The simulation package of sn_pipe (sn_simulation) aims at generating supernovae light curves from a set of observations (coming for instance from Observing Strategies) and a set of parameters (type of simulator, cosmology, supernovae parameters, ...), both being chosen by the user. At the moment:
- two simulators are avalaible: sn_cosmo and sn_fast
- only type 1a supernovae can be generated
The parameters for the simulation are part of yaml file (an example: input/simulation/param_simulation_gen.yaml) ingested by the scripts used for the simulation. The definition of the parameters is available here.
python --action install --package=sn_simulation
There are currently two ways to simulate light curves in sn_pipe:
- using python scripts
- if the yaml file is defined: use
- the yaml file est defined from a generic file: use
- using a notebook
- an example is available in notebooks/SNSimulation.ipynb
If the processing is successful, three files should be available in the output directory (defined in the Output section of the yaml file). These files will have the names prodid.yaml, Simu_prodid.hdf5, LC_prodid.hdf5 where prodid is the 'ProductionID' value defined in the input yaml file:
- prodid.yaml: parameters of the simulation
- Simu_prodid.hdf5: set of astropy Table with the list of the simulation parameters per LC. The following columns are accessible:
SNID | index_hdf5 | season | fieldname | fieldid | n_lc_points | area | RA | Dec | x0 | epsilon_x0 | x1 | epsilon_x1 | color | epsilon_color | daymax | epsilon_daymax | z | survey_area | healpixID | pixRA | pixDec | dL | ptime | snr_fluxsec_meth | status | ebvofMW |
- LC_prodid.hdf5 : set of astropy Tables containing the light curve points. Each astropy Table is composed:
- metadata:
Dec | RA | color | dL | daymax | ebvofMW | epsilon_color | epsilon_daymax | epsilon_x0 | epsilon_x1 | healpixID | pixDec | pixRA | ptime | season | snr_fluxsec_meth | status | survey_area | x0 | x1 | z |
- LC points:
m5 | time | exptime | numExposures | band | airmass | sky | moonPhase | seeingFwhmEff | seeingFwhmGeom | filter_cosmo | flux | mag | gamma | flux_e_sec | snr_m5 | magerr | fluxerr | zp | zpsys | phase |
Install the sn_plotters package to visualize output of the simulation
python --action install --package=sn_plotters
Use the script to display simulation results.