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Version Numbering Scheme

Jeff Ferguson edited this page Jan 20, 2020 · 3 revisions

When officially released, the first version of Gepsio will be

The AssemblyVersion and the FileVersion attributes for the Gepsio assembly are specified using the form w.x.y.z, where:

  • w is the major version of the XBRL Specification supported by the Gepsio assembly
  • x is the minor version of the XBRL Specification supported by the Gepsio assembly
  • y is the major version of the Gepsio assembly
  • z is the minor version of the Gepsio assembly

For example, you can interpret a release of Gepsio with a version number of as "version 1.0 of Gepsio supporting version 2.1 of the XBRL Specification".

The y value will start at 1 for each release supporting a new version of the XBRL Specification and will be incremented whenever a new release features a backward-incompatible change to code written against earlier releases. The z value will start at 0 for each release supporting a new version of the XBRL Specification and will be incremented whenever a new release features a backward-compatible change to code written against earlier releases.

The Path To Version 1.0

Gepsio will be released as a version 1.0 product when it passes all of the tests in the XBRL-CONF-2014-12-10 Conformance Suite. This will signal that Gepsio is fully compliant with the XBRL 2.1 Specification.

Until that time, Gepsio's major version number (y in the example above) will be 0. Any version of Gepsio that does not pass all of the tests will have a y value of 0 and a z value equal to a "preview" release revision number. More recent CTPs will have a higher value for z.

Gepsio's code base includes an integration test that exercises all of the tests in the the XBRL-CONF-2014-12-10 Conformance Suite. This integration test will fail until all of the Conformance Suite tests pass. Once all tests pass, then Gepsio will be moved to a 1.0 status.

Any Gepsio release with a version number starting with 2.1.0 is partially, but not fully, compliant with the XBRL 2.1 Specification.

Community Technology Previews

The Gepsio project releases interim binaries called Community Technology Previews (CTPs). A CTP release provides a "sneak peak" into the future, including key features that are envisioned for Gepsio’s release. The goal of a CTP release is to get an initial code base into the hands of early adopters so that work can begin on client applications wishing to make use of the Gepsio engine. A CTP, by its very nature, is early code and its design may or may not change by Gepsio’s release.

CTPs will have a y value of 0 and a z value equal to a CTP release revision number. More recent CTPs will have a higher value for z.