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KEditor version 1.1.3

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@ducdhm ducdhm released this 08 Sep 18:52
· 350 commits to master since this release


  • Support initialize KEditor from textarea #22
  • Move data-* attributes for dynamic component to snippet #23
  • Configurable container #24
 * @option {Boolean} containerSettingEnabled Enable setting panel for container
 * @option {Function} containerSettingInitFunction Method will be called when initializing setting panel for container
 * @option {Function} containerSettingShowFunction Method will be called when setting panel for container is showed
 * @option {Function} containerSettingHideFunction Method will be called when setting panel for container is hidden
  • Enable to add more tab in sidebar #25
 * @option {Object} extraTabs Extra tabs besides Containers and Components tabs in sidebar. Format: { tabName: { text: 'My Extra Tab #1', title: 'My Extra Tab #1', content: 'Here is content of My Extra Tab #1' } }
  • Support title for snippet #26
 * @option {Boolean} snippetsTooltipEnabled Bootstrap tooltip is enable for snippet or not
 * @option {String} snippetsTooltipPosition Position of Bootstrap tooltip for snippet. Can be 'left', 'right', 'top' and 'bottom'
  • Hide setting panel if
    • Setting container is deleting container
    • Container of setting component is deleting container
  • Support customized title and Bootstrap tooltil for tab in sidebar
 * @option {String} tabContainersText Text for Containers tab
 * @option {String} tabContainersTitle Title for Containers tab
 * @option {String} tabComponentsText Text for Components tab
 * @option {String} tabComponentsTitle Title for Components tab
 * @option {Boolean} tabTooltipEnabled Bootstrap Tooltip is enabled for Component and Container tab or not
  • Fix bug "Can not drop container into duplicated container" #28
  • initSettingForm, showSettingForm, hideSettingForm, init, destroy, getContent methods are optional in component type handle
  • Default component type will be blank component
  • Force font style for KEditor controls
  • Update style for Preview: Increasing padding of .keditor-snippet and decrease width of preview photo from 200px to 180px
  • Fix bug niceScroll is displayed incorrect position when switching tab