This documentation contains a set of guidelines to help you during the contribution process. All and any contributions are welcome from anyone willing to improve this project. Thank you for helping out and remember: no contribution is too small.
To submit any contributions, please follow the process and workflow below.
- Take a look at all the Open issues or create new issues!
- Wait for the issue to be assigned to you. Once assigned, you're free to start working on it.
- Note : Every change in this project should/must have an associated issue!
- Fork this repository. This will create a 'local copy' of this repository on your Github Profile.
$ git clone<your-username>/automatic-file-sorter
$ cd Amazing-Python-Scripts
$ git remote add upstream
- If you have already forked the project, update your copy before working.
$ git remote update
$ git checkout <branch-name>
$ git rebase upstream/<branch-name>
Create a new branch. Use its name to identify the issue your addressing.
# It will create a new branch with name Branch_Name and switch to that branch
$ git checkout -b branch_name
- Work on the issue(s) assigned to you.
- Add all the files/folders needed.
- After you've made changes or made your contribution to the project, add changes to the branch you've just created by:
# To add all new files to branch Branch_Name
$ git add .
- To commit give a descriptive message, so that everyone can understand what changes you've made. In the Git CLI, you can do this by:
# This message get associated with all files you have changed
$ git commit -m 'message
- NOTE: A Pull Request should have only one commit. Multiple commits should be squashed(compiled into one).
- Once you're sure you've included everything you needed in your commit, upload your changes to your fork:
# To push your work to your remote repository
$ git push -u origin Branch_Name
Go to your repository in browser and click on 'Compare and Pull Requests'. Then add a title and description to your pull request that explains your contribution.
Once your Pull Request has been submitted, it will be reviewed and merged if valid.
You can refer to the following articles on basics of Git and Github in case you are stuck: