An implementation using VRSEN agency-swarm to create agents for updating the Open Brewery DB
export OPEN_AI_API_KEY=<your_open_ai_api_key>
export GOOGLE_SEARCH_API_KEY=<your_google_search_api_key>
export GOOGLE_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID=<your_google_search_engine_id>
export GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your_github_access_token>
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python OBDBUpdaterAgency/
You will see an update or creation of agents in OpenAI. Then a prompt to add your commands.
- Enter the name of the county and country you want to update the breweries for.
- Specify also the owner and repository name for your fork of the Open Brewery DB repository. Default is
The agent will search for breweries in the given country and update the CSV file with the details via a pull request to your main branch.