- Include Wi-Fi and ThingSpeak directories.
- Installing Thingspeak. Goto Sketch---Include Library---Manage Libraries---Write in Library Manage ‘Thingspeak’---Install latest version
- Note that if already have wi-fi directory no need to install it again.
- Goto www.google.com. Google -thingspeak login---Sign-in
- Create account if you don’t have one. Use official/organization e-mail ID. Location [Country Name]. Your name etc--- Continue
- Goto Channels --- My Channels--- New Channel
- Write Channel name, description (not mandatory)---Create two fields. Field 1- temp in degrees Celsius. Field 2- temp in Fahrenheit. Save.
- Copy Channel ID and paste it in the code. long myChannelNumber = 1587542;
- Goto API keys. Copy API key (Write API Key) and paste it in the code. const char myWriteAPIKey[] = "OMVXC2R3UOKGBNV1";
- Enter the wifi login and password in the code. Line 11. WiFi.begin("Login","Password");
- Write code for reading data from LM35 temperature sensor Code. ThingSpeak.begin(client); ------ Starts thingspeak ThingSpeak.writeField (myChannelNumber, 1, tempc, myWriteAPIKey); ----- Displays temp in the field in thingspeak.
- Make hardware connections using node MCU and LM35, to sense and measure temperature.
- Upload sketch. The data (temp) will be displayed in the serial monitor. Also it will be collected and uploaded on cloud and displayed in the two fields.
- Observe the outputs.