This code is for the K+ regulation model used in Stadt & Layton, A modeling analysis of whole-body potassium regulation on a high potassium diet: Proximal tubule and tubuloglomerular feedback effects, AJP-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 2024.
Supplementary materials availabe in S1_text.pdf
These are the files use for making the figures in the manuscript. The simulation data is stored in the directory "MultiDaySim/" and the sensitivity analysis data is stored in "Sensitivity/".
plot_urine_highK_GFRPT.m Fig 3.1 and 3.3
plot_highK_GFRPT.m Fig 3.2
plot_etaPTKreab_change.m Fig 3.4
plot_alphaTGF.m Fig 3.5
plot_alphaTGF_etaPT_combine.m Fig 3.6
postprocess_localsensitivity.m Fig 3.7
postprocess_MA.m Fig 3.8 and Fig 3.9
- The simulations for the data in "MultiDaySim" are done by using driver_TGFeffect_multiday.m
- Model code kreg_eqns.m
- Parameter values are set using set_params.m
- Files used to conduct the sensitivity are in "SA". Use localsensitivity.r for local sensitivity analysis and MorrisAnalysis_r100.r for the Morris analysis. Postprocess results with postprocess_localsensitivity.r and postprocess_MorrisAnalysis.r to convert to .csv for the figures.
- The global sensitivity analysis takes several hours to run.