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Using cports

This document provides a comprehensive reference on using the cports system, more specifically its cbuild component.

Table of Contents


The cports collection comes with a specialized build system, cbuild. The system provides a way for people to build their own binary packages from special templates.

If you are looking for instructions on how to write templates, refer to the instead.

Getting Started

In order to get started with the system, your operating system environment must satisfy some requirements. After that, you can use it to build and manage packages, assuming you have bootstrapped the system.


TL;DR: You need a handful of tools, mainly Python and a few binaries mentioned in the list below. You need a 3.8+ kernel with support for namespaces, including user namespaces, and cgroups. You need to run as a regular user, and not in a chroot. At least 2GB of RAM per each CPU thread is recommended (all threads are used by default).

The cbuild tool has relatively few dependencies. You can usually find all of them in any Linux distribution. Additionally, it imposes some requirements on the Linux kernel you are running.

The userland dependencies are the following:

  • Python 3.12 or newer
  • apk (from apk-tools, static binaries can be obtained here)
  • openssl (key generation only; not needed otherwise)
  • git (optional; required for reproducibility)
  • bwrap (from bubblewrap)

If running a Chimera system, these tools can all be installed with the base-cbuild-host metapackage.

You need a recent Git snapshot of apk-tools at this point. It is your responsibility to ensure that your apk is new enough (cbuild does some rudimentary testing that it's 3.x) and compatible with cbuild. Your best bet is to use the same version as is packaged.

You also need Linux kernel 3.8 or newer, with namespaces and cgroups enabled. Notably the following options must be enabled:


You can check for those with something like zgrep /proc/config.gz or alternatively grep /boot/config-$(uname -r).

Most distribution kernels should have the options enabled by default.

In addition to these, you must run the system under a normal user. Running as the root user will result in early failure.

The environment used to run cbuild must not be a chroot. Running inside of a chroot interferes with the sandbox/namespaces. If you really need to use a custom root, you can use bwrap to provide functionality equivament to chroot, as there is nothing preventing nesting namespaces. The command would be something like the following:

$ bwrap --unshare-user --bind /path/to/my/root / --dev /dev --proc /proc --tmpfs /tmp /bin/sh

You will also want to ensure you have sufficient RAM available. The cbuild system will by default use all CPU threads it can, unless you manually restrict it.

If you satisfy all this, you should be good to go.

How It Works

TL;DR: Packages are built in a sandboxed container with limited access to the outside environment. The system automatically manages a local repository for you, including package signing. Dependencies are installed in the sandbox, software is built, packages are created, and cleanup is performed. The system can build software recursively, so you can give it a metapackage to build and it will do the whole dependency tree.

If you are familiar with Void Linux's xbps-src, the system should immediately appear familiar to you. You should not consider it a clone, since it was written from scratch in a completely different language and does a lot of things in a different way, but you will notice a lot of similarities.

When building packages with cbuild, the build process happens in a minimal container. This is what you need namespaces for; they are the building blocks of this container.

This container is made up of a minimal collection of Chimera packages, which provide the initial environment. We call it the build root. It is essentially a sandbox with different restrictions depending on the phase of the build.

Most of the time, the build root is:

  • Read only - after installing dependencies, programs run within are not allowed to write outside of their designated directories.
  • Without network access - after fetching all sources, programs are not allowed to access the network from within. This enforces the policy of having to fetch all of their files ahead of time. Checksums are enforced for those files.
  • Isolated - the sandbox does not have access to the outside file system.
  • Unprivileged - after the fetch phase, all namespace types are unshared.

When building a package, the following happens, in simplified terms:

  • Build dependencies are installed in the sandbox, provided they are available. If some dependency is unavailable, it is built first, using the same process. This can happen recursively.
  • All declared sources are fetched, if not already cached. They are subsequently verified (the checksums must match what the template declares). If this fails, the fetch is re-tried.
  • Sources are extracted, prepared and patches are applied if necessary.
  • The software is configured and built within the sandbox.
  • Files are installed in a special destdir. Outside of this, the directory where files are extracted, the /tmp directory in the sandbox and potential cache directories (e.g. for ccache), the entire sandbox is read only during all phases other than deps (i.e., after installing dependencies).
  • Packages are created in the local repository and signed.

If you are familiar with xbps-src, these are the main conceptual differences:

  • Most cbuild code is run outside the sandbox. Only specific commands are run within, which includes dependency installation, sources extraction, patching, and the build itself. Once files are installed, cbuild handles the rest on its own without involving the container. In contrast, xbps-src will reexec itself inside its sandbox and run everything there.
  • The sandboxing is much more advanced and more strictly enforced. With xbps-src you don't get any warranty that the build container is intact after anything is run within. In contrast, cbuild guarantees that the sandbox is exactly the same before and after building something in it.
  • The cbuild system has no concept of hostdir, instead preferring fine grained control over every directory.
  • While xbps-src provides a "temporary build root" functionality, cbuild does not. This is because doing so would introduce reliance on overlayfs and a custom suid binary. This would prevent us from sandboxing properly. However, this functionality is not needed, since we guarantee consistency of the sandbox at all times. For parallel building of several packages at once, the -t flag still exists. Instead of using an overlay, it will bootstrap a fresh temporary root. Unlike with xbps-src, this does not create a performance problem, as everything is much faster.
  • Created packages are automatically signed. With xbps-src this would be a potential security hazard, but cbuild can guarantee no malicious process can get access to your signing keys. That means repositories generated with cbuild are ready to be deployed in remote locations.
  • There is only one profile for each architecture for both native and cross builds.


You will need to generate a signing key. You can do that like this:

$ ./cbuild keygen

You can optionally pass your own private key name or path as an argument. If you don't do that, it will be assigned an automatic name consisting of your Git email address (or system username if not available) and a timestamp, plus the .rsa extension. Your public key will be stored in the same location, but the extension will be .pub.

An optional second argument can specify the key size, which is 2048 by default.

Keys are by default stored in etc/keys.

Once generated, the tool will automatically update the configuration file you have, which is etc/config.ini by default, with the correct key path.

If you don't have a key generated and set, you will not be able to build packages. It is possible to override this with --allow-unsigned, but it is not recommended to do that.

Build Root Setup

The easiest way to bring up a build container is from binary packages, like this:

$ ./cbuild binary-bootstrap

By default, this will be bldroot inside your cports directory. If you have just done a source bootstrap, there is a chance you don't need to run this as the source bootstrap does it for you as the last step. You will need to do this if you ever need to re-create it.

If your system has openssl.cnf in a non-standard path (i.e. not /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf) and you are using static host apk, you can export the OPENSSL_CONF envvar with the actual path if you are getting certificate errors.

Building a Package

Then, the only thing left to do is to pick a package to build. Let's say, apk-tools from the main category. You need to run this:

$ ./cbuild pkg main/apk-tools

The inverse syntax

$ ./cbuild main/apk-tools pkg

is also accepted as a special case.

This will parse main/apk-tools/ and build it according to the metadata and routines declared in the template.

That's it!


By this, it is meant bootstrapping from source. This is an alternative to binary bootstrap, if you wish to compile the whole system from source. Keep in mind that this takes a long time, because it has to rebuild the whole bootstrap path 4 times.

Bootstrapping has more requirements than simply using the system.

Bootstrap Requirements

The base requirements of cbuild still apply. You also need to be running a system based on the musl C library. This can be for example Void Linux or Chimera itself. Alpine Linux is not supported for direct bootstrapping because of its patched musl SONAME (which would be more effort to work around).

The system must contain an initial toolchain. It consists of these:

  • clang with lld, libc++, compiler-rt and LLVM libunwind
  • cmake
  • meson
  • patch
  • pkg-config (pkgconf or the regular one)
  • GNU make (called make)
  • ninja
  • strip
  • byacc or bison (either with yacc symlink)
  • flex
  • perl
  • m4
  • Linux kernel headers for userland usage

These can all be found in most distributions' package collections. If running a Chimera system, these tools can all be installed with the base-cbuild-bootstrap metapackage.

It is possible to do an almost full source bootstrap on an incompatible system, provided that Chimera ships binary packages for the given architecture. See below for an example.

Bootstrap Process

Chimera uses a 4-stage bootstrap process. It is largely automatic and hidden from you. You can invoke it like:

$ ./cbuild bootstrap

Optionally you can stop the process at a specific stage by passing its number as an argument (not when using

To explain what's going on:

  • Stage 0 is software built inside the system you are running.
  • Stage 1 is software built inside the system assembled from stage 0.
  • Stage 2 is software built inside the system assembled from stage 1.
  • Stage 3 is software built inside the system assembled from stage 2.

The initial stage is raw and intentionally stripped down. Its purpose is to get a minimal environment going, to free further builds of the host system's influence and narrow down the dependencies. This stage will likely not be reproducible between different systems.

Stage 1 resembles a final container. Unlike stage 0 build, it uses its own host tools. The feature set of the packages may not be complete, with some subpackages (e.g. LLVM debugger) not being built. LTO is also not applied for this stage yet.

Stage 2 is considered almost final, being built with all of the features of a final system within a Chimera container, including full LTO. Unit tests are not run yet as they are not considered reliable.

Stage 3 is the final stage, which is a clean rebuild of every bootstrap package using a "good" toolchain. There is no distinction from regular package builds (these are considered stage 3 as well) and unit tests and so on are run normally.

Templates should in general not make any distinction between stage 2 and 3 builds, as they are to be considered feature-equivalent.

You will have the following artifacts:

  • bldroot-stage0 is the build root that was assembled from packages originally built on the host system.
  • bldroot-stage1 is the build root assembled from stage 1 packages.
  • bldroot-stage2 is the build root assembled from stage 2 packages.
  • bldroot is the final build root; if you remove it and binary-bootstrap, you will get the same thing.
  • packages-stage0 is the repository of packages bldroot-stage0 is created from.
  • packages-stage1 is the repository of packages bldroot-stage1 is created from.
  • packages-stage2 is the repository of packages bldroot-stage2 is created from.
  • packages is the final repository.
  • sources is the sources cache, shared for all.

You can remove all the *-stage* directories if you want. They are present mostly for inspection and possibly debugging.

If the bootstrap fails at any point, you can start it again and it will continue where it left off. No things already built will be built again.

If you have an incompatible system and wish to do a source bootstrap, you can run most of the process provided that Chimera already has existing binary packages for the architecture. In this case, the host system requirements are identical to regular builds without source bootstrap.

This is done by pre-bootstrapping a stage 0 environment from binaries:

$ ./cbuild -b bldroot-stage0 binary-bootstrap

Also see the note about certificates in the "Build Root Setup" section.

After that, you can run the bootstrap command as usual. The stage 0 will be skipped (but it's largely unnecessary due to the environment already being a Chimera environment and not dependent on host toolchain) but every other stage will build.

Cbuild Reference

Every cbuild action consists of the following:

$ ./cbuild [optional arguments] COMMAND [command arguments]

For commands that take a package name (i.e. a slash is present in the arg), you can also swap the order:

$ ./cbuild [optional arguments] PACKAGE COMMAND [additional arguments]

This is a minor convenience feature as in "perform action on package".

The order of reading settings is the following:

  1. Optional arguments or command arguments
  2. Configuration file
  3. Default value

That is, if you pass a setting on the command line, it is always prefered. Otherwise, it is read from the configuration file. If this is not possible, the default value is used.

Optional Arguments

Optional arguments are global, separate from the command. However, some of them only have an effect with specific commands.

  • --allow-unsigned Do not sign packages and allow building without a signing key set up.
  • -A ARCH, --host-arch ARCH Override the host architecture. The given host arch must be runnable on the current kernel. This is typically useful for e.g. 32-bit builds on 64-bit architectures, or for emulated targets. Note that once a build root is bootstrapped, it decides the host architecture exclusively, so this is mostly useful for actions that bootstrap a new root.
  • -a ARCH, --arch ARCH Build for architecture ARCH, possibly cross compiling.
  • -b ROOT, --build-root ROOT (default: bldroot) Set the path to the build root to use.
  • -B PATH, --build-dir PATH (default: empty) Set the path to the directory where builds will happen. If not set, builddir inside the build root will be used as is. Otherwise, it will be bound to the given path (which will be created if necessary).
  • --bulk-continue When doing bulk builds, do not abort the whole bulk if a package fails. This may result in incorrect build order.
  • -c PATH, --config PATH (default: etc/config.ini) The path to the config file that cbuild reads configuration data from. If relative, it is to cports.
  • -C, --skip-check Never attempt to run the check phase.
  • -D, --dirty-build Skip installation of dependencies in the bldroot, as well as removal of automatic dependencies after successful build, and do not clean the remains of a previous build of the template from builddir and destdir. This is mostly useful to continue previous failed builds. For chroot, it skips repository index refresh.
  • --dry-run Do not perform any changes on the file system. This applies to only specific commands, notably the prune- commands.
  • -f, --force Packages will be created and overwritten even if one already exists in the local repository.
  • -G, --no-dbg Do not build -dbg packages.
  • -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS (default: thread count) The number of build jobs to use. By default uses the number of CPUs the cbuild run is restricted to (which is usually the number of CPU threads you have). If you have insufficient RAM (at least 2GB per thread is recommended), you will want to lower this. Setting to 0 uses the default.
  • -K, --keep-temporary Keep temporary build files after a successful build, this includes the builddir and destdir. If using a temporary build root, it will not be removed.
  • -L, --no-color Color output will be suppressed. By default color output is used, unless NO_COLOR is set in the environment or the output is being redirected/piped.
  • -N, --no-remote Never use remote repositories to fetch dependencies.
  • -r REPO, --repository-path REPO (default: packages) Set the path to the local repository to build packages in.
  • -R REPO, --alt-repository REPO (default: None) Create packages into an alternative repository. This is a completely separate repository path. When installing dependencies, both repositories are considered; when checking for whether to build at all, only the alternative repository is considered. This is useful for doing various quick tests and so on without messing up your main repo, while still pulling build dependencies from the primary one.
  • -s SOURCES, --sources-path SOURCES (default: sources) Set the path to the sources cache.
  • --stage Keep newly built packages staged. They will get unstaged either with the next build or by explicitly doing so.
  • --stage-path REPO (default: pkgstage) Packages are staged into a separate location before being migrated into the primary repository. This separate location mirrors the primary repository's layout. This allows one to "hide" changes until they are ready, for example until all shlibs are properly bumped.
  • --status-fd N A file descriptor number (must be open) to be used for status reporting in bulk builds.
  • -t, --temporary Create a temporary bldroot for the build. The -b argument is used as a base path as well as the name prefix for the temporary root if provided. The temporary root is removed at the end (whether the build succeeded or failed) unless --keep-temporary is passed.
  • --update-check Do not permit a build for a template that has broken update checking or has newer versions available.


The following commands are recognized:

  • binary-bootstrap Create a build root from local packages. The local repository must be populated, or a sufficient remote repository must be available.
  • bootstrap [STAGE] Bootstrap from source. If STAGE is passed, stop at that stage (number). By default, that is 2. Stage 0 bootstrap must be run in a compatible host system.
  • bootstrap-update Update the packages in your build root to latest. Acts like binary-bootstrap if the bldroot does not exist.
  • bulk-pkg Given a list of bulk expressions (may be zero, see below), perform a bulk build. The templates are sorted topologically, accounting for any intermediate deps so that the build order is always guaranteed correct. A status file descriptor (--status-fd) may be given, in which case the final status of each template's build is written on a new line, in the format NAME STATUS. The STATUS may be skipped (if skipped because of previous failure), invalid (if an invalid template is given), missing (if the template is a valid name but it's not found), parse (if it was found but failed to parse), broken (if it's explicitly marked broken), failed (if it failed to build) or ok. The bulk expressions themselves may be a variety of things; if given no expressions, a full bulk build of the whole cports is performed, otherwise the inputs may be simple template names (like for pkg), category names (e.g. main), or special expressions. The special expressions include list:XXX (a list of template names separated by whitespace, but given as a single string), file:PATH (a file containing a list of bulk expressions each on a new line), - or file:- (expressions are collected from stdin), status:unbuilt (all templates that would be printed by print-unbuilt), status:outdated (all templates that would be printed by print-outdated), status:FILE (given a status file emitted by --status-fd in a previous bulk, build those that were skipped or failed to build; broken/invalid/missing/built templates are not included), or git:EXPR (templates affected by the given Git expression; this may be a single commit or a range of commits (A..B, half-open interval like regular Git ranges), the commit may be represented by a name (e.g. branch name, HEAD and others, just like in Git) and may include a positive or negative commit message grep (e.g. git:COMMIT+GREP where GREP may be optionally prefixed with ^, which makes the expression case-insensitive, and !, which makes the match negative).
  • bulk-print Like bulk-pkg, but only print the template names instead of building them. The status reporting still works but obviously won't include build failures, only parse failures and the likes.
  • bulk-raw Perform a raw bulk build. In this mode, only template names may be given, no special expressions, and no sorting is done, i.e. packages are built in the order that is given.
  • bump-pkgrel Given a list of template names (at least one), increase the pkgrel number by one for each.
  • chroot Enter the build root with an interactive shell. In this environment, the root is mostly unsandboxed, i.e. writable and with network access. You can use this kind of environment for quick testing, as well as entering failed builds and inspecting them. By default it starts in /tmp but you can also pass a template name and then it will start inside the template's build directory if it exists (or /builddir if not).
  • clean Clean up the build root. This means removing automatic dependencies and removing builddir and destdir within.
  • cycle-check Scan all templates or a single template for build-time dependency cycles. Only one cycle at a time is printed. The goal is to keep the tree free of cycles at all times. Therefore, if you encounter a cycle, resolve it and check again.
  • dump Dump serialized template metadata in JSON format for all of cports.
  • deps, fetch, extract, prepare, patch, configure, build, check, install, pkg Given an argument of template path (category/name) this will invoke the build process for the given template up until the given phase. The pkg phase contains all of the others. For example, configure will invoke all of fetch, extract, prepare, patch and configure phases before stopping there. A complete pkg will also take care of automatically cleaning up afterwards, unless overridden. The build will not run if an up to date version of the package already exists in the local repository, unless overridden with -f or --force, when using the "pkg" target. Other targets will run always unless already finished in builddir (you can make them always run regardless by passing -f or --force).
  • index When not given a path, reindex all known repositories. When given a path, reindex a specific repository. Only either the host architecture or the -a architecture are indexed, and the path should not include the architecture.
  • invoke-custom Takes a target name and a package. Invokes a custom-defined template-specific target function. Typically used to handle logic for generation of bootstrap bindists, kernel config refresh, and the likes.
  • keygen [PREFIX [KEYSIZE]] Generate your signing key. You can optionally specify the prefix (typically an email) and key size (2048 by default). The configuration file will automatically be updated if no existing setting is present. If an existing setting is present and you don't specify anything on command line and there is no pre-existing key, it will be generated. The system will not overwrite keys that already exist (i.e. if a valid key is specified in configuration, this will fail).
  • lint Read and parse the template, and do lint checks on it. Do nothing else. Error on failures.
  • list-outdated Sort of like print-outdated, but separate the outputs by newlines and include a version (in the format PNAME=PVER) if possible.
  • list-unbuilt Sort of like print-unbuilt, but separate the outputs by newlines and include a version (in the format PNAME=PVER) if possible.
  • prepare-upgrade Given a template name (one), read the template, fetch its sources, update the sha256 fields appropriately to match what was downloaded, and reset pkgrel to zero. Note that you still need to manually check whether the downloaded sources are good, don't trust it blindly.
  • print-build-graph Given a template name, print the build graph like if the repository was empty, accounting for dependencies. Each further build level (i.e. when a template is built as a dependency of another) is indented by an extra space. Otherwise, the template names are printed on their own lines.
  • print-outdated Parse all templates and compare the local repository against them. Print a spaces-separated list of templates that are out of date but present in the repo. Templates that are not buildable are not included.
  • print-unbuilt Parse all templates and compare the local repository against them. Print a spaces-separated list of templates that are either out of date or missing. Templates that are not buildable are not included.
  • prune-pkgs Like running prune-obsolete followed by prune-removed.
  • prune-obsolete Prune obsolete packages within all repositories for the current architecture (can be set with -a). This works for recursively searching for APKINDEX.tar.gz within the repository path (-r or default) and using those paths as repositories.
  • prune-removed Prune removed packages within all repositories for the current architecture (can be set with -a). This works for recursively searching for APKINDEX.tar.gz within the repository path (-r or default) and using those paths as repositories. The affected repositories are reindexed afterwards.
  • prune-sources Given no arguments, clean up the sources/. That includes removing any sources that are no longer referred to by any template, as well as any other unrelated files.
  • relink-subpkgs Recreate subpackage symlinks for a template. If not given any arguments, it will do it for all available templates. Otherwise, it will do it for the given template. Invalid symlinks will be deleted when the global action is performed, otherwise symlinks will only be created or replaced. For the global action, passing prune as an argument will result in the command also removing invalid directories (not containing templates) and files.
  • remove-autodeps Remove automatic dependencies possibly installed in the build root.
  • unstage Attempt unstaging the repositories if possible. If conflicts prevent it from doing so (i.e. missing rebuilds and so on) you will get a warning instead, and nothing will happen. Warnings will result in return code 32, success is 0, other values are a failure.
  • unstage-check-remote Treating the local repository as a stage, check if the local packages would unstage cleanly in the remote repo. This is useful to check if you've missed some rebuilds locally when rebuilding for changed SONAMEs and so on.
  • update-check Check the given template for new versions. An extra argument (may be any) makes the output verbose. See the relevant section inside the packaging manual.
  • zap Remove the build root.

Configuration File

Most options can be specified in the configuration file as well. The system reads etc/config.ini by default (can be changed with -c). It follows a standard ini format of Python configparser.

There is a sample configuration file in etc/config.ini.example. It contains every option that can be specified, with its default value. You do not need to specify every option in your own configuration file, this file is only for reference.

Cross Compiling

The cbuild system is fully capable of cross compiling. The same architecture profile can be used for both native and cross builds, and in a lot of cases the process can be entirely transparent.

Unlike native builds, cross builds are not capable of running the check phase so it is always skipped.

Cross compiling is nearly identical to compiling natively. You just need to do something like this:

$ ./cbuild -a aarch64 pkg main/zlib

The system will automatically take care of setting up an architecture sysroot within the build root and preparing it for installing makedepends. If the necessary toolchain packages for the cross architecture do not exist, they are built first. Cross sysroots are persistent, i.e. they are permanently set up in your build root, but have the same guarantees as the rest of the root, so once they are set up they should never get corrupt.


The builds will transparently use ccache to speed things up if enabled. This does not apply to bootstrap, which never uses the cache.

You can enable this in your config.ini by setting ccache = yes in the build section. The cache will be stored in the ccache subdirectory of the cbuild caches path (by default cbuild_cache, see config.ini.example for how to change it).


If you still need help, you should be able to get your answers in our IRC channel (#chimera-linux on or our Matrix channel ( The two are linked, so use whichever you prefer.