FAIL prevention: ☐ logs are getting to long ☐ logs same tweet multiple times... why? ☐ after a few hours without tweets... try to reconnect ☐ multiple connections open to twitter?...
Listen for "follow" events: Retweet a random tweet with some media from the twitterer who just followed you
Make it easier to read my application Use event system of node
List all actions as events:
- "eventName", "payload"
- "retweet-command", {tweet}
- "follow-command", {user}
One central system where all commands are handled
global emitter map, with typed event emitters
type emitters = {
retweet: TypedEventEmitter
follow: TypedEventEmitter
unfollow: TypedEventEmitter
Metrics: Monitor likes, retweets, stats of certain kind of retweets