Colors are very commonly used in huds.
All colors in tf2 follow the RGBA format (red green blue alpha) using decimal numbers between 0 and 255. For example, the following will set a label to be pure white and completely opaque:
"fgcolor" "255 255 255 255"
There are several good resources for mixing colors, such as:
Fonts and some panels can use additive colors, by using the additive tag:
"additive" "1"
Additive colors add their rgb values to whatever is below them. For example, if you had a panel with the color:
"bgcolor" "255, 100, 0, 255"
And added a panel with additive colors above it with the color:
"bgcolor" "0, 100, 200, 255"
The resulting color drawn to the screen will be:
255+0, 100+100, 0+200, 255 = 255, 200, 200, 255
As a consequence, if an additive color is white, the resulting color will always be white. To lighten a color, you can add an additive with some gray as its color.