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Bojan Angjelkoski edited this page Nov 16, 2022 · 8 revisions

Pre-requisite reading: Cosmos SDK Transactions

State changes on Injective can be done through transactions. Users create transactions, sign them and broadcast them to Injective.

When broadcasted and only after every validation is successfully passed (these validations include signature validation, parameters validations, etc) the transaction is included within a block which is approved by the network through a consensus process.


Messages are the instructions included in transactions to specify the state change the user want to do. Every transaction has to have at least one message. Messages are module-specific objects that trigger state transitions within the scope of the module they belong to. We can pack multiple messages within the same transaction.

There is an abstraction class (MsgBase) that we export from the @injectivelabs/sdk-ts and every message extends the MsgBase interface, which has couple of mapping functionalities:

  • toData -> Converts the Message to a simple Object representation,
  • toProto -> Returns a proto representation of the Message,
  • toDirectSign -> Converts the Message to a proto representation,
  • toAmino -> Converts the Message to a amino representation + type,
  • toWeb3 -> alternative for toAmino, with the difference of the Message path type,
  • toEip712Types -> Generates the EIP712 types for the Message,
  • toEip712 -> Generates the Message EIP712 value
  • toJSON -> Converts the message to a JSON representation,

Transaction Context

Besides Message(s), every transaction has context. These details include fees, accountDetails, memo, signatures, etc.

Transaction Flow

Every transaction we want to broadcast to Injective has the same flow. The flow consists of three steps: preparing, signing and broadcasting the transaction.


Topic Description
Using the Ethereum approach Prepare/Sign EIP712 typed data then broadcast
Using the Cosmos approach Prepare/Sign/Broadcast Cosmos transactions
Web3Gateway Microservice A microservice for supporting fee Delegation

The messages that are available (and examples) can be found in Core Modules section of the Wiki.


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