RUBEM is a distributed hydrological model to calculate monthly flows with changes in land use over time.
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The Rainfall rUnoff Balance Enhanced Model (RUBEM) 12 is a hydrological model for transforming precipitation into surface and subsurface runoff. The model is based on equations that represent the physical processes of the hydrological cycle, with spatial distribution defined by pixel, in distinct vegetated and non-vegetated covers, and has the flexibility to study a wide range of applications, including impacts of changes in climate and land use, has flexible spatial resolution, the inputs are raster-type matrix files obtained from remote sensing data and operates with a reduced number of parameters arranged in a configuration file that facilitates its modification throughout the area.
The model was developed based on classical concepts of hydrological processes and equations based mainly on SPHY 3, WEAP 4, and WetSpass-M 5. The main features of the developed model are:
- Distributed monthly step model;
- Hydrological process based on soil water balance in each pixel, and flow total calculated after composition of the resulting accumulated flow, according to Direction drainage network flow established by the digital elevation model (DEM);
- Calculations for two zones: rootzone and saturated;
- Evapotranspiration and interception process based on vegetation index: Leaf Area Index (LAI), Photosynthetically Active Radiation Fraction (FPAR) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI); and
- Sub-pixel level coverage classification, represented by four fractions that represent percentage of total pixel area covered exclusively by: area vegetated, bare soil area, water area and impervious area.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
From Miniconda base envionment create a new conda envionment
conda env create -n rubem --file env-prod.yml
Activate the new environment
conda activate rubem
Linux, macOS
source activate rubem
- Download the latest release zip file from the releases page;
- Extract the zip, and copy the extracted root directory into a local directory.
- Typical usage example
python rubem --configfile config.ini
- Help usage example
python rubem -h
For more examples, please refer to the user guide and tutorials.
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated. See
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Distributed under the GPLv3 License. See
for more information.
In any of our communication channels please abide by the Code of Conduct. In summary, being friendly and patient, considerate, respectful, and careful in your choice of words.
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- Laboratório de Sistemas de Suporte a Decisões Aplicados à Engenharia Ambiental e de Recursos Hídricos
- Departamento de Engenharia Hidráulica e Ambiental da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo
- Fundo Patrimonial Amigos da Poli
Méllo Júnior, A.V.; Olivos, L.M.O.; Billerbeck, C.; Marcellini, S.S.; Vichete, W.D.; Pasetti, D.M.; da Silva, L.M.; Soares, G.A.d.S.; Tercini, J.R.B. Rainfall Runoff Balance Enhanced Model Applied to Tropical Hydrology. Water 2022, 14, 1958. ↩
Méllo Júnior, A.V.; Olivos, L.M.O.; Billerbeck, C.; Marcellini, S.S.; Vichete, W.D.; Pasetti, D.M.; da Silva, L.M.; Soares, G.A.d.S.; Tercini, J.R.B. Rainfall-Runoff Balance Enhanced Model Applied to Tropical Hydrology - Supplementary Document. Zenodo 2022. ↩
Terink, W., Lutz, A. F., Simons, G. W. H., Immerzeel, W. W., & Droogers, P. SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in HYdrology. Geoscientific Model Development 2015, 8(7), 2009–2034. ↩
Yates, D., Sieber, J., Purkey, D., & Huber-Lee, A. WEAP21—A Demand-, Priority-, and Preference-Driven Water Planning Model. Water International 2005, 30(4), 487–500. ↩
Abdollahi, K., Bashir, I., Harouna, M., Griensven, A., Huysmans, M., Batelaan, O., Verbeiren, B., A distributed monthly water balance model: formulation and application on Black Volta Basin, Environ Earth Sci, 76:198, 2017. ↩