- Kubernetes version >= 1.27
- Helm 3
helm repo add inftyai https://inftyai.github.io/llmaz
helm repo update
helm install llmaz inftyai/llmaz --namespace llmaz-system --create-namespace --version 0.0.5
helm uninstall llmaz
kubectl delete ns llmaz-system
If you want to delete the CRDs as well, run
kubectl delete crd \
openmodels.llmaz.io \
backendruntimes.inference.llmaz.io \
playgrounds.inference.llmaz.io \
git clone https://github.com/inftyai/llmaz.git && cd llmaz
kubectl create ns llmaz-system && kubens llmaz-system
make helm-install
helm uninstall llmaz
kubectl delete ns llmaz-system
If you want to delete the CRDs as well, run
kubectl delete crd \
openmodels.llmaz.io \
backendruntimes.inference.llmaz.io \
playgrounds.inference.llmaz.io \
If you want to install llmaz controller in a different namespace, you should change the values.global.yaml like this:
- --namespace=<your-namespace>
Then run:
kubectl create ns <your-namespace> && kubens <your-namespace>
make helm-install
If you want to change the default configurations, such as Replicas
, please change the values in values.global.yaml, then run
make helm-install
Do you change the values in values.yaml because it's auto-generated and will be overwritten.
Once you changed your code, run the command to upgrade the controller:
IMG=<image-registry>:<tag> make helm-upgrade