If for some reason you do not want to use the built-in DSL, be it because you want to use your IDE's autocompletion or because you prefer object-oriented APIs, know that it's possible!
The K-Phoen/rulerz-spec-builder
package provides an object-oriented
API to build Specifications for RulerZ:
# no_execute
// gender = "F" and points > 3000 becomes:
$spec = Expr::andX(
Expr::equals('gender', 'F'),
Expr::moreThan('points', 3000)
// (gender = "F" and points > 3000) or (gender = 'M' and points < 3000) becomes:
$spec = Expr::orX(
Expr::equals('gender', 'F'),
Expr::moreThan('points', 3000)
Expr::equals('gender', 'M'),
Expr::lessThan('points', 3000)
See the package's documentation for more details.
Return to the index to explore the other possibilities of the library