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496 lines (331 loc) · 13.8 KB

forge script

Run a smart contract as a script, building transactions that can be sent onchain

$ forge script --help
Usage: forge script [OPTIONS] <PATH> [ARGS]...

          The contract you want to run. Either the file path or contract name.
          If multiple contracts exist in the same file you must specify the
          target contract with --target-contract.

          Arguments to pass to the script function

      --target-contract <CONTRACT_NAME>
          The name of the contract you want to run
          [aliases: tc]

  -s, --sig <SIG>
          The signature of the function you want to call in the contract, or raw
          [default: run()]

      --priority-gas-price <PRICE>
          Max priority fee per gas for EIP1559 transactions
          [env: ETH_PRIORITY_GAS_PRICE=]

          Use legacy transactions instead of EIP1559 ones.
          This is auto-enabled for common networks without EIP1559.

          Broadcasts the transactions

      --batch-size <BATCH_SIZE>
          Batch size of transactions.
          This is ignored and set to 1 if batching is not available or `--slow`
          is enabled.
          [default: 100]

          Skips on-chain simulation

  -g, --gas-estimate-multiplier <GAS_ESTIMATE_MULTIPLIER>
          Relative percentage to multiply gas estimates by
          [default: 130]

          Send via `eth_sendTransaction` using the `--from` argument or
          `$ETH_FROM` as sender

          Resumes submitting transactions that failed or timed-out previously.
          It DOES NOT simulate the script again and it expects nonces to have
          remained the same.
          Example: If transaction N has a nonce of 22, then the account should
          have a nonce of 22, otherwise it fails.

          If present, --resume or --verify will be assumed to be a multi chain

          Open the script in the debugger.
          Takes precedence over broadcast.

          Makes sure a transaction is sent, only after its previous one has been
          confirmed and succeeded

          Disables interactive prompts that might appear when deploying big
          For more info on the contract size limit, see EIP-170:

      --etherscan-api-key <KEY>
          The Etherscan (or equivalent) API key
          [env: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=]

          Verifies all the contracts found in the receipts of a script, if any

          Output results in JSON format

      --with-gas-price <PRICE>
          Gas price for legacy transactions, or max fee per gas for EIP1559
          transactions, either specified in wei, or as a string with a unit
          Examples: 1ether, 10gwei, 0.01ether
          [env: ETH_GAS_PRICE=]

      --timeout <TIMEOUT>
          Timeout to use for broadcasting transactions
          [env: ETH_TIMEOUT=]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Cache options:
          Clear the cache and artifacts folder and recompile

Build options:
          Disable the cache

          Use EOF-enabled solc binary. Enables via-ir and sets EVM version to
          Prague. Requires Docker to be installed.
          Note that this is a temporary solution until the EOF support is merged
          into the main solc release.

      --skip <SKIP>...
          Skip building files whose names contain the given filter.
          `test` and `script` are aliases for `.t.sol` and `.s.sol`.

Linker options:
      --libraries <LIBRARIES>
          Set pre-linked libraries
          [env: DAPP_LIBRARIES=]

Compiler options:
      --ignored-error-codes <ERROR_CODES>
          Ignore solc warnings by error code

          Warnings will trigger a compiler error

          Do not auto-detect the `solc` version

      --use <SOLC_VERSION>
          Specify the solc version, or a path to a local solc, to build with.
          Valid values are in the format `x.y.z`, `solc:x.y.z` or

          Do not access the network.
          Missing solc versions will not be installed.

          Use the Yul intermediate representation compilation pipeline

          Do not append any metadata to the bytecode.
          This is equivalent to setting `bytecode_hash` to `none` and
          `cbor_metadata` to `false`.

          Don't print anything on startup

          Includes the AST as JSON in the compiler output

      --evm-version <VERSION>
          The target EVM version

          Activate the Solidity optimizer

      --optimizer-runs <RUNS>
          The number of runs specifies roughly how often each opcode of the
          deployed code will be executed across the life-time of the contract.
          This means it is a trade-off parameter between code size (deploy cost)
          and code execution cost (cost after deployment). An `optimizer_runs`
          parameter of `1` will produce short but expensive code. In contrast, a
          larger `optimizer_runs` parameter will produce longer but more gas
          efficient code

      --extra-output <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to include in the contract's artifact.
          Example keys: evm.assembly, ewasm, ir, irOptimized, metadata
          For a full description, see

      --extra-output-files <SELECTOR>...
          Extra output to write to separate files.
          Valid values: metadata, ir, irOptimized, ewasm, evm.assembly

Project options:
  -o, --out <PATH>
          The path to the contract artifacts folder

      --revert-strings <REVERT>
          Revert string configuration.
          Possible values are "default", "strip" (remove), "debug"
          (Solidity-generated revert strings) and "verboseDebug"

          Generate build info files

      --build-info-path <PATH>
          Output path to directory that build info files will be written to

      --root <PATH>
          The project's root path.
          By default root of the Git repository, if in one, or the current
          working directory.

  -C, --contracts <PATH>
          The contracts source directory

  -R, --remappings <REMAPPINGS>
          The project's remappings

      --remappings-env <ENV>
          The project's remappings from the environment

      --cache-path <PATH>
          The path to the compiler cache

      --lib-paths <PATH>
          The path to the library folder

          Use the Hardhat-style project layout.
          This is the same as using: `--contracts contracts --lib-paths
          [aliases: hh]

      --config-path <FILE>
          Path to the config file

Wallet options - raw:
  -a, --froms [<ADDRESSES>...]
          The sender accounts
          [env: ETH_FROM=]

  -i, --interactives <NUM>
          Open an interactive prompt to enter your private key.
          Takes a value for the number of keys to enter.
          [default: 0]

      --private-keys <RAW_PRIVATE_KEYS>
          Use the provided private keys

      --private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>
          Use the provided private key

      --mnemonics <MNEMONICS>
          Use the mnemonic phrases of mnemonic files at the specified paths

      --mnemonic-passphrases <PASSPHRASE>
          Use a BIP39 passphrases for the mnemonic

      --mnemonic-derivation-paths <PATH>
          The wallet derivation path.
          Works with both --mnemonic-path and hardware wallets.

      --mnemonic-indexes <INDEXES>
          Use the private key from the given mnemonic index.
          Can be used with --mnemonics, --ledger, --aws and --trezor.
          [default: 0]

Wallet options - keystore:
      --keystore <PATHS>
          Use the keystore by its filename in the given folder
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE=]
          [aliases: keystores]

      --account <ACCOUNT_NAMES>
          Use a keystore from the default keystores folder
          (~/.foundry/keystores) by its filename
          [env: ETH_KEYSTORE_ACCOUNT=]
          [aliases: accounts]

      --password <PASSWORDS>
          The keystore password.
          Used with --keystore.

      --password-file <PATHS>
          The keystore password file path.
          Used with --keystore.
          [env: ETH_PASSWORD=]

Wallet options - hardware wallet:
  -l, --ledger
          Use a Ledger hardware wallet

  -t, --trezor
          Use a Trezor hardware wallet

Wallet options - remote:
          Use AWS Key Management Service

EVM options:
  -f, --fork-url <URL>
          Fetch state over a remote endpoint instead of starting from an empty
          If you want to fetch state from a specific block number, see
          [aliases: rpc-url]

      --fork-block-number <BLOCK>
          Fetch state from a specific block number over a remote endpoint.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retries <RETRIES>
          Number of retries.
          See --fork-url.

      --fork-retry-backoff <BACKOFF>
          Initial retry backoff on encountering errors.
          See --fork-url.

          Explicitly disables the use of RPC caching.
          All storage slots are read entirely from the endpoint.
          This flag overrides the project's configuration file.
          See --fork-url.

      --initial-balance <BALANCE>
          The initial balance of deployed test contracts

      --sender <ADDRESS>
          The address which will be executing tests/scripts

          Enable the FFI cheatcode

          Use the create 2 factory in all cases including tests and
          non-broadcasting scripts

  -v, --verbosity...
          Verbosity of the EVM.
          Pass multiple times to increase the verbosity (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv).
          Verbosity levels:
          - 2: Print logs for all tests
          - 3: Print execution traces for failing tests
          - 4: Print execution traces for all tests, and setup traces for
          failing tests
          - 5: Print execution and setup traces for all tests

Fork config:
      --compute-units-per-second <CUPS>
          Sets the number of assumed available compute units per second for this
          default value: 330
          See also --fork-url and

          Disables rate limiting for this node's provider.
          See also --fork-url and
          [aliases: no-rate-limit]

Executor environment config:
      --gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --code-size-limit <CODE_SIZE>
          EIP-170: Contract code size limit in bytes. Useful to increase this
          because of tests. By default, it is 0x6000 (~25kb)

      --chain <CHAIN>
          The chain name or EIP-155 chain ID
          [aliases: chain-id]

      --gas-price <GAS_PRICE>
          The gas price

      --block-base-fee-per-gas <FEE>
          The base fee in a block
          [aliases: base-fee]

      --tx-origin <ADDRESS>
          The transaction origin

      --block-coinbase <ADDRESS>
          The coinbase of the block

      --block-timestamp <TIMESTAMP>
          The timestamp of the block

      --block-number <BLOCK>
          The block number

      --block-difficulty <DIFFICULTY>
          The block difficulty

      --block-prevrandao <PREVRANDAO>
          The block prevrandao value. NOTE: Before merge this field was mix_hash

      --block-gas-limit <GAS_LIMIT>
          The block gas limit

      --memory-limit <MEMORY_LIMIT>
          The memory limit per EVM execution in bytes. If this limit is
          exceeded, a `MemoryLimitOOG` result is thrown.
          The default is 128MiB.

          Whether to disable the block gas limit checks
          [aliases: no-gas-limit]

          Whether to enable isolation of calls. In isolation mode all top-level
          calls are executed as a separate transaction in a separate EVM
          context, enabling more precise gas accounting and transaction state

          Whether to enable Alphanet features

      --retries <RETRIES>
          Number of attempts for retrying verification
          [default: 5]

      --delay <DELAY>
          Optional delay to apply in between verification attempts, in seconds
          [default: 5]

Verifier options:
      --verifier <VERIFIER>
          The contract verification provider to use
          [default: etherscan]
          [possible values: etherscan, sourcify, blockscout, oklink]

      --verifier-url <VERIFIER_URL>
          The verifier URL, if using a custom provider
          [env: VERIFIER_URL=]