Script to calculate Pthe-6, minimum FFM and minimum Ptx for each link. Script utilizes methods and is designed according to this diagram:
to set minimum FFM for each link based on distance.
powerThreshold(F_rx, B, "M-QAM", "xHz")
to calculate Pte for link. Arguments are explained inside of the function. Use calculated Pte inside next function.
flatFadeMargin(G, d, Pt, Carrier_freq, Pte)
to calculate FFM for BER-3, -6. Arguments are specified inside of the function. Use
transmittedPowerCorrection(Pt, FFM, d)
to correct transmitted power in order to satisfy minimum FFM for BER-6. Use flatFadeMargin again to calculate FFM. The corrected values should be equal to minimal values of FFM.
carrierInterferenceRatio(Pt, FB, 15, FFM_corr, G, Carrier_freq)
to calculate C/I and check if the values satisfy minimal condition. Link draw and quality are calculated by following functions:
Quality = linkQuality(B, FFM, Carrier_freq, d)
Draw = linkDraw(Quality, d)
Afterwards, following power correction is neccesary using drawPowerCorrectoin:
condition = Draw['is_>100%'].sum()
#Do the power correction
Corrected_power = drawPowerCorrection(Draw, Pt)
#Correct the power using Corrected_power as argument passed in methods inside while loop until all values in Draw DF are >100%
while condition != 0:
#Calculate FFM
FFM = flatFadeMargin(G, d, Corrected_power, Carrier_freq, Pte)
#Calculate quality and draw
Quality = linkQuality(B, FFM, Carrier_freq, d)
Draw = linkDraw(Quality, d)
#Recurrently update value of condition
condition = Draw['is_>100%'].sum()
#Check for link power levels that still need correction and raise them by 0.5
Corrected_power = drawPowerCorrection(Draw, Corrected_power)
#Print message
print(str(condition) + ' values still left to correct to satisfy draw condition.')
#Print the once condition is satisfied
else: print('Power is corrected')
Each iteration, conditions are checked and OR operation is perfrormed multiple times until one Bool is at the output. If the bool is True (1), it means that there is at least one hop which doesnt satisfy given condition. If the bool output is False (0) it means that all conditions are satisfied. Once power is corrected, use flatFadeMargin and carrierInterferenceRatio again.
This script was designed to start off with low Pt, code will then correct the values twice. Code inside of the repository starts with Pt = 10 dBm.