- new API portal: portail-api.insee.fr
- no token generation is needed anymore, only a key is needed to use SIRENE API
- backend function update in the utils module + sirene functions update
- subsequent doc and test update
- sirene module compatible with SIRENE API v3.11
- geodata module compatible with the new IGN's geoplatform
- data cached in parquet files thanks to a new decorator used across modules
- fixes in the docs/examples
- macroeconomic series list can be retrieved even if it is zipped twice
- macroeconomic series can be used even if INSEE adds .TRUE or .FALSE at the end of the identifier
- if RSS feed is failing, the get_last_release returns a warning and not an error
- conda forge releases streamlined
- README.rst deleted and README.md included in package distribution file
- python version badge update in readme
- fix to cope with the double zipping of macroeconomic metadata file containing time series identifiers
- changes in geodata module to switch to the new IGN geoplatform
- tests performed on python 3.8-3.11
- new example in doc gallery on mobility in Paris region + example fixes
- package catches error 429 (request limit on api.insee.fr) and then sleeps
- shapely>= 1.8.0 defined in both setup.py and requirements
- translate method: bug fix due to IGN data flow discontinuity
- package compatible with shapely 2.0 + deprecation warnings removed
- get_area_list provides list of communes, departements etc.
- get_included_area is deprecated, get_descending_area should be used instead
- get_ascending_area returns admnistrative areas containing the area provided as input
- geopandas bugfix: crs is no longer contained in 'crs' column but in 'crsCoord'
- init_conn arguments names changed + proxy server settings have been tested
- error handling messages improved in _request_insee function
- GEOlatest<datasetName>latest used as input of get_local_data returns the latest data available
- pull requests use secrets from repo
- pathlib dependency removed + openpyxl<=3.1.0
- doc update
- license change from open license 2.0 to MIT license
- idbank file download from both French and English webpages on insee.fr
- internal idbank list update
- readme update
- tools to search and download data from INSEE APIs : BDM, LocalData, MetaData, SIRENE
- automatic token generator for api.insee.fr from user's credentials saved locally
- pynsee.download module gives access to more than 1200 stored files on insee.fr
- tools to search and download geographical data from IGN API : administrative limits
- GeoFrDataFrame class with dedicated modules to manipulate overseas departements data
- SireneDataFrame class with a module locating entities thanks to OpenStreetMap
- data is usually saved locally to enhance user experience
- data stored internally in the package (used mostly as backups):
- BDM series list
- BDM datasets list
- local metadata
- activity classification (naf rev2 2008)
- list of definitions
- list of files on insee.fr
- full documentation made with docstring and hosted by ReadTheDocs
- hands-on examples covering all modules displayed in the documentation
- test coverage >90%