This repository contains code written for generation of AuPtPd trimetallic nanoparticles (TNPs) structural data set for machine learning applications.
Conducted by: Kaihan Lu assisted by Haotai Peng (Bill)
Supervised by: Jonathan Yik Chang Ting and Amanda Barnard
Institution: School of Computing Australian National University
Research course: SCNC2021 Science Research Project
Date Accomplished: 1/1/23
- InitStruct: LAMMPS, Python, and Bash scripts written for generation of TNP initial structures (.lmp format)
- EAM: Modified LAMMPS tools for the generation of relevant interatomic potential files required for LAMMPS scripts execution
- MDsim: LAMMPS, Python, and Bash scripts written for tasks related to molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the generated TNPs
- FeatExtEng: Python and Bash scripts written for tasks related to feature extraction of TNPs, along with the source code, executable file, and input files of Network Characterisation Package (NCPac), a software developed by Dr George Opletal from CSIRO and extended by Jonathan Ting for structural/geometrical feature extraction of TNPs
- The current script is designed to:
- only generate TNPs with different combinations of the listed degrees of freedom, but extension is possible by appropriate modification of the code.
- be run on high performance computing cluster such as Gadi of National Computational Infrastructure or cluster1 of ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science.
- Elemental composition: Au, Pt, Pd
- Size: 30 Angstroms
- Shape: Spherical
- Ratio: i:j:k where i, j, k are from {2, 4, 6, 8}, with an additional constraint if i+j+k == 10
- Atomic ordering: (chosen with reference to Figure 2 in the review by Crawley et al, Heterogenous Trimetallic Nanoparticles as Catalysts, Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 6, 6795--6849)
- L10R: ordered alloy with randomly distributed M3 (o-M1M2-M3)
- CS: inner-core@core@shell (M1@M2@M3)
- CL10S: ordered-core@shell (o-M1M2@M3)
- CRALS: random-core@shell (M1M2@M3)
- RRAL: random solid solution (M1M2M3)
- CSRAL: core@random-shell (M1@M2M3)
- CSL10: core@ordered-shell (M1@o-M2M3)
- CRSR: core@shell with randomly distributed M3 (M1M2@M2M3)
- LL10: ordered intermetallic solution (o-M1M2M3)
- Modify the variables in the files below under ./InitStruct/ to generate other combinations:
- {diameterList}: NP diameters (Angstrom)
- {ratioList}: Percentage of each element (only ratio combinations that add up to 100% will be generated)
- {RANDOM_DISTRIB_NO}: Number of replicas for atomic orderings involving random distribution
- {VACUUM_THICKNESS}: Size of the box containing the NP (need to be >= greatest diameter in {diameterList})
- {SIZE_ARR}: NP diameters (Angstrom)
- genTNPCS*.sh
- Last three arguments representing NP diameters (Angstrom) of each component when calling the functions in these scripts
- {RATIO_LIST}: Percentage of each element (only ratio combinations that add up to 100% will be generated)
- {RANDOM_DISTRIB_NO}: Number of replicas for atomic orderings involving random distribution
- Note: Some NPs that are supposed to be TNPs turned out to be BNP due to overly large overlap cutoff in
- Run to generate the TNPs to be simulated.
- S0: Short equilibration of TNPs
- S1: Heating up of TNPs, saving configurations along the way
- S2: Short equilibration of the saved TNP configurations at the saved temperature
- Go to ./MDsim/
- Modify the path in as appropriate and run it. This places each .lmp file into a unique directory in the specified path to store the simulation data, while initialising a config.yml file that stores the simulation progress/status for each directory.
- Check that parameters that are not variables in annealS{0/1/2}.in LAMMPS script templates are appropriate according to your simulation goals.
- Modify the paths and parameters in as appropriate and run it, taking simulation stage number as argument {0, 1, 2}.
- Generate 3 files at the path specified in {'jobList', 'queueList', 'runList'}
- Modify the path in as appropriate and run it, taking simulation stage number as argument {0, 1, 2}. This script:
- places jobs (LAMMPS running of *S{0/1/2}.in) that are ready to be run by the HPC into 'jobList'.
- needs to be rerun after the jobs are finished (until all jobs are done), to:
- update the progress of the simulations by updating config.yml in the TNP directory (whether each stage is done), and
- update the status of the jobs (whether it's submitted, queuing, or running) by updating 'jobList', 'queueList', and 'runList'
- place the job for next stage of simulation into 'jobList'.
- Modify the parameters in and, and run This script:
- submits {maxQueueNum} of job scripts listed in 'jobList' to the HPC.
- Once a job finishes, it will automatically submit the next job from 'jobList', keeping the number of jobs submitted the same (i.e. {maxQueueNum}) until there are no more jobs in 'jobList'.
- and are provided to ease the debugging/cleaning process.
- Remember to backup your simulation data to elsewhere when they are done.
- Go to ./FeatExtEng/
- Modify the paths and parameters in as appropriate.
- Submit to the HPC. This will generate:
- {MDout.csv}, which contains the output of MD simulations of all TNPs.
- {features.csv}, which contains the features extracted by NCPac for all TNPs.
- Modify the parameters in and run it. This will merge the information from the 2 csv files and generate a new {AuPtPd_nanoparticle_dataset.csv} following the format of dataset stored on CSIRO's Data Access Portal, such as (gold nanoparticle).