This is a instant messenger built in python by me and one of my friends. It runs in Python 3 either in the terminal, or in a GUI. You need a computer to run the server script, and people who want to join use the client script.
How to get started with the server.
First, you need to clone the repo:
git clone
Then, run the server script
cd instant-messenger/
When you start up the server script, it will try to guess your private IP.
Is your private IP: XXX.X.X.X? [Y/N]
If it says anything other than your private IP, then type 'N' and then put in your private IP.
Next, it will ask you for a port:
We recommend a port of 1024 or greater, as this will have the least likeliness to interfere with any other programs.
Then, you will get the message:
PyChat Server V0.X.X
Server started!
Listening for connections on XXX.XXX.X.XXX:1111...
This means the server is now active. If you want people to be able to connect from outside your network, you will need to port forward the port.
How to get started with the GUI based client.
First, you need to clone the repo:
git clone
Then, run the script:
cd instant-messenger/
When setting up, you will see a a screen like this:
This lets you type your name in to connect as. You will then be greeted with a screen to enter the IP and Port to connect to, like this:
After this, it will connect you to the server.
How to get started with the GUI based client.
First, you need to install the package "npyscreen" for it to work:
pip3 install npyscreen
Clone the repo:
git clone
Then, run the script:
cd instant-messenger/
It will ask you for your name (What you want to connect as) , an IP address to connect to and the port on the IP. Then it will connect you in.
There is also a basic terminal version ( instead if you don't want to use any plugins
- Jake Gillman - Initial Idea, Basic Terminal, a bit of the server and GUI client - JakeyGilly
- Finn O'Neill - Server, Basic Terminal and Terminal Client - Explorer017