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  • MLE: maximum likelihood estimation (MAP with uniform prior)
  • is simply a common principled method with which we can derive good estimators, hence, picking $\theta$ such that it fits the data $X$.
  • Calculate the likelihood of the data given the model parameters $\theta$.
    • $\hat{\theta}{MLE}=\underset{\theta}{argmax}(P{model}(X|\theta))=\underset{\theta}{argmax}(\prod P_{model}(x_{i}|\theta))$ (observations are independent)
    • $=\underset{\theta}{argmax}(log(\prod_{i} P_{model}(x_{i}|\theta)))$
    • $=\underset{\theta}{argmax}(\sum_{i} log(P_{model}(x_{i}|\theta)))$
    • then take the derivative of it with respect to $\theta$ and set it to $0$: $\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} \sum_{i} log(P_{model}(x_{i}|\theta))=0$
  • drawback:
    • higher variance compared to MAP
  • benefit:
    • non dependent on prior parametrization
  • One way to interpret MLE is to view it as minimizing the "closeness" between the training data distribution $p_{data}(\textbf{x})$ and the model distribution $p_{model}(\textbf{x}, \boldsymbol{\theta})$.
  • The best way to quantify this "closeness" between distributions is the KL divergence,
  • Maximizing likelihood is equivalent to minimizing KL-Divergence and minimizing cross-entropy!
    • Why does this matter, though?
    • Because this gives MLE a nice interpretation: maximizing the likelihood of data under our estimate is equal to minimizing the difference between our estimate and the real data distribution.
    • We can see MLE as a proxy for fitting our estimate to the real distribution, which cannot be done directly as the real distribution is unknown to us.
    • Minimizing cross-entropy means there's no surprise, we know what to expect



  • MAP: maximum a posteriori estimation
    • $P(\theta|X) \propto P(X|\theta)P(\theta)$
    • $\hat{\theta}_{MAP}=\underset{\theta}{argmax}(P(X|\theta)P(\theta))$
    • $=\underset{\theta}{argmax}[log(P(\theta)) + log(P(X|\theta))]$
    • What it means is that, the likelihood is now weighted with some weight coming from the prior.
    • if $P(\theta)$ is follows a uniform law => MLE
  • Choosing prior $P(\theta)$
    • the less knowledge, the more scattered the distribution (uniform)
    • choosing a good/bad prior can speed up/slow down convergence
    • prior can be interpreted as regularization (useful when few observations)