This is a quick guide. There are a lot of options for setting up python but this is our preferred setup.
Do not set up python in a vagrant server. Instead do it in your host operating system. The vagrant server is a stripped down version of Linux that cannot generate windows so you can have only limited functionality of these tools in a vagrant server. |
The best way to install python is miniconda. We will use Python 2.7, so use the Python 2.7 installer.
Once you have installed that, you can go into a powershell (windows) or terminal (MacOS and Linux) and get the other stuff you need:
PS> conda install scipy PS> conda install matplotlib PS> conda install pandas PS> conda install gdal PS> conda install spyder
To run spyder you just type
at the command line.WarningSpyder needs an older version of a package called PyQt. If spyder doesn’t start correctly, run conda install pyqt=4.10 -f