This repository contains code and data presented in the article:
On the project main page on GitHub, click on the green button Code
and then click on Download ZIP
This project is divided in 4 folders:
- 📂
folder contains 11 datasets (see part 2.2 Datasets description). - 📂
folder contains 3 R codes and afunctions
folder (see part 2.3 Code description). - 📂
folder contains 2 stan codes used by the R codes for Bayesian analyses. - 📂
folder contains an HTML file including basic exploratory analyses. This file must be open in a browser and to zoom on the figure within the file, right click on the figure and open it in a new window.
The dataset 00_von-bertalanffy-literature.xlsx corresponds to values of Von Bertalanffy growth parameters extracted from scientific literature. The columns of the spreadsheet Data are described in the spreadsheet Metadata.
The dataset 01_coral_reef_fishes_data.csv (13 var. and 6,320 obs.) corresponds to the raw data used to generate the back-calculated size-at-age data (02_back-calculated-size-at-age_morat-et-al.csv), and contains the following variables:
Unique code identifying each individualagei
Age i (years)radi
Otolith radius at age i (mm)agecap
Age at capture (years)radcap
Otolith radius at capture (mm)lencap
Total length at capture (mm)l0p
Total length at hatching (mm)weight
Wet body mass at capture (g)location
Island of the samplingobserver
Name of the person who realized the otolith reading
The dataset 02_back-calculated-size-at-age_morat-et-al.csv (18 var. and 6,320 obs.) corresponds to the dataset stored on figshare with the back-calculated size-at-age data, and contains the following variables:
Unique code identifying each individualAgei
Age i (years)Ri
Otolith radius at age i (mm)Agecpt
Age at capture (years)Rcpt
Otolith radius at capture (mm)Lcpt
Total length at capture (mm)L0p
Total length at hatching (mm)R0p
Otolith radius at hatching (mm)Li_sp_m
Total length (mean, mm) at age i calculated by speciesLi_sp_sd
Standard deviation around the value ofLi_sp_m
Total length (mean, mm) at age i calculated by species and locationLi_sploc_sd
Standard deviation around the value ofLi_sploc_m
Wet body mass at capture (g)Location
Island of the samplingObserver
Name of the person who realized the otolith reading
The dataset 03_back-calculated_vbgf_fitted_sp.csv (8 var. and 5,474 obs.) corresponds to fitted values of Von Bertalanffy growth curve based on back-calculated data by species, and contains the following variables:
Age i (years)ypred_m
Mean estimated value of total length at age i at population-levelypred_lq
Lower 95% credible interval boundary of theypred_m
Upper 95% credible interval boundary of theypred_m
Mean estimated value of total length at age i at individual-levelyrep_lq
Lower 95% credible interval boundary of theyrep_m
Upper 95% credible interval boundary of theyrep_m
The dataset 03_back-calculated_vbgf_fitted_sploc.csv (9 var. and 5,016 obs.) corresponds to fitted values of Von Bertalanffy growth curve based on back-calculated data by species and location, and contains the following variables:
Age i (years)ypred_m
Mean estimated value of total length at age i at population-levelypred_lq
Lower 95% credible interval boundary of theypred_m
Upper 95% credible interval boundary of theypred_m
Mean estimated value of total length at age i at individual-levelyrep_lq
Lower 95% credible interval boundary of theyrep_m
Upper 95% credible interval boundary of theyrep_m
Island of the sampling
The dataset 03_back-calculated_vbgf_predictions_sp.csv (6 var. and 120 obs.) corresponds to estimated values of Von Bertalanffy growth parameters based on back-calculated data by species, and contains the following variables:
Age i (years)Estimate
Mean estimated value of total length at age iEst.Error
Standard deviation around theEstimate
Lower 95% credible interval boundary of theEstimate
Upper 95% credible interval boundary of theEstimate
The dataset 03_back-calculated_vbgf_predictions_sploc.csv (7 var. and 159 obs.) corresponds to estimated values of Von Bertalanffy growth parameters based on back-calculated data by species and location, and contains the following variables:
Island of the samplingAgei
Age i (years)Estimate
Mean estimated value of total length at age iEst.Error
Standard deviation around theEstimate
Lower 95% credible interval boundary of theEstimate
Upper 95% credible interval boundary of theEstimate
The dataset 03_raw_vbgf_fitted_sp.csv (6 var. and 5,196 obs.) corresponds to fitted values of Von Bertalanffy growth curve based on raw data (age estimated and length at capture) by species, and contains the following variables:
Age i (years)Estimate
Mean estimated value of total length at age iEst.Error
Standard deviation around theEstimate
Lower 95% credible interval boundary of theEstimate
Upper 95% credible interval boundary of theEstimate
The dataset 03_raw_vbgf_fitted_sploc.csv (7 var. and 4,828 obs.) corresponds to fitted values of Von Bertalanffy growth curve based on raw data (age estimated and length at capture) by species, and contains the following variables:
Island of the samplingAgei
Age i (years)Estimate
Mean estimated value of total length at age iEst.Error
Standard deviation around theEstimate
Lower 95% credible interval boundary of theEstimate
Upper 95% credible interval boundary of theEstimate
The dataset 03_back-calculated_vbgf_predictions_sp.csv (6 var. and 108 obs.) corresponds to estimated values of Von Bertalanffy growth parameters based on raw data (age estimated and length at capture) by species, and contains the following variables:
Age i (years)Estimate
Mean estimated value of total length at age iEst.Error
Standard deviation around theEstimate
Lower 95% credible interval boundary of theEstimate
Upper 95% credible interval boundary of theEstimate
The dataset 03_back-calculated_vbgf_predictions_sploc.csv (7 var. and 114 obs.) corresponds to estimated values of Von Bertalanffy growth parameters based on raw data (age estimated and length at capture) by species and location, and contains the following variables:
Island of the samplingAgei
Age i (years)Estimate
Mean estimated value of total length at age iEst.Error
Standard deviation around theEstimate
Lower 95% credible interval boundary of theEstimate
Upper 95% credible interval boundary of theEstimate
The 02_back_calculation.R code is used to obtain the back-calculated size-at-age.
The codes 03_vbgf_back_calculated_sp.R, 03_vbgf_back_calculated_sploc.R, 03_vbgf_raw_sp.R and 03_vbgf_raw_sploc.R are respectively used to obtain Von Bertalanffy growth parameters and fitted values with back-calculated data by species, by species and location, with raw data by species, and by species and location.
folder contains the function graphical_par.R and theme_graph.R which are functions dedicated to graphical representations. The function bcalc_bayes.R is used to fit Von Bertalanffy growth model, the function growthreg.R is used to extract growth parameters from back-calculated data and the function pred_vbgf.R is used to fit Von Bertalanffy growth curves from values of the three parameters.
To reproduce the 8 final datasets (i.e. those starting by 03), open and run successively the R codes 02_back_calculation.R, and all the R codes starting by 03. Make sure that all required packages were previously installed. Due to the elevated number of iterations from the Bayesian model, the codes necessitate an important amount of time to run. Please note that a full reproduction of the results is not possible, as Bayesian estimations are different at each run.
Please report any bugs or issues HERE.
R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363)
Matrix products: default
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attached base packages:
[1] parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
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