Virtual Host & Host Entry in apache configuration and host file and restart apache server
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/projectmanager/public/
<Directory /var/www/html/projectmanager>
AllowOverride all
Require all granted
service apache2 restart
- Run below command after navigating to application root for refreshing application key & installing database
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
cd public
rm -rf storage
cd ..
php artisan storage:link
Storage:link command needs to be run first time, and it's used when application using media upload feature, it created symlink of internal image folder to public folder, so images can access via url from internal app stoage folder.
Open application using URL
Username: Password: admin
Username: Password: user
Coming soon...