The program is designed to simplify work with the Yandex Market API. The main goal is to provide users with a simple and convenient interface for uploading pickup points of various campaigns to users' campaign profiles.
At the moment the program works with the following delivery services:
- Boxberry
The console interface is used for comfortable user experience. In the next update is planned to add a graphical interface.
The following is required before using the program:
- Create a business account in Yandex Market
- Create a campaign
- Create an application for the campaign and get the necessary accesses (
- Get Boxberry API token
After the preparatory stage is passed it is necessary: 5. Download a copy of the project
git clone
- Rename the file 1.config to .config
- Insert the data you received at the preparation stage into the appropriate variables
Variables in the file 1.config .config:
- API_TOKEN_BOXBERRY - The token to access the Boxberry API
- API_OAUTH_ID_YANDEX - Application number from OAuth to access Yandex API
- API_OAUTH_TOKEN_YANDEX - Application token from OAuth to access Yandex API
- API_CAMPAIGN_ID_YANDEX - The campaign number from the Yandex business profile. Note that the number starts after a dash. That is, if your profile says 12-345678, the campaign number is 345678.
After all of the above steps it is necessary to run the program by running a command in the directory where you downloaded a copy of the project