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A destructor is a bound function that is automatically called by the compiler when an object goes out of scope.

import "std/memory";

struct Ptr<T> {
	p: &T

	fn new(t: T) -> This {
		return This{p: std::memory::new<T>(t)};

	fn free(&this) {

// Example usage:
fn main() {
	var ptr = Ptr<i32>::new(42);
	// ptr goes out of scope, so its destructor is called.

Memory managagement

The recommended way to manage heap allocated memory is with the Box<T> type.
Box<T> frees the memory when the object is destructed so memory leaks are prevented.

Example usage of Box<T>

    var i: Box<i32> = Box<i32>::new(42);
    println("value: %d", i.get());
    // stuff...
    // 'i' goes out of scope, so the destructor is called: ''

Raw pointers to heap memory are also supported but not recommended.
They don't have destructors, so they have to be manually freed.

Example usage of raw pointers

import "std/memory";
    using memory::{new, free};
    var i: &i32 = new(42); // fn new<T>(T) -> &T;
    println("value: %d", *i);
    // stuff...

Error handling (Optional & Result types)

Error handling is achieved using the Error base class and Optional & Result types.

Optional types

A type is declared optional by appending a ? (question mark) to it (e.g i64? is an optional i64). Values are automatically wrapped in an optional when returned in a function returning an optional type or assigned to a variable of an optional type.

An empty optional is represented by the value None.
To get the state of an optional, the has_value() -> bool bound function is used.

Result types

A type is declared as a result type by appending a ! (exclamantion mark) to it (e.g. i64! is a result i64). As with optionals, values are automatically wrapped in a result type when returned from a function returning a result type or assigned to a variable of a result type.

An empty result type contains an instance of the error type (Error or derived structs).
To get the state of a result type, the is_error() -> bool bound function is used.

Extracting the value from Optional & Result types

Optional & Result types must be unwrapped to extract the value stored in them. There are three ways to do so:

  1. Force unwrap using the ! operator: panic if there is no value.
  2. or blocks: executed if the optional is empty/the result contains an error. If the type is a result type, the error is accessible using the parameter. or blocks must return.
  3. Propagate the error using the ? operator: used to let caller handle the error.
  4. Using the value_or(T) -> T bound function: for default values.
import "std/io";

struct NotDivisibleByTwoError < Error {
    value: i32;

    fn new(value: i32) -> This {
        return This{value};

    public fn what(&this) override -> String {
        return String::format("'%d' is not divisible by two.", this);

fn do_stuff(values: &[i32]) -> i64! {
    var sum = 0i64;
    for value in values {
        if value % 2 != 0 {
            return NotDivisibleByTwoError::new(value);
        sum += value / 2;

    // 'sum' is automatically wrapped in an optional.
    return sum;

fn test() -> i64! {
    var values = [2, 4, 6, 8];

    // use a default value:
    // var result = do_stuff(&values).value_or(42);

    // force unwrap the result (panic if an error):
    //var result = do_stuff(&values)!;

    // return the error if it exists (so it "bubbles" up to main() or until it's handled),
    // or unwrap the value:
    var result = do_stuff(&values)?;

    return result;

fn test_optional() -> i64? {
	// '&err' is syntactic sugar for 'err: &Error'.
	var value = test() or &err {
		io::eprintln("Error: %s", err.what());
		return None;
	return value;

fn main() {
    var value = test_optional() or {
		// The error is already outputted by 'test_optional()'.
        return 1;
    io::println("result: %d", value);

The base struct Error stores a string:

fn error() -> i32? {
    return Error::new("error message");

If a function needs to return nothing or an error, the special void! type is used.

import "std/io";

fn error_or_nothing() -> void! {
    if !something_that_might_fail() {
        return Error::new("The thing failed");
    // No need to return any value because void! means "error or nothing".
    // The explicit return statement isn't needed either. Unless an error is returned,
    // functions returning void! are the same as functions returning no value if an error is not returned.

// Usage:
fn main() {
    error_or_nothing() or &err {
        io::eprintln("error: {}", err.what());


Compile-time polymorphism

Compile-time polymorphism is achieved using generic types and traits.

Generic types:

Generic types allow writing a single function for multiple types:

fn add<T>(a: T, b: T) -> T {
    return a + b;

The above example won't compile as T doesn't implement the + operator.
Type limiting also known as type constraints is a way to limit generic types so only certain types that are known to work are accepted.

To fix the above example, we will use the std::traits::operators::Add<Rhs, Output> trait:

import "std/traits/operators" as ops;

fn add<T(ops::Add<T, T>)>add(a: T, b: T) -> T {
    return a + b;

Now only types that implement std::traits::operators::Add<T, T> will be accepted as arguments.

Multiple traits can be required:

fn make_table<K(Equality, Hashable), V>() -> Table<K, V> {
    var table = Table<K, V>::new();
    // stuff...
    return table;

It is also possible to limit generic types to one of a list of types:

fn to_i32<T(str, String)>(string: T) -> i32 {
    return string.convert_to<i32>();


A trait defines functions that implementing types must implement. Traits are used for generic type constraints.
A trait can have generic types.
The This type is an alias for the implementing type.
Functions defined in traits must not be private, so they are automatically marked as public.

trait Printable {
    fn print(&this);

trait Add<Rhs, Output> {
    fn add(&this, rhs: Rhs) -> Output;

struct NumberList implements Printable, Add<[i32], This> {
    public numbers: [i32];

    public fn print(&this) {
        println("%a", .numbers);

    public fn add(&this, rhs: [i32]) -> This {
        var new_list = NumberList{numbers: []};

        return new_list;

fn main() {
    var numbers = NumberList{numbers: [1, 2, 3]};
    numbers = numbers + [4, 5, 6];

    println("%a", numbers.numbers); // "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]"

Runtime polymorphism

Runtime polymorphism is achieved using bound function overriding.

A virtual bound function is a function that can be re-declared in derived structs. A virtual function must have an implementation (pure virtual functions are implemented with traits).
A virtual function can't be private, and is marked as public automatically.

struct Base {
    virtual fn print() {

struct Derived < Base {
    public fn print() override {

fn main() {
    var base = Base{};
    var derived = Derived{};

    base.print(); // "Base"
    derived.print(); // "Derived"

    var derived_as_base = as<Base>(derived);
    derived_as_base.print(); // still "Derived".

To check the actual type of a polymorphic type, the is operator is used:

// Using the same types as the previous example:

fn test(a: Base) {
	if a is Base {
		println("The type of 'a' is Base");
	} else if a is Derived {
		println("The type of 'a' is Derived");
	} else {
		println("The type of 'a' is unknown");

Expect statement

The expect statement is used to make sure a condition is true and if not that the error is handled. The expect statement is very similar to the if statement, and in a way is the equivalent of if !<condition>.

fn i32_to_i8(number: i32) -> i8? {
	expect number < 256 else {
		return None;
	return as<i8>(number);

The else block must return from the function, exit the program (using any function marked as #[attribute(noreturn)]), or if in a loop break or continue. The expect statement can also be used as an assertion if the else block is omitted:

fn do_something() {
	expect in_correct_place(); // Panic the program if the condition is false.

Global/Function/Struct/Custom type definition order

Functions, global variables, structs and custom types can be used before they are defined although this should be avoided unless necessary because it makes code unreadable.
The only times this feature should be used are:

  1. In indirectly recursive structs (e.g. struct T { inner: Box<T>; }).
  2. In recursive functions.
  3. In variables/struct fields that depend on each other (e.g struct A { b: B; } struct B { a: Box<A>; }).

Type conversions/casts

  • There are no implicit type conversions the only exception being untyped number literals which are cast according to their context (e.g. when assigning to a variable with an unsigned type).
  • To cast a value to another type, the as<T>(T) operator is used. It will panic if the conversion fails (overflow, underflow, incompatible types etc.). Some casts can be and are typechecked at compile-time.

Calling C functions (extern functions)

It is possible to call C functions by declaring them as extern. For example, to call the following C function (assuming int is 32 bit):

int add(int a, int b) {
	return a + b;

The following code is used:

extern fn add(i32, i32) -> i32;

fn main() -> i32 {
	return add(40, 2);

The C file has to be compiled to an object file (.o), and then the itai-lang compiler will link it to the program.

Struct destructuring

It is possible to assign values stored in a struct to variables in a single declaration:

struct Values {
	a: i32;
	b: &str;

fn main() {
	var values = Values{a: 42, b: "The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything"};
	var Values{a, b} = values;
	// 'a' is 'values.a', and 'b' is 'values.b'

The line var Values{a, b} = values; is equivalent to the following:

var a = values.a;
var b = values.b;