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create-testnet-data: document generated content (for users.. and for us)
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smelc committed Dec 11, 2023
1 parent 5db162e commit 4f2b5ae
Showing 1 changed file with 46 additions and 8 deletions.
54 changes: 46 additions & 8 deletions cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/EraBased/Run/CreateTestnetData.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -202,32 +202,38 @@ runGenesisCreateTestNetDataCmd Cmd.GenesisCreateTestNetDataCmdArgs
pure $ shelleyGenesisDefaults { sgNetworkMagic = unNetworkMagic (toNetworkMagic networkId) }

let -- {0 -> genesis-keys/genesis0/key.vkey, 1 -> genesis-keys/genesis1/key.vkey, ...}
genesisVKeysPaths = mkPaths numGenesisKeys (outputDir </> "genesis-keys") "genesis" "key.vkey"
genesisVKeysPaths = mkPaths numGenesisKeys genesisDir "genesis" "key.vkey"
-- {0 -> delegate-keys/delegate0/key.vkey, 1 -> delegate-keys/delegate1/key.vkey, ...}
delegateKeys = mkPaths numGenesisKeys (outputDir </> "delegate-keys") "delegate" "key.vkey"
delegateKeys = mkPaths numGenesisKeys delegateDir "delegate" "key.vkey"
-- {0 -> delegate-keys/delegate0/vrf.vkey, 1 -> delegate-keys/delegate1/vrf.vkey, ...}
delegateVrfKeys = mkPaths numGenesisKeys (outputDir </> "delegate-keys") "delegate" "vrf.vkey"
delegateVrfKeys = mkPaths numGenesisKeys delegateDir "delegate" "vrf.vkey"

forM_ [ 1 .. numGenesisKeys ] $ \index -> do
createGenesisKeys (genesisDir </> ("genesis" <> show index))
createDelegateKeys keyOutputFormat (outputDir </> "delegate-keys" </> ("delegate" <> show index))
createDelegateKeys keyOutputFormat (delegateDir </> ("delegate" <> show index))

writeREADME genesisDir genesisREADME
writeREADME delegateDir delegatesREADME

-- UTxO keys
let utxoKeys = [outputDir </> "utxo-keys" </> ("utxo" <> show index) </> "utxo.vkey"
let utxoKeys = [utxoKeysDir </> ("utxo" <> show index) </> "utxo.vkey"
| index <- [ 1 .. numUtxoKeys ]]
forM_ [ 1 .. numUtxoKeys ] $ \index ->
createUtxoKeys $ outputDir </> "utxo-keys" </> ("utxo" <> show index)
createUtxoKeys $ utxoKeysDir </> ("utxo" <> show index)

writeREADME utxoKeysDir utxoKeysREADME

let mayStakePoolRelays = Nothing -- TODO @smelc temporary?

-- Pools
poolParams <- forM [ 1 .. numPools ] $ \index -> do
let poolsDir = outputDir </> "pools-keys"
poolDir = poolsDir </> ("pool" <> show index)
let poolDir = poolsDir </> ("pool" <> show index)

createPoolCredentials keyOutputFormat poolDir
buildPoolParams networkId poolDir Nothing (fromMaybe mempty mayStakePoolRelays)

writeREADME poolsDir poolsREADME

-- Stake delegators
let (delegsPerPool, delegsRemaining) = divMod numStakeDelegators numPools
delegsForPool poolIx = if delegsRemaining /= 0 && poolIx == numPools
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,10 +266,42 @@ runGenesisCreateTestNetDataCmd Cmd.GenesisCreateTestNetDataCmdArgs
liftIO $ LBS.writeFile (outputDir </> "genesis.json") $ Aeson.encode shelleyGenesis'
genesisDir = outputDir </> "genesis-keys"
delegateDir = outputDir </> "delegate-keys"
utxoKeysDir = outputDir </> "utxo-keys"
poolsDir = outputDir </> "pools-keys"
keyOutputFormat = KeyOutputFormatTextEnvelope
mkDelegationMapEntry :: Delegation -> (Ledger.KeyHash Ledger.Staking StandardCrypto, Ledger.PoolParams StandardCrypto)
mkDelegationMapEntry d = (dDelegStaking d, dPoolParams d)

writeREADME :: ()
=> FilePath
-> Text.Text
-> ExceptT GenesisCmdError IO ()
writeREADME dir content = do
firstExceptT GenesisCmdFileError . newExceptT $ writeTextFile file content
file :: File Text.Text Out = File $ dir </> ""

genesisREADME :: Text.Text
genesisREADME = Text.intercalate "\n"
["Keys generated by the --genesis-keys flag. In Byron these keys were used to mint blocks and initiate hard forks."
, "Starting with Shelley and decentralization, blocks started being produced by other keys than genesis keys."
, "Still, these keys were required to trigger hard forks."
, "With the introduction of Conway, these keys should become useless"]

delegatesREADME :: Text.Text
delegatesREADME = Text.intercalate "\n"
["Keys generated by the --genesis-keys flag. These keys are used to mint blocks when not being completely decentralized",
"(e.g. when stake pools are not the sole block producers). These keys are intended to run nodes."]

utxoKeysREADME :: Text.Text
utxoKeysREADME = Text.intercalate "\n"
["Keys generated by the --utxo-keys flag. These keys receive a portion of the supply."]

poolsREADME :: Text.Text
poolsREADME = Text.intercalate "\n"
["Keys generated by the --pools flag. These keys are intended to run nodes."]

-- | @mkPaths numKeys dir segment filename@ returns the paths to the keys to generate.
-- For example @mkPaths 3 dir prefix fn.ext@ returns
-- [dir/segment1/fn.ext, dir/segment2/fn.ext, dir/segment3/fn.ext]
Expand Down

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