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Linux and Terminal

File metadata and controls

134 lines (92 loc) · 6.47 KB


  • A Terminal Emulator is basically Program that will let us used the Terminal in graphical way. Using Terminal We can able to control our Operating system. Example- Command "mkdir demo"- From this command we can create a new demo folder.


  • Shell is a Command line interface that will interpret our Commands and convert those and tell the Operating System, What to do.

Environment Variable

  • An environment variable is a "Dynamic-Named Value That Can Affect The Way Running Process Will behave On a Computer". Also we have set the Variable name before using it.

Linux & Terminal Command

  • image

    Basically "where" Command is looking for that where the 'python3 file' is located"

  • image

    ls Command Stands for List (basically "ls" command is displaying all the folder and file in the paticular folder where will you run the command)

  • image

    It is for basically creating a new folder in home directory.

  • image

    It is for changing the home directory to given folderName/path

  • image

    It is used to go one folder back from your current directory

  • image

    It is used to display what do you want to display. Example- ~echo $path This command is used to display all directories specified by path in the environment variable.

  • pwd

    Stands for "Print working directory", Basically pwd command is print/display the path directory,where are you working from.

  • ls (list directory contents)

     lists tags-
     • ls -a (It is display the all files including hidden files)
     • ls -l (It is display the file with long details)
     • ls -al (It is display the all the files including hidden files with long detatils)
     • ls -R ( It will display the all files also in sub-directory)
  • cd (Change Directory)

         • cd .. ( Change path directory one step back)
  • cat (Concatenate files to standard Output)

      • cat > name.txt    (creating a new file)
            Hi, My name is sanjeet,    (cntrl + c   to save the file)
      • cat name.txt       (display the information or data in it)
      • cat surname.txt    (creating a new file)
           Hi, My surname is kumar  (cntrl + c    to save the file)
      • cat name.txt surname.txt > fullname.txt    (Create a new file that is fullname.txt, 
           then Concatenation of name.txt or surname.txt will be assign in fullname.txt)
      • cat fullname.txt       (display the data of fullname.txt)
      • echo "halo" (It will display halo)
      • echo "halo" > greet.txt  (It will create a new file and "halo" will be assign in the file)
      • cat greet.txt    (It will display the data of greet.txt file)
      • cat greet.txt | tr a-z A-Z >upper.txt (
  • df (report file system disk space usage)

    •df -h (report file system disk space usage in human readable format)
  • du (estimate file space usage)

    •du -h ( display size in human readable format )
  • mv (move (rename) files)

  • cp (copy files and directores of existing files or directories)

    • cp -R   (cp will continue copy even if errors are detected)
    • cp -f   (cp      
  • rm (remove files or directories)

    •rm -d  (remove empty directories)
    •rm -R  (rm will continue remove even if errors are detected)
    •rm -f  (To remove files or directories forcefully)
  • rename (renames files)

  • sudo (Super User do- execute a command as another user, for executing commands you have to enter User Account PASSWORD )

  • vi (vim) (A programer text editor)

  • head (output the first part of files)

         •head -n "files name"  (print n lines from start line of files)
  • tail (output the last part of files)

         •tail -n "files name"  (print n lines from last line of files)
  • diff (compare file line by line)

  • locate (for Finding Files)

  • find ( It is basically used to listing me the files or directories)

    • find .  (listing me files or directories in the current directory)
    • find .. (listing me files or directories in the previous directory)
    • find . -type d  (listing me only directories in the current directory)
    • find .. -type d  (listing me only directories in the previous directory)
    • find . -type f  (listing me only files in the current directory)
    • find . -type f -name "name.txt" (This command is finding the file through name "name.txt" in the current directory)
    • find . -type f -name "two*" (This command is finding the (* means can anything come over here) file using * name)
    • find . -type f -name "*.txt" (This command will listed only those file, whose file extension name will ".txt")
    • find . -type f -mmin -20 (This command is basically used to listing the all the files that were modified less than 20 minutes ago)
    • find . -type f -mmin +14 (This command is basically used to listing the all files that were modified more than 14 minutes ago)
    • find . -type f -mmin +2 -mmin -10 (This command is used to listing all files that were modified more than 2 minutes ago and under 10 minutes ago) 
    • find . -type f -mtime -10 (This command is used to listing all the files that were modified less than 10 days ago)
    • find . -type f -maxdepth 1 (This command is used to listing all the files of current directory, Here Not be listing files of sub directory)
    • find . -size +1k (This command is used to listing all files that the size of files more than 1kb)
    • find . -empty (This command is used to listing those files which files are empty)