This is Julian Valdman's Bachelor Thesis spring 2022
Major: Data Science and Economics
Title: Semi- and nonparametric estimation of price dispersion and auction heterogeneity with eBay auctions
Where: University of Copenhagen
When: June 2022
Grade: 12 (A)
- Introduction
- The eBay marketplace and data
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Artificial Neural Networks and Multi-class classfication
- Discussion and Conclusion
The analysis comprises 2 different methods of price analysis:
- Maximum Likelihood with Hermite Series: Using flexible polynomial to estimate density distribution of prices
- Artificial Neural Network (ANN): Using non-parametric deep learning model to exhaust predictive power of the auction attributes
From the analysis and including microeconomic theory, the report concludes:
- Some price dispersion can be explained by auction heterogeneity
- Most auction features have smaller economic effect on end price
- Most of the auction feature effects are aligned with economic theory and similar analysis