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A Julia package with resampling methods to correct for class imbalance in a wide variety of classification settings.

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⏬ Installation

import Pkg;

✨ Implemented Methods

The package implements the following resampling algorithms

  • Random Oversampling
  • Random Walk Oversampling (RWO)
  • Random Oversampling Examples (ROSE)
  • Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE)
  • Borderline SMOTE1
  • SMOTE-Nominal (SMOTE-N)
  • SMOTE-Nominal Categorical (SMOTE-NC)
  • Random Undersampling
  • Cluster Undersampling
  • EditedNearestNeighbors Undersampling
  • Tomek Links Undersampling
  • Balanced Bagging Classifier (@MLJBalancing.jl)

To see various examples where such methods help improve classification performance, check the tutorials section of the documentation.

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🚀 Quick Start

We will illustrate using the package to oversample withSMOTE; however, all other implemented oversampling methods follow the same pattern.

Let's start by generating some dummy imbalanced data:

using Imbalance

# Set dataset properties then generate imbalanced data
class_probs = [0.5, 0.2, 0.3]                  # probability of each class      
num_rows, num_continuous_feats = 100, 5
X, y = generate_imbalanced_data(num_rows, num_continuous_feats; class_probs, rng=42)

In following code blocks, it will be assumed that X and y are readily available.

🔵 Standard API

All methods by default support a pure functional interface.

using Imbalance

# Apply SMOTE to oversample the classes
Xover, yover = smote(X, y; k=5, ratios=Dict(0=>1.0, 1=> 0.9, 2=>0.8), rng=42)

🤖 MLJ Interface

All methods support the MLJ interface where instead of directly calling the method, one instantiates a model for the method while optionally passing the keyword parameters found in the functional interface then wraps the model in a machine and follows by calling transform on the machine and data.

using MLJ

# Load the model
SMOTE = @load SMOTE pkg=Imbalance

# Create an instance of the model 
oversampler = SMOTE(k=5, ratios=Dict(0=>1.0, 1=> 0.9, 2=>0.8), rng=42)

# Wrap it in a machine
mach = machine(oversampler)

# Provide the data to transform 
Xover, yover = transform(mach, X, y)

All implemented oversampling methods are considered static transforms and hence, no fit is required.

Pipelining Models

If MLJBalancing is also used, an arbitrary number of resampling methods from Imbalance.jl can be wrapped with a classification model from MLJ to function as a unified model where resampling automatically takes place on given data before training the model (and is bypassed during prediction).

using MLJ, MLJBalancing

# grab two resamplers and a classifier
LogisticClassifier = @load LogisticClassifier pkg=MLJLinearModels verbosity=0
SMOTE = @load SMOTE pkg=Imbalance verbosity=0
TomekUndersampler = @load TomekUndersampler pkg=Imbalance verbosity=0

oversampler = SMOTE(k=5, ratios=1.0, rng=42)
undersampler = TomekUndersampler(min_ratios=0.5, rng=42)
logistic_model = LogisticClassifier()

# wrap the oversampler, undersample and classification model together
balanced_model = BalancedModel(model=logistic_model, 
                               balancer1=oversampler, balancer2=undersampler)

# behaves like a single model
mach = machine(balanced_model, X, y);
fit!(mach, verbosity=0)
predict(mach, X)

🏓 Table Transforms Interface

The TableTransforms interface operates on single tables; it assumes that y is one of the columns of the given table. Thus, it follows a similar pattern to the MLJ interface except that the index of y is a required argument while instantiating the model and the data to be transformed via apply is only one table Xy.

using Imbalance
using Imbalance.TableTransforms
using TableTransforms

# Generate imbalanced data
num_rows = 200
num_features = 5
y_ind = 3
Xy, _ = generate_imbalanced_data(num_rows, num_features; 
                                 class_probs=[0.5, 0.2, 0.3], insert_y=y_ind, rng=42)

# Initiate SMOTE model
oversampler = SMOTE(y_ind; k=5, ratios=Dict(0=>1.0, 1=> 0.9, 2=>0.8), rng=42)
Xyover = Xy |> oversampler       # can chain with other table transforms                  
# equivalently if TableTransforms is used
Xyover, cache = TableTransforms.apply(oversampler, Xy)    # equivalently

The reapply(oversampler, Xy, cache) method from TableTransforms simply falls back to apply(oversample, Xy) and the revert(oversampler, Xy, cache) reverts the transform by removing the oversampled observations from the table.

Notice that because the interfaces of MLJ and TableTransforms use the same model names, you will have to specify the source of the model if both are used in the same file (e.g., Imbalance.TableTransforms.SMOTE) for the example above.

🎨 Features

  • Supports multi-class variants of the algorithms and both nominal and continuous features
  • Provides MLJ and TableTransforms interfaces aside from the default pure functional interface
  • Generic by supporting table input/output formats as well as matrices
  • Supports tables regardless to whether the target is a separate column or one of the columns
  • Supports automatic encoding and decoding of nominal features

📜 Rationale

Most if not all machine learning algorithms can be viewed as a form of empirical risk minimization where the object is to find the parameters $\theta$ that for some loss function $L$ minimize

$$\hat{\theta} = \arg\min_{\theta} \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} L(f_{\theta}(x_i), y_i)$$

The underlying assumption is that minimizing this empirical risk corresponds to approximately minimizing the true risk which considers all examples in the populations which would imply that $f_\theta$ is approximately the true target function $f$ that we seek to model.

In a multi-class setting with $K$ classes, one can write

$$\hat{\theta} = \arg\min_{\theta} \left( \frac{1}{N_1} \sum_{i \in C_1} L(f_{\theta}(x_i), y_i) + \frac{1}{N_2} \sum_{i \in C_2} L(f_{\theta}(x_i), y_i) + \ldots + \frac{1}{N_K} \sum_{i \in C_K} L(f_{\theta}(x_i), y_i) \right)$$

Class imbalance occurs when some classes have much fewer examples than other classes. In this case, the terms corresponding to smaller classes contribute minimally to the sum which makes it possible for any learning algorithm to find an approximate solution to minimizing the empirical risk that mostly only minimizes the over the significant sums. This yields a hypothesis $f_\theta$ that may be very different from the true target $f$ with respect to the minority classes which may be the most important for the application in question.

One obvious possible remedy is to weight the smaller sums so that a learning algorithm more easily avoids approximate solutions that exploit their insignificance which can be seen to be equivalent to repeating examples of the observations in minority classes. This can be achieved by naive random oversampling which is offered by this package along with other more advanced oversampling methods that function by generating synthetic data or deleting existing ones. You can read more about the class imbalance problem and learn about various algorithms implemented in this package by reading this series of articles on Medium.

To our knowledge, there are no existing maintained Julia packages that implement resampling algorithms for multi-class classification problems or that handle both nominal and continuous features. This has served as a primary motivation for the creation of this package.

👥 Credits

This package was created by Essam Wisam as a Google Summer of Code project, under the mentorship of Anthony Blaom. Special thanks also go to Rik Huijzer for his friendliness and the binary SMOTE implementation in Resample.jl.

You may cite the following paper should you use Imbalance.jl or MLJBalancing.jl in a scientific publication

doi = {10.21105/joss.06310},
url = {},
year = {2024},
publisher = {The Open Journal},
volume = {9}, number = {95}, pages = {6310},
author = {Essam Wisam and Anthony Blaom},
title = {Imbalance: A comprehensive multi-interface Julia toolbox to address class imbalance},
journal = {Journal of Open Source Software}