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File metadata and controls

106 lines (88 loc) · 3.63 KB


This describes sb's main configuration options.


This block only describes the command (as in cmd/*.go) that is executed when connecting to a host.

  ssh_command: ttyrec

Right now, the only valid option is ttyrec: it will connect you to the distant host via ssh while recording the session with ttyrec.


  binary_path: /opt/sb/sb
  sb_user: sb
  sb_user_home: /home/sb
  name: sb-us
  location: "us"
  ssh_port: 22
  mosh_ports_range: 40000:49999
  env_vars_to_forward: ["USER"]
  encryption-key: changemechangemechangemechangeme
  • binary_path (string): the path where sb's binary is on the bastion server
  • sb_user (string): the main sb system user
  • sb_user_home (string): the home of the main sb user (where global logs are stored)
  • hostname (string): the hostname of this instance; it will be displayed in the information
  • name (string): the name of this instance; it will be displayed in the information
  • location (string): the location of this instance; it will be displayed in the information
  • ssh_port (int): the port SSH listens on for this instance
  • mosh_port_range (string): the UDP range ports that Mosh can use
  • env_vars_to_forward ([]string): the environment variables that sb will forward to a distant host
  • encryption-key (string): the encryption key for replication, TTYRecs offloading and backups; it must be either 16, 24 or 32 characters


To learn about replication and high availability, please refer to the dedicated documentation.

  enabled: false
    type: googlepubsub
      project: demo-gcp-project
      topic: sb
  • enabled (bool): whether or not replication is enabled
  • queue:
    • type (string): the type of queue to use; as of today, only googlepubsub
    • googlepubsub:
      • project (string): The GCP project that hosts the Google PubSub queue
      • topic (string): The queue's topic

To avoid multiple instances pulling from the same Google PubSub subscription, each sb instance registers to a subscription built on the following model: [topic-name]-[linux-hostname].

If the subscription doesn't exist, it is set to be created automatically.

TTYRecs offloading

To learn about TTYRecs offloading and high availability, please refer to the dedicated documentation.

  enabled: false
    type: gcs
      bucket: sb-bucket
      objects-base-path: ttyrecs
      region: us-east-2
      bucket: sb-bucket
      keys-base-path: ttyrecs
      aws-access-key: xxx
      aws-secret-key: xxx
      aws-session-token: xxx
  • enabled (bool): whether or not TTYRecs offloading is enabled
  • storage:
    • type (string): the type of remote storage to use; as of today only gcs or s3
    • gcs:
      • bucket (string): the Google Cloud Storage bucket to use
      • objects-base-path (string): the objects' prefix in the bucket
    • s3:
      • region (string): the region the Amazon S3 bucket sits
      • bucket (string): the Amazon S3 bucket to use
      • keys-base-path (string): the objects' prefix in the bucket
      • aws-access-key (string): optional AWS access key; if not specified, taken from the environment
      • aws-secret-key (string): optional AWS secret key; if not specified, taken from the environment
      • aws-session-token (string): optional AWS session token to use; if not specified, taken from the environment