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Uplift 离线评估

Variable Declaration

假设我们有一个数据集 $D=\left(Y_i^{o b s}, W_i, score_i\right).$ 其中 $W$ 是用户所属组的标识,假如 $W_i=1$, 则这个人体在实验组;假如 $W_i=0$, 则这个人体在空白(对照)组。 $Y_i^{o b s}$ 是观测到的这个人的响应信号,比如在吃药和不吃药的问题中,响应信号可以是一周后病是否㾏愈。对于各类曲线评估指标的图像画图,需要数据集中每一项按照 uplift 得分(也就是 $score_i$ )降序排列。也就是高 score 值的得分排在前面。这样定义排在前百分比 $\phi$ 的个体中,Treatment 组($W_i=1$)的个体(共 $n_t$ )中达到目标效应($Y_i^{o b s}=1$)的个数记为 $n_{t,1}$ , Control组($W_i=0$)的个体(共 $n_c$ )中达到目标效应($Y_i^{o b s}=1$)的个数记为 $n_{c,1}$ 。在集合 $D$ 中所有 Treatment 组个体个数为 $N_t$,所有Control组个体个数为 $N_c$

The Transformed Outcom

Our package by default implements the Transformed Outcome (Athey 2016) method, defined as: $$ Y^=Y \frac{W-p}{p(1-p)} $$ where $Y^$ is the Transformed Outcome, $Y$ is the outcome (1 or 0 ), $W$ indicates the presence of a treatment (1 or 0 ), and $p=P(W=1)$ (the treatment policy). When $p=0.5$, this amounts to labelling (treatment, outcome) pairs as follows:

The beauty of this transformation is that, in expectation, $$ E\left[Y^\right]=P(Y \mid W=1)-P(Y \mid W=0), $$ or uplift. Any algorithm trained to predict $Y^$, then, gives a prediction of uplift.


Cumulative Uplift Curve

对于累计 Uplift 曲线:纵坐标的值计算公式如下: $$ \text { Uplift curve }(\phi)=\frac{n_{t, y=1}(\phi)}{n_{t}(\phi)}-\frac{n_{c, y=1}(\phi)}{n_{c}(\phi)} $$

  • pylift包中一般用cuplift标识,uplift标识和此计算方式一致,只是不是从0开始累积的,而是在每个bin中去计算平均值。在scikit-uplift包中对应 sklift.metrics.uplift_curve

  • 该曲线下方的面积就是常见的评估指标 AUUC ,在scikit-uplift包中对应 sklift.metrics.uplift_auc_score

  • 对于前 k 个个体计算出的Uplfit值记为uplift@k, 在scikit-uplift包中对应 sklift.metrics.uplift_at_k

  • 加权平均 Uplift:它是百分位数的平均提升。权重是Treatment组的百分位大小,在scikit-uplift包中对应 sklift.metrics.weighted_average_uplift

Uplift Curve深度解读:

将前百分比 $\phi$ 的个体对应到第 $k$ 个个体上,前 $k$ 个个体计算的得到的 Uplift 值的物理意义:前 $k$ 个个体中实验组产生的平均价值与对照组产生平均价值的差值。

  • 如果 uplift 预估值是完全随机数,那么每个分桶里面观察到的 uplift 结果应该都是相同的,所以 uplift curve 就是一条直线;
  • 如果 uplit 预估值非常准,也就是说横坐标上面的人群排序:最左侧是 persuadables,最右侧是 sleeping dogs,中间是 sure thing 和 lost causes;那么完美的 uplift curve 形状就是:
    • 刚开始就会达到最高点,在有限的 persuadables 上面就可以拿到全部的 uplift;
    • 中间持平,因为 sure thing 和 lost causes 不会带来任何 uplift;
    • 最后会下降,因为 sleeping dogs 看到广告之后,反而不转化了;

Qini Curve

对于Qini曲线,纵坐标的值计算公式如下: $$ \text { Qini curve }(\phi)=\frac{n_{t, y=1}(\phi)}{N_t}-\frac{n_{c, y=1}(\phi)}{N_c} $$

To evaluate $Q$, we predict the uplift for each row in our dataset. We then order the dataset from highest uplift to lowest uplift and evaluate the Qini curve as a function of the population targeted. The area between this curve and the $\mathrm{x}$-axis can be approximated by a Riemann sum on the $M$ data points: $$ \text { Qini Curve Area }=\sum_{i=0}^{M-1} \frac{1}{2}\left(\text { Qini curve }\left(\phi_{i+1}\right)+\text { Qini curve }\left(\phi_i\right)\right)\left(\phi_{i+1}-\phi_i\right) $$ where $$ \phi_i=i / M $$ and so $$ \text { Qini Curve Area} =\sum_{i=0}^{M-1} \frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{n_{t, y=1}\left(\phi_{i+1}\right)-n_{t, y=1}\left(\phi_i\right)}{N_t}-\frac{n_{c, y=1}\left(\phi_{i+1}\right)-n_{c, y=1}\left(\phi_i\right)}{N_c}\right) \frac{1}{M} $$ We then need to subtract off the randomized curve area which is given by: $$ \text { Randomized Qini Area }=\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{N_{t, y=1}}{N_t}-\frac{N_{c, y=1}}{N_c}\right) $$ and so the Qini coefficient is: $$ Q=\text { Qini Curve Area }-\text { Randomized Qini Area } $$

Adjusted Qini curve

对于Adjusted Qini曲线,纵坐标的值计算公式如下: $$ \operatorname{Adjusted} \operatorname{Qini}(\phi)=\frac{n_{t, 1}(\phi)}{N_t}-\frac{n_{c, 1}(\phi) n_t(\phi)}{n_c(\phi) N_t} $$

  • pylift包中一般用aqini标识。

Cumulative Gains Curve

对于Cumulative Gains曲线,纵坐标的值计算公式如下: $$ \text { Cumulative gain }(\phi)=\left(\frac{n_{t, 1}(\phi)}{n_t(\phi)}-\frac{n_{c, 1}(\phi)}{n_c(\phi)}\right)\left(n_t(\phi)+n_c(\phi)\right) $$

  • pylift包中一般用cgains标识。

Balance Curve

每个bin内Treatment组大小与总组大小的比率: $$ \operatorname{Balance}(\phi)=\frac{n_t(\phi)}{n_t(\phi)+n_c(\phi)} $$

Precision in Estimation of Heterogeneous Effect (PEHE)

Ref: Bayesian nonparametric modeling for causal inference $$ PEHE =\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N\left(\left(y_{i 1}-y_{i 0}\right)-\left(\hat{y}{i 1}-\hat{y}{i 0}\right)\right)^2 $$ where $y_1, y_0$ correspond to the true outcomes under $t=1$ and $t=0$, respectively, and $\hat{y}_1, \hat{y}_0$ correspond to the outcomes estimated by our model.
