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103 lines (70 loc) · 4.52 KB


In our works, we have evaluated the methods from various levels:

  • example level: treating it as an ML task, compute metrics of learning task
  • sequence level: simulate a real mis-synched scenario and evaluate how much it has been corrected
  • end-to-end level: integrated with off-the-shelf SLAM algorithm, LIMO

This readme walks thru the preparations you need to do before you can run the evaluations. At the end, I forward you to the subfolder's documentation for more detailed steps.


(This section only applies to those who do the training and would like to continue.)

As you can see, there are many operators in the licas3_model that are useless for evaluation. Especially if you would like to deploy this model, your inference graph is pbbly not even the same as the training graph. Namely, the first step is to load the pre-trained model weights into an inference graph, then freeze it. This can even make your evaluations faster! This is also how we obtained the evaluation protobufs from checkpoints.

Go to training/experiments folder, and you will see the following three modules:

which corresponds to the h and g model (supervised learning model only has h model) of each method.

Create Inference Protobuf

Take kitti as an example. Assume your trained checkpoints are saved under results/save/licas3_kitti_sample_01_stride_05_beam_64_downsample_05/1619474131.9902055, then you can run the following inside the docker:

python -m process \
--config_fp ../configs/licas3_kitti.yaml \
--from_dir results/save/licas3_kitti_sample_01_stride_05_beam_64_downsample_05/1619474131.9902055 \ # Update this
--to_dir inference/licas3_kitti_sample_01_stride_05_beam_64_downsample05@1619474131.9902055 \
--to_name best

(It's important that you append the timestamp after the experiment name separated by @.)

Then you shall see a frozen inference h model from your licas3 kitti experiment saved under inference folder.

Similarly, you can do the same to the rest with the correct configurations:

python -m process \
--config_fp ../configs/licas3_kitti.yaml \
--from_dir results/${UPDATE_THIS \ 
--to_dir inference/${UPDATE_THIS} \
--to_name best
python -m process \
--config_fp ../configs/sl_kitti.yaml \
--from_dir results/${UPDATE_THIS \ 
--to_dir inference/${UPDATE_THIS} \
--to_name best

One potential issue that you may meet in future is that the frozen g model may have some issue while doing inference at the same environment with ROS. If you meet this issue, you can do the following instead to force all operator conversion happen in CPU instead of GPU. Except for your later benchmark will be come a litttttttle bit slower, no hurts at all!

export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= && python -m process \
--config_fp ../configs/licas3_kitti.yaml \
--from_dir results/${UPDATE_THIS \ 
--to_dir inference/${UPDATE_THIS} \
--to_name best

Download Extra Newer College Labelling

As described in the paper that we have manually labelled a small datasets of Newer College, you may need this during the evaluation process. You can skip this if you are not interested in comparing LiCaS3 with the baseline.

Check complementary_newer_college_datasets/ for more details.

Pre-trained Model

Pre-trained models can be downloaded with this link:

Run Evaluations

For the three levels evaluations, we split them into two folders since the example-level and scenario-level shares lots of code and all test over datasets, instead of ROS: