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Terraform Modules

This repo aims to be a registry of useful terraform modules.

It contains the following modules:


Deploys an autoscaling group and the launch template, configured to allow SSM into the instances, inside the given subnets. We allow all outbound to VPC, the outbound on port 443 to anything (for SSM to work) and we also allow inbound port 80 (as the associated load balancer will terminate TLS and forward the request using that port). The autoscaling will be placed behind the Load Balancer passed as input.


A fully working Codepipeline setup with the following stages:

  • Source -> Getting triggered via a github push using codestart connection;
  • Build -> CodeBuild container running unit and integration tests for the code;
  • Deploy -> CodeDeploy associated with the autoscaling group which deploys the new revision on the instances. The deploy mechanism is IN PLACE with TRAFFIC CONTROL.

Document Db

Deploys a cluster of DocumentDB in High Availability. There will be three instances, one will be the Controller for both reads and writes while the other twos are for read-only loads. The Security groups of these DB instances will allow inbound and outbound only to and from the Autoscaling Group's Security group.


This will contain the user data for the ec2 instances in the autoscaling group. At this point it will install and setup the following services:

  • Nginx
  • CloudWatch Agent
  • CodeDeploy Agent
  • MongoShell

Autoscaling ECS

This module provides the Application Autoscaling for the ECS cluster. It will create 2 scaling policies:

  • CPU usage
  • Memory usage


Creates an ECR repository where the ECS cluster will take the image from.

Creates the ECS cluster to be run as a FARGATE, service and task definition (in the future, the task should be passed as a variable)


Deploys a Load Balancer, creating an health check target at /status/health, creating a CNAME and an ACM certificate to associate for TLS encryption.


Deploys a VPC using either the specified Cidr block of using an AWS IPAM. It creates 3 public subnets and 3 private subnets. Internet gateway for public subnets, NAT gateway for private subnets. It is also possible to let the module create a private hosted zone associated with the VPC.

Network Simple

Same as Network but it does deploy only a single NAT Gateway

Run terraform commands on examples


  1. Check the on the examples you wish to deploy to check how it works (in the examples folder);

  2. The Makefile aims to contain userful targets to allow for an easy and fast deployment of the terraform code. In particular, the parameters that can be changed are:


    The REGION parameter, if changed, should also be changed in the of the terraform code.

    The SSM_PARAMETER_TERRAFORM_S3_BUCKET should contain an SSM parameter name which value is the S3 bucket containing the terraform statefiles. In fact, in the Makefile target terraform/init, there is a command to get the content of the parameter from AWS parameter store.

    Instead of getting the bucket name in this way, it could be just hard-coded in the Makefile like the TERRAFORM_STATE_KEY.

Install Dependencies

There is a target, using the variable TERRAFORM_VERSION, which installs terraform (it downloads the zip, unzip it and move the binary to a path in PATH):

make install/terraform

Deploy Terraform

By default, the Makefile will deploy the terraform code in examples/complete. In order to do that, just issue:

make terraform/init

And then

make terraform/plan

Ensure that your AWS credentials are in your environment variables


make terraform/apply

Deploy specific example folder

EXAMPLE_NAME=complete-ecs make terraform/init
EXAMPLE_NAME=complete-ecs make terraform/plan
EXAMPLE_NAME=complete-ecs make terraform/apply