- Free software: MIT license
$ pip install hdxms-datasets
Currently a beta test database is set up at: https://github.com/Jhsmit/HDX-MS-datasets
from pathlib import Path
from hdxms_datasets import DataVault
# local path the download datasets to
cache_dir = Path('.cache')
# create a vault with local cache dir, set `remote_url` to connect to a different database
vault = DataVault(cache_dir=cache_dir)
# Download a specific HDX dataset
# Load the dataset
ds = vault.load_dataset("20221007_1530_SecA_Krishnamurthy")
# Load the FD control of the first 'state' in the dataset.
fd_control = ds.load_peptides(0, "FD_control")
# Load the corresponding experimental peptides.
peptides = ds.load_peptides(0, "experiment")