- The library has been updated to use C++17
- Support for Conan has been dropped
- The terminal class has been re-worked to use a continuation-based approach consistent with Console++, Server++ and Telnet++.
- Conan packages are still built for Terminal++, but it is no longer required for building.
- Added some constants for a more accessible colour palette.
- Now uses the Conan package manager for managing its dependencies.
- Migrated from CppUnit to GTest
- Pre-computed values of high_colour and greyscale_colour, which reduced the size of terminalpp::element from 16B to 12B.
- A utility for creating strings with embedded ANSI attributes
- terminalpp::string
- This will be immediately useful in line-oriented programs to construct and output streams of attributed (coloured, emboldened, underlined, etc.) text.
- A utility for managing ANSI escape codes that are not bound to specific characters. For example, commands for moving the cursor, changing the screen's title, clearing the screen, etc.
- terminalpp::terminal
- Utilities for managing screens of attributed characters
- terminalpp::canvas
- terminalpp::screen
- This will be useful for those who wish to develop a more graphical or "curses-style" user interface.