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User Defined Operations

Lacewell, Chaunte W edited this page Jul 24, 2024 · 4 revisions

User Defined Operations in VDMS

This submodule is required to execute user defined operations (UDF) in VDMS. Although shipped with VDMS, this submodule can be run independently and interacts with VDMS using message queues.


  • Python 3 or higher
  • Following python libraries
    • opencv-python
    • zmq

UDF Definition

Any operation can be added to the module by creating a python file and adding it to the functions folder. All related files for the UDF should be stored in the folder functions/files. The operation file should follow the following setup to define a run function that the interface file for VDMS will use;

def run(settings, message, input_params):

    # settings: System specific settings for the udf
    # message: The inputfile and other parameters sent from VDMS
    # input_params: Any parameters required by the UDF to run

    # Create outputfile
    # Read from inputfile
    The UDF logic goes here
    # Return outputfile

Update the settings.json file with the following parameters;

    "opfile": "/tmp/tmp_op_file",                              # Location where the outputfile temporary file will be stored
    "port": 5555,                                              # Port on which the message queue will be listening and writing
    "functions" : {
        "facedetect" : "facedetect",                           # Key value pair for the UDFs. 'key' is the UDF id and 'value' is the filename of the UDF.
        "flip": "flip",
        "carcount": "carcount",
        "activityrecognition": "activityrecognition"


  1. Either run from the location where you have the VDMS repo or just copy the user_defined_operations directory to wherever you want to run the UDFs, but ensure that it is on the same system as VDMS.
  2. Create your UDFs as python scripts and place them in the user_defined_operations/functions directory.
  3. Update the settings.json file to include your UDF file and other necessary information.
  4. Follow the steps listed below to run the user_defined_operations submodule on port <port_number>.
cd user_defined_operations
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install pip --upgrade
python3 -m pip install wheel
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Client Query

The client query should contain the following two parameters:

  • type: Should always be userOp for user defined operation
  • options: Any parameter that is required by the operation. The following three parameters are important:
    • id: A mandatory parameter. It specifies the operation to be executed and should be a key in the functions parameter of the settings.json file. For instance, if the key is facedetect, then the id should be facedetect.
    • format: Optional, but specifies the format in which the image is required. Default is jpg.
    • port: The port on which the message queue will be listening and writing.
"FindImage": {
    "format": "png",
    "constraints": {
        "category": ["==", "cars"]
    "operations": [
            "type": "userOp",
            "options": {
                "id": "carcount",
                "format": "png",
                "port": 5555

Detailed Instructions for new UDF

We now provide an example to add a new UDF cardetect. The cardetect operation detects cars in an image and creates a rectangle around all cars. This operation requires a pre-trained model available in the form of xml file (

  1. Copy user_defined_operations directory to anywhere you want but on the same server that is running VDMS. Say you copy the folder in the home directory. The folder structure you have now will look something like this;
   |  |__files
   |  |  |__haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml
   |  |
   |  |
  1. Download/Copy the cars.xml file to the ~/user_defined_operations/functions/files.
  2. Create the file in ~/user_defined_operations/functions.
import time
import cv2
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

car_cascade_src = 'functions/files/cars.xml'

def run(settings, message, input_params):

    global car_cascade_src

    t1 = time.time()

    ipfilename = message
    format = message.strip().split('.')[-1]

    opfilename = settings["opfile"] + str(t1) + '.' + format

    img = cv2.imread(ipfilename)
    # These lines
    # represent the
    # code logic

    cv2.imwrite(opfilename, img)

    return opfilename
  1. The final directory structure would be as follows;
   |  |__files
   |  |  |__haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml
   |  |  |__cars.xml
   |  |
   |  |
   |  |
  1. Update the settings file with the new UDF information.
    "opfile": "/tmp/tmp_op_file",
    "port": 5555,
    "functions" : {
        "facedetect" : "facedetect",
        "flip": "flip",
        "cardetect": "cardetect"
  1. Now start the file to initiate the message queue;
  1. Say VDMS has a database of car images that have the property category set as cars. Then you can run the cardetect operation on these images using the following query;
"FindImage": {
    "format": "png",
    "constraints": {
        "category": ["==", "cars"]
    "operations": [
            "type": "userOp",
            "options": {
                "port": 5555,
                "id": "cardetect",
                "format": "png"
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