This is the mathematical model for epithelial transport along the nephron, specifically focusing on calcium transport which is implemented in Python 3. The models account for sex differences, providing a better understanding of nephron functionality. To improve computation time, parallel computation of different types of nephrons is implemented for the multiple nephron model.
The results of calcium transport along the superficial nephron along with sodium and calcium-related inhibitions are given in the paper "Coupling of renal sodium and calcium transport: A modelling analysis of transporter inhibition and sex differences" by Shervin Hakimi, Pritha Dutta, and Anita Layton.
- Supplemantry material providing transport and delivery values for various nephron segments for sodium and calcium for NHE3, NKCC2, NCC, ENaC and Calcium related inhibitions are provided in the Supplemantary Material" folder.
To run the parallel simulation code use command: python3 --sex [option] --species [option] --type [option] --diabetes [option] --inhibition [option] --pregnant [option]
The options here are:
sex: Male, Female (required);
species: rat (required);
type: superficial, multiple (required);
diabetes: Severe, Moderate, Non (optional, default: Non);
pregnant: mid, late (optional, default: non, only for female rat);
inhibition: ACE, SGLT2, NHE3-50, NHE3-80, NKCC2-70, NKCC2-100, NCC-70, NCC-100, ENaC-70, ENaC-100, SNB-70, SNB-100 (optional, default: None).
unx: N, Y (optional, default: N)
- Calcium transport is currently made for the rat model only.
- Calcium-related alterations in transporters and channels in diabetes and pregnancy are a work in progress.
All the output files' names are in following structure: 'sex_species_segment_concentration/flow_of_solute_in_compartment.txt'.
Here is an example: female_rat_ccd_con_of_Cl_in_Bath.txt. It contains interstitial concentration of Chloride along cortical collecting duct in female rat.
Another example: male_hum_pt_flow_of_Na_in_Lumen.txt. It contains luminal flow of Sodium along proximal convolute tubule in male human.
These results are scaled per nephron.
The unit of concentration from outputs is mmol/L (mM).
The unit of volume is nl/min.
The unit of flow is pmol/min.
/plot/ contains some example scripts for plotting output
Previous versions of this model code are available here and here.